
【收藏备用】人新必修1:Welcome Unit 知识清单+巩固练习+答案

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1.exchange n.交换,交流


(1)拿......交换...... exchange ...for ...

(2)与某人交换某物  exchange sth with sb

(3)做出交换 make an exchange      

(4)作为......的交换 in exchange for ...  


2.lecture n.讲课,讲座

                vi讲课/ vt教训、训斥

3.registration n.登记;注册;挂号  

register  vt./vi. 登记,注册;注意到  


4.design  n.复设计,设计方案

                 vt. 设计,筹划

designer  设计者

(1)为......设计、准备 be designed for     

(2)被设计做......  be designed to do    

(3)故意地    by design

5.nation  n.国家,民族 

national    adj. 国家的,民族的 

nationality    n. 国籍

6.formal adj.正式的 

informal    adj. 非正式的

7.anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的

anxiety n. 焦虑;不安

(1)为......忧虑、担心be anxious about/for  

(2)渴望做......急于做...... be anxious to do  

8.annoy  vt.使恼怒;打扰

annoyed  adj.生气的;

(1)对......生气  be annoyed with...

(2)被......烦扰  be annoyed at...

(3)对......感到不快 be annoyed by...

9.frightened adj. 受到惊吓的;害怕的

frighten  v. 使惊吓;使惊恐

frightening  adj. 令人恐惧的 

fright n. 惊吓

(1)吓走、吓跑 frighten off/away    

(2)恐吓某人做某事 frighten sb into doing sth    

(3)吓得要死 be frightened to death    

(4)害怕地  in fright   

10. senior  adj.& n.级别高的 、年长的人

-- junior 地位低下的 ,职位低的人、青少年


be senior/junior to ...


be senior/junior to sb by ... years   

11.impress vt.使钦佩,给......留下深刻的好印象 

                     vi. 留下印象;引人注目

impression n. 印象;感想

impressive adj. 令人难忘的


impress sb with sth


be impressed with/by/at  ...


impress sth on sb

==impress on sb sth


leave/make an impression on sb  

12.experiment n. 实验,试验;

                          v. 进行实验


experiment with sth


experiment on sb sth


do/ perform/ conduct/ carry out an experiment

13.explore vt/vi. 探索;勘探

exploration   n. 勘探

explorer   n. 勘探者

(1)勘探某物 explore for sth

14.confident adj. 自信的;有把握的

confidence  n. 信心;信任

(1)对......有信心 have confidence in...

(2)对某事有把握  be confident of...

(3)自信地   with confidence    

15.newly adv. 最近、最新

16.organise vt. 组织;筹备;安排;


organizer n. 组织者

organization  n. 组织;团体;机构

17.goal  n. 目标;球门;射门

(1)达成某人的目标 achieve one’s goal    

(2)设立目标 set a goal     

(3)进球得分 scored a  goal    

18. curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的

(1)对......感到好奇 be curious about...

(2)好奇做某事 be curious to do sth

(3)满足某人的好奇心 meet one’s curiosity

(4)出于好奇 out of curiosity

(5)好奇地 with  curiosity

19.improve vt/vi. 改善,改进

improvement   n. 改善

20.company  n. 公司 vt. 陪伴

21.concentrate  vt./vi. 集中注意力

concentration   n. 集中注意力


concentrate/fis/focus( one’s attention) on...

(2) 全身心地投入......

put one’s heart into ...


be devoted to  (sth./doing)

22.person  n. 个人

personal   adj. 私人的,个人的

personality   n. 个性

23.style n. 风格,方式,作风

come into style 流行起来,变得时髦  

have no style 毫不突出,十分平常  

in style  时髦的(地),合时尚(地);华丽的(地),有气派的(地)  很成功地  

out of style 不时兴的,不时髦的  

That's the style. [口语]应该如此,对头。 

The style is the man. 文如其人。  

life style生活方式,生活习惯;格调  

new style 新历  

style of work工作作风  


1.the registration office 登记处

2.a school adviser 一位学校顾问

3.during a break 在课间,在休息时

4.at last 终于;最终

last but not the least 最后但并不是最不重要的

5.on campus 在校园里

6.leave......alone 不打扰;不惊动

(1) 搁置一边,不考虑 leave aside 

(2)忘记带走;留下;超过 leave behind

(3)动身去 leave for  

(4)遗漏,省去;忽视;冷落 leave out

7. fill in 填写

8. find sb./sth +adj 发现某人/某事怎么样

9.look forward to... 盼望;期待......

