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301.(got,got/gotten) 得/收/挣到;取/带来;购买;患上;使,让;link v. 变得,成为


get sb./sth. done让某事被做;完成某事

get sb. to do sth.让某人去做某事

get about徘徊,走动

get across度过,通过;说服

get along/on with与……相处

get around/round四处走走;逃避;流传

get at到达;暗示;发现

get away离开;逃脱

get away from离开;逃脱;摆脱

get away with做(错事)而未被发觉/未受惩罚

get back取回;归还

get by 通过;设法;被疏忽

get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧;下降;

get down to (doing) sth. 开始做某事

get in进入,陷入;牵涉

get into进入;卷入

get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动车

get on上车;穿上;进步;相处

get out 走开;把……弄出来;泄露

get over越过;恢复;克服

get through到达;完成;通过;合格

get to到达;开始;接触到

get together积累;商谈;取得一致意见

get up起床

get-together n.聚会

【例句】①He isn't good at talking but he gets on/along well with other people.他不善言辞,但是他与其他人相处得很好。

②Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。

③Luckily, he got through the exam and his efforts paid off.幸运的是,他通过了考试,他的努力有了好结果。

④A number of people are trying to get away from the noise and dirt in the city.很多人正在努力摆脱城市的喧嚣和灰尘。

【串记】It’ s quite easy to get around London. So, don’t worry, we’ll get along without you and we’ll try and get off straight after lunch.  Whatever, I’ ll talk to you when I get back. Actually, we need to get down to some serious talking. 伦敦出行很容易的,所以,你别担心,没有你我们也能应付,并且我们会在午饭后马上离开。不管怎样,我回来后再和你谈。事实上,我们也需要认真谈谈。

302. give /gɪv/ (gave, given) v./n. 给,给予,提供;赠送,授予;举办/行


give away 放弃;分发;泄露

give back 归还;反射;恢复

give in 屈服;让步

give off 发出;长出

give out 发出;公布;用尽

give up 放弃;交出

given a. 特/指定的;prep. 考虑到  

given that 考虑到,如果

【例句】①The argument went on for hours because neither side would give in.因为双方都不肯让步,争论持续了几个小时。

②She gave the answer away accidentally.她无意中泄露了答案。

③He has refused to give out any information on the matter.他已拒绝发表有关此事的任何消息。

④You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year.你应该戒烟,我去年就戒掉了。

303. go /gəʊ/ v. & n. 走,去;去(从事);运转,进展;消失,流逝;link v. 成为,变成


go about 着手做;四处走动

go after 追逐

go against 反对;违背

go ahead 前进;继续

go away 离开;走掉

go back to 回去;追溯到

go by 经过;过去

go down下降,沉默

go for 支持;赞成

go in for 喜欢;参加;赞成

go into 进入;加入;变得

go off 走开;爆炸

go on 继续;接下去

go out 出去;熄灭;离开;退休

go over 温习;检查;越过

go round/around 走来走去;四处走动

go through 审查;履行;通过;经历;忍受

go through with 完成,实行;把…进行到底

go to 转到;定位;去参加

go up 走;达到;运转;趋于

go with 伴随;与…相配;和交朋友

go without 没有…也行

go wrong 出毛病;弄错;发生故障

【例句】①Meat soon goes bad in hot weather if it isn't put in the fridge.


②He has gone through a lot of hardship and become stronger. 他经历了许多艰难困苦,变得坚强了。

③If you go in for a particular activity, you decide to do it as a hobby or interest. 如果你参加某项活动,你决定把它作为一种爱好或兴趣。

【串记】I used to go around with a bad crowd. Afterwards, I felt so sick with them and I just wanted to go back to bed. At the same time, I found that ignoring the crime problem won’t make it go away. When I grow up, I need to choose a job. I never really went in for study. So, So I chose to be a nurse. Actually, I always wanted to go into nursing. 我过去常和一群坏家伙混在一起。之后,我和他们在一起就不舒服,我只想回去睡觉。同时,我发现忽视犯罪问题并不能解决问题。当我长大了,我需要选择一份工作。我从未真正喜欢学习。所以,所以我选择了做一名护士。事实上,我一直想从事护理工作。

304. good /gʊd/a. 好的,高质量的;好心的,善良的;有益的,合适的;擅长的;充足的;n. 好处,利益;善(行)


be good at (doing )sth.擅长…的

be good for有效,适用,胜任

It is no good doing sth. 做某事是没有用的

do good to 对…有益

make good偿付,实现。成功

goodbye int. 再见

goodness n. 善良,美德;仁慈

goods n. 商品;动产

【例句】It was good of you to help them.你真好,帮了他们的忙。

【串记】The quality of the goods is good because the boss has goodness. 这件商品质量这么好是因为老板很善良。


