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高考英语核心词汇拓展 Day 8

141. compare /kəm'peə/ vt. 比较,对照;比喻/拟


compare A to/with B 把A和B进行比较

compare A to B 把A比作B

compare notes (with sb.) (和某人)交换意见

compared to/with 与…比较起来/而言(通常作状语)

beyond / without compare 无与伦比,举世无双

comparison n. 比较/喻

in/by comparison (with)(与…)相比/比较

comparable a.可比较的,可相提并论的(反incomparable)

comparative a.比较而言的,相对的(同relative)

【例句】①Many parents like comparing their own children with/to their friends' children. 许多父母喜欢拿自己的孩子和朋友的孩子进行比较。

②Compared with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did.与逃逸的司机相比,我为我所做的事情感到骄傲。

③The beauty of the landscape here is beyond compare.此地风景之优美无与伦比。

【串记】Some poets compare the beauty to a flower, and others compare her with other beauties. But she thinks she is incomparable. 有些诗人把美女比作花,有些人把她别的美人比较。但她认为自己是无与伦比的。

142. compete /kəm'piːt/ vi. 比赛,竞赛


compete against 与…进行竞争

compete in 在…方面竞争,在…方面胜任

compete with 为…而竞争

compete with/against sb. for sth. 因…与…竞争

competitive a.竞争

competition n.竞争

competitor n.竞争者

【例句】①Runners from many countries are competing for the international prize.来自许多国家的赛跑运动员正在为获得这项国际奖而竞争。

②We cannot hope to compete with so experienced a team.我们没有希望能够与如此经验丰富的队竞争。

【串记】The young tennis competitor often competed in some competitions against players who were more competitive than he. So he was always beaten. 这位年轻的网球选手经常参加一些比赛,和比他更具竞争力的选手对抗,所以他总是被打败。






143. complain /kəm'pleɪn/ v. 抱怨,不满;投诉


(1)complain (to sb.) of/about (doing) sth.(向某人)投诉/抱怨(做)某事;(向某人)发牢骚

complain (to sb.) that ...(向某人)抱怨……

(2)complaint n.   抱怨;投诉;控告

make a complaint about/of sth. 抱怨/投诉某事

make a complaint to sb. 向某人抱怨/投诉

【例句】①Several passengers complained to the air company about/of the bad service on the flight.几名旅客向航空公司抱怨班机上服务差。

②If you want to make a complaint about that, you should see the manager.如果你要对此投诉,你应该去见经理。

【串记】A shop assistant began to complain to me

about too many complaints she received from cus-

tomers against her. 一个店员开始向我抱怨她收到顾客对她的投诉太多了。

144. complete /kəm'pliːt/ vt. 完成,结束;使完整;填写;a. 完成的;完整的(反incomplete),全部的(同whole);完全的,彻底的(同total)


complete for为某目的而完成

complete in以…算完成

complete with以…完成

completely ad. 完全地,彻底地; 完整地

completion n. 完成,结束; 实现

【例句】①The news of his success completed my happiness.他取得成功的消息使我快乐无比。

②The library has a complete set of Shake-speare's plays.图书馆有一整套莎士比亚戏剧集。

【串记】When the applicant completed the form, she found she was completely wrong. She thought she was a complete failure. 当申请人填完表格后,她发现她完全错了。她认为自己完全失败了。

145. concentrate /'kɒns(ə)ntreɪt/ n. & v. (使)聚焦于;集中;专心;浓缩


(1)concentrate ...on/upon (doing) sth.把……专注于(做)某事

concentrate on/upon ... 专注于……

(2)concentration n. 专心, 集中浓度; 浓缩

concentrated a. 集中的,全神贯注的;浓缩的

【例句】①I am concerned about it that I can’t concentrate on my work because of headaches.


