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高考英语核心词汇拓展Day 5

81. before /bɪ'fɔː/ prep. & conj. 在…以前/前面(反behind, after);ad. 以前


before long 不久以后

long before 很久以前

before it is too late在为时太晚之前,趁还来得及

before sb. could do shth. 某人还没来得及走某事就

It+be+(not)时间段+before 从句 “过(没过)多久才(就)……”

【例句】①The guide asked the tourists to get on the bus before they could take some photos.游客们还没来得及拍照,导游就要求他们上车。

②It will be two hours before I can afford time to pick up my son.要过两个小时,我才能抽出时间接我儿子。

③It won't be long before we meet again.过不了多久我们就会再见面的。

【串记】I had never entered the basement before. Yesterday, my assistant rushed out of it before it was too late. The fire did some damage to it. Before long, it will be repaired. 我以前从未进过地下室。昨天,我的助手趁还来得及冲了出来。大火对它造成了一些损害。不久,它就会被修好。


before ad. 以前,可以单独使用,位于句末;也可以放在一段时间以后,表示以过去为起点的一段时间以前,常与过去完成时连用;此外,before还可用作介词、连词: 在…以前。

ago ad. 以前,放在一段时间以后表示以现在为起点的一段时间以前,与一般过去时连用。

82. beg /beg/ vt. 乞讨;恳/乞求


beg (sb.)for sth. (向某人)乞求某物

beg (sb.) to do sth. 恳求(某人)做某物

I beg your pardon. 请再说一遍。

beggar n. 乞丐

【例句】The applicant begged the manager to give his another chance. 申请人恳求经理再给他一次机会。

【串记】A beggarbegged a beauty for a dollar. But a policeman banned him from begging in the street. 一个乞丐向一位美女乞讨一美元。但是一个警察禁止他在街上乞讨。

83. begin /bɪ'gɪn/ (began,begun) v. 开始(同start, 反end),着手


(1)begin doing/to do sth. 开始做某事

begin with由……开始

begin by(doing)从(做)……开始,首先做……

begin on(upon)着手于……

to begin with首先,最初,开始

(2)beginner n. 初学者,创始人

(3)beginning n. 开始,起点

at the beginning of 在…开头

in the beginning开始时,起初

from beginning to end从头到尾

【例句】At the beginning of junior middle school, I began to admire scientists. 在初中开始的时候,我开始崇拜科学家。

【串记】To begin with, a beginner must have a positive attitude before learning. He has to stick to the approach from beginning to end. 首先,初学者在学习前必须有一个积极的态度。他必须从头到尾坚持这个方法。

84. behave /bɪ'heɪv/ v. 守规矩,行为,表现


learn how to behave学会礼貌

behave oneself守规矩,举止规矩

well-/badly-behaved a. 守/不守规矩的

behavior(美behavior) n. 行为,举止

【例句】He behaves himself like a man.他表现得像一男子汉。

His behaviour shows his lack of eonsideration for others.他的行为表明他没有考虑到别人。

【串记】 In the beginning, the badly-behaved boy didn’t adapt to the environment. Later, he behaved himself. His behavior is worth praising. 起初,这个行为不端的男孩不适应环境。后来,他表现得很好。他的行为值得表扬。

85. believe /bɪ'liːv/ v. 相信;认为,猜想


believe in 信任/赖;信仰/奉;相信有

believe it or not 信不信由你

it is believed that 从句 人们认为/相信……

belief n. 相信,信赖/仰;教义

beyond belief 难以置信

have belief in对……有信心

【例句】The stepmothercan believe her adopted son, but she can not believe in him. 我相信他说的话是真的,但是不相信他的为人。

【串记】It is widely believed that there is no ghost. But believe it or not, my tutor believes in ghosts. 人们普遍认为鬼是不存在的。但是信不信由你,我的导师相信有鬼。

