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高考英语核心词汇拓展 Day 6

101. broad /brɔːd/ a.宽的,广阔的(反narrow);广泛的(反narrow);概括性的


a broad smile 满面笑容

a broad/wide range of 范围很广的

It's as broad as it's long横竖都一样; 不分高低

broaden v. 使变宽;扩大

broaden one’s horizon 开阔某人的眼界

broadly ad. 明显地;宽广地;概括地

broadcast a.& v. 广播;广播节目

【例句】Jack was a young giant, broad of back, full of vigour.杰克是个身材魁梧的年轻人,长得肩宽背阔,生气勃勃。

【串记】According to the announcement of the broadcast, the old street is not broad enough. It will be broadened soon. 根据广播的公告,这条老街不够宽。它很快就会被加宽。



102. build /bɪld/ (built, built) v. 建筑;造;n. 体格


build on 依赖,指望,把……建于……上

build up 增进,加强,树立

build one’s body 健身

body building 健身

building n. 修建;建筑物

【例句】Ishould be confident and build up my capa-

cityto achieve my goal. 我应该充满信心,增强自己的能力以实现目标。

【串记】The builders can build their bodies and build up their confidence by building grand buildings. 建造者可以通过建造宏伟的建筑来建造他们的身体和树立他们的信心。

【辨析】build普通用词,既指具体有形的物体建造,也指抽象事物的建设;constrct着重指根据一定的而且比较复杂的计划(设计)来构造,多用于书面语,与build可通用;establish既指具体事物,也指抽象事物的建造,并含有牢固地建造,使之能长期存在;found着重指打下坚固的基础,尤指用基金创立事业单位、学校、图书馆等,也常用于国家、政党、学说、流派的创立,可与具体和抽象名词连用;set up着重于开始的含义,多用于机构、设施的设立、创办,是一般用词。

103. burn /bɜːn/ (-ed,-ed 或 burnt,burnt) v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑;n. 烧伤;晒伤


burn down烧掉,焚毁

burn out (把…)烧坏,烧光;使筋疲力尽

burn to the ground 烧毁,夷为平地

burn up烧掉,烧尽

sun-burnt 太阳晒伤的

【例句】I watched two buildings on my block burn down. 我目睹了我们街区中两幢楼房的烧毁。

【串记】After work, my aunt goes to the broad gym to build her body, she wants to burn up more calories! 

One day, the gym caught fire and was burned down. All the instruments were burnt out. But luckily, nobody was burned. 下班后,我阿姨去大健身房锻炼身体,她想燃烧更多的卡路里! 有一天,体育馆失火了,被烧毁了。所有的器材都烧坏了,但幸运的是没有人被烧着。

104. burst /bɜːst/ v. (burst, burst) 突然发生;突然发作;n. 爆炸;迸发


burst out doing = burst into+n. 突然……起来

burst in 闯进来;突然插嘴

burst into 突然闯入

burst with anger/joy 勃然大怒/乐不可支

burst in on/upon 突然出现/到来

【例句】①Upon/On hearing the bad news, his mother burst into tears/burst out crying.


②He felt he would burst_with anger and shame.


【串记】The son burst into the house to tell his parents some news. On hearing the news the husband burst 

outlaughter while the wife burst into tears.  一听到这个消息,丈夫发出一阵大笑,而妻子却留下了眼泪。

105. business /ˈbɪznɪs/ n. 商业,生意,交易;(本分)工作,职责;事务/情;公司,店铺,企业(同firm/company)


go into business从事商业

go out of business停业

on business因公出差

have no business to do(或doing)无权做……

no business of yours与你无关

do business with 和…做生意

mind your own business 别多管闲事

none of your business 不关你的事;别管闲事

out of business 破产; 歇/失业; 损坏; 受伤

businessman(businesswoman) n. (女)商人/实业家

【例句】I wonder if you have any business connections abroad. 我想知道你们在国外是否有业务联系。

【串记】The businesswoman has business relations with some businesses abroad. She travels a lot on business. She is always busy and gets down to business on arrival. Her husband wants to help her but she tells him to mind his own business. She carries her business cards everywhere. She hopes her business will never be out of business. 这位女商人与国外的一些公司有业务关系。她经常出差。她总是很忙,一到就着手干正事。她丈夫想帮助她,但她告诉他少管闲事。她到处带着她的名片。她希望她的生意永远不会破产。

bury ['beri] vt.埋葬;掩埋;使沉浸;使专心


bury one's head/face in hands 用手捂住头/脸

bury oneself in = be buried in 埋头于;专心于

bury under 忙于(工作) be very busy with (work)

