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381. locate /lə(ʊ)'keɪt/v. 找出/确定…的位置,位于,坐落于(常用被动态)


be located in/on/…位于;坐落于

locate in定居

location n. 位置;地点

【例句】①Can you locate Paris on the map?你能在地图上找到巴黎的位置吗?

②The business is located in the center of town. 这家商店就在市中心。

【串记】Do you know the location of the Oriental Pearl Tower? It is located in Shanghai. 你知道东方明珠的位置吗?它位于上海。

382. long /lɒŋ/ a. 长的,长期的;ad. 长久;vi. 渴望,盼望


as(或so)long as只要

before long不久,一会儿

for long长久地

long ago很久以前

long before在……以前,很久

no longer/not …any longer不再

as long再见

the long and the short of(it is that)实质是……,总之……,要点

long for 渴望(得到)

long to do sth. 渴望做某事

long-term a. 长期的

length n. 长度,长→lengthen v. 使延长;加长

【例句】①We longed for the summer to be over soon.我们盼望夏天赶快结束。

②What’s the length of the world's longest bridge? 世界上最长的桥有多长?

【串记】A long time ago, you could be successful as long as you work hard. There was a scholar who longed for fame. Then, he no longer wasted his time and he read a book in his room all day long. Before long, he succeeded. 很久以前,你一定能成功只要你努力。有一个书生他渴望获取功名,于是他不再浪费时光,整天都在读书。不久以后,他成功了。

383. look /lʊk/ n. 看, 瞧;表情;样子;(常复)相貌;v. 看,观看,寻找,注意,留神;link v. 看起来,似乎,显得


look about/around/round 四处寻找;考虑;察看

look after照顾 (同take care of, care for)

look ahead (to sth.) 预测未来,计划未来

look at 看;考虑;着眼于

look away from 把目光从…移开

look back 回顾;回头看

look back on/upon 回顾;回忆

look down on/upon 看不起;轻视;蔑视

look for 寻找

look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望(做)某事

look sb. in the eye 正视某人

look into 调查;观察;窥视

look on 观看,旁观;看待

look on/upon …as 把…看作

look out (for) 留心,提防;留意找,设法得到

look sb. up and down 上下打量某人

look through 浏览;温习;看穿,识破

look up 仰望;尊敬;查阅

look up to 尊敬

have/take a look (at) 看一看;检查

【例句】He has learned to look about carefully before making the decision.他学会了在作出决定之前先仔细地考虑一下。

【串记】We're really looking forward to seeing you again. Looking back on the road we have traveled together, some people looked down on us, only you looked up to us. 我们真的很期待再见到你。回首我们一起走过的路,有些人看不起我们,只有你尊敬我们。

【辨析】look/see/watch/ glance

look通常表示主动地、有意识地“看”,侧重指看的行为;see通常指看的客观结果,即“看见”;也有看望之意,相当于vist;还可指看电影;watch也指有意识地看,但往往指仔细地盯着看事物的变化或运动;glance 瞥,看一眼。

384. loose /luːs,lus/ a.松的,宽松的(反tight);v. 松开


at a loose end(at loose ends)投有事做,无所适从

come loose变松,松开;脱出


loosely ad. 宽松地;放荡地;轻率地

loosen v.  放松;松开

【例句】She wore loose garments in the summer.她在夏天穿宽松的衣服。

【串记】Feeling too tight, the kid loosened his shoelaces. 孩子觉得太紧了,就松开了鞋带。

385. lose /luːz/ (lost,lost) vt. 失去,丢失;迷失/路;输掉(反win)


be lost in陷入(沉思等);消失在……中;被……所吸引

be lost on(upon)对……不起作用;未被……领会;未引起注意

lost face丢面子,丢脸

lose heart(courage)灰心,泄气(丧失勇气)

lose no time(in)立即

lose one's temper发脾气,发火

lose one's way迷路

lose oneself迷失方向

lose oneself in sth.专心于,埋头于,致力于lose sight of看不见,忽略

lose weight减肥,减轻体重

loss n. 丧失;损耗;迷茫

at a loss困惑,不知所措;亏本地

【例句】Lost in thought,she did not hear what the men were saying.她在沉思中没有听见人们在说什么。

【串记】His comments left me at a loss for words and I was also lost ina daze. 他的评论让我不知说什么才好,我陷入了迷茫。