②Many firms are concentrating on increasing their markets overseas.许多公司正在集中精力开拓它们的海外市场。

【串记】The researcher concentrates his energy and time on his work because doing research calls for concentration. If he is not concentrated, he will be a complete failure. 研究人员把精力和时间集中在工作上,因为做研究需要专心。如果他不专心,他就会彻底失败。

146. concern /kən'sɜːn/ v. 关于,涉及;使担心(同worry);n. 关心,担忧;担心/关心的事


(1)be concerned with ...与……有关,涉及

be concerned about/for ...关心/担心……

be concerned in ... 被牵扯进……

as far as ... be concerned就……而言/来说

(2)concern n.& v. 关心;担心

show/express one's concern about/for对……表示关心/担心

(3)concerning prep. 关于

【例句】①I think weshould show more concern for/about our friends.我认为我们应该对朋友表示更多的关心。

②To begin with, as far as I am concerned, I have made good preparations for the examination.


【串记】Bringing up a child is the parents’ primary concern. His growth concerns the happiness of the complete family. They are concerned about his study, health, association etc. but he rejects their concern, thinking his business is not concerned with them. 抚养孩子是父母最关心的事。他的成长关系到整个家庭的幸福。他们关心他的学习,健康,交往等,但他拒绝他们的关心,认为他的事与他们无关。

147. conclude /kən'kluːd/ v. 推断出,断定;完成,结束


(1) conclude ...with ... 以……结束……

conclude that ... 结论是……

(2)conclusion n.结论;结束

draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论

make a conclusion 下结论

in conclusion 总之;最后

【例句】①When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to conclude it with important points.小组讨论接近尾声时,一定要用几条要点来结束它。

②From these facts we can draw some conclusions about how the pyramids were built.从这些事实我们可以得出一些关于金字塔是如何建造的结论。

③In conclusion, friendship provides a sense of belonging and comfort. 总之,友谊提供了一种归属感和舒适感。

【串记】To conclude, the discussion arrived at a incomplete conclusion, which didn’t include all situations. 最后,讨论得出了一个不完整的结论,并没有包括所有的情况。

148. condition /kən'dɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 状/情况;环境;条件


(1)living/housing/working conditions生活/住房/工作条件

under ... conditions 在……条件下

(2)be in good/bad/poor condition状况良好/恶劣;健康/不健康

out of condition 身体不适

(3)on condition (that) ... 在……条件下;倘若

on no condition 决不(放于句首时,句子需部分倒装)

conditional n. 有条件的,假定的(反unconditional)

【例句】①Although the used car seems in good condition, it can't run too fast.尽管这辆用过的车好像状况良好,但不能跑太快。

②I'll let you use my bike on condition that you return it tomorrow.只要你明天归还,就可以用我的自行车。

③On no condition should untrained workers use the equipment.未经训练的工人绝对不能使用这一设备。

④Under no condition will China be the first to use 

nuclear weapons. 中国任何情况下都不会首先使用核武器。


【串记】The employees claim to work on on (the) condition that their working conditions are improved. Or on no condition will they return to work. 雇员们声称他们的工作条件得到了改善他们才继续工作。或者在任何情况下他们都不会重返工作岗位。

149. conduct /'kɒndʌkt/ vt. 引导,带领(同direct);指挥;实施,进行(同carry out);n. & v. 行为,举止(同behave, behaviour)


conduct oneself 表现,举止(同behave oneself)

conduct an experiment/a survey 进行实验/调查

conductor a.  (音乐)指挥;售票员,列车员;导体【例句】①The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.导游引导我们游览了古城废墟。

②My music teacher is also a conductor, having conducted dozens of concerts. 我的音乐老师也是一位指挥家,指挥过几十场音乐会。

【串记】The conductors are conducting a survey on the passengers’ conduct on the train. They conduct themselves. 列车员正在对乘客在火车上的行为进行调查。他们很规矩。

150. confident /'kɒnfɪd(ə)nt/ a.自信的;确信的


(1)be confident of/about对……有信心

(2)confidence n.自信心;信任

with confidence=confidently自信地;有信心地

in confidence私下地;秘密地

have confidence in对……有信心

have confidence to do...有做……的信心

build up/increase confidence 增强/提高自信

confidently ad. 自信地,确信地

【例句】①We should encourage him to have confidence in/be confident about himself. 我们应该鼓励他对自己有信心。

②I told you that in confidence,so why did you tell Joan about it? 我私下地地告诉你,那你为什么把这件事告诉琼?

