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1. 通读全文,了解大意


2. 分析语境,试填空格


3. 对照考点,解决难题

















掌握加to do以及加doing的固定句型,准确判断动词在充当非谓语功能时的时态和语态




























4. 通读全文,确保无误。

注意:在掌握以上考点的同时也不能忽视对一些基本常用句型的考查,如:not…until…;not only…but (also)…;so…that…;not…but…;as…as…;either…or…;more…than…;neither…nor…;such…that…;hardly…when…;no sooner…than…等。



1. 两空常填连词

表原因:now that;

表让步:even if, even though

表方式:as if, as though, just as

表结果/目的:so that, in case

定语从句中:介词 + which

表条件:what if

表除了:except when/that

2. 三空常填连词

表目的:in order that

表时间:as soon as

表条件:as/so long as, on condition that

3. 两空常填介词

表原因:because of/ due to/ owing to/

表让步:regardless of

表递进:apart from

表相反:instead of/ rather than

表除了:except for / other than

4. 三空常填介词

表让步:in spite of

表递进:in addition to


























1.After just a few months of training, Xia and his fellow climbers started climbing the 8,848-metre mountain in January 1975. However, Xia suffered such severe frostbite (冻伤) after lending a teammate his sleeping bag  _________ he later lost both of his feet.     2020松江一模    

2.You’d never think of rabbits as dreadful, destructive creatures, would you? Rabbits are cute and loveable. However, Australians discovered ________ harm these cute creatures can do the hard way.    2020杨浦一模      

3.They competed for food and shelter with native animals. They caused the extinction or endangerment of numerous plant and animal species. And they were a nightmare for cattle and sheep farmers, _________ animals couldn't get enough grass to eat and starved.     2020杨浦一模    

4.The virus had been developed very carefully to affect only rabbits. Nearly 100 percent of the rabbits who caught the disease  ________ (die).       2020杨浦一模 

5. The proposal, debated at this year’s CITES Conference, lists mako sharks under Appendix II, meaning that they can’t be traded ______ it can be shown that fishing wouldn’t threaten their chances for survival. Conservationists say this was the world’s last chance to prevent mako shark populations from collapsing.    2020青浦一模

6.Nonetheless, conservationists feared that opposition from a few countries with fairly large mako fishing industries—primarily the United States, Canada, and Japan—______ tip the scale.   2020青浦一模  

7.For years now, I’ve been wanting to sell our home, the place where my husband and I raised our kids. But to me, this house is more than just a building. In the front room, there’s a wall that has hundreds of pencil lines. Every growth stage __________(mark) in pencils, with each child’s name and the date.   2020嘉定 一模   

8.Our kids grow in so many ways, but the wall is physical evidence of their progress. Friends I know have visited their previous home only __________(discover) their wall of heights has been freshly painted over.   2020嘉定一模   

9.Some  __________ argue that the aisle (走廊) seat is superior for the leg space and the ability to get off swiftly and eye the snack cart.  黄浦

10.It was a task she was well-prepared to undertake,_____ venture capitalists didn’t take her work seriously.  2020崇明一模    

【答案】1.that   2.what     3.whose      4. died    5. unless 6.could/would   7.is marked  8. to discover    9.may / do   10.but 









三.非谓语要考虑用to do, doing 还是done

to do : 动作未发生或表目的

doing: 主动或正在进行

done:  被动或完成


1.The penguin slipped down the slide on his stomach, bottom first, she said. He resurfaced about 6 feet from the boat, ________ (take) a look up at the people aboard, and then disappeared beneath the surface.    2019青浦 一模

【答案】 took

【解析】从and then可用看出来,这里是三个过去的动作(resurfaced, took, disappeared)并列,都是做谓语。

2.Yet Lee, despite his disadvantages of both numbers and position, did not retreat. Instead, he moved his troops into position to attack. Union soldiers who tried to warn Hooker that Lee was on the offensive _______ (dismiss) as cowards.     2019徐汇一模

【答案】  were dismissed 

【解析】who tried to warn Hooker that Lee was on the offensive是定语从句,先行词是Union soldiers,所以这个句子缺谓语,所以dismiss做谓语,根据句意,用一般过去时的被动。

3. It can take time—and sometimes it does not work—for new plant varieties  _____ (breed) for commercial use.    2019杨浦一模

【答案】  to be bred   



1. It has always been a popular choice. It uses simple language and sentences. It is easy to read and provides clear examples of literary techniques like foreshadowing(预示). But it is also interesting, and the characters are ______ (engage). The plot is full of tension.     2019宝山一模