386. loud /laʊd/ a. 大声的;ad. 大声地


loudly ad. 大声地,响亮地

aloud ad. 大声地;出声地

loudspeaker n. 喇叭,扬声器;扩音器

【例句】I couldn't hear what he said because the radio was so loud.我听不见他说些什么,因为收音机声音太大。

【串记】They laughed loudly in the live program, and the sound came from the loudspeaker. 他们笑的很大声,这个声音从喇叭中传出来。

387. love /lʌv/ v.爱,热/喜爱(反hate);n. 爱情


be in love with与…恋爱

fall in love with爱上;陷入爱河

love doing/to do sth. 喜欢做某事

would love (sb.) to do sth. 愿意(某人)做某事

showlove for表达对…的爱

lovely a. 可爱的;令人愉快的

lover n. 爱人,恋人;爱好者

【例句】Any teaching activity is a kind of human activity and should show love for humanity. 任何教育教学活动总是为人的活动,应当充满对于人性的关爱。

【串记】The fan fell in love with the footballer the first time she met him. Now he is her lover. The both love to watch movies together on weekends. 粉丝第一次见足球运动员就陷入了爱河。现在他是她的恋人,他们都喜欢在周末一起看电影。

388. luck /lʌk/ n. 运气,好运


bad luck 运气不好,坏运气

try one’s luck 碰碰运气

good luck to you/wish you good luck 祝你好运

good luck (with sh.) 祝……好运

out of luck运气不佳,倒霉

lucky a. 幸运的;侥幸的(反unlucky)  

luckily ad. 幸好,侥幸;幸运地

【例句】He came to Beijing to try his luck.他来到北京,想碰碰运气。

【串记】Luckily, when my lover tried his luck for the first time, he made it. 幸运的是,当我的爱人第一次尝试他的运气时,他成功了。

389. mad /mæd/ a. 发疯的;生气的;狂怒的;狂热的,着迷的(同crazy)


be mad at/with sb. 生某人的气

be mad about对……着迷

drive sb.mad使某人发狂

get mad(at)愤怒

go mad 发疯;失去理智

like mad 疯狂地;猛然地;极度地

madly ad.发狂地;狂热地;愚蠢地

【例句】It was a mad idea to climb the mountain in this bad weather.想在这样恶劣的天气爬山简直疯了。

【串记】I hung up on her. Although I knew she was mad with me, I will go mad. Because that noise is driving me mad. I had to run like mad to get rid of the noise. 我挂断了她的电话。虽然我知道她在生我的气,但我快发疯的。因为那噪音快把我逼疯了。为了摆脱这噪音,我不得不拼命地跑。

390. major /'meɪdʒə/ a. 较大的;主要的(反minor);n. 专业,主修科目;v. 主修,专攻

【拓展】major in 主修

majority n. 多数;成年(反minority n. 少数派;少数民族;未成年)

【例句】I major in English and minor in French.我主修英语,兼修法语。

【串记】The majority major in science. 大多数学生主修理科。

391. make /meɪk/ v. 做,制造,生产;制定,写;挣得;使,让;成为,变成


make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

make sb./sth. done 使某人/某事完成

make …into 把…制成;使…变为

be made of/from 由…所组成/由…制成

make for 朝……行进;对……有好处;有利于

make it做成;成功;及时到达,赶得上

make one’s way 前进;成功

make out(勉强地)看出,听出;理解;填写;辨认出;声称

make sense 有意义,讲得通

make up 组成;编造;化妆;占据

make up for 弥补,补偿

be made up of 由……组成

make up one's mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事

make-up n. 化妆品;补考

【例句】①I could hear voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying.我能听到说话的声音,却听不清他们在说什么。

