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421. nurse /nɜ:s/n.护士,保姆;vt. 护理,照顾


nursery n. 苗圃;托儿所;温床

nursing n. 护理;看护;养育

【例句】A private nurse visited him once a week at home.一个私人护士每周去他家一次。

【串记】These nurses are working in this nursery and nursing is their main job. 这些护士在这所托儿所工作,护理是他们的主要工作。

422. object /ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ n. 物体;目标,对象;宾语;v. 反对


object to sth./ doing sth.反对某事/做某事

objection n. 异议,反对;缺陷/点;妨碍

make(raise)an objection to提出(表示)异议(反对)

have no objection to不反对

be open to objection有可商榷之处;有不合理之处

objective n. 目标;a. 客观的(反subjective)

objective reality客观现实

the objective case宾格

【例句】What's your object for coming here tonight?你今晚到这儿来有何贵干?

【串记】 Li Hua has many study objectives, one of his objectives is to go abroad and his father has no objection to this. 李华有许多学习的目标,其中一个就是到国外,他的父亲对此没有异议。

423. observe /əbˈzɜ:v/ v. 观察/测;觉察到;遵守,奉行;庆祝


observe sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事(全过程)

observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事

observe on〔upon〕 sb/sth谈论,评论

observe that ... 说/评论……

observation n. 观察;监视;观察报告

observatory n. 天文台;气象台;瞭望台

【例句】①We have never observed him do otherwise.我们从未看到他不是这样做的。

②She observed a man walking on the opposite side of the road.她看见一个人在马路对面走着。

③She observed that the work was well done.她说这件工作做得很出色。


【串记】In order to observe the sky so the man stays at the observatory and after the observation he needs to write a report. 为了观察天空,这个男人呆在天文台上。观察过后,他需要写一份报告。

424.obvious /ˈɒbviəs/ a. 明显的;显著的


It is obvious that从句 明显的是……

obviously ad. 明显地

【例句】The nurse agreed with obvious pleasure. 那个护士同意了,显然很高兴。

【串记】It is obvious that he made a mistake but obviously his mother didn’t say anything.


occasion/ ə'keɪʒn/ n. 场合;时机;理由;机会;盛大场面 vt. 引起;致使


by occasion of由于……,为了……

for sb·’s occasion为了(某人)

have occasion to(do)有(做)……的必要

on occasion(s)有时

on the occasion of值……以之际

take the occasion to(do)利用机会(做)

occasional a.偶然的,非经常的,有时的

occasionally ad.偶然地,有时地,偶尔

【例句】①I have occasion to say something about it.我有必要谈一下这事。

②I meet him on occasion at the club or in the theatre.我有时在俱乐部或戏院里遇见他。

③His long silence occasions me great anxiety. 他漫长的沉默让我焦虑不已。



425. occupy /ˈɒkjupaɪ/vt. 占据/领;占用/去(同take up);居住;使忙碌


(1)occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.忙于/专心于(做)某事

(2)be occupied in doing sth. 忙于做某事

be occupied with/(in) doing sth. 从事/忙于某事

keep sb. occupied 使某人忙碌

(3)occupation n.   占领;职业;工作

【例句】①When I came in,the students were occupied with/(in) doing their homework.当我进来的时候,学生们正忙着做作业。

②Teaching and doing housework keep her occupied every day. 教书和做家务使她每天都占满。

【串记】Ihave entered your name and occupation and I know you are occupied with teaching. 我记下你的姓名和职业我知道你忙于教学。

426. occur /əˈkɜ:(r)/ v. 发生,出现

【拓展】sth. occur to sb. 某事物被某人想起/到

It occurs to sb. to do sth... 某人想到……

it occurs to sb. that 从句 某人突然想到

occurrence n. 发生;出现;事件;发现

【例句】①A good idea occurred to me while I was watching TV.我看电视时想到了一个好主意。

②It never occurs to him that he should make such great success in teaching career.他从来没有想到他竟会在教学事业中获得如此巨大的成功。

③It never occurred to him to ask anyone. 他从来没有想到问任何人.