(1)graduate from/at从……毕业

graduate in毕业于……专业

(2)graduation n.毕业

on graduation一毕业

It has been 20 years since we graduated from high school.我们高中毕业已经20年了。

【串记】He graduated in physics from/at Cambridge University. On graduation from college,she got a good job.他毕业于剑桥大学物理专业。他大学一毕业就找到了一份好工作。

305. grow /grəʊ/ (grew, grown) v. 生长;发育;扩大;种植;(逐渐)变成


grow up成长,长大

grow up to be 成长为

grow into (渐渐)成长为

grow on sb. 使(某人)越来越喜爱

grow away from sb.逐渐疏远某人

grown-up a. 成熟的;n. 成年人

growth n. 增长;发展;生长;种植

【例句】①She is growing into a beautiful young woman.她渐渐出落成美丽的姑娘。

②She has nearly grown up and must soon be looking after herself.她已经长大了,不久就要自己照顾自己了。

【串记】You’ ve really grown since I last saw you, and you have grown into a man. 你比我上次见到时长了不少啊,已经长成一个大人了。

306. guard /gɑːd/ n. & v.保/守卫,警卫/戒(人员)


off guard 不提防;不警惕

on guard 警惕;站岗

on (one's) guard against 戒备;防备

bodyguard n. 保镖

guardian n. 监护人;守护者

【例句】①When we go shopping, we should be on guard against pickpockets.当购物的时候, 我们应该提防扒手。

②Don't be off guard! You mustn't tell anything to him.不要放松警惕,你一定不要告诉他任何事情。

【串记】As a bodyguard, you should always be on guard. 作为一个保镖,你要随时保持警惕。

guarantee [ˌɡærən'tiː] vt.保证;担保;为……作担保;使……必然发生 n.保证(书);担保(物);抵押品;保修单


(1)guarantee to do sth.保证做某事

guarantee sth. to sb.guarantee sb. sth.   保证某人得到某物

be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会做某事

guarantee ... against/from ... 保证……免遭……

(2)give sb. a guarantee 给某人保证/承诺

under guarantee 在保修期内

【例句】①They guaranteed to look into the case at once.他们保证马上调查此案。

②Can you guarantee the watch to keep good time?你能保证这表走得准吗?

③ If you yell at him, he's guaranteed to_do (do) the opposite of what you want.如果你冲他大喊大叫,他肯定会跟你对着干。

④ Can you give_me_a_guarantee that the work will be finished on time? 你能向我保证工作会按时完成吗?

307. guide /gaɪd/ n. 向导,导游者;指南,手册;v.指/引导


be guided by one's sense of duty 在责任感支配下。

be guideed by sth 以…为领导

guide sb in his studies 指导某人学习

guide sb to sth引到…

guidance n. 指导,引导;领导

guideline n. 指导方针

【例句】①Teachers should guide students toward a better mastery of the art of writing.老师应当指导学生们更好地掌握写作技巧。

②You must not be guided by your feelings.你绝不应让感情来支配你。

【串记】One needs guides and guidelines if we want to be successful. 一个人如果想要成功就需要有向导和指导方针

308. habit /'hæbɪt/ n. 习惯,习性


be in the habit of 有…的习惯

get out of/break/kick the habit of 改掉…的习惯

fall into/get into/develop/form the habit of 养成…的习惯

out of habit 出于习惯

habitat n. 住房;栖息地

【例句】Some grown-ups are in the habit of lying to my friends. 有些成年人对朋友撒谎的习惯。

【串记】I stay up late out of habit, but I'm trying to break the habit. 我熬夜是出于习惯,但是我正试图改掉这个习惯。

【辨析】habit, custom

这两个词都有“习惯,习俗,风俗”的意思。其区别是:custom指群体经过一段时期不断沿用而变成的习惯或惯例; habit指某个人反复地做某种动作,久而久之形成的自然习惯或习性,行动时不用思索。常指不好的习惯,而custom则常指良好的习惯。

309. hand /hænd/n. 手;指针;人手;v. 帮助;递交


at hand在近处,在手边;即将到来

by hand用手,用体力

in hand在进行中,待办理;在掌握中

on hand在手边,在场,临时

on(the)one hand……on the other hand一方面……另一方面……

give / lend sb.a hand给予(某人)帮助

hand back交还

hand down把……传下去

hand in交上,交出

hand in hand手拉手,同时并进地,密切关联地

hand on依次,传递

hand off请勿动手,不许碰

hand out分发,发给

hand over交出,移交,让与

Hands up!举起手来!