86. belong /bɪˈlɒŋ/vi. 属于,附属


belong to 属于,附属

belonging n. 归属感;所有物

belongings n. 财产,所有物

【例句】China belongs to the Third World.中国属于第三世界。

【串记】All the belongings belongs to the artist but he wants to abandon them. 所有的财产都属于这位艺术家,但他想放弃它们。

87. benefit /'benɪfɪt/ n. & v.利益;收益;使…受益


benefit sb./sth. 对某人/物有益

benefit from/by 从……中获益;得益于

for the benefit of sb.= for one's benefit为了某人的利益

hurt sb.for one’s own benefit损人利己

be of benefit to 对……有益处

beneficial adj.有益的;有用的

be beneficial to 对……有利/益处

【例句】①Keep it in mind, and gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it. 记住它,逐渐地我们就可以养成这种好的学习习惯并且从中获益。

②The new regulation will be of benefit to all the students. 新规定对所有学生都有好处。

Reading widely and regularly will be beneficial to your English. 广泛而有规律地阅读对你英语有好处。

【串记】Reading benefits you. Besides, you can benefit from speaking. In addition, listening is of benefit to you,too. Finally, writing is beneficial to you. All in all, for your benefit, you should do all the four above. 阅读对你有好处。此外,你可以从说话中受益。还有,倾听对你也有好处。最后,写作对你是有益的。总之,为了你的利益,你应该做到以上四件事。

易错点拨 benefit作为及物动词,其宾语总是“受益者”,而不能是所受的“益处”。要表示“受益于某事(物)”,英语习惯上用benefit by/from sth. 。

88. besides /bɪ'saɪdz/ prep. 除…以外(还有)(同in addition to);ad. 还有,此外(同in addition, also, what’s more)

【例句】Whatdo you like to do besides 


【串记】 My home lies beside a supermarket. Besides, there is a cinema in back of it. Besides the two advantages, the school I attend is only two stops away.我家在一家超市旁边。此外,在它的后面有一个电影院。除了这两个优点,我就读的学校只有两站远。

【辨析】besides/except/except for/except that/apart from

besides表“除…以外还有”,包括 besides之后的部分在内;except表示从整体中除去部分,排除或不包括在内;except for可以表示“除了”(=except),还可表示修正主句的结论或观点;except that 也是表示修正主句的内容,但接从句。apart from既指包括在内,也指排除在外相当于besides和except。

89. birth /bɜːθ/ n. 出生;诞生


at birth 在出生时

by birth 生来就,天生就;在血统上

birth date/rate 出生日期/率

give birth to 生育,生;产生,造成

birthday n. 生日

birthplace n. 出生地;发源地

【例句】①It was in Asia that the world's greatest cultures had their birth.世界上最伟大的文化都起源于亚洲。

②She is English by birth but French by marriage.她是英国血统,但嫁给了法国人而加入了法国国籍。

【串记】Grandmother gave birth to nine children in all, as the birth rate then was high. Grandma was poor, but able by birth. In order to earn her living she travelled around. She remembered every child's birthday and birthplace to the end of her life. 奶奶一共生了9个孩子,当时出生率很高。奶奶出生贫穷,但是天生能干。为了生计辗转各地。但是她到死是都记得每一个孩子的生日和出生地。

90. blame /bleɪm/ n.& v. 责备;责怪


(1)blame sb./sth. for sth.因某事而责备某人/某事

blame sth. on sb. 把某事怪到某人头上

be to blame (for sth.) 对(某事)负有责任

(2)take the blame (for) (为……)承担责任

lay/put the blame (for sth.) on sb. (把某事)归咎于某人

【例句】①Don't always blame your own failure on others. Sometimes you yourself are to blame .不要总把自己的失败归咎于他人,有时该怪的是你自己。

②The police had figured out the cause of the traffic accident and it was the lorry driver that should take the blame for it.警方已经查明这起交通事故的起因,是那位卡车司机应为此负责。

③Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others' place.我们应该多交流,换位思考而不是相互责怪。

【串记】 The parents are blaming each other for the child's education. Who is to blame and who will take the blame for the wrong education? 父母们互相指责孩子的教育。谁该受责备,谁应该为错误教育承担责任?