②In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used in daily conversations.在一些语言中,100个词构成了日常对话使用的所有词汇的一半。

③She determined to work twice as hard as before to make up for the lost time. 她决心比以前努力工作两倍,以弥补失去的时间。

④He had no choice but to make up an excuse to explain his being late. 他别无选择,只能找借口解释他迟到。

⑤Sarah made it to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.莎拉赶到了机场,正好及时赶上了今天早上的飞机。

【串记】I couldn’t make out its raw material, and the make-up is made from wood. I’m so sad, because I made you buy this brand of cosmetics, and it's a fake. So, you can’t wear make-up and I shall make up for you. 我不能辨认出它的原料,这个化妆品是用木头做的。我很难过,因为我让你买这个牌子的化妆品,它是假货。所以,你不能用它化妆,而我要补偿你。

392. manage /'mænɪdʒ/ v. 管理,经营;设法做成;对付,控制;合理利用


manage to do sth.设法做(反fail to do sth. 未能做/没做成某事)

manage without没有(缺少)……而应付过去

manage it能做到

manage sth. 经营/管理……

(2)succeed in doing...成功地做成了……

try to do...努力做……(不一定成功)

management n. 管理;管理人员/部门

manager n. 经理;管理人员

【例句】 ①We managed to finish the work ahead of time.我们设法提前完成了工作。

②In winter, some animals manage to live without eating for many months.在冬天,有些动物几个月不吃东西也能活下来。

③I’ll leave the management of my affairs to you.我要把我的事交给你管理。

【串记】The manager managed to get to the airport in time. 经理设法及时赶到了机场。

393. manner /'mænə/ n. 方式/法,态度,举止;(常复)礼貌/仪


in this manner以这种方式

in like manner同样地

all manner (s)of各式各样的

【例句】You should pay attention to your table manners.你应该注意用餐时的礼貌规矩。

【串记】It is bad manners to stare at others. If you do in this manner, you will offend them. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。如果你这样做,你会冒犯他们的。

394. many /'menɪ/ (more, most) a. 许多,多的;pron. 许多(人)


a great(good)many很多

as many as 和……一样多

how many多少

many a许多的(后面名词用单数,动词也要用单数)

【例句】He knows a great(good)many people in this city.他在这城里认识的人非常(相当)多。

【串记】There were as many as 1000 people at the party. Among those who drank at the party, many a good man has been destroyed by drink. 晚会上有多达1000人。在聚会喝酒的人当中,有许多好人被酒毁了。

395. mark /mɑːk/ n. 标记/志;痕迹,污渍;分数;vt. 标明,作记号于;给…评分


(1)mark ... on ...在……上做记号

mark ... with ... 用……标记……

be marked with 标记着

mark down 记下

mark out 画线标出

mark the beginning/end of 标志着…的开端/结束

(2)get a low/high/full mark得低分/高分/满分

make a mark 做记号

give sb.full marks for(doing)sth.(为某事)赞赏(敬仰)某人

be(fall)beside the mark不中肯,离题

have a mark on喜欢,爱好

make one’s mark获得成功,成名

【例句】①I picked up a copybook yesterday marked with name and class.昨天我捡到了一个标有姓名和班级的抄写本。

②Marking out the courses for the sports meeting gave us much pleasure as well as knowledge.为运动会画比赛跑道带给我们快乐的同时也让我们学到了很多知识。

【串记】This technology marks the beginning of a new era. Teachers won’t have to mark students’ papers one by one or leave any marks on papers. 这项技术标志着一个新时代的开始。老师不需要一个一个地给学生的试卷打分,也不需要在试卷上留下任何记号。