2.Though this is only Stein’s first book, I would already consider him as someone like David Sedaris, Dave Barry, James Thurber, Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln. I ________ (recommend) Man Made not just to all my friends and family but also to strangers on Twitter over and over again.     2019普陀一模  

3.Over the years reading has been my companion. Always with a book in my purse, I have never faced the world without a best friend by my side. Books  __________ (help) me through difficult periods and applauded me in times of celebration. Books always make me smile. That’s the biggest reason I believe in reading, because it will make you happy.    2018宝山一模

4.Nationally, Norway has experienced an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of 2010, Trolltunga, a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the mountain,  __________ (see) 1,800 visitors in one 2017 day alone.      2018黄浦一模

5.When he looked in that direction, he noticed a bright red boat turning in a spinning circle in the stormy water at the base of the Geneva Dam, 300 feet away. Kevin assumed the person on the boat __________ (jump) out of it. “Then I heard a warning signal with a loud sound,” says Kevin, now 42. “That’s when I realized somebody was in trouble.”      2018青浦一模

【答案】 1. engaging        2. have recommended        3. has helped       4. saw      5. had jumped




了解分词介词的使用,如concerning, regarding, considering, including, given等。




表原因:because of/ due to/ owing to/thanks to/ out of

表让步:regardless of

表相反:instead of

表除了:except for / other than/ apart from


表让步:in spite of

表并列:in addition to


1.In the past, the U.S. and others have supported listing other shark species under CITES, but not so in this case,  ______ commercial interests.     2020青浦一模  

【答案】 with/for 


2.When over a foot of fresh snow falls, experts know to be on the lookout for avalanches. Explosives can be used in places____________ massive snow buildups to trigger much smaller avalanches that don’t pose a danger to persons or property.      2020静安一模



3.Whether or not you try to limit yourself ______ one cup of coffee a day, the effects of climate change on the world's coffee-growing regions may leave you little choice.     2019浦东新区一模


【解析】把---限制在-----,用limit-----to ------ ,这是固定搭配。 


1.Officials there consider the dangerous use of e-bikes on streets and sidewalks as the reason _____ the ban.   2019崇明一模

2.________ the world watching, authorities finally took action, moving the penguin to the Wellington Zoo four days after he was discovered.       2019青浦一模

3.Variety is, as we all know, the spice of life. But it’s also a useful weapon  __________ adaptation.


4.Supported by his superior numbers, Hooker secretly moved 70,000 of his men fifteen miles up and across the river, and then ordered them to sneak back down to position themselves  _______ Lee’s army.   2019徐汇一模

5.So it is ______ the books recommended. Named by those “idols” in our mind, they will definitely win our heart.      2019虹口一模   

【答案】 1.for     2. With    3. against    4. behind    5. with







先判断从句是否缺主语或宾语。缺主语的话,先行词指人,用that, who(m); 先行词指物,用that, which.

从句不缺主语或宾语,先行词指时间,用when; 先行词指地点,用where;先行词指原因,用why.



从句缺主语或宾语,指物用what, 指人用who(m)。


根据意思,缺什么就用什么。比如why, when, where, when, whether, which, how等。



1.They could prove ___30___ an unmarked device is yours. So, sure, your phone is pretty germy. Does that inspire you, or does it just bother you?        2019黄浦一模



2.Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea (23)        they’re paying for Facebook, because people don’t really know what their personal details are worth.      2019嘉定一模


【解析】Idea 后接的是同位语从句,先行词是idea,同位语从句缺pay的宾语,所以用what.

3.  It has been 44 years (26)________ an emperor penguin was last spotted in the wild in New Zealand.   



【解析】这里是since引导的时间状语从句,It is/has been +时间段since +一般过去时的句子。意思是自从-----到现在,已经有多长时间了。


1.The women who realized they were under heavy stress had significantly shortened and damaged telomeres(染色体端粒)compared with (29)_______ who felt more relaxed.     2019奉贤一模

2.When we choose to leave a new job early, it sends the message that(22)_it/ something_is terribly wrong, especially in the current economic climate(23)________ unemployment is higher and people are dying for jobs.  

  2019 静安一模

3. Lee, an older man in poor health with a gray beard, had a solemn, measured character. Hooker was a blond, broad-shouldered young man (22) _______ pride over his appearance was but one aspect of his self-centeredness.  