clap one’s hands拍手

raise one’s hand举手

shake hands握手

wave one’s hand挥手

handbag n. 手提包

handful n. 少数;一把;

handkerchief n. 手帕;头巾,围巾

handle n. 把手;柄

handshake n. 握手

handsome a. 英俊的;可观的;大方的

handwriting n. 笔迹;书法/写;手稿

handy a. 有用的;便利的

【例句】①I would like a job which pays more, but on the other hand, I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment. 我想要一份报酬更多的工作,但另一方面,我喜欢我现在的工作。

②When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 当他写作时,他总是手里拿着一本字典。

③People in different parts of the world should work hand in hand to fight against pollution. 世界不同地区的人们应该携手同场,与污染作斗争。

④Students who write notes by hand during lectures perform better on exams than those who use laptops. 在讲课时用手写笔记的学生比使用笔记本电脑的学生在考试中表现更好。

【串记】The man with the handbag is really handsome and his handwriting is very nice. I want to know him. Fortunately, you found his handkerchief. Maybe we should hand it back. 那个拿着手提包的男子真英俊,而且字也很好看。我想认识他。幸运的是,你找到了他的手帕。也许我们应该把它还给他。

310. hang /hæŋ/(hanged, hanged) v. 处绞刑;上吊;下垂 (hung,hung) v. 悬挂,吊着;把……吊起


hang about/around徘徊;闲荡

hang out 挂出;闲逛

hang on 坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放(同hold on)

hang up 挂断电话;搁置,拖延

【例句】①The line was engaged and the operator asked if I'd like to hang on.电话占线,话务员问我是否愿意稍等一下。

②After I hung up, I realized I forgot to ask him his telephone number. 挂断电话后,我意识到我忘了问他的电话号码。

③I hung about/around the station for an hour but he never showed up. 我在车站周围闲逛了一个小时,但他从未出现过。

【串记】She hung up and hung around anxiously. 她挂断电话焦急的在周围徘徊。















311. happen /'hæp(ə)n/ vi.(偶然)发生(同occur)


as it happens〔happened〕碰巧 by chance

happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事

it happens that 从句 碰巧……

happening n. 事件,意外发生的事

【例句】I happened to have no money with me.(=It happened that I had no money with me.)恰巧我没带钱。

【串记】There have been reports of strange happenings in the town. At this moment, I happened to see James in town. 镇上不断传出有怪事发生。就在这时,我碰巧在镇上遇见詹姆斯。

【辨析】 happen/take place/occur

happen“发生”通常指具体事物的发生,常带有意外和偶然性,happen是普通用词;take place“发生”往往强调所发生的事物是事前已有安排;occur是正式用词,表示具体或抽象事物的发生,可以是意外的,也可以是意料或计划之中的,所指的事物和时间都是比较确定的。注意:当表示具体事情的名词作主语时,用happen和occur都可,如果不是表示具体事情的词则多用happen。在否定句里一般用occur。

312. happy /'hæpɪ/ a. 幸福的;快乐的,高兴的


be happy to do sth. 乐意做某事

be happy about/at/with 因……感到高兴;对…感到满意

happily ad. 快乐地;幸福地

happiness n. 幸福

【例句】①She was not happy with his work and made him do it again.她对他做的活不满意,让他重做了一遍。

②We’ll be happy to help if you need.如果你需要,我们将很乐意帮助你。

【串记】On the whole, I’ m happy with the way I look, because it brings me happiness.  总体来说,我对自己的外貌比较满意,因为它给我带来了幸福。

313. hard /hɑːd/ ad. 努力地;使劲;猛烈地;a. 硬的;困难的,艰难的;猛烈的;冷酷的,严格的


be hard at在……下功夫

be hard on对……过分严厉,难为……

be hard to do(难做的)

have a hard time doing sth. 很难做某事

harden v. 使…变硬;

hardship n. 困苦;苦难;

hardware n. 计算机硬件

hardworking/hard-working a. 勤/奋勉的

【例句】It is hard to believe that she's only nine. 很难相信她只有九岁。

【串记】Tom is a hard-working man and he suffered many hardships during that long winter. Eventually, he invented computer hardware. 汤姆是个勤奋的人,在那个漫长的冬季,他吃了很多苦头。最终,他发明了计算机硬件。