91. blow /bləʊ/ (blew,blown) v. 吹;刮风;吹气;吹/响奏;(使)爆炸,(使)破裂;n. 吹;重击,击打;(精神上的)打击


blow away (风)刮走   

blow down 吹倒,吹落  

blow off 刮掉,吹走

blow out 吹媳;爆裂

blow up 爆发;爆炸;使充气

a blow to sb. 对某人的打击

【例句】 The repairman was blowing up the tire when it blew out. 修理工正在给轮胎打气,它突然爆了。

【串记】A typhoon blew away their belongings and blew down all the crops. It blew out all the candles though the doors were shut. Besides, a bad guy attempted to blow up her house. It was a heavy blow to her. 台风刮走了他们的财物,刮倒了所有的庄稼。尽管门关着,它还是吹灭了所有的蜡烛。此外,一个坏人企图炸毁她的房子。这对她是一个沉重的打击。

92. board /bɔːd/ n. 木板;甲板;膳食;董事会;vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿;vi. 寄宿


on board(同aboard) 在船(火车、飞机)上

boarding school 寄宿学校

boarding pass 登机证

boarder n. 寄膳者,寄宿生

billboard n. 广告牌,布告板

blackboard n. 黑板

【例句】All the passengers on board were amazed at the beautiful scenes along the banks. 船上所有的乘客都被岸边美丽的景色惊呆了。

【串记】The board of the boarding school decided to send the boarders to the beach for a bath. When they boarded the buses, they burst out cheering. They laughed and sang on board all the way. 学校董事会决定把寄宿生送到海滩去洗澡。他们登上公共汽车时,突然欢呼起来,他们一路上又笑又唱。

93. bore /bɔː/ vt. 使厌倦/烦;钻孔


bored a. (感到)无聊的

be bored with 对…感到厌烦

boring a. 令人无聊的;烦人的

boredom n. 厌倦; 令人厌烦的事物

【例句】People appear to be bored with more and more tests. 人们似乎对越来越多考试感到厌烦了。

【串记】In the beginning, the assistant found boring boards was boring. He was not only bored with his work but also life was a boredom to him. But now he is absorbed in work all day. 起初,助理觉得给板子钻孔很无聊。他不仅对工作感到厌倦,对生活也感到厌倦。但是现在他整天都在专心工作。

94. borrow /'bɒrəʊ/ v.(向别人)借用;借(反lend)


borrow sth. from 从…借某物

【例句】Wecan also borrow some books on this 

topic from the libary.我们也能从图书馆借一些关于这个论题的书籍。

【串记】You can borrow money from others meanwhile you can lend money to others. 你可以向别人借钱,同时你也可以借钱给别人。

【辨析】 borrow/lend/keep

borrow (from) 借进,借来(不延续);lend (to)借出,借走 (不延续);keep保持,保留(延续)。

95. bother /'bɒðə/ v. 费心,麻烦;使烦恼;打扰,使不安(同trouble)


(1) bother to do/doing sth.费心做某事

bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或麻烦某人

bother about/with sth./sb. 为某事而烦恼/为某人而费心

It bothers sb.that ... 使某人苦恼的是……

(2)put sb. to bother 给某人添乱

bothered a. 烦(恼)的; 感到讨厌的

bothersome a. 麻烦的; 令人讨厌的

【例句】①You don't bother getting/to get dinner for me today. I'll eat out. 今天不要麻烦为我预备饭了,我要在外边吃。

②One should not be bothered about/with one's personal gains or losses.  一个人不应当为个人得失而烦恼。