4.Teachers get real-time updates on students’ progress as well as suggestions on (28) ______ subjects they need to spend more time perfecting.        2020虹口一模     

【答案】1. those     2. where    3. whose       4. what /the






首先找出代词所指代的名词,根据其在句中所充当的成分确定用哪个代词。如果空格后是名词,就应该考虑空格处是否用物主代词(my, your, his等)、指示代词(this, that等)、不定代词(few, little, many, much, all, each, every, both, neither, other, one, none, nothing等)、名词所有格或形容词等进行修饰;如果空格前是动词 , 就应考虑用人称代词和反身代词。


1.The only parts I didn’t fully enjoy were (26)________ in which the author suffered horribly. After just three hours of training camp, he fainted weakly into the arms of a soldier.    2019普陀一模


【解析】were后面是表语,in which 后面是句子。所以in前面缺名词或代词作先行词。此题是语法填空题,所以选代词。根据句意填those那些。

2.What would be agreeable is that a tea plant that provides all the taste and goodness but with little or (23) _____ of the caffeine has been found.        2019杨浦一模

【答案】 none


3.The artist explained that he does not want people to focus completely on the techniques involved in his pieces. “I want them to think about the work and (27) __________ I’m actually drawing,” he said, “I prefer to study the internal aspect of the subject rather than focus solely on the external part.”  2018金山一模

【答案】what(ever)/ all/ everything/something

【解析】根据句意,此空一个填代词和work这个名词并列,根据句意,what(ever)/ all/ everything/something



1.Fast-forward about a year. I walked into the clinic’s (27) _crowded__ (crowd) waiting room and called the name of the next client. Suddenly, a huge Doberman ran toward me. I found (28) ______ pinned against the wall with this magnificent dog standing on his back legs, his front paws (爪子) on my shoulders, washing my face with plentiful and joyful kisses!         2020长宁/金山一模     

2.Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that (30)       information is in the hands of people I don’t trust. That is too high a price to pay.          2019嘉定一模

3.Career experts say such habitual complainers are highly contagious(会蔓延的) , whose attitude can easily affect an entire team in a company. “While some complaints might be reasonable, (23) _________ are taken from thin air. You need to see between these different types and adopt the right strategy towards each,” said Li Ming, HR manager at Wal-Mart (China).        2018虹口一模     

4.(宝山)Reading can bring people together. I cannot count the number of new friends and people that have entered my life because of books. My stepmother, grandmother, and I all read the same books. (27) __________ is better than being able to share the tense moments, near misses, and happy endings while drinking a steaming cup of coffee together with someone.      2018宝山一模

5.As Dyson put(27) ______: “You can’t develop new technology unless you test new ideas and learn when things go wrong. Failure is essential to invention.”      2019闵行一模

【答案】   1. myself   2. my   3. others   4. Nothing    5. it  



can, could  表示能力、可能、委婉语气

may, might  表示必须,表示推测

should, ought to  表示应该、劝告(should有表示竟然的意思)

will, would  将来时的助动词、表意愿

must  表示规定、较为肯定的推测




注意情态动词也有时态,如can的过去式could, may的过去式might


例题1: ---My e-dictionary is nowhere to be found. Who          have taken it?

---I don’t know. But keep looking and you will find it.


【解析】此处考察情态动词表猜测的用法,因为此动作发生在过去,故用could。易错点:表示理论上的可能性(即从理论上分析是可能的,但实际未必会发生),可用 can(表现在)或 could(表过去)。

例题2: Although Lee’s father knew Lee ______ receive education, his father wasn’t able to afford to send him to school.



例题3: At the same time, melting sea ice also release more ocean water, which result in increased water vapor in the atmosphere that                be transferred into snow.


【解析】语段时态为一般现在时,此空出现在定语从句that_______be transferred into snow中,that 为从句主语,可很快判断出此空填情态动词,根据语境可知该空考察can的用法—对客观存在情况的描述。


1. According to the new regulations, one ______ pass night driving test for the license.

2. In order to avoid fires or explosions, people ________ not use mobile phones at gas stations.

3. – Who _____ be phoning us at this time of night?

– It might be your sister.    

4. -- My e-dictionary is nowhere to be found. Whohave taken it?

-- I don’t know. But keep looking and you will find it.

5. They have promised the money collectedbe handed to the charity house.

6. Babies given more love and affection by their mothers _______ deal better with stress and anxiety when they grow up.

7.— Sunny had to give a speech in front of 500 people yesterday.

—Whew! That’s a big audience. She ______ have been nervous at the beginning          

8. Often, when he ________ have been doing something useful, he wasted his time playing computer games.

9. - Will you stay for the dinner?

-Sorry, I _______not. The cookers I bought online will be sent to my house this afternoon.

10. Actually you _____not have brought the dictionary here. You are not allowed to use it.     


must, must, can, could, shall, might, must, should, can, need



“Zootopia” Broke Disney Records

Last weekend,the latest Disney movie, “Zootopia”,broke records.The movie had the largest opening weekend for a Disney animation(动画片).People across the United States bought more than $75 million worth of tickets.

