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高考英语核心词汇拓展  Day 7

121. cheat/ tʃiːt/ vt.& vi.  欺骗;骗取;作弊n. 骗子;欺骗


cheat sb.of(out of)sth.(向某人)骗取(东西)

cheat sb.into……诱骗(某人)做……

cheat in(at)……不老实;作弊,作假

【例句】①He always cheats at cards if he can get away with it.只要不被人抓着,他玩牌总是作弊。

②The man cheated the old woman into buying an imitation pearl.这个人欺骗老太太卖给她一颗假珍珠。

122. check /tʃek/ n. & vt. 检查;校对,核对/实;支票(英cheque)


check in报到,办理登记手续

check into 调查…,登记入住…

check out付账,结账后离开,消账;检验

check over检查

check up(on)校对,检验,检查

pay by check/cheque 用支票支付

check-in n. 登记处;办理登记手续

checkout n. 付款处,收银台;退房时间

【例句】①Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your homework.你检查作业时要当心拼写错误。

②The traveler checks (out) his luggage before leaving.旅行者在离开前检查他的行李。

【串记】Guests can check in at any time and must check out by midday. Before, going to bed, they should check the door for safety. If anyone feels ill, he can have a medical check in the hospital next to the hotel. 客人可以随时入住,必须在中午之前退房。睡觉前,他们应该检查门是否安全。如果有人觉得不舒服,他可以到酒店旁边的医院去体检。




123. cheer /tʃɪə/ n. & vi. 欢呼;喝彩


cheer for为…喝彩叫好,为…鼓劲加油

cheer on向…欢呼,为…鼓劲加油

cheer up使高兴,振作起来

burst into cheers 突然欢呼起来

cheerful a. 快乐的; 愉快的; 高兴的

cheers int. (用于祝酒)干杯;再见/会

cheery a.快活的

cheerless a.不愉快的,优郁的

【例句】Let's go to the football game and cheer for our favorite team.咱们去看足球比赛,为咱们最喜爱的球队呐喊助威。

The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race.当运动员开始跑最后一圈时,人群为他们加油。

【串记】Tom felt discouraged at the test. We cheered him up. When he was falling behind in the race, we cheered him on. When he passed the finish line, we burst into cheers. He looked very cheerful. 汤姆对考试感到泄气。我们使他振作起来。当他在赛跑中落后时,我们为他加油。当他越过终点线时,我们爆发出欢呼声。他看上去很高兴。

124. choose /tʃuːz/ (chose, chosen) vt. 选择,挑选


choose as〔for〕 把…选作

choose between 在…之间选择

choose from〔among〕 从…之间选择

choose to do sth. 选择做某事

can not choose but do sth. 不得不/只好

choice n. 选择,抉择  

have no choice but to do sth. 除了做某事没有选择

make a choice作出选择

【例句】①It's up to you to choose where we should go.我们要去的地点,由你负责选择。

②Why have so many people chosen to migrate abroad?为什么有这么多的人情愿移居国外呢?

③We have no choice except to trust ourselves.我们必须依靠自己,没有其他选择。

【串记】If you choose to be a teacher, you can not choose but love students and teaching. Once you make a choice, you can’t change your mind and you must carry it through. 如果你选择成为一名教师,你不得不热爱学生和教学。一旦你做出选择,你就不能改变主意,你必须坚持到底。

125. circle /'sɜːk(ə)l/ n. 圆圈;圈子,团体,界;vt.将…圈起来;环绕;盘旋


come full circle兜了一圈,回到原处

draw a circle画了一个圆圈

sit in a circle围成一个圆圈坐

have a largo circleof friends交游广泛

academic circles学术界

business circles工商界

【例句】①The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire.舞者们围着篝火站成一圈。

②The teacher circles the pupil's spelling mistakes in red ink.老师用红笔把学生的拼写错误圈出来。

【串记】Many figures from business, political and art circles are sitting in a circle discussing. 许多商界、政界和艺术界的人士正围坐在一个圈子里讨论。

