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461. pollute /pəˈlu:t/ vt. 污染;弄脏 


pollute sth with sth污染,毁坏

pollution n. 污染 污染物

pollutant n. 污染物

【例句】The air is polluted with fumes from the factory.空气受到那工厂废气的污染。

【串记】The pollution in this area is very serious and the pollutant are mainly plastics. 这片地区污染的十分严重,大部分污染物是塑料。

462. popular /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ (pop)a. (口语)(音乐、艺术等)大众的,通俗的;受欢迎的(unpopular);a. 不受欢迎的


be popular with/among 受…欢迎,在…当中流行popularity n. 普及,流行;名气;受大众欢迎

popularize(s)e v. 普及,推广

【例句】①Skiing has become very popular recently. 滑雪运动最近盛行起来。

②Dickens has not lost his popularity among the book collectors狄更斯的作品仍受到藏书家的喜爱。

【串记】He enjoys great popularity in singing, and his songs are popular among young people especially popular songs. 他在歌界很出名,他的歌在年轻人中间很受欢迎, 尤其是流行歌曲。

position[pə'zɪʃn] n位置;姿势;地位;职位;处境;立场,态度


in a(n) ... position处于……的地位/处境

in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置

take (up) a position 就位;得到职位

hold the position of ... 担任……的职务

【例句】①If you were in my position, you would have sympathy for those poor children.


②He holds the position of Sales Director in a large company.他在一家大公司担任销售部主任一职。

③This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position. 这使他和他的同事们处境艰难。

463. possess /pəˈzes/ vt. 占/拥/具有


(1)be possessed of具有(某种品质或能力)

(2)possession n.拥有;(pl.)财产;所有物

be in possession of拥有……(主语为人)

be in the possession of sb. =be in one’s possession某物被某人拥有;被某人占有;属于

come into one’s possession为某人所拥有

take/come into possession of拥有

【例句】①The company is possessed of technical force, completed equipment and advanced technologies. 公司拥有技术力量、设备齐全、技术先进。

②We've bought the house, but we can't have possession of it before July. 我们已经买了这所房子,但七月份之前我们不可能拥有它。

③He is in possession of the big company after his father retired. That is, the big company is in_ the possession of him.在他父亲退休后,他便拥有了这家大公司。也就是说,这家大公司为他所有。

【串记】He is in possession of a large possession; in the possession of such large money he took possession of the throne. 他拥有一笔巨大的财产,坐拥如此大的一笔钱,他占领了王位。

464. possible /ˈpɒsəbl/ a.可能的(反impossible);合理的,可接受的


as……as possible(=as……as one can)尽可能

be possible of有可能

if possible如有可能,可能的话

It is possible+for sb.+to do (某人)能做……

possibly ad. 可能地;也许;大概

possibility n.可能,可能性

【例句】It is possible for him to solve the problem.他有可能解决这个问题。

【串记】I would go home whenever possible, if possible, I may drive home myself. 只要有可能,我都会回家,如果可能的话我会自己开车回去。

465. post /pəʊst/ n. 邮政,邮件;帖子;职位(同position);邮寄(美mail);张贴,宣/发布


post over (以告示、招贴)张贴于

post up 张贴

postage n. 邮费,邮资; postcard n. 明信片;

postcode n. 邮政编码;  

postman n. 邮递员,邮差;

poster n. 海报,招贴,公告;招贴画;张贴者

postpone v. 延期/缓

【例句】I would be quite grateful if you would post this letter.要是你肯寄这封信,我将十分感激。

【串记】The postman needs to write down the postcode on the postcard and he also need to pay the postage for his brother. 这个邮差需要在明信片上写上邮政编码,他还要给他的哥哥付邮费。

466. power /ˈpaʊə(r)/ n. 力;能力;动/电/功力;大/强国;统治,政权;权力,控制/影响力;驱/推动


beyond one's power 不能胜任

come to/into power掌权;上台;执政

have power over控制,对……有支配权

in power掌权,执政

take/seize power 夺取政权

within/in one's power 有能力;力所能及

powerful a. 强大的;强有力的

【例句】①The party came to power at the last election.这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。

