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261. expose /ɪk'spəʊz; ek-/ vt. 暴/显/揭露;使面临,使处于……的影响之下


expose sb's true colours 揭露某人的真面目

expose as 揭露…是

expose for 陈列出来

expose oneself in public 抛头露面

expose to 使暴露于,使遭受

exposure n. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列

【例句】When you expose them, you must think of the outcome. 当你暴露他们时,你就必须想到后果。

【串记】The company feared the exposure of its 

faults, but their products shouldbe exposed to the public.公司害怕揭露它的毛病,但他们的产品必须要曝光。

262. express /ɪk'spres; ek-/ vt. 表达;表示;n. 特快列车,特快专递;a. 特快的;快递的


express as表示为……,以……形式表现出来

express from 从…中榨〔挤出〕

express in 用…表示〔表达〕

expression n. 表达/示;表情,神色;措辞,语句

expressive a. 富有表情的,有表达/现力的

【例句】He expressed his thoughts in clear and fitting language.他用明白恰当的言语表达他的思想。

【串记】The director expressed himself by using his expressive expression. 导演用他富有表现力的表情来表达他自己。

263. face /feɪs/ n. 脸;表面;vt. 面向/朝;面对/临


(1)be faced with面临,面对

face up to 勇敢面对

(2)make a face 做鬼脸

face to face 面对面

in (the) face of 面对;在……面前

lose one's face 丢脸

to sb.'s face当着……人面

facial a. 面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的

【例句】①France is Europe's third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.法国是欧洲第三大国家,隔英吉利海峡与英国遥相对望。

②I suggest we should communicate with our friends face_to_face instead of sending text messages so that we can maintain our friendship.


③He showed great courage in_(the)_face_of danger. 面对危险,他表现出了巨大的勇气。

④He won't face_up_to_the_fact that he is too old for the job. 他年龄太大不适合这项工作,但却不愿面对这个事实。

【串记】In the face ofdifficulty, we should face up to it instead of making a face  face-to-face. 面对困难时,我们应该勇敢地面对它,而不是面对面地做鬼脸。

264. fact /fækt/ n. 事实;实际;真相


in fact事实上,其实

as matter of fact事实上,其实

in point of fact事实上,实际上

matter of fact实际情况,真相

factual a. 事实的; 真实的

【例句】The fact is that you made so many mistakes.事实是你犯了这么多错误。

【串记】 As a matter of fact, the book is full of factual knowledge. 事实上, 这本书满是事实性知识。

265. fail /feɪl/ v. 失败,不/未能(反succeed);不及格(反pass);衰退;出故障,失灵;使失望


(1)fail to do...未能做……

fail in...在……失败

(2)failure n.衰退,衰竭;失败;故障;失败的人(事)

end in failure以失败告终

heart failure心脏衰竭

【例句】①She never fails to write me every week. 她永不忘记每周给我写信。

②We were confused by his failure to answer the letter. 他没能回答这封信,我们很困惑。



(2)failure后可接不定式作定语,但不接of doing...。

【串记】Failure of one causes all to fail. 一个的失败导致所有的失败。

266. fair /feə/ a. 公平的,合理的(反unfair);a. (肤色)白皙的;(人)白肤金发的;n. 集市;庙会;展览会


fairly ad. 相当地;公平地;简直

fairy n. 仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘

【例句】 I don’t think that is quite fair. 我认为那是相当不公平的。

【串记】The judges should treat the fairfairyfairly. 裁判们应当公平地对待那个皮肤白皙的小仙女。

267. fall /fɔːl/ n.(美)秋季(同 autumn);n. & vi. 倒/落(下);下降(同drop,decrease; 反rise, increase);沦陷,衰亡


fall ill/asleep 生病/入睡

fall behind拖欠;落在后面

fall down 跌倒;失败;倒塌

fall for迷恋;信以为真

fall in love with爱上

fall off 减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

fall over 被绊倒

【例句】Please get up immediately you fall down. 跌倒后马上爬起来。

【串记】If you fall for a girl in fall, maybe you will fall in love with her. In that case, you’ll fall behind in study andfall illwhen she refuses you. 如果你秋天迷恋上一个女孩,那可能是你爱上了她。如果那样的话,你在学习上可能要落后,她拒绝你后,你可能还要生病。

268. familiar /fə'mɪlɪə/ a. 熟悉的  


sb. be familiar with...某人对……熟悉

...be familiar to sb. ……为某人熟悉

familiarity n. 熟悉,精通;亲密;随便

【例句】①You seem to be familiar with this city. 你似乎对这个城市很熟悉。

②Is the computer software they use familiar to you? 他们使用的计算机软件是否熟悉?