126. class /klɑːs/ n. 班级;课,课程;等/阶级


first class第一流,头等

in a class by oneself独一无二

in a class of one's own无与伦比

top of the class第一流的

class...as 把…归类为,把…划为class...under 把…列入

class...with 把…与…归入一类

classic a. 经/古典的;传统的; n. 名著;经典著作;大艺术家;文豪

classical a. 经/古典的;传统的;第一流的;n. 古典音乐

classify v. 分类/等→classification n. 分类;类别,等级

classroom n. 教室

classmate n. 同班同学

【例句】①That class is out of hand; I should have put a more experienced teacher in charge.那个班已失去控制,我本应该安排一个更有经验的老师去。

②The critic classed him with the best writers of the age.那位评论家把他列入当代第一流的作家中。

【串记】Society can be classified into lower class, middle class, and upper class. 社会可分为下层阶级、中产阶级和上层阶级。

127. clean /kliːn/ vt. 弄/擦干净;a. 清洁的,干净的(反dirty)


clean out把……清洗出去,把……耗尽

clean up把…打扫干净;(使)梳洗整齐;净化

cleaner n. 清洁工,洗衣店

cleaning n. 扫除,洗涤

do the cleaning 打扫卫生

cleanly ad.清洁地

【例句】①Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.请把窗子弄干净,我几乎看不到外面。

②You should always clean up after a picnic.野餐后你们要收拾干净。

【串记】Cleaners do the cleaning every day. They clean up every dirty thing in public. 清洁工每天打扫卫生。他们打扫公共场所的每一件脏东西。

128. clear /klɪə/ a. 清楚的;清晰的(反unclear);清醒的;明亮的;晴朗的;v. 清理/除;恢复畅通;变清澈;转晴;消散


clear away(off)清除;收拾;消失

clear out把……清除,搬开

clear up解释,澄清;(天气)变晴;整理,收拾

clear water清澈的水a clear day晴朗的日子

it is clear that从句 很清楚/显然…

be clear about 对…明白/清楚

clearly ad. 清晰地; 明显地(同obviously); 无疑地; 明净地

【例句】①It's raining now, but I think it will clear up soon.天还在下雨,不过我想天很快就会放晴。

②It is clear that high­tech equipment has become popular among teenagers and changed their way of life.显然,高科技设备在年轻人中已普及并改变了他们的生活方式。

【串记】It is clear that you are unclear about the structure. Only after all the puzzles are cleared up can you be clear about it. 很明显,你对这个结构不清楚。只有当所有的难题都解决了,你才能清楚地知道它。

129. clever /'klevə/ a. 聪明的 (同smart);灵巧的


be clever at 擅长(同be good at)

It is clever+of+sb.+to do (某人)做……真是聪明

cleverly ad.伶俐地,机灵地

cleverness n.聪明,巧妙

【例句】①Bill is clever at mathematics.比尔擅长于数学。②It's clever of you to solve this problem.你解答了这个问题,真聪明。

【串记】Both the twins are clever. Tom is very good at science, while his brother is clever at arts. 这对双胞胎都很聪明。汤姆很擅长理科,而他的弟弟却擅长文科。

130. close /kləʊs/ v. 关闭;关门,停业;n. & v. 结束,停止;a. 近(的);接近的,几乎;亲密的;ad. 近,靠近


be close to 靠近;亲近

close down关闭

close in包围;封闭

close up靠近;结束,关闭,堵塞

come to a close 结束

closed a. 关住/闭的;不公开的(反open)

closely ad. 紧密地; 接近地; 严密地; 亲近地

【例句】You should avoid standing too close to any strangers. 你应该避免站得离陌生人太近。

【串记】 If you are too close to officials, your business may close down soon or later. And your relationship with them will come to a close. 如果你和官员关系太密切,你的生意迟早会倒闭。你和他们的关系将会结束。

