
[名题精选] 2023 届广州市高三年级阶段训练英语试卷参考答案 2022.8

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


第二部分 阅读(满分 50 分) 

第一节 21-23: BCC    26-27: BDBD    28-31: CCBA    32-35: BACD  

第二节 36-40: FBDGE  

第三部分 语言运用(满分 30 分) 

第一节 41-45: ABDCA    46-50: BBCAA    51-55: DDABC  


56. to  57. which    58. effectively  59. endangered  60. a 

61. falls  62. has enhanced  62. and   64. bringing   65. locals   


Dear Peter, 

I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union. Our school is going to hold a school uniform design contest at the lecture hall next Friday evening. It’s a great honor for us to invite you to be one of the judges. 

As scheduled, the contest begins at 6 p.m. next Friday, lasting for two hours. 15 contestants will participate in the contest. All the works are designed by students themselves, who have been preparing them for a long time. The outstanding designs from the contest will be selected as future school uniforms. 

We’d appreciate it if you could accept our invitation. Looking forward to your early reply. 


Li Hua 


    As this kind old gentleman came toward him, Steve began to shake and his breath was shorter. He wished he could fly away. But he could not move from his seat. “Good afternoon,” said the old gentleman. “Glad to see you again. Come with me, my man, and I will give you a dinner that will surely make your body feel as thankful as your mind.” Those are what the old gentleman said every time. The words themselves were almost a tradition. Always before, they had been music in Steve’s ear. But now he looked up at the old gentleman’s face, totally at a loss what to say.  

    With these words, the old man looked into Steve’s eyes, expecting Steve to accept the dinner. Steve hesitated for half a minute, helpless and very sorry for himself. And then Steve made a strange noise, and said: “Thank you. I’m very hungry.” which the old gentleman had heard nine times before, he understood it. Steve was very full, but he understood that he was a part of a tradition. His desire for food on Thanksgiving Day was not his own. It belonged to this kind old gentleman. Then he struggled to stand up and followed the gentleman in the snow.   


必刷题   广东省2022届高三综合能力测试(三) 英语试题

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