②It is quite beyond my power. I'm determined to give it up.这大大超出了我的能力,我决定放弃。

【点津】come to power 与 be in power 都表示“掌权”,但前者表示动作,不能与时间段连用;后者表示状态,可以与时间段连用。

【例句】The politician is still in power and he has a powerful influence on his nation. 那位政治家仍在掌权,他对他的国家有很大的影响。

【串记】Wu Zetian killed many people when shecame into power, but she really did many good things for her people when she was in power, she died sooner after she was out of power.武则天上台执政的时候杀了很多人,但她在位的时候为人民做了许多好事,她丧失权力之后不久就死了。

467. practice /ˈpræktɪs/ v. 练习,训练;实践;惯例,习俗;v. (美practise) 实践,练习;执业,从事(医生,律师等)


bring(carry)into practice实施,实行

in practice 在实践中;实际上,事实上

It is common practice to do sth.做……是常事

out of practice久不练习,荒废

put…into practice 实行,实施;落实

practical a. 实际的;实用性的

practically adv. 实际地;几乎;事实上

【例句】You’ll never learn to ride a bicycle if you don't practise.如果不练习的话,就学不会骑自行车。

【串记】To solve the problemin practice we need toput some practical methods intopractice. 为了在实践中解决这个问题,我们需要实施一些有实用性的方法。

468. praise /preɪz/ n.& vt. 赞扬,表扬(反criticize, criticism) 


in praise of为称赞……,为颂扬……

sing one’s own praise自吹自擂,颂扬自己

sing sb.’s praise=sing the praises of sb.颂扬(夸奖)某人

praise sb. for (doing) sth. 因某事表扬某人

【例句】He praised his friend as being one of the finest human beings he had ever met.他称赞他的朋友是他所遇到过的最好的人之一。

【串记】The president praised the girl for her song which sings high praise for our motherland. 总统因那首高度赞扬祖国的歌曲表扬了那个女孩。

pray/prei/ v.请求,恳求;祈祷,祈求


pray for pardon请原谅

pray to sb for sb/sth. (向……)祈求……

pray to do sth.祈祷做做某事

pray to sb to do sth.(=pray sb to do sth.)恳求某人(做)某事

prayer n.祈求者,祈祷者

【例句】I pray you to think again.我请求你重新考虑。

469. predict /prɪˈdɪkt/ v. 预计;预言


predictable a. 可预言/报/见/料的(反unpredicta-


prediction n. 预测/报/言;预言的事物

【例句】Nobody could predict the outcome. 谁也无法预料结果如何。

【串记】 Weather can be predictable but life is unpredictable. All the predictions about life are the results of hard work. 天气可以被预测,但是人生是不可预料的。所有人生的预言都是努力的结果。

470. prefer /prɪˈfɜ:(r)/ (preferred, preferrred) vt. 宁愿(选择),更喜欢


(1)prefer doing/to do...更喜欢做……

prefer sb. to do...更喜欢让某人做……

prefer sth. /doing...to sth. /doing...与……相比更喜欢……

prefer to do A rather than (to) do B宁愿(做)A胜过(做)B

(2)preference n.偏爱;优先权;偏爱的事物

have a preference for...偏爱……

【例句】①She preferred going with us to staying behind.她宁愿跟我们一起去也不愿留下来。

②I would prefer to stay home rather than go out on such a rainy day.在这种雨天,我宁可待在家也不出门。

③I preferjazz to rock music. 我喜欢爵士乐胜过摇滚乐。

【串记】For fruits I prefer apples to bananas but for food I prefer to eat spicy ones rather than eat sweet ones. 水果我喜欢苹果胜过香蕉,食物我宁愿吃辣胜过甜的。

471. prepare /prɪˈpeə(r)/ vt. (使)准备,预备;调制,配制


prepare for (使)为…作准备;(使)对…有思想准备

prepare sb./sth. for sth./sb. 给某人准备

prepared a. 准备好的

be/get prepared for sth./ 为…准备好

be/get prepared to do sth. 准备做某事;愿意……,乐于(做……)

preparation n. 预/准备

be in preparation在准备中

in preparation for为……作准备,用以……·以备……

make preparations for为……准备

【例句】①Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,准备应付最坏的情况。

②We must be well prepared for each examination.我们每次考试都要好好准备。

【串记】To make preparations for the weeding, parents need to prepare wedding dress for the bride,at the same time the bridegroom should get prepared for the rings. 为了准备婚礼,父母需要给新娘准备婚纱,同时新郎需要准备好戒指。