③ He answered that question confidently/with confidence. 他自信地回答了这个问题。

易错点拨表示“自信能做某事”时,be confident后通常接of/about (doing) sth. 或that从句,不接不定式,但名词confidence后面却可接不定式,不接of/about doing。

【串记】Confidence plays an important role in our career. If you are not confident of yourself, nobody has confidence in you. 自信在我们的职业生涯中扮演着重要的角色。如果你对自己没有信心,就没有人对你有信心。

151. confuse /kən'fjuːz/ v. 使混乱/困惑/糊涂;混淆


(1) confuse ... with/and ... 把……与……混淆

(2)confused adj. 混乱的;迷惑不解的,感到迷惑的

get/be/become confused about 对……迷惑不解

be confused by 被……搞糊涂

(3) confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的

(4)confusion n.   困惑;混淆,混乱

in confusion 困惑地;困窘地

【例句】①Don't confuse him with his brother. They are much alike.别把他与他弟弟混淆了。他们非常相像。

②Most of the children are still confused about the ending of the film.大部分孩子对这部电影的结尾仍感到困惑不解。

③Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be confusing.有时候,同一个单词在意义上一点细微的差别就让人困惑。

【串记】They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do.他们提了一大堆令人费解的问题,把我难住了。我稀里糊涂,茫然地站在那儿,全然不知所措。

152. congratulate /kən'grætjʊleɪt/ v. 祝贺,向…道喜


(1)congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人祝贺

congratulate oneself on sth. 为某事庆幸/感到自豪

(2) congratulation n.祝贺;祝贺词(常用复数)

offer/send one's congratulations to sb.(on sth.)(为某事)向某人表示祝贺

express/accept one's congratulations表示/接受某人的祝贺

【例句】①You should congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。

②We offered our congratulations to Mr.Wang on his success in business.我们祝贺王先生生意兴隆。

【辨析】congratulate, celebrate

这两个词都有“庆贺”的意思。其区别在于: congratulate指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示祝贺,其宾语是人,表示就某事祝贺某人时,常与介词on搭配。celebrate通常指举行盛大隆重的仪式庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或某件事情,多暗示节日般的欢乐场面,宾语为事件。

【串记】Their son was admitted to Beijing University. They held a party to celebrate it. At the party, their friends congratulated them on their son's success. Those who didn't come telephoned to send their congratulations to them. 他们的儿子被北京大学录取了。他们举行了一个聚会来庆祝它。在聚会上,他们的朋友祝贺他们儿子的成功。那些没来的人打电话来向他们表示祝贺。

153. connect /kə'nekt/ vt. 连接/结;联系;衔接;把…联系起来


(1) connect A and/to/with B 把A和B连接起来

connect A with B 把A和B联系起来

connect ... with/to ...把……和……联系/连接起来

(2)connected a. 连接的;有联系的

be connected with与……有联系/关系

(3)connection 连/联接;接头;联系(同link)

have connection with 与……有关系

in connection with 与……有关

【例句】①A good student must connect what he reads with/to what he sees around him.好学生必须会把他在书本里读到的东西与他在周围所看到的事物联系起来。

②Health problems are connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. 健康问题与不良饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼有关。

③The police arrested the men in connection with a bank robbery.警察拘留了与一次银行抢劫案有牵连的那几个人。

【串记】The flat is connected to another flat so the police connect the murder with another case. They conclude the death of the renter is connected with the disappearance of the landlord. 那套公寓与另一套公寓相连,所以警察把凶杀案与另一起案件联系起来。他们断定房客的死亡与房东的失踪有关。

154. consider /kən'sɪdə/ vt. 考虑;顾及;认为


(1)consider(考虑)+从句  考虑……doing sth.  考虑做某事

(2)consider(认为)+it+adj./n.  认为……    认为某人/某事……

(3)consideration n.     考虑,体谅

take ...into consideration 考虑到……,顾及到……

under consideration 正在考虑之中

(4)considering prep. 考虑到;鉴于

considerate adj. 关切的;体谅的;体贴的

considerable adj. 相当多的;相当大的

【例句】①I'm considering becoming a teacher after graduation because a teacher is often considered to be the engineer of human souls.我在考虑毕业后当老师,因为老师常被认为是人类灵魂的工程师。