【串记】The traverlleris familiar with you but he doesn’t trust you, which means that familiarity doesn’t necessarily imply deep friendship. 这位旅行者熟悉你但不信任你,意思时熟悉并不一定意味着深厚的友谊。

269. famous /'feɪməs/ a. 著/出名的(同well-known)


be famous among 在…中享有盛名

be famous as 以…著称;作为…而出名

be famous for 因…而闻名

famous throughout the world 世界闻名

fame n. 名声/望/气vt.使……闻名,使有名望

be famed for以……闻名

be famed as以……闻名

come to fame成名

【例句】①The area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区作为绿茶的产地而出名。

②France is famous for its fine food and wine.法国以它的美酒和佳肴闻名于世。

【串记】Our hometown’s fame spreads far, because it is famous for many fruits and it is famous as a land of flowers. 我们家乡的声名远扬,因为盛产很多水果而著名,它也作为鲜花之乡而出名。

270.far /fɑː/ (farther/further, farthest/furthest) a.& ad. 远(的);(程度)得多,远远


as/so far as 到…那么远,远至;(表示程度或范围)就…,尽…,至于

as/so far as I know/c an remember/see就我所知道/记得/明白

by far …得多(与比较级或最高级连用)

far from ad. 远离;远非;完全不

go as/so far as to do sth. 竟然做某事

so far 到目前为止,迄今为止

【例句】①The most obvious goal of a college education is to give knowledge, but it is far from the most important.大学教育最显著的目标是授予知识,但这远不是最重要的。

②Far from helping the situation, you have just made it worse.你非但对情况没有帮助,反而使它更糟糕了。

③Beijing is far away from our hometown. 北京离我们的家乡很远。

【串记】As far as I know, we have finished the days far from homeworkso far. 就我所知,到目前为止,没有家庭作业的日子一去不复返了。

【辨析】far, distant, remote

far普通用词,常指空间上的远距离,间或也指时间上的距离;除此之外还可指程度上的“远”; distant指时间上、空间上的遥远,也可指亲属关系上的疏远;当指极大的距离时用distant,不用far。


271. fault /fɔːlt; fɒlt/ n. 缺点,毛病;责任,过错


(be)at fault有毛病(错误、故障)

find fault(with)找……的岔子,挑剔,对……吹毛求疵

to a fault过分,过度

overlook sb.’s fault忽视某人的过错

faultless a. 完美的;无缺点的

faulty (多指机器、仪器等)有毛病的,不合格的;有缺点的,不完善的

【例句】His only fault is that he lacks ambition.他惟一的缺点是没有雄心壮志。

【串记】Don't find fault with the faultless girl. 不要挑剔这个完美的女孩了。

272. favour /'feɪvə/ (美favor) n. 恩惠;好意;帮助;支持,赞同;vt. 较喜欢


(1)ask sb.a favour = ask a favour of sb.


do a favour for sb. = do sb.a favour


in one's favour 有利于某人

in favour of 支持;赞同;有利于

(2)favourable adj. 赞同的;有利的

favourite adj.& n. 特别喜爱的(东西)

fortune's favo(u)rite幸运儿

【例句】①Most of the teachers are in favour of the new teaching method.大部分老师都赞同这种新的教学法。

②Even though we have some trouble right now, I think the final result will be in our favour.即使现在还有些问题,我想最后结果还是会对我们有利的。

Could you do me a favour and turn off that light? 你能帮我个忙,关掉那盏灯吗?

【串记】Would you pleasedo me a favour to bein favour of my favourite performance that isin my

favour? 你能帮我个忙去支持一下对我有利的我最喜欢的节目?

