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高考英语核心词汇拓展  Day 12

221.dress /dres/ n. 女服,连衣裙;(统指)服装;童装;v. (给…)穿衣


(1) dress up装扮;打扮;穿上盛装;装饰

dress (sb.) up as ... (把某人)打扮/装扮成

dress oneself/sb. 给自己/某人穿衣

(2)be dressed in 穿着……衣服 (表状态)

get dressed 穿衣服

【例句】①Children often dress up as Superman to draw adults' attention.孩子们经常把自己装扮成超人,以吸引大人的注意力。

②To my surprise,I found my nephew dressed in a girl’s skirt. 令我吃惊的是,我发现我的侄子穿着一条女孩的裙子。

【串记】The lady who is dressed in reddresses up her daughter in a new dress. 穿着红衣服的女士给女儿穿上了盛装。

222.drive /draɪv/ (drove,driven) v. & n. 驾驶,开(车);驾车(旅行);驱赶/动


drive off/away驱离;开车离开

drive sb. crazy/mad 让某人发疯

【例句】 Isuggest (that) they (should) not drive too fast. 我建议他们不要开得太快了。

【串记】She drove away without saying a word, whichdrove me crazy. 她什么都没说就把车开走了,这使得我快发疯了。

223. drop /drɒp/ v. & n. 掉/落下;下降(同fall);放弃;滴


drop in顺便走访,偶然拜访

drop in on sb. 偶然访问某人

drop off减少;让…下车;睡着

drop out (of) 退出/学

【例句】He dropped off from his bike.他从自行车上跌下来。

【串记】I’d like to drop in on the student who dropped out of school several days ago. 我要走访一下前几天退学的那个学生。

224.dry /draɪ/ a. 干的;干燥的;v. (使)变干;弄干


dry off (使)弄干,(使)变干

dry up干涸;住口

dry with 用…弄干

drought n. 干旱;缺乏

【例句】After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.干燥的天气之后,人人都希望下雨。

【串记】The plants are as dry as tinder(火绒) after this long drought.


225.duty /'djuːtɪ/ 责任,义务;任务,职责;值班; 税


do duty for代替……用,充当

in duty bound在义务上(非……不可)

off duty下班

on duty值班,当班

a sense of duty责任感

do one’s duty尽本分

【例句】①The sailors employed on this duty are well trained.担任这项任务的水手们都是受过良好训练的。

②It is our duty to obey the laws.遵守法律是我们的义务。

【串记】Everyone should perform his duty whether he is on duty or off duty. 每个人都要尽到职责,无论是上班还是下班期间。

226. eager /'iːgə/ a. 渴望的,热切的


be eager to do...渴望做……

be eager for sth. 急于得到……

be eager for sb. to do...希望某人做……

be eager that...热切地希望……

[从句常用 “(should) do”]

eagerness n. 渴望;热心

eagerly a. 渴望的;热切/心的

【例句】①We are eager for him to help us. 我们渴望他帮助我们。

②They are too eager to show off their beautiful garden.他们急于炫耀他们漂亮的花园。

③Both stressed their eagerness to hear from readers and listeners on social networks. 双方都强调他们渴望听到社交网络上的读者和听众的声音。


【联想】表达“急切/盼望(做)……”的短语还有:be anxious for/to do...,long for,be greedy for,be hungry for,be dying for/to do...,be thirsty for,be keen on/to do...等。

227. earn /ɜːn/ vt. 挣/赚得;赢得


earn/make a living by/from 靠……谋生

earn one's living谋生

earn one's own living 自食其力

earn money/a fortune 挣钱/大钱

earn sb. praise/a reputation 为某人赢得赞扬/名声

earnings n. 收入

【例句】①His hard work earned him good money.他工作努力,使他得到一笔可观的钱。

②Since his parents died early, he had to earn his own living when he was a teenager. 因双亲早亡, 他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。