【串记】 It occurs to me that the occurrence of the phenomenon is abnormal. 我突然想到这种现象的出现是不正常的。

427. offer /ˈɒfə(r)/ v. & n. (主动)提出;提供,给予;出价;开价,提议;录取通知书


(1)offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.提供给某人某物

offer to do sth. (= make an offer to do sth.)主动提出做某事

offer sb.money for sth. 出价买某物

(2)make an offer 提议;出价;提供

accept/refuse one's offer 接受/拒绝某人的提议

【例句】①The teacher offered a few ideas to improve the plan.老师提出了几点改进计划的意见。

②The driver offered to drive us to the station.那位司机主动提出送我们到车站。

③The universities are now offering a wider range of courses to students for them to choose.现在那些大学设有更广泛的课程供学生选择。

【串记】Lilyofferedsome money to her parents at the same time sheoffered herbrother some money for his further education but both her parents and her brotherrefused her offer.  莉莉给她父母一些钱也给她弟弟一些钱深造但他们都拒绝了。

428. only /wʌns/ad. 仅仅,只


If only…(后用虚拟语气)只要……就好了,但愿……

not only…,but(also)…,不但……,而且……

only just好容易,刚刚才……

only to do只做(表示意外令人失望的结果)

only doing sth.结果(只)是(表示一个自然的或意料之中的结果)

only too很,极,非常;可惜,很遗憾

【例句】①Practice is the only way to learn a language well.学好一门语言的唯一途径就是实践。

②They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired.他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料却被告知他们被开除了。

【串记】She is the only teacher in this school for the students here she is not only a teacher but also a mother. 他是这个学校唯一的老师对于这些学生而言她不仅是一位老师更是一位母亲。

429. open /ˈəʊpən/ a. 开着的,开阔的;v. 打开,展开;开创办


be open to对……开放,易受到

be open with对……不隐瞒的

in the open air在 户外(野外)

keep one's eyes(ears)open留神地看守(耸耳倾听)

with open arms张开两手,由衷(欢迎)

with open ears倾听

with open hands慷慨大方

open on(to)面向,朝向……打开

open up打开,开放,发掘,开始,开发,蓬勃

openly ad.公开地,率直地

opener n.开始者,开瓶(罐)器,打开的工具

opening n. 开始/端;敞开,开会/场,空地,广场

【例句】①The fresh air blew in from the open window.新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。

②Can you open the bottle with the opener?你能用启子将瓶子打开吗?

③In the summer, we camped in the open .夏天我们在户外野营。

【串记】She doesn’t openly admit she had opened her eyes to the opening ceremony.


430. operate /ˈɒpəreɪt/ v. 操作;工作;运转;经营;开动;做手术


operate on…对……起作用,用……操作,对……施手术

operate on sb.for sth.给某人动……手术(for+身体某部分)

operation n. 操作;经营;外科 手术;运算

bring into operation实施,使生效运行

come(go)into operation开始工作(活动),实施,生效,运行,运转

in operation运转中,使用中

put(……)into operation实施,把……投入生产(动转);运行,生效

operator n. 经营者;操作员;运营商;话务员;行家

【例句】Most domestic freezers operate at below –18˚C. 多数家用冰柜能制冷到零下18摄氏度以下。

【串记】Lily ask the doctor “How do you plan to do this operation?” The doctor answered “to operate on the old lady, I need to put the medicine into her body” Lily 问医生:“你打算如何做这个手术”医生回答:“要给这个老太太做手术我们需要把药放到她的身体里。”

431. opinion /əˈpɪnjən/ n.观点,意见,主张,见解(同view)


be of the opinion that认为……,相信……意见

form an opinion提出意见

have a good(bad)opinion of认为好(不好),相信(不相信)

have a high(low)opinion of对……评价高(低)

in one’s opinion 根据某人的看法;在……看来

【例句】①No matter what you say, I shall stick to my opinion.不管你说什么,我都坚持我的主张。

②Everyone had an opinion on the subject. 大家对这个问题都有自己的看法。

【串记】In myopinion teachers need to listen to the students’ opinions. 在我看来老师们需要听取学生的意见。


432. oppose /əˈpəʊz/ vt. 反对;抗争


(1)oppose doing sth.反对做某事

oppose sb./sb’sdong sth.反对某人做某事

(2)opposed adj.强烈反对,截然不同

be opposed to (doing) sth.反对(做)某事

(3)opposite adj.相反的;对面的;对立的 n. 对立面 prep.  ……的对面adv.在对面

be opposite to在……对面;与……相反

just the opposite恰恰相反

opposition n. 反对;反对派;在野党;敌对

【例句】①The parents strongly opposed their daughter going there alone.