“Zootopia” is a city of animals.The movie stars a rabbit police officer and a fox criminal (21)__________ team up to find a missing otter(水濑).He is among several animals that have suddenly disappeared from the city.

“Zootopia” (22)__________ (praise) for its sharp humor and strong message since its release.The film explores racism and other issues in its description of relations (23)__________ two kinds of animals in the city.

Jared Bush and Phil Johnston wrote “Zootopia”.They told reporteres that it started out as a spy movie (24)__________ (set) in several different contexts.But they changed the story (25)__________ they found the animal world especially interesting.They said to (26)__________ something like this.“What’s this world like?What’s the history of this world?”And then,Bush said,they went to the experts.Not only (27)__________ the writers speak with people who study couture(时装) and group behaviour,but also they talked with animal experts like zookeepers.

The creators have noted that the variety of animals was not easy (28)__________ (produce) in drawings.In the movie,64 species live in multiple neighborhoods (29)__________ (represent) different animals’ living environments.Disney says “Zootopia” is its (30)__________ (complex) animation yet.The extra effort is certainly paying off at the box office.

【答案】21.who  22.has been praised  23.between  24.set  25.because  26.themselves  27.did

28.to produce 29.representing  30.most complex


My Kid-Free Life

I had expected to have more free time after my sons,Evan and Alex,each left for college,and I do.The kitchen calendar looks spare.Rarely (21)__________ I need to prepare family dinner every day.There is a lot (22)__________ (little) laundry.

When the boys were infants,I wondered how I (23)__________ (spend) all the hours before they were born.(24)__________ __________ I have those hours back,I can focus on my own needs.

I had also expected to worry about them when they were away.And I do.Did they get their flu shots(流感疫苗注射)?Will they remember the talks about “good choices”?On the other hand,the worry is mixed with relief.I have seen (25)__________ vigorously they grow without me.

Do I missed them?Yes.Both more and less than I’d guessed.Do I feel united for having lost my primary role in life?No,because over the year,I took great pride (26)__________ the fact that my identity was not dependent on theirs.But,surprisingly,yes.(27)__________ (be) a different kind of mother defines me now.

The missing comes at unexpected moments:seeing the school bus drive by,starting to put too many plates on the table...When they have doubts about friendships or job prospects,I can only say, “I’m sure you will figure it out.”

And yet,the spaces (28)__________ (empty) by loss are more than filled by what I’ve found.I now have the chance (29)__________ (see) them as the whole world does but also like no one else ever will.As adults I happened to help create.

The rooms (30)__________ the boys used to live look vacant.I feel sadness but also joy.I knew they would leave,but they will find their way back.

My home is empty.But overflowing.

【答案】21.do  22.less  23.had spent  24.Now that  25.how  26.in  27.To be/Being 28.emptied  29.to see  30.where


Start With the End and Work Backwards

When Jason Hoelscher was an undergraduate of fine art studies, there weren’t any professional development classes. So ambition and the timely realization (21)_________he would have to determine “what’s next” on his own urged Jason to engage his future self to find direction. It was 1996,and he was finishing his BFA(Bachelor of Fine Art) in Denver. He was faced with the choice of sitting back to wait for something (22)__________(happen),or pursuing a path into the unknown. He chose the latter.

Jason set up a plan that in five years he (23)__________(show) his work in the top gallery in that area of the country. This five-year goal gave him a starting point (24)__________ which to work backwards.

By setting the goal, all of Jason’s efforts (25)__________(point) in the same direction. He showed up at different art show openings, and researched as best he could to make (26)__________ familiar with the market environment.

As a result of showing up, Jason took opportunities (27)__________ got him closer to his goal. He sent work to a student show and was accepted by Robin Rule, the owner of Rule Gallery.(28)__________(inspire),Jason spent the next month making new work.

In April of 1997,Jason went back to Rule Gallery with his new work.(29)__________ scared to death, he looked confident at the gallery meeting. When he left, he left as the newest addition to the Rule Gallery roster (花名册),He had his first exhibition there one year later.Jason could have stopped with the show selection, but what he really wanted was gallery representation. He struck while the iron was hot, and in (30)__________(do) so, shortened his five-year plan into a year-and-a-half.

【答案】21.that  22.to happen  23.would show /would be showing /would have shown 24.from/on/at/after 25.had been pointed/had pointed /were pointing/pointed/were pointed   26.himself 27.which/that  28.Inspired/Having been inspired/Being inspired   29.Though/Although/While/Not 30.doing





Happy Teachers' Day! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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