【辨析】be prepared“为……作好准备”,强调已准备好的状态,prepare(vi.)强调准备的过程。

472. present /ˈpreznt/ a. 现在(的);出席的;n. 礼物/品;vt. 介绍,展示;提出呈递;赠送;颁发,授予;呈现,带来,招致


(1)presentsth. to sb.sb. with sth.向某人赠送某物

present sb. to sb. 正式把某人介绍、引荐给某人

(2)be present at 出席……

(3)at present = at the present time 目前,现在

for the present (for the moment) 此时此刻

up to the present迄今为止

presently ad. 目前;不久

【例句】①On Teachers' Day, my students presented me with some flowers.

=On Teachers' Day, my students presented some flowers to me.教师节那天,我的学生送给我一些花。

②At present, more and more people are enjoying Running Man.


【点津】present 用作形容词,表示“在场的”时,通常作表语或后置定语;表示“现在的”时,常用作前置定语。

【串记Atpresent my bosspresent the presenter with a fascinating dress for her perfect presentation. 目前我老板因为主持人的完美陈述赠送给她一件迷人的裙子。

473. press /pres/ vt. 压,按;推;挤;催促,逼迫(同push, urge) n. 新闻界,出版社


come(go)to the press付印

correct the press校对


pressure n. 压力;压迫,/物/ 压强;vt. 迫使;密封;使…增压

at high pressure在高压下

【例句】The press will give us a great backing.新闻界将大力支持我们。

【串记】She puts her students to study hard although they are under great pressure. 她催促她的学生努力学习,即使他们处于巨大压力之下。

pretend /prɪ'tend/ v假装;假扮

pretendthat ...  假装……to have done sth.  假装做了某事

【例句】①Mary pretended not to_see me when I passed by, which made me very angry.


②She pretended to_be_doing her homework when I entered the room.


③When her mother came in, she pretended to_have_fallen_asleep.



474. prevent /prɪˈvent/vt. 防止,预防


prevent sb.(sth.)from doing sth.阻止……做……,prevent sb’s doing……阻止某人做……,在口语中也可省略from。

prevention n. 预防;阻止;妨碍

preventive n. 预防药;预防法a. 预防的,防止的

【例句】①My only idea was to prevent him from speaking.我惟一的想法就是不让他讲话。

②That affair will probably prevent my coming.那件事情很可能使我不能来。

【串记】The prevention of the disease didn’t work so we can’t prevent the children’s death. 这种疾病的预防药没有起作用,所以我们不能阻止孩子们的死亡。

475. price /praɪs/ n. 价格,价钱;代价(cost,expense),牺牲


at any price不惜任何代价

at (a) price以…的价钱

at the price of以……作代价(牺牲)

priceless a. 无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的

【例句】He managed to get a good price for the car. 他终于把汽车卖了个好价钱。

【串记】I bought the book at the price of twenty years ago but today the book is priceless. 几年前我用二十块买下这本书,现在这本书是无价的。

476. pride /praɪd/ n. 自豪,骄傲;令人骄傲/自豪的人/物


take(a)pride in对……感到自豪

pride oneself on引……以自豪,对……感到得意

Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败。

with pride 自豪地

proud a. 自豪/负的;得意的

be proud of 自豪,高兴;以…而骄傲

【例句】The proud lady’s pride was hurt. 那位骄傲的女士的自尊心受到了伤害。

【串记】As a proud person she is always proud of her son who oftentakes pride in singing. 作为一个自豪的人她总是以她那个以唱歌为傲的儿子而骄傲。

477. prison /ˈprɪzn/ n. 监狱;监禁,关押


in prison 在监狱

go to prison 入狱,被监禁

put sb. in/into prison 把某人送进监狱

prisoner n. 囚犯,犯人;俘虏;刑事被告

【例句】The suspect is in prison, awaiting trial. 嫌疑犯正在拘押候审中。

【串记】The prisoner went to prison in the year 2008 and it was his brother who put him into prison. In prison he finally realized that it was his own fault to use drugs. 这个囚犯于2018年入狱,是他的亲哥哥把他送进监狱的。在监狱里,他终于意识到他吸毒是不对的。  