③Saving a girl from the river earned him a good reputation.从河里营救了一个女孩为他赢得了好的名声。

228. ease /iːz/ v. 减轻,缓解;n.容易;安逸,舒适,自在


at one's ease舒适,快活地,自由自在

feel at ease自在地,安心

Stand at easel(口令)稍息!

take one's ease休息,舒畅

easy a. 容易的;舒适的

easily ad. 容易地;无疑地

【例句】Gloria is a rich woman now, and lives a life of ease.格洛丽亚现在是个阔太太,过着安逸舒适的生活。

【串记】It is easy to ease anxiety when you are at ease. 当你舒适自在时就很容易减轻焦虑。

229. educate /'edjʊkeɪt/ vt. 教育;培养;训练


educate oneself自学

educate one’s children to behave well教孩子守规矩

educated a. 受过教育的;有教养的

education n. 教育;培养;教育学

educational a. 教育的;有教育意义的

educator n. 教育家;教育工作者;教师

【例句】①Teachers educate students to protect themselves.老师训练学生自我保护。

②In my eyes the question is not what to teach, but how to educate.在我看来,问题不是教什么书,而是如何育人。

【串记】The well-educatededucator devoted himself to education. 这个教养很好的教育家献身于教育事业。

230.effect /ɪ'fekt/n.效果;作用;影响


(1)have an effect on/upon对……产生影响

carry/bring/put ...into effect 实行,实施,使生效

come into effect 开始生效;开始实施

take effect 见效,生效,实施

in effect 实际上;(规则、法律)有效/在实行中

side effect 副作用

(2)effective adj. 有效的

effectively adv. 有效地

【例句】①The new law has come into effect; surely it will have an effect on industry of the country.这项新的法律已经生效了;它肯定会对这个国家的工业有影响。

②Generally speaking, when taken according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.一般来说,按照说明书来服药是不会有副作用的。

③Training is much less effective than expected. 培训的效果远不如预期。

④Besides, developing a good habit of learning can help you improve your learning effectively. 此外,养成良好的学习习惯可以帮助你有效地提高你的学习水平。

【串记】The new traffic rules came into effect on January 1, 2015. Now, they are beginning to take effect. In effect , they have an effect on people's life in many ways besides people's focus on road safety. 新的交通规则于 2015 年 1 月 1 日生效。现在,它们开始生效。实际上,除了人们关注道路安全之外,它们在许多方面对人们的生活产生了影响。

231. effort /'efət/ n. 努/尽力;气/精力


(1)make an effort/efforts/every effort to do sth.


make efforts努力

spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事

(2)with effort 努力地

without effort 不费力地,容易地

【例句】①We must make every effort to turn our dreams into reality. 我们必须尽一切努力把我们的梦想变成现实。

②We should spare no effort to make up for the lost time. 我们应该不遗余力地弥补失去的时间。

【串记】In an effort to achieve our dream, we must make every effort to pass the College Entrance Examination. 为了实现我们的梦想,我们必须尽一切努力来通过高考。

232. elect /ɪ'lekt/ v. 选举,推选


elect sb. (as) sth. 推选某人当某职

elect to 推选…进入〔担任〕

elector n.有选举权者; 选举人

election n. 选举;当选;选择权

【例句】①We elected him (to be/as) monitor. 我们选他当班长。

②They elected him to speak at the meeting.他们推举他在会上发言。

【串记】 During the last election, Trump was elected as the 45th American President. 在上一次的大选中,特朗普被选举为第45届美国总统。

233. electric /ɪ'lektrɪk/ a. 用电的,电动的


electrica a.电气科学的,关于电的,电的;电动的

electricity n. 电力;电流

electronic a. 电子的   

electronics n. 电子学;电子工业

【例句】Most people are using electric toothbrushes these days. 目前,大多数人在使用电动牙刷。

【串记】Without electricity, electric cars won’t work, which disappoints the electrical engineers. 没有电,电动汽车就不能运转,这使得电气工程师们很失望。