273. fear /fɪə/ n. & v. 害怕;恐惧;担忧


fear to do sth.害怕做某事

for fear of(doing)(for fear that或lest)惟恐,以免

in fear of害怕,为……担忧

fearful a. 可怕的;担心的;严重的

fearless a. 不怕的;无畏的;大胆的

【例句】①Don't fear to tell the truth.不要害怕说出真实情况。

②He put on his coat for fear that he(should)catch cold.他穿上外衣,以免着凉。

【串记】As a fearless soldier, there is nothing fearful to fear. 作为一名无畏的士兵,没什么好怕的事情去担心。

【点津】1.在口语中常用be afraid来代替fear,fear较正式。2.for fear that后的从句应用虚拟语气,谓语用(should+)动词原形。

274.feed /fiːd/ (fed,fed) vt. 喂食;饲养;养活;进食


feed on以……为食




be fed up with 对…感到厌烦

feedback n. 反馈;成果,资料;回复

【例句】①Owls feed on mice and other small animals. 猫头鹰以老鼠和其他小动物为食。

②Please feed some grass to the cow. 请给奶牛喂些草。

③She is fed up with his lies,so she won’t believe in him any longer. 她受够了他的谎言,所以她不再相信他了。

【串记】Our designeris fed up with the result that you fed back yesterday. 我们的经理对你们昨天反馈回来的结果感到厌烦。

275. feel /fiːl/ 触,摸;link v. 摸起来; 感到,感受到;觉得,认为


feel about(for)摸索着寻找

feel at home在家中般轻松自在

feel it (to be) …to do sth. 觉得做某事

feel like doing sth. 想要做某事,愿意做某事

feel one's way用手摸索前进

feel out试探出,摸清

feel up to 觉得能担当(胜任)

feeling n. 感觉/觉;感情,情绪;同情

feelings n.感觉;情感;意见(feeling的复数)

【例句】①He feels very happy at the news.听到这消息他非常高兴。

②I feel it my duty to do so.我认为这样做是我的责任。

【串记】At my uncle’s, I feel at home, because I feel quite myself and I feel like doing my favourite thing.在我叔叔家,我感觉很自在,因为我感觉很好,并且可以做我最想做的事情。

foot [fʊt] n. 脚;英尺;最底部


at the foot of 在…下部,在…脚下

beyond a few feet 数英尺以外

from head to foot 从头到脚

on foot 步行,在进行中

jump/leap to one's feet跳起来

rise to one's feet 站起身

struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来

stand on one's own feet 自立,经济上独立

set foot on/in 进入,踏上

【例句】①I saw two boys rising to their feet at the same time to answer the question. 我看见两个男孩正同时站起来回答问题。

②The man struggled to his feet and went on walking forward. 那个人费劲地站起来继续向前走去。

③The overseas Chinese are very glad to set foot on their homeland. 华侨们非常高兴地踏上祖国的土地。

276. fight /faɪt/ (fought,fought) n.& v. (与……)打仗/架;争论,抵制,与……作斗争


fight for为……而战斗(斗争)

fight against为反对……而斗争

fight with与……(一起)作战

fighter n. 战士,斗争者;斗士;奋斗者;好战者

fighting v. 打架/仗;争论;奋力灭火(fight 的现在分词);a. 战斗的;好战的;n. 战斗

【例句】They are fighting for freedom and independence.他们正在为自由和独立而战争。

【串记】During the fighting, the fighters fought for the freedomagainst the enemies. 在战争中,是战士们为了自由同敌人展开作战。

277. figure /'fɪgə/ 数字,算数;体形,身材/影;人物/士;画/塑像;图表;计算;认为,估计


keep one's figure保持身材

figure in 把……列入计算/考虑范围

figure out 想出,理解;弄明白,看透

figure on 期待;指望;依赖

figure up把……总加起来,计算

【例句】①How does the beauty keep her figure? 这位美女是怎样保持身材的?

②I can't figure out what it is that makes him so depressed recently.我捉摸不透最近什么事让他情绪这么低落。

【串记】I couldn't figure out how she managed to keep her figure. She told me she figured on the daily exercise. She figured that exercise was the best way to lose weight. 我不明白她是怎么保持身材的。她告诉我她每天都在锻炼。她认为运动是减肥的最好方法。

278. fill /fɪl/ vt. 填充,装/充满


(1)be filled with充满着……

fill in/out填写


fill up填满

(2)be full of装满……

to the full充分地

in full完全地;完整地

【例句】①Those who apply for the position are expected to fill in/out the application form. 申请该职位的人应填写申请表。