396. marry /'mærɪ/ v. 嫁,娶;和…结婚;(使)成/结婚


(1)marry sb.娶某人/嫁给某人/和某人结婚

marry sb. to sb. 把某人嫁给某人

(2)married adj. 已婚的

get married to sb. 和某人结婚(表示动作)

be married to sb. 和某人结婚(表示状态)

(3)marriage n. 婚姻

by marriage 通过(借助于)婚姻

remarry n. 再婚

【例句】①It soon came out that Peter was going to get married to Alice.不久大家知道了彼得和艾丽斯将要结婚的消息。

②It is the fact that she is English by birth but French by marriage.事实上她是英国血统,但嫁给法国人而入了法国籍。

③My parents got married in the early 1970s, so they have been married for more than 40 years by now.我父母在二十世纪七十年代初期结婚,因此,到目前为止他们结婚已有四十多年了。

【点津】1.marry 不和 with 搭配;marry 和 get married 都是非延续的,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用;be married to sb. 表示状态,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。

2.说“A和B两人的婚姻”时有四种说法:marriage of A and B;marriage between A and B;marriage of A to B;marriage of A with B。

【串记】She thought that her marriage was unhappy because of poverty. So she was determined to marry all of her daughters to rich men. However, her second daughter is married and now the daughter has to remarry after divorce. 她认为她的婚姻不幸福是因为贫穷。所以,她决定把所有的女儿都嫁给有钱人。然而,她的第二个女儿结婚了,现在这个女儿只能离婚后再婚了。

397. master /'mɑːɑːs tə/n. (男)主人;能手,大师;硕士;vt. 精通,掌握


be master of拥有,精通

be master of oneself自制

master’s degree 硕士学位

master of arts/science 文学硕士/理科硕士

mastery n. 精通,掌握

have a good mastery of精通

【例句】We can be a master of ourselves in learning.我们可以做自我学习上的主人。

【串记】My master has a good mastery of computer operation. He got a master's degree in computer science at college. 我的师傅精通计算机操作。他在大学获得了计算机科学硕士学位。

398. match /mætʃ/ vt. 使相配/成对;和……相配/称;匹敌(同equal);与……一致;n. 比/竞赛; 敌/对手(同equal);相配的人/物;火柴




(2)be no match for比不上……,不是……的对手

meet one’s match遇到对手

【例句】①You can’t match him in knowledge of wild plants. 在野生植物的知识上,你无法与他匹敌。

②Then I noticed that he was wearing shoes that did not match. 然后我注意到他穿着不相配的鞋子。

③I was no match for him at chess. 在国际象棋方面,我比不上他。

④We try to match the entertainments with the preferences of the holidaymakers. 我们尽量将娱乐与度假者的喜好相匹配。

【串记】Materially, its material is similar to that of this CPU. It matches this computer. 在物质上,它的材料类似于这个CPU。它和这台电脑很相配。

399. matter /'mætə/ n. 要紧(事);事情;问题;毛病,麻烦事;事态,情况(同things);[U]物质;vi. 要紧,有重大关系(同count)


(1)It matters a lot/a great deal+从句 ……非常重要

It doesn't matter ...没有关系/不重要

What matters is ... 要紧的是……

(2)a matter of ... ……的问题

as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上

What's the matter? (口语)怎么了?

to make matters worse 更糟糕的是

【例句】①So long as you are happy, it doesn't matter how much I will suffer.


②And to make matters worse, its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.


【串记】As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter whether a man is tall, rich or handsome, and what matters is that he should be wise, hardworking and responsible.实际上,男人是否是高富帅并不重要,重要的是他聪明、能干而且有责任心。

400. mean /xmiːn/ (meant,meant) vt. 意味着;意思是,意指;打算;a. 吝啬的,小气的


mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

mean to do sth. 打算做某事

mean a lot/much to sb. 对某人很重要

What do you mean by…? 你说…是什么意思?

means n. 手段;方法

by means of用……办法;借助……

by all means尽一切方法;当然可以

by no means=not by any means绝不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序

meaning n. 意义;含义

meaningful a. 有意义的(反meaningless)

【例句】①Do you mean to tell me you don't care for modern art?你的意思是告诉我你不喜欢现代艺术,是不是?