234. embarrass /ɪm'bærəs/ v. (尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬;使困惑;使为难


embarrassed a. 尴尬的;窘迫的   

embarrassing a. 使人尴尬的;令人为难的

embarrassment n.窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或事物  

to one’s embarrassment令人感到尴尬的是

【例句】The wife was embarrassed by her husband’s drunken behaviour at the party.妻子为丈夫在晚会上耍酒疯而窘迫万分。

He embarrassed his opponent by awkward questions.他出些难题使对手感到困难。

【串记】His embarrassing questions made me embarrassed greatly. I felt my face burning with embarrassment.他尴尬的问题使我很尴尬。我感到脸上燃烧着尴尬。

To my embarrassment, the embarrassing occasion made me really embarrassed. 令我尴尬的是,这种尴尬的场面让我真的很尴尬。

235. employ /ɪm'plɒɪ; em-/ vt. 雇佣;利/使用


(1)employ sb. to do...雇用某人做……


employ oneself in (doing)...从事……,忙于……

be employed in (doing)...从事……,忙于……

(2)employment n.雇用;职业;就业

in employment在业,有工作

out of employment失业

(3)employer n.雇主,老板

employee n.雇工,雇员

【例句】①You must employ someone to oversee the project.你得雇个人监督这一工程。

②He employed himself teaching English.他从事英语教学工作。

③We employ English as a common language.我们把英语当作共同语言使用。

④He is out of employment.他失业了。

【串记】The employer required his employees to work hard because unemployment rate is pretty high these days. 老板要求他的员工努力工作,因为目前失业率很高。

236. encourage /ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ; en-/ vt. 鼓/激励;鼓动,



encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

discourage sb. from doing sth. 劝阻某人别做某事

encouraged a. 受到鼓舞的

discouraged a. 气馁的,灰心的,丧气的

encouraging a. 令人鼓舞的;鼓励的,奖励的discouraging a. 使人沮丧的;令人气馁的

encouragement n. 鼓/激励

【例句】① The teacher encouraged his students to form their own opinions.老师鼓励学生形成他们自己的观点。

② These results are encouraging,but you still have a long way to go.


【串记】Despite my encouragement and support, my son got discouraging results. He got discouraged. However, my dad discouraged him from losing heart. 尽管我给予了鼓励和支持,我的儿子还是得到了令人沮丧的结果。他受到了打击。然而,我爸爸劝阻他不要灰心。

237. end /end/ n. 末端,尽头;结束;结局;v. 结



at the end of在…尽头;在…结束时

in the end终于,最后

bring/put an end to sth.=put/bring sth. to an end 使结束

come to an end 告终,结束

make ends meet收支相抵; 量入为出

end in以…为结果;以…告终

end up doing sth. 以做某事…而告终

end up as 最终成为

end up with以…结束/告终(反begin with)

on end连续地;竖着

ending n. 结局;结尾

endless a. 无止境的;连续的

【例句】①They didn't know how to put an end to the quarrel.他们不知道如何结束这场争吵。

②Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just end up with sweet dreams.你在睡觉前闻一闻这些花,即可终得美梦。

【点津】come to an end为不及物动词短语,后面不能接宾语,接宾语时需用bring sth. to an end或put/bring an end to sth.。

【串记】In order to make ends meet, his husband cut off his son's supply of milk. For this, the couple argued for two days on end. In the end, they decided to bring this endless argument to an end/put an end to this endless argument at the end of this week for the sake of their son. 为了维持生计,她丈夫切断了儿子的牛奶供应。为此,这对夫妇连续争论了两天。最后,为了他们的儿子,他们决定结束这个无休止的争论。

238. energy /'enədʒɪ/ n. 能量/源;精/活力,干劲


be full of energy精力充沛

energetic a. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的

an energetic effort积极努力

look fresh and energetic精神饱满

【例句】Young people usually have more energy than the old.青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。

【串记】The energetic people are always full of energy. 积极的人总是精力充沛。

239. engage /ɪn'geɪdʒ; en-/ v. 雇佣; 占用;吸引;与…订婚


engage in参加; 从事; 忙于

engage with 忙于接待〔应付〕,和(敌人)交战

engaged a. 订婚的;忙碌的;从事;被占用的

be engaged to sb.与...订婚

【例句】His mother engaged a private tutor to improve his chemistry. 他的妈妈请了一位家庭教师给他补习化学。