(1)回顾,回忆起 look back on...

(2)轻视,瞧不起 look down on...

(3)仰慕,尊敬 look up to...

(4)注意,当心,留意 look out for...

10. at the same time 同时

11. come true 实现

12. come out 出现,出版,开花结果

13.take notes  记笔记

(1)做笔记,记录 take notes of ...

(2)注意;留意 take note of...

(3)交换意见 compare notes

14.make plans 做计划

15.write down 写下......


17.be busy with sth /doing sth 忙于做某事

18.show sth to sb 给某人展示某物


1.  What if......? 要是......会怎么样呢?


What if you fail?


I don’t have an umbrella, what if it rains?

2. while doing ...... 状语从句的省略形式。

I take notes while (I am) listening and reading.



1.一名交换生 _______________ 






7.比某人级别高/低 _______________ 


9.对…印象深刻 _______________ 

10.集中精力于   _______________


12.不打扰;不惊动   _______________

13.盼望  _______________ 



1.He decided to give two _______(讲座)at various colleges after completing the book.

2.The President is on a _______(正式的) visit to Germany.

3.You can't be too careful when doing this chemical _______(实验).

4.We had a(n) _______(不安的) couple of weeks waiting for the test results.

5.He’s good at his job but he seems to lack _______(信心)

6.One of our _______(目标) is to grow up happily and healthily.

7.The United States has always been China’s third major trade _______(伙伴).

8.Looking ahead,I think the _______(公司) needs to develop some new services.

9.The two foreign students were both dressed in Chinese _______(风格) clothes.

10.John _______(修改) his composition again and again last night.


1.The little child was frightened ______ the dog. 

2.I’m _______(annoy) that he didn’t show up when he said he would come. 

3.We were deeply impressed _______ the painting that day. 

4.My mother said she was looking forward to _______(meet) you. 

5.Of the two clerks, Tom is junior _______ his colleague. 

6.I’m curious _______(know) what has happened to him. 

7.I’ll give him some rice _______exchange for some grapes.   

8.He was waiting for his brother’s return _______ anxiety.  

9.It’s unnatural for a mother to leave her child _________ to enjoy herself. 

10.She _______(organize) the class into four groups yesterday.

11.By following this rule, you can end any conversation ________ a polite way.

12.The organizer said _______:"Our goal is to prepare students to go into the business world with _______(confident)

13.Mary is _______outgoing girl and she is liked by all her friends.

14.I was very excited to find that there was a lot _______(explore) in senior high.

15.John _______(awkward) cleared his throat as he tried to think of something to say.



Where can I ___________ ? 






1.an exchange student 2.exchange sth with sb 3.register for sth 4.on campus 5.be designed for 6.be annoyed with sb 7.be senior/ junior to sb. 8.have a...impression on sb. 9.be impressed with/by  10.concentrate on sth. 11.what if 12.leave…alone 13.look forward to 14.be curious about


1.lectures 2.formal 3.experiment 4.anxious 5.confidence 6.goals 7.partner 8.company 9.style 10.revised


1.of 2.annoyed  3.by/with 4.meeting 5.to  6.to know 7.in 8.with  9.alone 10.organized  11.in 12.confidently; confidence 13.an 14.to explore 15.awkwardly


1.exchange my dollars for pounds?

2.Her outgoing personality leaves a deep impression on the teachers。

3.I am looking forward to receiving your letter/ hearing from you.


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