314. harm /hɑːm/ n. & v. 伤害;损伤(同damage)


come to harm受到损害

do sb.harm对某人伤害,伤害某人(其反义词组do sb.good对某人好处)

do more harm than good弊大于利

there is no harm in doing做某事无害

harmful a. 有害的;能造成损害的

be harmful to对…有害

harmless a. 无害的;无恶意的

【例句】I believe that no one can harm you but yourself. 我相信没有除了自己没人能伤害你。

【串记】Insects are classified as harmful and harmless. 昆虫被分为有害的和无害的。

【辨析】harm, damage, hurt, injure, wound

这组词的共同意思是“损害,损伤”。damage表示损害了表面,损害了人或物的某个部分或使之完全失掉用途; harm表示人的心理、健康、权力或事业上的损害,程度较轻; hurt多用来表示伤害身体或某一部位,或表示剧烈的疼痛或精神上受到伤害; injure表示身体或精神上各种性质及任何程度的伤害,多表示意外受伤; wound主要指在战斗中武器或凶器等造成的外伤或剧烈的痛苦。

harmony ['hɑːməni] n融洽,一致;协调


(1)in harmony with ...与……协调

out of harmony with ... 与……不协调

live in harmony 和睦相处,和谐共处

(2)harmonious adj. 和谐的,和睦的;协调的

【例句】①We must ensure tourism develops in harmony with the environment. 我们必须确保旅游业与环境相协调。

②When children grow up, their ideas will be out of harmony with their parents. 当孩子长大后,他们的想法会与父母不和谐。

③You should create a harmonious environment to get along with others, which can help you greatly. 你应该创造一个和谐(和谐)的环境,与他人相处,这可以大大帮助你。

④The “Chinese Dream” is a dream to improve people's well­being and a dream of harmony, peace and development.


【串记】Social harmony is very important to us. Only if people live in harmony with each other can we have a harmonious society . It is also very important to be in harmony with nature. If we are out of harmony with nature, it will punish us in turn. 社会和谐对我们非常重要。只有和睦相处,才能有一个和谐的社会。与自然和谐相处也是非常重要的。如果我们与自然不和谐,就会反过来惩罚我们。

315. have /həv;hæv/ v. 有;进行,做;持,喝,抽(烟);使,令,让  


(1) have sth.done使,让(某事被人做、遭遇、做完、解决等,自己也可能参加)

have sb.do sth. 要,叫,使(某人做某事)

have sb.doing sth. 让,使(某人做某事)

have sb./sth.+副词(或介词短语)使(某物(人)处于某种状态),请(某人到某处)

have+ sb./sth.+adj.让,使(某人(物)处于某种状态)

(1)have a good time玩得很愉快

have back要回,收回


have……to do with和……有关

had better(or best)(+do)最好……

have to do必须,不得不

【例句】①He had one of his legs broken while playing football.踢足球时,他摔断了一条腿。

②Don't be worried. I'll have Tom help you finish the work.别担心,我会让汤姆帮你完成工作。

③I can't have you speaking  to your mother in a rude manner. You must apologize to her immediately.我不允许你用粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。

④I have a lot of reading to complete before the end of this term.在这个学期结束前,我要读完很多书。

316. head /hed/ n. 头(部);前端;头脑,才智;首脑/长;v. 动身,出发;率领


head for驶向,向……方向前进

head on迎面,迎头

hold one’s head high 趾高气扬;扬眉吐气

lose one's head慌乱,仓皇失措,不知所措

keep one's head保持镇静

headache n. 头疼

heading n. 标题;(足球)头球;

headline n. 大标题,内容提要

headquarters n. 总部

headmaster/headmistress n. (中小学的)男/女校长

head teacher n. 中小学的校长/班主任

ahead ad. 朝前地,在前面

ahead of 在…之前

go ahead前进;做/说/干吧

【例句】We should head for the cinema early. 我们应该早点动身去电影院。

【串记】The headmaster had a headache because he couldn't think of the heading. 这个校长因为想不出标题而头痛。

317. health /helθ/n. 健康;卫生


have good health身体健康


To your health!祝你健康j(敬酒的用语)

healthy a. 健康的/不健康的(反unhealthy)

【例句】The guard works out to stay healthy. 这个卫兵锻炼身体以保持健康。

【串记】Although he is in poor health, he has health insurance. 虽然他身体不好,但是他有医疗保险。

318. hear /hɪə/ v. (heard, heard) 听见/说


hear about(of)听到,听说

hear from接到……的信

hear of(与will not连用)不允许,不愿

hearing n. 听力/觉;审/听讯

【例句】You should shout to her so that she can hear you. 你应该向她大声喊叫,这样她才能听见你。

【串记】He heard something about his father's health. Until later he heard from his mother that his father had lost his hearing. 他听说他父亲身体不好。直到后来,他从母亲那里得知他父亲的听力已经丧失。


