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高考英语核心词汇拓展  Day 19

361. lack /læk/ n. & vt. 缺乏,缺少


lack for需要

lack for nothing什么也不缺

for(from,by,through)lack of因缺乏……而……

a lack of 缺乏,缺少

lacking a. 缺乏的,不足的

be lacking in缺少,没有

【例句】①Her decision seems to show a lack of judgement.她的决定似乎显示出缺乏判断力。

②He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence.他工作不错,但似乎缺乏信心。

【串记】Too many teachers are treated with a lack of respect, So they are lacking in confidence. 有太多老师得不到尊重,因此他们缺乏自信。

362. land /lænd/ n. 陆地;土地;v. 登岸(陆);降落


by land由陆路

land up最后落得(在……),结果……到达(发现在……)

landlord n. 房东,老板;地主

landscape n. 风景;风景画

landing n. 登陆;码头;楼梯平台

main land 大陆

【例句】①In ten minutes the plane will land in Beijing.飞机十分钟后将会在北京着陆。

②They landed up not only having to apologize but also offering to pay.他们最后不但要道歉,还要付出代价。

【串记】There hangs a landscape on the wall of the landlord's house. 在房东家的墙上挂了一副风景画。

363. large /lɑːdʒ/ a.(体/面/容积)巨大的;多的,量大的


by and large大体而论,总的说来

have large hand in在…出了很大的力量

in (the) large一般说来 (generally speaking)

enlarge v. 扩大;放大

【例句】A large number of interviewees lack experience. 大量的参加面试者缺乏经验。

【串记】The country has a large population, and the two-child policy has enlarged the problem. 这个国家人口众多,二胎政策扩大了这个问题。

364. last /lɑːst/ a. 最近的,刚过去的;最后的;最不可能的;ad. 最后;v. 持续;支撑,维持


at last终于

to the last直至最后

every last全部(所有的),一点不留的

last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的lasting a. 持久的;永恒的

【例句】I didn’t read the last chapter of the book. 我没有看这本书的最后一章。

【串记】Last but not least, love lasts forever. 最后但并不是最不重要的,爱是永恒的。

365. late /leɪt/ a. 晚的,迟的;ad. 晚地,迟地 (反early)


early and late从早到晚

early or late迟早

keep late hour晚起晚睡

of late近来,最近

sit(stay)up late深夜不睡

lately  ad. 近来,不久前(同recently)

later ad. 后来;稍后;随后

later on以后,下回

no later than不迟于

sooner or later迟早,总有一天

latest a. 最新的,最近的

at the latest最迟,至迟

latter a. 后者的(反former);近来的

【例句】I was too late by five minutes for the train.我迟到5分钟,未赶上火车。

【串记】Lately, the singer released her latest album. 最近,那位歌手发布她最新的专辑。

366. laugh /lɑːf/ v. 笑; n. 笑声


laugh at嘲笑,看到(听到)……而笑

laugh off一笑了之

have the last laugh获得最后胜利

burst out laughing 突然笑起来;不禁大笑

laughter n. 笑;笑声

burst into laughter突然大笑

【例句】①He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it.他看出她心情不好,想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事。

②Her laugh was as grateful to him as a summer wind.她的笑声对于他好象夏天的风一样令人愉快。

【串记】Although the knowledgeable candidate has always been laughed at, now he has the last laugh. Finally, he sat among the treasures and burst out laughing. 虽然那位渊博的候选人一直被人嘲笑,但现在他笑到了最后。最终,他坐在财宝堆里放声大笑。

367. lay vt. (laid,laid)  放,搁(同place);布置,安排;下(蛋),产(卵)


lay aside把……留待后用,放弃,搁置一旁;收藏;储蓄(存),保留

lay down放下,铺(敷)设,建造(船只等);lay off临时解雇,休息(假)

lay out陈设,陈列;安排,布置;设计,编排,计划;为……划样(定线);展开

lay over推迟;中途下车

lay stress(emphasis)on(upon)强调

lay up储存;收费;病倒(在床);引起,增添(麻烦等);闲置不用,暂停使用

layer n. 层,层次

【例句】①He laid his hand on my shoulder.他把手放在我的肩上。

②They laid stress on the quality of their products.他们强调产品质量。

【串记】There were too many layers of management in the company. So 100 of the staff will be laid off to reduce the costs. 这家公司管理层太多。因此,100名工作人员将被解雇以减少成本。