③I don't want to put him to any bother,so I try doing it by myself.我不想给他添乱,所以,我试着靠自己做这件事。

【串记】The chores are really bothersome and tiresome. The employee does not bother to do them. 这些杂务真是既麻烦又累人。员工不会费心去做。

【点津】 bother常用于交际用语,例如:

Don't bother.别费事了/不用麻烦了。

Sorry to bother you.很抱歉打扰你。

96. break /breɪk/ (broke,broken) v. 打破/断/碎;损坏,坏掉;违反/背;暂停;打断,终止;(使)垮掉,崩溃;(天)破晓;n. 休息;裂/缺口


break down 出故障,垮掉;失败;(化学)分解

break in 打断;闯入强行进入

break into 闯入; 破门而入

break off 折断;突然停止,暂停

break out 爆发;突发

break through突破; 突围; 有重要创见

break up 打碎,破碎;结束;解散

break up with 与…分手,与…断绝关系

breakthrough 突破(性进展)

have/take a break 休息一下

breakage n. 破坏,破损;裂口

【例句】①Scientists hope to break through soon in their fight against heart disease.科学家希望在治疗心脏病方面能很快有所突破。

②Old­fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.在灾难中,当无线网络出故障时,老式的电话就显得很重要了。

③When the computer broke down, it broke off their work, so the researchers took a break. 当电脑坏了,他们的工作也中断了,所以研究人员休息了一下。

【串记】 When the expert was going to break through, his wife broke in. A quarrel broke out between them. In the end, he broke up with her. 专家正要破门而入时,他的妻子闯了进来。他们之间爆发了一场争吵。最后,他和她分手了。

97. breath /breθ/ n. 气息;呼吸


catch one’s breath 踹口气

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

out of breath 喘不过气来,上气不接下气

breathless a. 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的

breathe /briːð/v. 呼吸

【例句】There is a time when itseems there's not a minute to catch your breath. 有一段时间,你似乎连喘口气的时间都没有。

【串记】Breathe in, and breathe out, and pay atten-

tion to your breath as it comes in and goes out. 吸气,然后呼气,当气体吸进去和呼出去时把注意力都集中在你的呼吸上。

98. brief /briːf/  a. 简洁/短的;短暂的


hold no brief for 不为……辩护,不主张

in brief 简单地说,简而言之

briefly ad. 短暂地;简略地

形近词:grief 悲痛,忧伤

【例句】This is my brief introduction of myself. 这是我简要的介绍我自己。

【串记】In brief, the paper is rather difficult to me. could you please explain it briefly? 简而言之,这篇论文对我来说相当难。你能简单解释一下吗?

99. bright /braɪt/ a. 明亮的;光明的;鲜艳的;欢快的;聪明的,伶俐的


bright sunshine明媚的阳光

a bright smile愉快的微笑

bright clothes 鲜艳的衣裳

the bright future光明的未来

brighten v. 明亮;(使)变亮;活跃;(使)快乐高兴

brightness n.明亮,辉煌;鲜艳;聪明;晴朗;快活

brightly ad. 明亮地; 鲜明地; 生辉地

【例句】 The roomis very bright with all the lights on. 所有的灯都打开,教室里非常明亮。

【串记】Bright kids reallybrighten a household; they never turn off any lights. When they grow in such a bright family, they usually have a bright future. 伶俐的孩子确实点亮了一个家,他们从未熄灭过一盏灯。当他们生长在这样一个欢乐的家庭,他们通常有一个光明的未来。

100. bring /brɪŋ/ (brought, brought) vt. 拿/带/取来


bring about 带来,引起,导致

bring along 带来,使发展

bring back拿回来; 使…恢复; 使…回忆起来

bring…back to life 使起死回生;使复活

bring down 降低; 打倒/死; 击落

bring forward提出;提前

bring in引进; 收获

bring on 导致; 引起; 使…发展

bring out出版,生产;使显示;说出

bring up提出; 教育; 养育; 呕出

【例句】①The great damage which the earthquake brought about made many people homeless or lose their lives.地震所带来的巨大损害使许多人失去家园或者丧生。