【串记】The couple who have been engaged for three months are engaged in inviting their friends to the wedding to be held next month. 这对订婚了三个月的夫妇在忙着邀请朋友下个月来参加他们的婚礼。

240.enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ vt. 喜爱;享受…之乐趣;欣赏;享有


enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

enjoy oneself 过得快乐/快活

enjoyable a. 快乐的;有乐趣的;令人愉快的

enjoyment n. 享受;乐趣;享有

【例句】①We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays.我们在假期玩得非常高兴。

②In her spare time she enjoyed reading novels or going to the park.在她空闲时间里她喜欢看小说或到公园走走。

【串记】I enjoy myself because I find teaching enjoyable, which brings me great enjoyment. 我过得很快乐,因为我觉得教书很有趣,这能给我带来巨大的乐趣。

【例句】We have the same dream, and the same world.我们有着同一个梦想,和同一个世界。

【串记】When I dream, I dream of you 当我做梦的时候,我会梦到你。



1. After           (employ) for several days, the employee was dismissed.

2. The physicists employed an able and            (energy) assistant to achieve their dream.

3. The majority of parents work hard to give their children a good              (educate).

4. It’s your duty to earn more money for your son who is studying          (electric)engineering in the university.

5. The adventurer couldn’t hide his          (eager) to receive education.

6. Either of you should make efforts to make the           (employ) satisfied with you.

7. The unemployment figures in our country are not very               (encourage).

8. In America, presidential           (elect) are held every four years.

9.         (dry) is one of the severe natural disasters, which we should take action to prevent.

10. They announced their           (engage)to their friends and family.


1. The newcomer is determined to work harder, as he just got 36 points in the test, which is discouraged.

2.The actors’ disgusting show made the audience embarrassing last weekend.

3.We students were greatly encouraging by what the headmaster said.

4.The girl who was engaged with my employer yesterday lives next to my house.

5.The young man ended up with prison because he had stolen an electric car.

6.Our headmaster always encourages us to making efforts to work hard to achieve our dreams.

7.Neither the teacher nor the students engages themselves in making preparations for the final examination.

8.Strangely enough, the naughty boy was elected the monitor by my classmates.

9.The educator devoted himself to getting back the pupils drop out in the poor areas.

10.The slow learners who don’t make effort to study always drop out of school.


1. Either of the twin brothers                   (渴望) be employed.   

2. Although he made efforts to earn money, he couldn’t                   (收支相抵).

3. After 3 hours’ discussion, the meeting                        (结束) at last.

4. My parents                 (谋生)by planting some sorts of fruit trees.

5. The employee on duty is always                    (精力充沛)and concentrated.


1. 我的责任就是要满足你们的需要。(duty)

2.无论我在做什么我都渴望见到我心爱的姑娘。(be eager to)

3.穿着这套服装开车时,这位经理感觉很自在。(at ease)

4.令人尴尬的是,面试她的雇主是她的前男友。(to one’s embarrassment)

5.那个喜欢作弄人的导演总是很令人泄气。(enjoy doing)



1. being employed 2. energetic  3. education  4. electrical  5. eagerness  6. employer  7. encouraging  8. elections  9. Drought  10. engagement  


1. discouraged→discouraging 2. embarrassing → embarrassed  3.encouraging→encouraged  4. with→to

5. with→in 6. making→make  7. engages→engage  8. 去掉the  9. drop→dropping  10. effort→efforts


1. is eager to 2. make ends meet  3. came to an end  4. make their living  5. full of energy


1. It’s my duty to satisfy your demand.

2. I am eager to see the girl who I love whatever I do.

3. The manager always feels completely at ease when driving in this dress.

4. To her embarrassment, the employer who interviewed her was her ex-boyfriend.

5. The director who enjoys playing tricks on others is always discouraging.



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