368. lead /li:d / n. 铅;领先;v. (led,led) 通向;领导,带领;领先;致使,导致


give a lead起带头作用

in the lead在前头,领先

lead aside留起。放在一边

lead in引进

lead off开始,先做,首先

lead the fashion创立新式样,开创新风尚

lead the way(to)引路,带路到……

take the lead带头,领先

lead to 通向;导致

leader n. 领导者;首领

leadership n. 领导能力;领导阶层

leading a. 领导的;主要的

【例句】Eating too much sugar canlead to health problems. 食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。

【串记】The leader's leadership is outstanding and he leads many activities. However, this misjudgment led to the team's defeat. 这个领导者的领导能力很突出,很多活动都是他带的头。然而,这次的判断失误导致了队伍的失败。

369. learn/lɜːn/v. 学习/会;领悟,认识到;获悉,得知


learn …by heart记住,记熟,背下来

learn (sth.)from向……学习,从……学习

learn of (about)听说,获悉,得知

learn one's lesson吸取教训

learn to do sth. 学做某事

learned a. 博学的,有学问的  

learning n. 学习;学问

learner n. 初学者,学习者

【例句】The student will learn from experience about the importance of planning. 学生将从经验中学到制订计划的重要性。

【串记】The learner has been learning from the learned elder, he not only learned to think, but also learned a lot of knowledge. 这个初学者一直在向有学问的长者学习,他不仅学会了思考,而且学到了很多知识。

370. leave /liːv/ (left,left) v. 离开;把…留下,剩下;使处于;造成,留下;遗忘,丢下;把…交委托给;n. 休假


leave alone不干扰,不干预,不理会

leave behind留下,忘带,遗留,先走

leave go放开,放手

leave off停止,中断,放弃

leave out漏掉,遗漏,删除,省略

leave over剩下,留下,使……延期

leave sb./sth. doing sth. 让某人/某事做某事

leave …sb./sth. done adj.& adv. 保持某人/物处于(某种状态)

leave (sw.) for 离开(某地)前往

leave sth. with/to sb. 把…留给某人

on leave 休假;在休假中

leave of absence请假

without leave擅自,私自

【例句】The wound has left a little scar on your face.这创伤在你脸上留下了一个小疤。

【串记】Leave it with Barry, and he took up the story where Justine had left off. So, you can go out on leave. 把这件事交给巴里吧,他接着讲贾丝廷刚才讲的那个故事。这样,你就可以出去休假了。

371. lie /laɪ/v.(lay, lain, lying)躺,平放;位于;存在;(lied, lied) 撒谎;n. 谎言


lie around/about 点缀;到处都是;无所事事

lie down 躺下

lie in 在于

lie to 对…撒谎

tell a lie/lies 撒谎

liar n. 说谎的人

【例句】①Lying is something that I will not tolerate. 撒谎是我所不能容忍的。

②Her charm lies in her intelligence.她的魅力在于她的智慧。

【串记】He is a liar and a cheat and helies to everyone. Yesterday, he told another lie. 他是个骗子,他对每个人都说谎。昨天,他又撒了一个谎。

372. lift /lɪft/ v. 举起,抬起;振奋,鼓舞;(云、烟等)消散;n.(英)电梯(美elevator);搭便车(同ride)


lift one’s hand 举手宣誓

give ab. a lift 让某人搭车;帮某人忙

lift up 举起;激励

【例句】They lifted the injured man onto the bed. 他们把伤员抬到床上。

【串记】Last year, he lifted his hand and swore that he would love her forever. But now he was unwilling to give her a lift. She lifted up her hand to knock on the door once again. 去年,他发誓永远爱她。但是现在他却不愿意帮她的忙。她再次举手敲门。


lift (up) (用手或机器)抬/提/举起(尤指重物);

raise (暂时)抬/提/举起(比lift正式);

pick up 拾起,拿起(尤指小或轻的物体)。

373. light /laɪt/ (lit/lighted, lit/lighted) n.光(线);灯;a. 明亮的;浅色的(反dark);轻的(反heavy);少量的,清淡的(反heavy)


bring sth.to light揭露,暴露

by the light of nature本能地,自然而然地

come to light暴露出来,暴露

in(the)light of根据,按照,鉴于throw(cast)light on使…显得清楚;阐明

light up 照亮;点亮

as light as feather轻如鸿毛

light music轻音乐

to make light of不把……当回事,轻视

lighten v. 减轻;发亮

lighter n. 打火机;驳船;点火者

lightly ad. 轻轻地;轻松地

lightning n. 闪电

【例句】①I can't read while you are standing in my light.你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。

