[每日十句] 英语谚语大全 第91天
每天十句英语谚语,提供中文翻译和词汇注释,分181天完成 (这个时间刚好是2022年高考倒计时间)。
901.Half the world knows not how the other half lives.富人不知穷人苦。
902.Hang up one's fiddle when one comes home.在外谈笑风生,在家闷闷不乐。
903.Hang up one's hat in another's house.在别人家里久留不去,长期居住。
904.Happiness consists in contentment.知足常乐。
905.Happiness takes no account of time.幸福不觉光阴过。
906.Happy is he that is happy in childhood.童年时代快乐的人是幸福的。
907.Happy is he that is happy in his children.对自己孩子感到高兴的,才是幸福的人。
908.Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth.记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。
909.Happy is he who owes nothing.无债一身轻。
910.Happy is the man that owes nothing.无债一身轻。
fiddle [ˈfɪdl] v.,拉小提琴;欺诈;虚度时光;(胡乱地)摆弄,n.,小提琴;欺诈;桌面框
consists [kənˈsɪsts] vi.,符合;在于;由…组成;(consist的第三人称单数)
contentment [kənˈtentmənt] n.,满足;满意;知足
follies ['fɒlɪz] n.,时事讽刺剧;罪恶;(folly的复数)
owes ['əʊz] v.,亏欠;感恩;负债
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