【例句】①She couldn't stand the pain so that she buried her face in hands and sobbed uncontrollably.她忍受不了疼痛,以至于捂住脸不由自主地抽噎起来。

②You will have to bury yourself in your studies if you want to pass the exam.如果你想通过考试,就得专心致志地学习。

106. busy /'bɪzɪ/ a. 忙碌的,繁忙的(反free);热闹的


busy season 旺季

be busy with 忙于

be busy (in) doing sth. 忙着做某事

【例句】①At the beginning of the term, teachers are busy with the preparation for work. 开学之初,老师们正忙着为工作做准备。

②She was busy(in) preparing for the examination.她忙于准备考试。

【串记】Career women are always busy. On weekdays they are busy with office work. On weekends they are busy doing housework. 职业女性总是很忙。工作日他们忙于办公室工作。周末他们忙着做家务。

but /bət/ conj.但是,可是·不过,然而;除……以外,除非prep.除……以外(用于nobody,an,who等词后)proun.没有不……的(用于否定的先行词后)ad.只,仅仅,才


all but几乎,除了……以外全都

anything but决不,远非;除了……之外什么都

but for要不是,倘若没有,若非

cannot but(do)不得不去做

cannot help but(do)不得不

not only……but also……不仅……而且

nothing but只不过是

next but one隔一个

last but one(two倒数第二(第三)

first but one(two)第二(第三)

【例句】There is not nothing for it but to trust his words.除了相信他的话之外,毫无办法。

She did nothing but complain the whole time she was here.她在这里时一个劲地抱怨。

No man is so old but(that)he may learn.活到老学到老。

Nothing would do but he must come himself.除非他亲自来,否则没有别的办法。

【名师点睛】如果but之前若有do或 can,其后接动词原形,如无do或can,则需用不定式。

107. call /kɔːl/ n. 喊,叫;电话,通话;v. 称呼;呼唤;喊,叫;命名,叫作(同name)


call at访问,停(泊、靠)

call for邀约;要求,需要,号召

call forth唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起(勇气、精神等)

call off放弃,取消

call on/upon访问,拜访(某人);号召;呼吁

call up召集;动员;打电话;使人想起

【例句】Tomorrow is my birthday. Can I call for 

you to my party? 明天是我的生日,我能够邀请你来我的晚会吗?

【串记】A man called Jack called me up, telling me that he would call on me at noon and call at my farm. I called on him to cancel the visit because I was calling in a doctor for my sick son. When I was not busy I would call him back to call for him to my home. 一个叫杰克的人给我打电话,告诉我他中午会来拜访我,然后去看我的农场。我打电话叫他取消了这次访问,因为我要请一位医生来给我生病的儿子看病。当我不忙的时候,我会给他回电话,邀请他到我家。

108. calm a. (风浪等)平静的;冷/镇静的,沉着的(同cool);v. 镇静;沉着


calm down 平静/镇定下来

calm sb. down使某人平静下来;使某人镇定下来

calm oneself 使自己镇静下来

keep calm 保持镇静

calmly ad. 平静地;冷/镇静地

【例句】①Calm down! There is nothing to worry about. 镇静下来!没有什么可担心的。

②He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 他深深地吸了几口气,使自己平静下来。

③You must keep calm in face of danger. 面对危险你必须保持镇静。

【串记】Watching the calm sea, the annoyed actor calmed down. 看着平静的大海,那个生气的演员平静了下来。

109. care /keə/ v. & n. 照料/顾;小心,谨慎;介意,在乎;关心;n. 忧虑,烦恼


take care of 照顾/料;抚养

care about 担心;关心,在乎

care for 关心,照顾;喜欢

in sb's care 在某人的照料下

under the care of 在…照看下,在…保护下

with care小心,注意,慎重

caring a. 有爱心的,关怀的,体贴的

careful a. 仔细的;小心的

be careful with对……要注意

be careful of爱护

be careful for担心,挂念

be careful小心(about,to do,that从句)

carefully adv.仔细地,小心地

careless a. 粗心的;无忧无虑的

be careless about/with对…不小心

carefree a. 无忧无虑的

【例句】I don’t know who you care for; nor do I care. 我不知道你喜欢谁;我也不在乎。

【串记】The caring coach takes care of the beginners. He cares about their learning and care for them deeply. He calls on them not to be careless about the road condition. With him, the learners are carefree. 有爱心的教练照顾初学者。他关心他们的学习,深深地关爱他们。他呼吁他们不要对路况粗心大意。有了他,学员们无忧无虑。