②I advise you to go on a light diet for a while.我建议你一段时间内多吃些清淡的东西。③Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.当她看到他走过来的时候,她的脸亮了起来。

【串记】The leader used a lighter to light upthe light, and at the moment, the light lit up the room. The truths finally come to light. 领导使用打火机轻轻的点亮了灯,一瞬间,灯光照亮了房间。一切终于真相大白。

374. like /laɪk/ vt. 喜欢,喜爱(反dislike) ;prep. 像,跟…一样(反unlike);例/比如


like doing/to do sth. 喜欢做某事

would/should like to do sth.愿意做某事/应该做某事

How do you like……? 你认为……怎么样?

(do)as you like随你喜欢

if you like如果你乐意

feel like想要;觉得要

just like恰像,正像

look like好像,似乎,看来

nothing like无与伦比的,没有什么比得上nothing like as(so)……as……远远不像……那样……,差得远

something like好像,大约,有点(像)

【例句】①I like watching TV,but I don't like to watch it today as I have to finish the work first.我喜欢看电视,但今天我不想看,因为我必须先要做完作业。②Would you like something to drink now?现在你想喝点什么吗?

③What is the weather like in Kunming?昆明的天气如何?

【串记】Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, so would you like to take this job? 每个人都有自己的好恶,所以你愿意接受这份工作吗?

375. likely /'laɪklɪ/ a. & ad. 很可能的/地(反unlikely)


it is likely that 很可能

be likely to do sth. 可能会做某事

not likely 不见得,不大可能

be unlikely to do sth. 不太可能做某事

【例句】Children who live in the country’s rural areas are very likely to be poor. 住在该国乡村地区的孩子大多很贫穷。

【串记】Tickets are likely to be expensive, but the actor is unlikely to appear. 入场券可能很贵,但是这个演员不太可能出场。

376. limit /'lɪmɪt/ n.& a. 限制/定/度


to the utmost limit达到极点

within limits适当地,在一定范围内

without limit无限地

limit …to把…限于(某范围内)

set a limit for 为…设限制

limitation n. 限制;限度;极限

limited a. 有限的

limitless a. 无限制的;无界限的

【例句】We must limit ourselves to one cake each.我们必须限定自己每人一块点心。

【串记】The value is limited to this range, and this proves that nothing is limitless. 数值被限制在这个范围内,这证明了没有什么是无限的。

377. link /lɪŋk/ n.& v. 连接;联系,关联(同connect, connection)


establish a link between A and B建立A与B之间的联系

link A to/with B 把A和B连接/联系起来

be closely linked to与……紧密相连

link up 连接;结合

link up with 与…联合;使与…衔接

link with 将…与…相连;与…联合

【例句】The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.新建的大桥把那个岛与大陆连接起来。

【串记】Newspapers have linked his name with the singer. Actually, this connection is unnecessary. 报纸报道把他的名字与那名歌手连在一起。其实这种联系不是必须的。


378. little /'lɪt(ə)l/a. & ad. 小的,幼小的;少(的),几乎没有的;微不足道的


a little(同a bit)/a little bit 有点;有几分

little by little逐渐,渐渐地

make little of不重视,轻视

not a little相当,许多

quite a little相当多,不少

think little of不在乎,看不起

【例句】There was little change in their daily lives.他们的日常生活几乎没有变化。

【串记】Little by little, he gainedquite a little knowledge about liquor. 渐渐地,他获得不少关于酒的知识。