②Parents who help their children with homework may actually be bringing down their school grades.帮助孩子做作业的父母或许实际上正使孩子们的成绩降低。

③All the children should be brought up to respect their parents and teachers. 所有的孩子都应该长大,以尊重他们的父母和老师。

【串记】 The boss brought forward an idea to bring in a new technology to bring out new products. They brought down their rivals. The company brought in great benefit and brought the firm back to life. 老板提出了引进新技术以生产新产品的想法。他们打败了对手。这家公司带来了巨大的利益,使公司起死回生。

【辨析】bring/take /fetch

bring(从别处)带来;take (从这里)拿/取走;fetch(从这里出发到别处去)取/接来(回到原处)。



1. The failure in business made him end up being a        (beg).

2. Howtime management can be          (benefit) to your corporation? 

3. My brother keeps          (bother) me. I can’t focus on my present job.

4. The kind and selfless action          (bright) the life of the unlucky people.

5. Itend to believe that love can certainly bring        the best in us, and true love brings about great happiness.

6. Weshould spare no effort to           (beautiful) our environment. 

7. All those          want to get more beautiful should balance between beauty and health.

8. However,I do not approve of this         (behave). Pay attention to it and change it before it is too late.

9. Yourbrightest future depends on your        (able) to pay attention to the present. 

10. Thereis some      (associate) between the status of women in each country and their ability to do mathematics. 


1. Haveyou received any award at your present company ago?


2. However,we cannot think that parents should bear responsibility and be punished if their children behave bad. 


3. Ibelieve this team, and this belief in the challenge is enough for me. 


4. The beginnerhas some other friends except you and your family. He is quick to adjust to the new surroundings.


5. A strong wind was blowing, and a fellow was about to blow up the bridge while a policeman caught him.


6. Seeing his associate to board the plane, he couldn’t bear to cry, knowing that he wouldn’t come back.


7. Before breaking the record, you had broke the law at the same time. You shall be punished.


8. Ido not expect you to remember me, but I hope you can look at me brief. 


9. Whensomeone says something bored we shut our eyes and pretend to go to sleep.


10. The sunshone bright and the wind blew slightly as we got on the ship. 



1. Though they managed to start the car in the beginning, yet they got in trouble              (不久以后). 

2. The advances in technology is astonishing and              (难以置信).

3. The patient                       (对…有信心) his doctor’s ability and responsibility.

4. Parents do not own their children; they just                     (生) them. 

5. We accept any responsibility for the goods while              (在船上). 


1. 不但这本词典属于我,而且那些书也属于我的。(belong to)


2. 锻炼对身体有益,我们应该定期锻炼。(be of benefit to, on a regular basis)


3. 出了这个差错,既不是你也不是他该受到责备的。(be toblame for)


4. 这本书可以借多久?可以借给别人吗?(lend…to)


5. 她刚出版一本书,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。(bring out)




1. beggar 2. beneficial  3. bothering  4. brightens   5. out  6. beautify  7. who   8. behavior   9. ability  10. association


1. ago→before 2. bad→badly  3. 在believe后面加in   4. except→besides  5. while→when  6. 去掉board 前面的to   7. broke→broken  8. brief→briefly  9. bored→boring  10. bright→brightly


1. before long  2. beyond belief  3. has/had belief in  4. give birth to  5. on board   


1. Not onlythis dictionary but also those books belong to me. 

2. Exercise is of benefit to the body. We should take exercise on a regular basis.

3.It was neither  you  nor he  that is to blame for the mistake. 

4. How long can I keep this book? And can it be lent to other people?

5. Her eyes are bright with excitement that she has just brought out a book.



[更新答题卡] 英语教师选择题手机阅卷神器

[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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