478. private /ˈpraɪvət/ a. 私人/有/立的(反public);私密的(同secret)


in private 私下地;秘密地

privacy n. 隐私(权);秘密;隐居(处)

live in privacy过着隐居的生活

disturb sb.’s privacy打扰某人的清静

privately ad. 私下地;秘密地

【例句】The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. 这家旅馆有110间客房,各有独立卫生间。

【串记】The teachers in this private school often have gathering in private. 这个私立学校的老师们经常在私底下举行聚会。

proceed/prə'siːd/vi. 继续进行;开始;着手


proceed from 从…来,起因于,为…所引起

proceed in 在…中进行,按…次序进行

proceed on〔upon〕 照…进行,依照

proceed to 着手…,继续…,接着…

proceed with 继续进行…

【例句】Now that our plans are settled.Let us proceed.现在计划已安排好,让我们进行吧。

479. process /ˈprəʊses/ n. 过/进程;工序,步骤;v. 加工;处理


be in(the)process在进行中

in process of time逐渐地

processor n. 处理器;处理程序;加工者

【例句】It's a normal part of the learning process . 那是学习过程中的正常现象。

【串记】The processor needs to be improved so that the process can become perfect. 这个处理器需要被提升以便工序可以变得更加完美。

480. produce /prəˈdju:s/ vt. 产生,引起;生产,制造;创/制作;出产,生育;[U] (总称)产品;农产品


producer n. 生产者,制造者; 制片人

product n. 产品; 结果;作品;

production n. 生产,制作;产品/量

【例句】The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat. 这个地区出产全国50%以上的小麦。

【串记】The producer think that the production of the product needs to be improved. 生产厂家觉得产品制作的过程需要被改善。



1. Applying for jobs can be a long and          (pain) process.

2. He is not quite impressed with modern         (paint)

3. Ilove Italy,            (part) because of the people. 

4.             (patient) plays an important role in one’s career and life.

5. Do I have to         (person) reject those pitiful persons you speak of?

6. It's interesting, and you can see that's a very           (persuade) argument.

7. Don’t laugh at the          (pity) beggar, who is just unlucky.

8.Everybody says it is worth seeing but I find nothing       particular about that place.

9. Iknow I am not            (particular) good at writing.

10. The governmenthopes to solve the problem by             (peace) means.


1. My brother likes eating very much, but he wasn’t very particular about the food he eats.

2. The policeman permitted the painter pass the busy road to deal with his urgent business.

3. The passenger has various hobbies, including writing music and paintings.

4. The police asked all the passer-by if they had seen the accident.

5. I like to have everything at place. I’m an organized man.

6. All our efforts will pay for. We must stick to what we are doing.

7. Personal, I think the place where we lost is the concept of life and work and attitude.

8. It is particularly dangerous for children under ten to play fire.

9. While the worker lived in Spain, he picked out Spanish.

10. I like him because of his performance always give me inspiration in many ways. 


1. People who                        (参加) sports must be in condition.  

2. When the war and this regime will                 (过去), we will rebuild our life.

3. About twenty thousand ships                 (通过) the Gulf of Aden each year.

4.                         (对……有耐心) a difficult person is a challenge no matter who it is.

5. Its value largely depends on what someone else is willing to                   (支付) it.


1. 参观者请勿对展品拍照。(be permitted to)

2. 她建议他们亲自和他们的儿子谈谈。 (in person) 

3. 他试着在他父母去世以前,和他们重归于好. (make peace with)

4. 遗憾的是大多数人所在乎的仅仅就只是他们怎么样才能更多地赚到钱。(It is a pity that)

5. 每个人都说那地方值得一看,但我却觉得那儿并没什么特别之处。(in particular)



1. painful  2. paintings  3. partly  4. Patience  5. personally  6. persuasive  7. pitiful  8. in  9. particularly  10. peaceful


1.wasn’t→isn't  2.particular→ particularly  3.paintings→ painting  4.passer-by →passers-by 5.at → in  6. for→off  7. Personal→Personally  8.在play后面加with  9. out→up  10. performance→performances


1. take part in 2. pass away  3. pass through  4. Being patient with  5. pay for  


1. Visitors are not permitted to take photographs of the exhibitions.

2. She advised them to talk with their son in person. 

3. He tried to make peace with his parents before they passed away.

4. It is a pity that all the majority of people care about is how they could be paid more. 

5. Everybody says it is worth seeing but I find nothing in particular about that place. 



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