②Independence does not mean shutting the door to the world.独立自主并不是闭关自守。

③So far,every possible means has been tried,but none worked. 到目前为止,所有可能的方法都尝试过(尝试),但都没有奏效。

④People all over the world are kept informed of what is happening immediately by means of

the Internet.通过网络,世界各地的人们可以随时了解发生的事情。

⑤I’ll forgive you this time,but by no means shall you make the mistake again. 这次我会原谅你的,但你决不再犯错误。

【串记】I didn’t mean to upset you. However, you should know that dieting also means being careful about which foods you buy. You should know what it means to lose weight. If these foods don't make sense to dieters, your approach is meaningless. On the contrary, it is meaningful. 我不是故意让你不高兴的。然而,你应该知道节食也意味着要小心你买的食物。你应该知道减肥意味着什么。如果这些食物对节食者没有意义,你的方法就没有意义。相反,它是有意义的。



1.      (locate) on a lonely island, the temple has few visitors all the year.

2. The waitress fastened the belt       (loose) around her grandmother’s waist.

3. Natural disasters have destroyed too many things, and some families      (lose) everything in the flood.

4.       (luck), the leaders didn’t manage to settle the matter.

5. In the nursing profession, women are in the       (major) because they are patient and kind.

6. The zoo needed better        (manage) rather than more money.

7. Because my sister was crying at dinner, Dad gave us a lecture about table        (manner).

8. She has a complete technical         (master) of her instrument.

9. According to the survey,          (marry) men earn 70 percent more than single men.

10. Lazy as I am, I’m willing to do what I think         (matter).


1. It was hard to find a suitable located for the desert scenes.

2. Could you help me look up my contact lens? I remember putting it on the tea table.

3. Any student who is more than 20 minutes late for class will marked absent.

4. Our value system does not match to their value system.

5. The lazy guy never cleans his room and his mother never makes him to do it.

6. She was fond of history when she was young, and when she grew up, she majored on History at Stanford.

7. The master very good at making things to wasted materials.

8. There are many loopholes in our law, and much people feel that the law should be changed.

9. My new job will mean travel all over the world and I like my new job very much.

10. The only mean of communication for the disabled person was sign language.


1. The packages should                        (被标上)the same numbers, or there is no way to confirm.

2. The job-seeker                (渴望) the chance to speak to thee director in private.

3. Don't worry about me—I can                          (照顾自己)

4.The doctor with a master’s degree                      (看不起) people who haven't been to college.

5. He had always                           (爱上)the breathtaking landscape of the West.


1. 我对游戏着迷,爸爸生我的气。(be mad about, be mad at/with)

2. 不要沉迷在虚拟世界里。(be lost in)

3. 我设法把这个庞大的动物推走。(manage to do)

4. 老板说“随便你”是什么意思?(mean…by)

5. 这样不幸福的婚姻不能再持续下去。(not…any longer)



1. Located 2. loosely   3. lost    4. Unluckily   5. majority   6. management     7. manners   8. mastery    9. married   10. matters


1. located→location 2. up→for   3. 在will和marked之间加 be   4. to→with    5. 去掉to

6. on→in 7. to→from/of   8. much→many  9. travel→travel(l)ing  10. mean→means


1. be marked with 2. Longed/longs for   3. look after myself   4. looks down on/upon   5. been in love with


1. I am mad about games and Dad is mad at/with me.

2. Don’t be lost in an imaginary world.

3. I managed to push the huge animal away.

4. What does the boss mean by “It’s up to you.”?

5. Such unhappy marriage can’t last any longer.



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[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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