

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


No.1 《唐人街探案3》

Detective Chinatown 3

As the third installment of director Chen Sicheng's Detective Chinatown franchise, the film was scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival last year but was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. 
Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies, the amateur detective duo portrayed by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery, which could earn them a huge bonus.在前两部电影中,王宝强和刘昊然饰演的业余侦探组合在曼谷和纽约冒险,现在他们前往东京,试图解开一起谋杀案的谜团,争取赢得巨额奖金。


(时长1′22″,双语字幕,视频来源 | @黑马营销)


No.2 《你好,李焕英》
Hi, Mom!

As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams.作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求艺术梦想。
Interestingly, the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother's love story set in 1981.有趣的是,贾玲“孝顺”的方式比较特别,她虚构了一个穿越时空的故事,来讲述母亲在1981年的爱情故事。


(时长1′23″,视频来源 | @1905电影网)


No.3 《刺杀小说家》
A Writer's Odyssey

As the latest film directed by Lu Yang, best known for the Brotherhood of Blades franchise, the film is highly anticipated.
The fantasy tale centers on a novelist amazed to find that the fictional world under his pen is surprisingly influencing the real world.这部奇幻小说讲的是一位小说家惊奇地发现,他笔下的虚构世界正出人意料地影响着现实世界。
One of the highlights in the film is Chi Fa Gui (Red-hair Ghost), a celestial being as tall as 15 meters. Completely created by CGI technique in nearly two years, the ruthless role was the most expensive and difficult one for the special effects artists.影片的亮点之一是赤发鬼,对特效师来说,这个身高15米的残暴形象是全片最难最贵的角色,完全由特效技术创作,耗费近两年时间。
After being adjusted dozens of times with different versions, the character has more than 400,000 hairs on his head, as well as over 900,000 skin follicles on his body.这个角色经过几十版的调整,头上有40多万根头发,身上还有90多万个皮肤毛囊。


(时长1′31″,视频来源 | @CCTV6电影频道)


No.4 《侍神令》

The Yin-Yang Master

Adapted from the mobile game Onmyoji, the film centers on the Yin-Yang master Qingming, a genius wizard who lives in a fictional world where monsters and human beings coexist.
Most monsters from the trailers appear cute and chubby, reminiscent of similar characters in the Monster Hunt franchise and making the film more appealing to families.


(时长2′16″,视频来源 | @伯乐营销)

No.5 《人潮汹涌》


As Hong Kong mega star Andy Lau's latest film, Endgame is highly anticipated by his fans.
The story follows a ruthless killer, played by Andy Lau, and an extra actor, played by Xiao Yang, who accidentally exchange identities, leading to a series of strange circumstances.故事讲述的是刘德华饰演的无情杀手和肖央饰演的龙套演员不小心交换了身份,导致了一系列奇怪的情况。
From the unfortunate flop Find Your Voice to the recent blockbuster Shock Wave 2, Lau has secured his status as a prolific star on the big screen over the past unusual year, albeit at a somewhat erratic level.
But judging from the new film's director and cast, Lau's performance in the upcoming film may deserve our anticipation.但从新片的导演和演员阵容来看,刘德华在影片中的表现或许值得我们期待。


(时长2′03″,视频来源 | @光线影业)

No.6 《新神榜:哪吒重生》

New Gods: Nezha Reborn

After the animated film Ne Zha soared as a smash hit in 2019, the stories originating from Fengshen Yanyi (Investiture of the Gods) — the ancient novel which has inspired the film Ne Zha — have become one of the most sought-after mythological subjects for studios.
The latest film, also about Ne Zha, is directed by Light Chaser Animation's director Zhao Ji, best known for the hit White Snake. 
Set 3,000 years after the end of the Fengshen Yanyi novel, the tale focuses on how Ne Zha is reincarnated as a young motorcycle rider.影片故事发生在封神大战的3000年之后,哪吒元神附体于一个机车青年身上。
From the trailers, the film looks a bit like a Chinese answer to Hollywood superheroes like those in the DC and Marvel films, but the special effects are quite impressive.从预告来看,有点儿像漫威和DC式超级英雄被本土化的意思,但影片的特效颇为震撼。


(时长2′25″,双语字幕,视频来源 | @小桌电影)







英文电影 《淘金记》

The Million Pound Bank Note《百万英镑》





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