131. collect /kə'lekt/ vt. 收/采集(同gather);收藏;募集;取/接走


(1)collect money (for)(为……)募捐

(2)collection n.收集;聚集;收藏品;募捐

a collection of一批收藏的;许多的

(3)collector n.收藏家;采集者

collective adj.集体的;共同的 n.集体;团体;全体人员

【例句】①I tried to collect my thoughts but I was too excited.我想镇定下来,但是我太激动了。

②He is collecting money for famine relief.他正在为赈济饥民募捐。

③There is a collection of dust in an unused room.空着不用的房间积起了大量灰尘。

【串记】The collector has a large collection of rare coins and records. He plans to donate them to a charity collective to collect money for poor children. 这位收藏家收藏了大量珍贵的硬币和唱片。他计划把它们捐给一个慈善集体,为贫困儿童筹集资金。

【辨析】 collect,gather表示“搜集”“聚集”,二者有时可互换。

gather通常只表示把分散的人或物聚拢在一起,而collect则指有计划、有条理地为了某一目的而进行的较为精心的搜集,例如:He collects stamps.中的collects不可用gathers代替。

132. colour(美color) /'kʌlə/ n. 颜色;vt. 给…着/涂色


coloured a. 彩/有色的; 着色的

colourful a. 鲜艳的; 生动的; 富色彩的; 富有趣味的 (反colourless)

【例句】He arranged them as to size and colour. 他按照它们的大小和颜色进行安排。

【串记】The teacher drew a map of China on the blackboard with coloured chalk.  He colored it red, green, blue and so on. It looked colourful. 老师用彩色粉笔在黑板上画了一幅中国地图。把它涂成红、绿、蓝等颜色,看起来五彩斑斓。

133. combine /kəm'baɪn/ vt. 使联合;使结合


(1)combine ...with/and ... 把……和……结合起来

combine to do sth.联合起来做某事/合起来促成某事

combine against 为反对……而联合

(2)combination n. 组合;结合;混合

in combination with 与……联合起来

【例句】①The new graduates are advised to combine their knowledge with practice.新毕业生们被建议将知识和实践有机结合起来。

②He said that several factors had combined to harm  their friendship.他说几种因素凑在一起,伤害了他们的友谊。

【串记】What they all have in common is that they combine fun with learning. The combination is not perfect, though. 它们的共同之处是把娱乐和学习结合在一起。不过,这种结合并不完美。

134. come /kʌm/ vi. 来,到来;变为/成;渐渐开始


come about 发/产生

come across 偶遇,无意中发现

come along 出现; 一起来; 陪伴; 进步

come around/round 来; 苏醒,恢复知觉

come back 回来; 记起; 恢复原状,重新流行

come by 得到; 从旁走过

come down 下来,降落;倒塌;流传下来;落魄,失势

come down to 归结为,实质上是

com from来自;出生于

come in 进来/入

come off 举行,成功; 表现; 脱离

come on 快点; 开始;得了吧

come out 出现/版;结果是;(花)开

come over 过来;顺便来访

come to 共计,达到;得出;来到;苏醒

come to life 苏醒; 表现生动; 振作起来

come to realize 开始意识到

sth. come to sb. 某人想起某事

come true实现;达到

come up 走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

come up with 提/想出; 赶上

to come 未来的;将到来的

when it comes to (doing) sth. 当涉及/提到(做)某事时

【例句】①He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland. 1989年,当他在瑞士工作时,他提出了(创建)万维网的想法。

②When it comes to educating children, the Chinese parents think little of money.当谈到教育孩子的问题时,中国的父母不怎么考虑金钱。

③There is no need for you to look up every new word you come across when reading.You have to learn how to guess the meaning of new words according to the context.你没有必要查阅你阅读时所遇到的每一个生词。你要学会如何根据上下文来猜测生词的含义。

【串记】When it comes to doing research on animals, the class comes to life. It comes to me that I came across the book in the basement when I came in. it came out last month. It came up with some good approaches to research. 当涉及到对动物的研究时,课堂变得生动起来。我突然想起我走进时在地下室里偶然发现了这本书。这本书是上个月出版的。它提出了一些很好的研究方法。