②Most company bosses say they are opposed to employees working overtime.大多数公司老板说,他们反对雇员加班。

③The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.


④Many people think that listening is a passive business. It is just the opposite.


⑤The result was quite opposite to what we had expected.结果和我们所期望的完全相反。

【串记】They are in the opposite position, but this time they are opposed to their boss’s opinions. 他们处于对立的位置,但是这次他们同时反对老板的意见。

433. order /ˈɔ:də(r)/ n.次/顺序(disorder);v. & n. 命令,指示;订购,点(菜);订单


in order 整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好

out of order 发生故障;次序颠倒

in order that 为了;以便

in order to 为了

keep order保持秩序

made to order定做的,预订的

on order在订购,在定做

place an order 订购;下单;发出订单

put ... in order 把……按顺序

order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事;

order (that) sb. (should) do sth. 命令某人做某事

orderly a.整齐的,有条理的,有秩序的

【例句】①I can't make a call, because our phone is out of order. 我无法打电话,因为我们的电话坏了。

②He once ordered his secretary to place an order for 100 books and arrange them in order of size. 他曾命令秘书去订购100本书并把它们按大小顺序排列。

③ She ordered that the book(should)be brought to her.她吩咐把那本书拿给她。


【串记】The students were out oforder, in order to  keep the students in order, the headmaster ordered the students to stand in order of height. 学生已经乱套,为了保证学生的秩序,校长命令学生们按高度顺序站立。

434. organise /(美)organize /ˈɔrgənaɪz/ v. 组织,筹备;使有条理


organize sb/oneself/sth into sth组成

organization n. 组织;机构;体制;团体

organized a. 有组织的;做事有条理的

organizer n. 组织者;承办单位;组织导体

【例句】We'll organize some students into the basketball team.我们将组织一些学生参加篮球队。

【串记】The well-organizedorganizations belong to the special organizer. 这些组织良好的机构属于这个特别的组织者。

435. origin /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ n. 起源;原点;出身;开端


the origin of… 的起源

original a. 原来的;开始的;首创的,新颖的,创新的;原作的;n. 原件,原版

originally ad. 最初,起初;本来

originate vt. 引起;创作;vi. 发源;发生;起航

【例句】Many words in the English language are French in origin.英语中的许多词源于法语。

【串记】If it's possible, track the rumor back to its origin and you can find that the original rumor said that Confucianism originates in Korea. 如果可能,应追查谣言的源头,你会发现最初的谣言就是儒家学说起源于韩国。


436. other /ˈʌðə(r)/ a. 其他的,另外的;pron. 另外一个


each other互相地

every other每隔……·,所有其他……

one after the other(another)一个一个地,相继地

other than(多用于否定句)除……外,不同于

the other world来世,他世

otherwise ad. 另外,别样;conj. 否则,不然

【例句】①Susie is here,but the other girls are still out in the playground苏西在这里,但其他女孩都在外面运动场上。

②Seize the chance,otherwise you will regret it.抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。

【串记】One of the secretaries gave some employees moon cakes and then give others flowers as gifts,

whileother than the former one, another secretary gave the all employees a book as a gift of Middle-

Autumn Day.其中一个秘书给一些员工月饼作为礼物,给另外一些员工花朵作为礼物,然而不同于


437.owe /əʊ/ v. 欠,应给与;归功于


(1)owe sb.sth.= owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物

(2)owe ...to ... 把……归功于……;为……而感谢

owe it to sb. that ... 多亏某人……

(3) owing adj. 未付的,欠着的

owing to 因为;由于

【例句】①Owing to your help, I have made great progress. In other words, I owe my progress to you.由于你的帮助,我取得了很大进步。换句话说,我把我的进步归功于你。

②I owe it to you that I finished my work in time.多亏你帮忙,我才及时完成了工作。


【串记】Owing to the great efforts of the educator, the students got great success however they onlyowe their success to themselves. 由于这个教育家的巨大努力,学生们取得巨大成功,但是他们只把他们的成功归功于他们自己。