这两个词的共同意思是“听”。其区别是:hear强调听的结果——“听到”; listen强调听的动作——“倾听”,而不管是否“听到”。

319. heart /hɑːt/n. 心(脏);心形;内心,心/感情;核/中心


at heart在内心,实质上

break one’s heart 使某人人伤心/心碎

by heart牢记,凭记忆

learn by heart记住,背诵

heart and soul全心全意

lose heart丧失勇气,失去信心

heartily ad.由衷地,诚恳地; 完全,十分

hearty a.衷心的,热诚的;精力充沛的;丰盛的

warm-hearted a. 热心的

【例句】①The old lady's heart beats very fast.那位老太太的心脏跳得很快。

②Take heart and go on,you are sure to succeed in the end.鼓起勇气,坚持下去,你最终一定会成功的。

【串记】You are a warm-hearted person and you always serve the people heart and soul. Every time I see you, my heart beats for you. However, your words broke my heart just now and I almost lost heart. 你是一个热心肠的人,你总是全心全意为人民服务。每次见到你,我的心都为你而跳。然而,你刚才的话使我心碎,我几乎失去了信心。

320. help/help/ v. & n.帮/援助;有帮助的人/物;有用


help (sb.) with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事

help sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事;

help (sb.) (to)do sth. 帮助(某人)做某事;

can’t help doing sth./can’t help but do sth. 禁不住做某事/忍不住做某事;

help oneself to 随便吃;自便/取

help sb. out 帮助某人解决难题;帮助

be of help to对…有帮助的

with sb.’s help/with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下helpful a. 有帮助的;有益的

helpless a. 无助的;没用的

【例句】I’ll help you (to)solve the problem.我将帮助你解决那问题。

【串记】He was so helpless that I couldn't help wanting to help him. So, I had to help him out. However, I didn't help him to do itbecauseI can’t help it. 他那么无助,我禁不住想帮助他。所以,我不得不帮助他。但是我没有帮助他做那件事,因为我无能为力。



1. The sportsman has always been perfectly        (health) until now.  

2. My cousin happened        (see) James in town the other day.

3. The lady         (give) a huge bunch of flowers for her fortieth birthday.

4. I had no reason to believe there was anyone within       (hear).

5. A          (grow) number of people are going vegetarian.  

6. His aunt is his legal        (guard). She is responsible for him.

7. Children need moral        (guide) or they can grow unhealthily.

8. Fruit juices can be         (harm) to children's teeth.

9. We want our children to have the best possible chance of        (happy).

10. They watched       (help) as their home went up in flames.


1. The leaflet tells you how to go after making a will.

2. The host poured some wine into a glass and gave it for the guest.

3. Rachel and David are getting marry on Saturday.

4. When did you get back? Did you have the good time in London?

5. The skies grow dark and it began to rain, so we can't make the trip tomorrow.

6. The escaped prisoner was brought back below armed guard.

7. People living nearby are not happy the decision. They are against it

8. I need to entertain someone else, so help you to a pie, please.

9. These men are dangerous so you’ll need to be off your guard.

10. The driver was unable to hang up to his lead. Finally, the car hit a side pole.


1.Things will get easier                       (随着时间推移) .

2. The doorbell rang and she             (朝……走去) the door.  

3. Who                  (警戒) the night the fire broke out?

4. He will              (分发) the leaflets tomorrow.

5. I’ve smoked for years, but I really want to                       (改掉习惯).


1. 她觉察到另一名男子正紧紧抓住栏杆不放。(hang on)

2. 她不能帮忙打扫屋子,因为她正忙着做蛋糕。(can’t help to do)

3. 抱怨生活是没用的,你必须要努力。(It is no good doing)

4. 尽管大多数人对他的雄心壮志不予理睬,但他没有失去信心。(lose heart)

5. 你到明天截止明天要上交你的作业。(hand in)



1. healthy  2. to see  3. was given  4. hearing   5. growing  6. guardian  7. guidance  8. harmful  9. happiness   10. helplessly


1. after→about  2. for→to    3. marry→married  4. the→a  5. grow→grew   6. below→under  7. happy^with  8. you→yourself   9. off→on  10. up→on


1. as time goes by  2. headed for  3. was on guard  4. give out  5. break/kick the habit  


1. She was conscious of a second man hanging on to the rail.

2. She can’t help to clean the house because she’s busy making a cake.

3. It is no good complaining about life, you must try your best.

4. Although most people ignored his ambition, he did not lose heart.

5. You should hand in your work by tomorrow.



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新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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