135. comfort /'kʌmfət/ n. 舒适(感),安逸;n. & vi. 安慰;慰问/籍;令人感到安慰的人/物


(1)in comfort(=comfortably)舒服地

take comfort from从……中得到安慰

(2)comfortable adj.舒适的,安逸的(反uncomfortable)

comfortably adv.舒服地

【例句】 Coming off work, the engineer lies in comfort in the sofa, drinking and watching TV. 下班后,工程师舒舒服服地躺在沙发上,一边喝酒一边看电视。



(2)comfortable既可表示“感到舒服的”,也可表示“令人舒服的”,但不表示“安慰的”,所以“他的话让我颇感安慰”不宜译为:What he said made me very comfortable.可译为:What he said gave me great comfort.。

【串记】Don’t attempt to comfort the lonely artist. In fact, he lives a comfortable life alone in the moun-

tain. He does not need any comfort at all. 不要试图安慰那位孤独的艺术家。事实上,他独自一人在山里过着舒适的生活。他根本不需要任何安慰。

136. command /kə'mɑːnd/ n. & v. 命令;指挥,控制;掌握


(1)in command of指挥;控制

in/under the command of 由……指挥;由……控制

take command of 控制;担任……的指挥

have a good command of 精通;对…掌握熟练

(2)command sb.to do sth.   命令某人做某事

command that ...(should) do ...命令……

commander 指挥官

commander in chief总指挥,总司令

【例句】①Nobody can take command of the situation where everything is in a mess.没有人能控制混乱局势。

②The director commanded that everyone(should) follow his advice.主任命令所有人都要听从他的建议。

【串记】The commander has a good command of leadership. Under his command, our army has made advances. He commands the soldiers to drill strictly. 指挥官有很好的领导才能。在他的指挥下,我军取得了进展。他命令士兵们严格操练。

137. comment /'kɒment/ n. & v. 评论(近remark)


comment on/upon对……评论

make comments on/upon对……评论

no comment 无可奉告

【例句】Have you any comments to make upon my article?你对我的文章有什么意见?

【串记】Don’t make comments on others’ customs and cultures. No comment is absolutely just and objective. 不要评论别人的风俗和文化。没有任何评论是绝对公正和客观的。

138. common /'kɒmən/ a. 普遍的,常见的(反uncommon/rare);一普通的,一般的;共有/同的


(1)have a lot/much/a great deal in common with


have nothing/little in common with


(2)in common with 与……一样

(3)common sense/knowledge 常识

commonly ad. 一般地; 通常地; 普通地

【例句】①Adam and Max hardly knew what to talk about because they had so little in common.亚当和马克斯几乎不知道谈什么,因为他们很少有共同之处。

②In common with a lot of other countries, we're facing a lot of economic challenges.同许多别的国家一样,我们正面临着很多经济挑战。

【串记】What they have in common is that they both lack common sense. 他们的共同点是都缺乏常识。

139. communicate /kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt/ v. 交流,沟通;交际;传达(感情,信息等)


communicate to 传染,传送

communicate with 与…通讯〔交通,相通,互通〕

communication n. 通讯,通信;交流

be in communication with与……通信,同……保持联系

communicative a. 交际的,健谈的

【例句】①She communicated her ideas to her subordinates.她把她的意见传达给下属。

②Deaf peopIe communIcate by sign language.聋人用手势语交谈。

【串记】The son seldom communicates with his stepmother as they are neither communicative. Their communication often end up in failure. 儿子很少和继母交流,因为他们两个都不善于交流。他们的沟通常常以失败告终。