110. carry /'kærɪ/ vt. 拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,挑等;运送/载;传达;携带,带着;传播;广播;刊登/载


carry away使入迷,陶醉

carry forward推进,发扬

carry off夺去(生命)

carry on(with)继续下去;实行;从事,经营;引导

carry out贯彻;执行;实现

carry over延期;继续

carry through进行到底,贯彻

carriage n. 运输; 运费; 四轮马车; 客车车厢

【例句】①They decided to carry on (with) the work in spite of the weather.不管天气如何,他们都决定继续工作下去。

②He carried through all his homework in ten minutes.他在十分钟内完成了所有的家庭作业。

【串记】The magazine carried an article saying that some animals carry this virus. Doctor Brown carried out the experiments best and he carried off the award. 该杂志刊登了一篇文章说有些动物携带这种病毒。布朗医生把实验做得最好,他得了奖。

111. case /keɪs/ n. 情况;病例;案件;官司;(the case)真相,实情;情况;箱,盒,容器


as is often the case 情况常常如此;通常就是这样

in any case无论如何,不管怎样,总之

in case假如,免得,以防(万一)

in case of假使,万一

in no case决不,无论如何

in the case of就……而言

in some cases有时

in nine cases out of ten十之八九,多半

【例句】①As is always the case with language learning, Mandarin learning also asks for lots of practice.学习普通话需要多多练习,这对语言学习来说是常有的情况。

②I took my driving license with me on holiday, in case I wanted to hire a car.我在度假时随身带着驾照,以防自己需要租车。

③We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case should theory be separated from practice.我们必须把所学的知识应用到日常工作中去,因为理论与实践绝不能分开。

④Obviously, we should bear in mind what we are supposed to do first in case of an emergency.显然,我们应该记住,在紧急情况下,我们应该首先做什么。

【串记】In case a murder happens here, the police will look into the case at once. In most cases, cases are solved. 如果这里发生谋杀案,警察将立即调查此案。在大多数情况下,案件告破。

112. catch /kætʃ/ (caught,caught) v. 接住;抓/捉住;撞见,发现;听清,领会;吸引,引起(注意等);赶上(车辆等);染上(疾病);卡/挂着


catch a cold/fever 感冒/发烧

catch fire 着火

catch hold of抓住,握住;获得

catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意

catch one's breath屏息,歇一口气,透不过气来

catch one's eye(s)引人注目,被人看见

catch sb. doing sth. 撞见某人做某事

catch sight of 看见

catch up with追上,赶上

get caught in 困/卡在…里

【例句】①We caught him stealing.我们看见他在偷东西。

②I didn't quite catch what you said.你说的话我没听清楚。

【串记】Though he caught a cold, he went out to wander. He caught a man stealing something. He caught up with him and the thief got caught in a hole and he caught him at last. 虽然他感冒了,但还是出去闲逛了。他撞见一个人在偷东西。他追上了他,但是小偷被困在一个洞里,最后他抓住了他。

113. cause /kɔːz/ n. 原/起因;事业,理想;vt. 促使,引起


cause and effect因果关系

cause sb./sth. to do sth. 造成某人/某物做某事

basic cause基本原因

without reason or cause无缘无故

the cause of public health公共卫生事业

cause fight引起恐惧

cause by 由…造成

cause to 导致,造成,带来

【例句】①You've caused a lot of trouble to all of us.你给我们大家惹了许多麻烦。

②What caused him to change his mind?是什么使他改变了主意?

【串记】This prize will be awarded to those who are devoted to the cause of peace and health. And this will cause more people to get involved in the cause. 这个奖项将颁发给那些致力于和平与健康事业的人。这将使更多的人参与到这项事业。


cause多指导致某事发生的起因,常用cause of结构;reason多指做某事或解释某事的理由,常用reason for/why结构。

114. centre (美center) /'sentə/ n. 中央;中心(点);v. 集中


centre on〔upon〕重点在于…; 主要与…有关

centre round〔around〕集中于; 包围,围绕

in the center of 在…的中心/央

central a. 中心/央的,主要的

【例句】①His whole mind was centred on the problem at hand.他全神贯注在当前的问题上。

②The discussion centred round the problem whether they should carry on their experiment at the moment.