②Everything taken into consideration, they trusted themselves more and returned to their positions.把一切考虑在内后,他们更相信自己并且回到了自己的职位上。

【串记】The conductor is considered to be a great musician with considerable achievements. Besides, he is considerate and generous. He is considering giving away all his belongings to charity. 这位指挥家被认为是一位成就斐然的伟大音乐家。此外,他是体贴和慷慨的。他正在考虑把他所有的财产捐给慈善机构。

155. consist /kən'sɪst/ v. 组成,构成


consist in 在于,存在于

consist of由……组成;由……构成

consist with 与……一致,相吻合

consistent a. 始终如一的

be consistent with 与…一致/吻合

【例句】①The true wealth does not consist in what we have, but in what we are.真正的财富不在于我们拥有什么,而在于我们的人格。

②His story was consistent with the facts.他的报道与事实相符。

【点津】consist of一般不用于进行时,也不用于被动语态;其非谓语动词应用现在分词形式。它的同义短语有:be composed of和be made up of。

【串记】Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrows while happiness and sorrows consist in struggle.生活主要由幸福和悲伤构成,而幸福和悲伤寓于奋斗之中。

156. consume /kən'sjuːm/ vt. 消耗/费,耗费


consume away毁掉,毁灭

be consumed with 为(某种思想)而不断受折磨

consumer n. 消费者

consumption n. 消耗/费,耗费

【例句】We need to consume much less, which 

means we need to produce much less. 我们需要消费的少许多,这意味着我们需要的生产少很多。

【串记】Most consumersconsume unwisely. They formed a consumer culture, thinking consumption contributes to production; the two form a circle. But consumption also causes pollution and exhaustion of resources. 大多数消费者消费不明智。他们形成了消费文化,认为消费有助于生产;这两个形成一个循环。但消费也会造成污染和资源的枯竭。

157. contact /'kɒntækt/ n. & v. 触碰,接触(同touch);联系/络(同touch)


come into contact with ...与……接触;与……联系

get in(to) contact with 与……取得联系

have contact with 与…有联系/接触

lose contact with 与……失去联系

keep/be in contact with 与……保持联系

make contact with接触,与…联系

be out of contact with 与……没有联系

【例句】①Though they all lived nearby, I soon lost contact with them.虽然他们都住在附近,但我很快就和他们失去联系了。

②Have you kept in contact with your classmates after graduation?你毕业后和同学们还保持联系吗?

③He got (in)to contact_with many wealthy people in raising money for the project.在为该项工程筹款的过程中他联系了许多有钱人。

【点津】keep/be in contact with和be out of contact with表状态,可和时间段连用;而get in(to)/make contact with, lose contact with表示动作,不能和时间段连用。

contain /kən'teɪn/vt.包含;包括;容纳;忍住,抑制


contain one's anger/ feelings / grief 抑制(克制) 愤怒/感情/悲痛

contain oneself 克制自己

contain with 使(自己)抑制住

contain oneself with sth使(自己)抑制住

container n. 容器

【例句】①The atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.这个地图集有40幅地图,其中包括3幅英国地图。

②She could scarcely contain herself with delight when she opened the parcel.


【点津】contain是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。表示“所属”“构成”关系时,不能用于进行体,不能用于被动结构,也不可用过去分词作定语; 作“控制,抑制”解时,多用于否定句或疑问句,其后接介词for〔with〕+高兴〔气愤〕等名词。

【辨析】contain, include

contain通常用来指某容器中盛有某物,装有某物;还可指某种物质中含有某种成分或含有其他物质,指作为组成部分而被包含或容纳在内。include通常表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内,在句中常构成分词短语sth.included或including sth.