140. company /'kʌmp(ə)nɪ/ n. 公司;陪/作伴;连队


(1)keep sb. company=accompany sb. 陪伴某人

in the company of在……的陪伴下

keep company with 与某人结伴/打交道

accompany v. 陪伴;伴随;伴奏

accompany sb. to sp.陪伴某人去某地

accompany sb. at/on...用……为某人伴奏

be accompanied with/by与……同时存在或发生;伴随

【例句】①Never keep company with dishonest persons.不要与不诚实的人打交道。

②He shall go to Beijing in the company of me. 他将在我的陪伴下去北京。

③While she was singing on the stage,her mother was accompanying her at/on the piano. 当她在舞台上唱歌时,她妈妈正陪着她弹钢琴。

④The disease is accompanied with/by sneezing and fever. 这种疾病伴有打喷嚏和发烧。

【串记】The sick girl in hospital feels lonely and sad. All her companions can’t keep her company. They are either too busy or too far away. And her mother has to accompany her little 3-month-old sister. 这个生病住院的女孩感到孤独和悲伤。不是所有的同伴都能陪伴她。他们不是太忙就是太远。她的母亲必须陪伴她3个月大的妹妹。


1. The pianist was playing the piano to        (company) the beauty’s graceful dance.

2. You dowell in jobs that deal with         (communicate) and meeting the needs of others.

3. The commander in chief commanded that all the men          (advance) at once.

4. What          (combine) of information will give me the certainty I need? 

5, Growingpains play an important role in my life and make my life           (colour). 

6. Weare currently researching these            (collect), and hope to have an exhibition. 

7. Thisis one example of how Southeast Asian markets were           (close) linked with those in China.

8. Thisis important because it supports the concept of             (classify). 

9. The revolution couldstart in the countryside and then go on to           (circle) the cities. 

10. Facing so many          (choose), the passengers were unable to make a decision on the spot.


1. However,it's common used today for collecting a series of files, especially from a directory.


2. “Sitor lie down comfortable with your back straight and close your eyes. “ ordered the doctor.


3. Therefore,we should combine machine translation to human translation efficiently. 


4. It takesall sorts of people to make our world so interesting and colored. 


5.Ifsomeone from one of those cultures stands too closely to an American while in conversation, the American may feel uncomfortable and back away. 


6. Enzo,a very short, strongly built boy, put his hand over his heart and said in tears, yet clever.


7. Theyare not as tall as him, but to me, they are so tall that I cannot see their faces clear.


8. The musicians wereplaying classic music and all of them was professional. 


9. No matterwhat happens each day, I go to sleep thinking of something  cheer.


10. Mymother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer on. 



1. They believe many animals are not allowed to live              (舒适地) and, when they are killed, it is carried out in a very painful way.

2. Political decisions sometimes                      (归为)the judgement and wisdom of individuals.  

3. The volunteers help the cleaners              (打扫干净) the streets, parks, rivers and so on. 

4. Ifyou claim a child has the right of              (做选择), then he should be regarded as an adult. 

5. There are so many people                             (进行健康检查). Both the check-in and checkout are surrounded with customers. They can pay by check or by credit card.


1. 你能告诉我这事故是怎样发生的吗?(come about)


2. 很明显,这个乞丐与其他的毫无相似之处。(have nothing in common with)  _______________________________________________________________________________

3. 不要评论别人的外表,那会伤害别人。(comment on)


4. 这个聪明的孩子尤其在数学方面特别机敏。(be clever at)


5. 除了执行原计划,我们别无选择。




1. accompany 2. communication  3. (should)advance  4. combination  5. colourful  6. collections  7. closely  8. classification  9. encircle  10. choices


1. common→commonly 2. comfortable→comfortably  3. to→with/and  4. colored→colourful  5. closely→close  6. clever→cleverly  7. clear→clearly  8. was→were  9.  cheer→cheerful  10. on→up


1. in comfort  2. come down to   3. clean up/out  4. making choices  5. having a health check


1. Canyou tell me how the accident come about? 

2. Clearly, the beggar has nothing in common with the others, which will hurt others.

3. Don't comment on other people's physical appearance.

4. Thebright boy is especially clever at maths. 

5. We have no choice but to carry out the original plan.



[更新答题卡] 英语教师选择题手机阅卷神器

[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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