【串记】The capital is the center of a nation’s politics. The central government is based in it. 首都是一个国家政治的中心,中央政府就在其中。

115. certain /'sɜːt(ə)n; -tɪn/ a. 某;确定的,无疑的,一定会(同sure,反uncertain)


be certain of/about 对…有把握

be certain that 对…有把握

be certain to do sth. 一定会做某事

for certain 肯定地,确凿地(同for sure)

to a certain degree 在某种程度上

certainly ad. 当然;行(用于回答);必定

certainty n. 必然;确实(性);确实的事情

【例句】①It is quite certain that the Chinese people have stood up.显而易见,中国人民已经站起来了。

②You want it to do so in a certain way, and with a certain object. 您希望它这样做,在以某种方式,并具有一定的对象。

【串记】At a certain time, we are not certain of our future. It is certain that we must do something. In that case, we are certain to gain something─at least experience and lessons. Because nobody but God can say he will succeed for certain. 在某一时刻,我们对自己的未来没有把握。我们一定得做点什么。在这种情况下,我们肯定会有所收获,至少是经验和教训。因为只有上帝才能说他一定会成功。



116. challenge /'tʃælɪn(d)ʒ/ n. & v. 挑战;质疑;挑战(性)具有挑战性的事


(1)meet/face/ accept a challenge应对/面临/接受 挑战

rise to the challenge 应战;迎着困难上

(2)challenge sb. to (do) sth. 向某人挑战(做)某事

challenge sb.'s interest 使某人发生兴趣

(3)challenging adj.有挑战性的;有吸引力的

【例句】①I accepted a challenge to a tennis match.我接受了网球赛的挑战。

②Challenging yourself is the biggest challenge. 挑战自己是最大的挑战。

【串记】To be honest, it was a little bit challenging

for me at the beginning. But I was certain I could meet and overcome all challenges. 老实说,这个职位对我来说一开始是有一些小挑战的。但是我确信我能迎接并克服所有的挑战。

117. chance /tʃɑːns/ n. 机会;可能性;机遇,良机(同opportunity);风险,冒险;偶然,巧合,运气;a. 偶然的


there's no chance of doing/to do sth./that ...不可能……

have a chance of doing/to do sth. 有做某事的机会

take a chance/chances 冒险,碰运气

by chance/accident 偶然;碰巧

give sb. a chance给某人一个机会

take/seize the chance 抓住机会

(the) chances are (that) 很可能

【例句】①The chances are (that) we cannot finish the task on time.很可能我们无法按时完成任务。

②There is no chance to do business if you insist on that offer.如果你们坚持那个报价,就不可能做成生意。

③Is there any chance that the patient rises to his feet again?这个病人有可能再站起来吗?

【串记】If you give me a chance, I am certain to seize it. Chances are that I will miss the chance, but I still want to take a chance. 如果你给我一个机会,我一定会抓住它。很有可能我会错过这个机会,但我还是想碰碰运气。

118. change /tʃeɪn(d)ʒ/ v. & v. 改变,变化;更/交换;换乘;兑换;n. 改变,变化;零钱,找头

【拓展】change … into把…变成

change one’s mind 改变主意

changeable a. 无常的;可改变的;易变的;不定的changeful a.多变的

exchange vt.交换;兑换;调换

【例句】It is very difficult to change her mind.使她改变主意很难。

Allyou have to do is change your attitude. 你必须做的一切就是改变你的态度。

【串记】My boss is a changeable man. I have trouble getting used to him. If I could change him. I would change him into a beggar and I wouldn’t even give him any change. 我的老板是个善变的人。我很难习惯他。如果我能改变他,我要把他变成乞丐, 甚至零钱也不给他。

119. character /'kærəktə/ n. 性格;特色/性/点;品行;人物,角色;文字

【拓展】characterize vt. 描绘…的特性; 具有…的特征

be characterized by 具有…的特征

characteristic a. 典型的; 特有的; 表示特性的; n. 征/性/色  

be characteristic of具有(显示)……的特征

【例句】It is characteristic of him to say that.他就是会说那种话的人。

A miser is characterized by greed.守财奴的特点是贪婪。

Appreciate everyone who hurt you, because 

they sharpen your character. 感激每个伤害过你的人,是他们磨砺了你的性格。

【串记】Each character in the movie is appealing because they have clear characteristics and good characters. Meanwhile, it is easy to catch. You can follow it without looking at the Chinese characters. 电影中的每一个角色都很吸引人,因为他们有明确的特点和良好的品格。同时,它很容易理解。你不用看汉字就能看懂。

120. charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ v. & n. 负责;充电;收费;索价;攻击;控告;n. 费用,价钱

【拓展】(1)take charge of  掌管/负责……

in charge of 控制/管理……

in/under the charge of 受……的管理

free of charge = for free 免费

(2)charge sb.for sth. 为某物向某人收取费用

charge sb.with (doing) sth./accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 控告某人(做)某事

charge sb. some money for sth. 因某物收某人钱

charger n. 充电器【例句】①He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.经理不在时,他负责这个店。

② I wonder how much you will charge us for the six­week course.我想知道六周的课程你们收我们多少钱。

③Your order will be sent free of charge.你订的货物将免费运送。

【串记】I got my computer charged at the landlady’s. She charged me too much. I charged her with charging me too much. A young judge was in charge of the case. The angry landlady charged me in front of the judge in the court. 我在女房东家给电脑充了电。她要价太高了。我控告她收多了费用。一位年轻的法官负责此案。愤怒的女房东在法庭上当着法官的面攻击我。



1. Studying abroad can not only        (broad) our horizons but also enrich our life experience. 

2. All our life, we are busy        (do) the things that seem to be done without question.

3. If leaves         (burn), they not only harm people’s health, but (also) pollute the air. 

4. Do they charge         (carry) by weight?  Yes. The charge is twenty pounds a kilo.

5.The best way to face these         (challenge) behaviors is to tell them what behaviors they need.

6. The foreign engineer has great difficulty adjusting to the the          (change) weather. 

7. We have many tasks around, but what is the         (centre) one?

8. An          (attract) woman is always the centre of attention wherever she is.

9. If there's something that annoys me, it's her            (care). I can’t bear any more.

10. In the case of         (certain), the choice is unambiguous(不含糊的). 


1. Together they cover both the science and the practice of psychology broad and in depth.


2. The president calm announced this result of the investigation through the broadcast. 


3. Once again,I beg you accept sincerest apologies for the unfortunate carelessness.


4. He always carried extras in case an emergency.


5. We should catch every chances to receive education, if we want to succeed in the future.


6. The products of our factory are chiefly characterize by their fine workmanship(工艺) and durability(耐用). 


7. Who will be in the charge of our training next term?   _______________________________________________________________________________

8. Your enthusiasm for learning new things may also cause you do quite a bit of traveling.


9. Don’t call up the leader at the moment. She is certain busy now.


10. Because I realized the importance of English at that time, and there was a opportunity by chance. 



1. My uncle works for a           (造飞机的) factory and is addicted to body building.

2. Some uninvited guests                      (突然打断) me while I was absorbed in reading and writing an article in my study.

3. In the north, people are direct, see time as money, and                   (着手做正事) after only a brief period of social talk. 

4. When I was searching the house, I came across an old picture, which               (唤起) my sweet childhood.

5. I happened to                     (看见) it yesterday in a fashion shop and there is only one left in my size. 


1. 我们希望能在你最方便的时间拜访你。(call on)


2. 医生的助手打电话给我取消了我的预约。(call up, call off)


3. 我们宁可把这项实验进行下去,而不愿放弃不做。(carry on)


4. 某些老师在某种程度是造成学生厌学。(to a certain degree)


5. 我们决心完成我们所有的计划。(are determined to, carry through)




1.broaden   2. doing  3. are burned  4. carriage   5. challenging  6. changeable  7. central   8. attractive   9. carelessness  10. certainty


1. broad→broadly 2. calm→calmly  3.  在accept前面加 to  4. 在in case后面加 of  5. chances→chance  6. characterize→characterized  7. 去掉the  8. 在do前面加 to   9. certain→certainly  10.  a→an


1. plane-building  2. burst in on   3. get down to business   4. calls up  5. catch sight of  


1. We would like to call on you at your earliest convenience. 

2. The doctor's assistant called me up to call off my appointment.

3. We would  rather  carry  on this experiment than give it up. 

4. To a certain degree, certain teachers cause students to be tired of learning.

5. We are determined to carry through all our plans. 



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