②He enjoyed life to the full.他尽情地享受生活。

【串记】Please fill in the blank with different parts of speech of “fill” to fill up the list. 请用不同的“fill”的词性来填满这张清单上的空白处。

【辨析】be filled with“充满,装满”,强调外界因素,着重行为的过程和结果,be full of也有此意,但着重表示“满”的状态。

279. find /faɪnd/ (found, found) (意外)发现,找到;认为,发觉;发现物


find out 找出,查明; 发现,揭发

find sb./sth. doing/done/adj.发现某人/某事做/完成/ 处于……状态

find sb./sth. adj./n. to do 觉得某人/某事做起来……

find it adj./n. to do sth. 觉得某人/某事做起来……

finding n.(常复)发现,发现物,调查(或研究)的结果

【例句】①Can you find food and lodging for my friend?你能为我朋友提供食宿吗?

②She found(that)no one could answer the question.她发现没有人能回答这个问题。

【串记】Our manager finds it difficult to find so many findings in such a short time. 我们的经理觉得很难在这么短的时间内找到这么多的调查结果。

280. fine /faɪn/ a. 细的;晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的;ad. 很好;n. & v. 罚款

【例句】My secretary feels fine today. 我的秘书今天感觉很好。

【串记】The traveller pretended to be fine although he was fined 200 yuan because of over-speed. 尽管这位旅行者因超速被罚200元,他还是假装很好。

【点津】 “晴天”在口语中可用fine,fair,nice,clear up。其中fine为最常用语,fair常用于天气预报中.The weatherman says it’s going to be fair today.天气预报说今天将是晴天。clear up用于天气转晴,放晴。



1. The employee must work hard at his work because he doesn’t want to be a      (fail).

2. The majority of the students feel       (nerve) before the final examination.

3. The girls are fed up      the behaviour of the naughty boy in class.

4. The predictor is in favour of your constructive       (suggest).

5. As far as I am        (concern), it will take me 4 hours to finish today’s homework.

6. It being fine today, the travellers feel like        (travel)with their colleagues.

7. Stop       (find) fault with everything the performers do!

8. The discoverer is familiar with the Canadian who can speak Chinese        (fair) well.

9. Babies’ have great difficulty in          (express) themselves.

10. Tony       (fall) in love with his wife the first time he saw her at a party.


1. His mother said angrily “I have had enough” when he failed his test.

2. There is an evidence that the young student has figured out the problem assigned by the professor.

3. Having grown in the rural area, he is fairly familiar to the country life.

4. The inventor was having a face-to-face talk with a fame fighter at this time of yesterday.

5. I’d appreciate it if you could do something to my favour in the face of trouble.

6. Everyone easily feels tiring from doing what they are tired of.

7. As matter of fact, the employees have just signed an agreement with the company.

8. The slow learners had some difficulty in finishing the task so far.

9. The girl’s eyes were filled of fear and tears in the face of the danger.

10. Our physics teacher found him laugh all the time when we were having a dictation.


1. I’d like you to                          (帮忙)to buy a ticket for me.

2. Our headmaster                    (对…熟悉)all the students in my class.

3. Can you              (理解)the puzzle put forward by the instructor?

4. The fashionable lady              (想要做)taking a photograph with her favourite star.

5. My parents are                     (支持)the plan that I will go on a trip to Hainan.


1. 青少年不能接触毒品, 因为他们容易上瘾。(be exposed to; be addicted to)

2. 填好表格,明天交上来。(fill in)


4.事实上,你的搭档在给雇主找茬。(in fact, find fault with)

5.面临着困难,发现者们都是无畏的战士。( be faced with)



1. failure 2. nervous  3. with  4. suggestion  5. concerned  6. travelling  7. finding  8. fairly  9. expressing  10. fell


1. fails→failed 2. 去掉an 3. to→with  4. fame→famous  5.to→in  6. tiring→tired  7. matter 前面加a  8. had前面加have   9. of→with或filled→full  10. laugh→laughing


1. do me a favour 2. is familiar with  3. figure out  4. feels like   5. in favour of


1. Teenagers can’t be exposed to drugs because they are addicted to them easily.

2. Fill in the form and hand it in tomorrow.

3. The newly-built expressway is straight and smooth.

4. In fact, your partner is finding fault with the employer.

5. Faced with difficulty, the discoverers are fearless fighters.



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[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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