158. content /kən'tent/ a. 满意/足的;使满足/意;n.主要内容


be content to do sth. 对做某事满意

be content with对…满意

contents n. 容纳物;目录

【例句】①She is quite content to live at home with her parents.她十分满足于在家时和她父母同住。

②I am very content with my life at present.我对目前的生活心满意足。

【串记】The critic is content with the contents and content of the new book. 评论家对这本新书的目录和内容满意。

159. continue /kən'tɪnjuː/ vi. 继/持/延续;link. v.保持


continue to do/doing sth. 继续做某事

to be continued未完,待续

continuous a. 连续的,持续的; 连绵不断的

continually ad. 不断地,频繁地

【例句】①He continued reading in spite of the noise.尽管很吵闹,他还是阅读。

②The desert continues as far as the eye could reach沙漠向前延伸,一望无际。

【串记】The assistant feel content to work with his master. He will continue to do so. He considers it is a continuous career. 这位助手对和他的主人一起工作感到满意。他将继续这样做。他认为这是一个持续的职业。

160. contrary /'kɒntrərɪ/ n.& a. 相反,反面;相反的


be contrary to 违反;与…相反

by contraries相反,出乎意料地

on the contrary正相反,反之

to the contrary相反的,有相反的意思

【例句】Many things in our lives go by contraries.我们生活中有许多事与愿违的情况。



1. Only parents can give their children         (condition) love., but they don’t feel it or cherish it.

2. A person who aims high won’t be content        (earn) his living or support his family.

3. Whowould you name as the greatest           (conduct) of your time?

4. The manager finds it hard to deal with the complaints from the           (consume).

5. Youshould turn your music down out of            (consider) for your neighbour.

6. Thefolk songs have a close           (connect) with the agricultural culture .

7. Iwant to express our heartfelt             (congratulate) to you on your seventeenth birthday. 

8. There issome          (confuse) about the difference between architecture and design. 

9. In the long jump,          (compete) try to jump as far forward as possible.

10. Iwonder who makes this decision and how they come to their            (conclude). 


1. One of the responsibilities of the government is to protectconsumer’s rights.


2. Young children will usually compete with their mother's attention.


3. Bywriting continuous, students can improve our writing ability in writing


4. My girlfriend received a secret letter form a complete stranger, making her confusing.


5. Not onlymust we be confidence of our own future, we must also be ready to cope with any sort of setbacks.


6. Youshould forget yourself complete, and lose yourself in what you do. 


7. Iam pleased to accept this award and plan to continue do all I can to support agriculture.


8. I have a stable job, a cheerful family, a caring wife and a bright son. I have nothingto complain. 


9. Whatadvantages do you have comparing to other applicants? 


10. Ifyou concentrate in the project, you can complete it ahead of time. 



1. We                     (下结论) on the basis of experiments. 

2. You can go swimming                      (条件是)you don't go too far from the river bank. 

3. I hope you enjoy my engine and                      (联系)me if you have any good ideas or suggestions.

4. These actions                      (与…一致)his principles. 

5. Happiness does not              (在于) how many possessions you own! 


1. 不管发生什么,我们都应该对我们自己有信心。(haveconfidence in)


2. 一个人的成就与她的个性有密切关系。(be connected with)


3. 你的行为违反了当地的风俗。(be contrary to)


4. 你不应满足于现有的东西。(becontent with)


5. 和别人的经历相比,我真的很幸运。(comparedto)




1. unconditional 2. to earn  3. conductor  4. consumers  5. consideration  6. connection  7. congratulations  8. confusion  9. competitors  10. conclusion


1. consumer’s→consumers’ 2. with→for  3. continuous→continuously  4. confusing→confused 5. confidence→confident 6. complete→completely  7. do→doing或在do前面加to  8. 在complain 后面加of/about  9. comparing→compared  10. in→on


1. drew/draw this conclusion  2. on condition that  3. make contact with  4. are consistent with   5. consist in 


1. No matterwhat happens, we should have confidence in ourselves. 

2. One's achievements are closely connected with one's personality.

3. Your behavior/conduct is contrary to the local custom.

4. Youshouldn’t be content with what you have. 

5. Comparedto what others have been through, I’m really fortunate.



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