【辨析】little/a little/ few/ a few

little/a little修饰不可数名词,

few/a few修饰可数名词;


a little和a few表示“有一点,有一些”的意思,带肯定的语气。

379. live /laɪv;lɪv/ vi. 生活;居住;活着;a. 活的,活着的;a. & ad. 实况,现场(直播)的/地


live a/an …life 过着…的生活(同have/lead a/an …life)

live by 以…(方式)为生

live on 以…为食;靠...生活

live through 度过;经受过

live up to 不辜负;做到;实践

live with 忍受;与…同居

life n.生命,性命,生存,

all one’s life一生

a large a life与真人(或原物)一样大的

come to life苏醒过来

to the life逼真地,惟妙惟肖地

lively a. 活泼的;生动的

living a. 活的;现存的;n. 生计;生活方式

make a living /earn one’s living谋生,维持生活

alive a. 活着的;活泼的

【例句】 The playwright makes a living by writing and lives a peaceful life. But he failed to live up to his parents’ expectation.剧作家以写作为生,过着平静的生活。但是他没有达到他的同伴的期望。

【串记】The live program tells a lively example. They lived on barks and lived with hunger until they lived through the hard times. 直播的节目讲述了一个生动的例子。他们以吃树皮为生,一直饿着肚子,直到度过了艰难的日子。

380. load /ləʊd/ n.& v. 负载(物),负荷/担;工作量;装载/填(反unload)


a load of许多,大批,大量,一大堆

loads of很多的

load up with装满(载)

bear a heavy load on one's shoulder(肩)挑重担

download v. 下载

upload v. 上载,上传

【例句】①That is a load off my mind.这就使我卸掉了思想包袱。

②The truck was loaded with bananas.那卡车装载着香蕉。

【串记】This hard disk is loaded with many files. Please choose what you need to download or upload useful materials. 这个硬盘装载了很多资料,请你挑选需要的进行下载,或者是上传有用的资料。




1. He is such a        (learn) professor that everyone respects him very much.

2. Their generosity made a        (last) impression on me.

3. The young director’s        (late) film is one of the funniest he’s ever made.

4. The comment brought piles of        (laugh) from her classmates.

5. Travelling can         (large) your knowledge and horizon.

6. The ripe grapes and other fruits         (lay) on the shelves for sale just now.

7. When we are found out to be a         (lie), it will be shameful.

8. The survivors          (lift) to safety by helicopter.

9. By the street light, the workers         (load) the truck. It became empty and left.

10. There exists no         (limit) power or right, even for a king or an emperor.


1.All of a sudden, the candidate felt a few nervous, lack in confidence in herself.

2. The lawyer became Senator two years late. He had been planning this for a long time.

3. Lao She’s one of the few writers who can make me can’t help laugh.

4. The project involved lay an oil pipeline across the desert.

5. The delay of the flight led to miss the important international conference.

6. I am convinced that the green hand has learned to his latest mistake.

7. Never leave children play near waters unattended because it's too dangerous.

8. The photographer loaded the camera into film and took pictures of them with her camera.

9. The homeless child led a miserable life and had to steal food just to stay living.

10. He is likely visit us if he knows where we live. So let's tidy up the room first.


1. Despite his                  (缺乏) experience, he managed to get the job.

2. Interest in golf has grown rapidly                            (在过去十年).

3. The landing                     (很可能)is likely to succeed.

4. China                     (带头) in declaring war on terrorism.

5. In education, educates are not just taught to                    (谋生).


1. 体育馆的座位限定在 3000个。(be limited to)

2. 学生作业负担重,但是善于安排时间可以减轻负担。(be loaded with, lighten the load)

3. 他停止弹钢琴,应门去了。(leave off)

4. 今天我们要讨论与不良饮食和运动相对缺乏相关的健康问题。(link to, lack of)

5.如果你要去机场,我可以搭顺风车去吗?(give sb. a lift)



1. learned  2. lasting  3. latest  4. laughter   5. enlarge   6. were laid  7. liar  8. were lifted   9. unloaded  10. limitless/unlimited


1. few→ little  2. late→later  3. laugh→laughing   4. lay→laying   5. miss→missing  6. to→from  7. play→playing   8. into→with  9. living→alive  10. 在likely后面加to


1. lack of   2. in/over the last ten years   3. is likely to  4. takes the lead  5. make a living/earn their living  


1. The seating of the stadium is limited to 3000.

2. Students are loaded with heavy homework, but good time management can lighten the load.

3. He left off playing the piano to answer the door.

4. Today we're discussing health problems linked to poor diet and a relative lack of exercise.

5. If you're driving to the airport, can you give me a lift there?



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