438.own /əʊn/ a. 自己的;v. 拥有


for its own sake为了本身

of sb·’s own自己所有的

on one’s own凭自己的力量,独立地,单独地

own sb.as/to be sb. 承认……是……

own up(to)sth.承认犯错误(或罪)

owner n. 所有者;物主

ownership n. 所有权;物主身份

【例句】Our children are grown up and have children of their own. 我们的子女都已长大成人,有了自己的孩子。

【串记】The owner of the house got back the ownership of his house on hisown.这个房子的主人独自夺回了他的房屋所有权。

【辨析】own, possess


439. pace /peɪs/ n.一步;步速;步法;vi. 踱步;


at a/an…pace 以……的速度

keep(hold)pace with跟上,与……同步

put……through sb.’ s paces试(人的)能力(技术)

【例句】We should keep pace with the time.我们应该跟上时代的步伐。

【串记】The racing driver drove his car at a pace of 200 km/h because he wanted tokeep pace with his opponents. 赛车手以每小时200公里的速度驾车因为他想和他的对手并驾齐驱。

440. pack /pæk/ n. 包,捆;(猎犬、野兽等的)一群;v.打/装包(反unpack);塞满


pack …with 用…把…装/塞/挤满

be packed with 装/塞/挤满

package n. 包,包裹;程序包;vt. 打包;将…包装

packaging n. 包装;包装业/风格

packet n. 数据/信息包;小包/捆

【例句】The traveller packed a bag with a few things and was off. 旅行者装了几件衣物在袋子里就走了。

【串记】The deliveryman lost his customer’s package and he needed to find it in a very short time because the packets in it are of great importance. 快递员弄丢了顾客的快递,他需要在短时间内找回这个快递因为包裹里面的数据很重要。



1. Linda Pellico has taught          (nurse) at Yale University for 18 years.

2. Why does the author object to          (classify) parenting as a personal choice?

3. Have you          (observe) any changes in the student lately?

4. He offered only $4 000       the car. He couldn’t afford more.

5. I gratefully took the cup of coffee she            (offer) me.

6. It takes a long time to restore nature once           (damage).

7. A new late-night service is now            (operate).

8. They called in a psychologist to give            independent opinion.

9. Are you          (oppose) to the act of homosexuality?

10. Atthis point we must consider the importance of                (package) and design.


1. Later a transport system was added to permit people to visit aobservation area inside the top of the arch.

2. Itis quite obviously that there is nothing difficult in the world.

3. If a thought or ideaoccurs you, you suddenly think of it or realize it.

4. But network providers are notopposed the San Francisco plan because it involves a private company.

5. The masterpiece hadoriginal been written in Hebrew, and only later translated into Greek.

6. America itself is consumingone third of the world's resources by its own.

7. A surgeon operated the wounded man as soon as he was rushed into the operating room.

8. The organize of the meeting was considered perfect by the public.

9. She already has five children but she is going to have other child.

10. The statesman is much occupy with affairs of state all the time.


1. Aman must                          (跟得上,保持) the latest development.

2. Conservativesstrongly                 (反对) the reform at first.

3. The arrangement was cancelled                 (由于) the objections of the chairman.

4. The tourist’s backpack                         (塞满了) souvenirs of all sorts.

5. The young man is determined to have a home                        (他自己的).


1. 我突然想到我把伞拉在公交车上了。(it occurs to sb. that)

2. 医生把这次手术的归功于护士的配合。(owe sth. to sb.)

3. 他认为每天工作的开始就要带着一股强大的热情。(in his opinion)

4. 这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的.( in order of)

5. 但愿他能及时赶到. (if only)



1. nursing  2. classifying  3. observed  4. for  5. offered  6. damaged  7. operating  8. an  9. opposed  10. packaging


1.a→an 2 obvious→obviously  3. occurs的后面加一个to  4. opposed→opposing  5. original→originally  6. by→on  7. 在operated后面加on  8. organize→organization  9. other→another  10. occupy→occupied


1. keeppace with  2. objected to  3. owing to/due to/because of  4. is packed with  5. of his own


1. It occurred to me that I left my umbrella on the bus. 

2. The doctor owed the success of the operation to the cooperation of the nurses.

3. In his opinion, one should start a day's work with passion.

4. The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty.

5. If only he could arrive in time.



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[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


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