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481. profit /'prɒfɪt/ n. 利润,赢利;利益,好处


profit by〔from〕 sth/v-ing得益于

bring a profit to 给…带来好处

make a profit 获利;赚钱

to one's profit 为了个人的利益

non-profit a. 非营利的

profitable a. 有利可图的;赚钱的;有益的

【例句】①What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?假使一个人获得了整个世界而失去了自己的灵魂,这对他又有何意义呢?

② I hope to profit by(from)your advice.我希望从你的忠告中得益。

【串记】If you want to make a profit, don’t do non-profit things, which is not profitable business.  如果你想要赚钱那就不要做非营利的事情,这是不会赚到钱的生意。

【串记】My boss makes a profit from the profitable designing company and then donate them to the non-profit charity. 我老板从这个赚钱的设计公司获利然后把钱捐给慈善机构。

482. programme/'prəʊgræm/ (美program) n. 计划,方案;节目(单);项目;活动安排;课程;(计算机)程序;v. 计划,安排;编程



【例句】How can I get out of the programme? 我怎么才能退出这个程序呢?

【串记】The programmer made a programme. 这个程序设计员制定了一个方案。

483. progress/'prəʊgres/ n. 进步;发展;前进 v. 进步;发展;缓速前进;促进

in progress 正在进行;在发展中

make progress (in) (在……方面)取得进步

progress in〔with〕 sth在…方面取得进展

progressive a. 进步的;先进的

【例句】How are you progressing with your driving lessons?


【串记】She is the most progressive writers. If you want to make progress, work with her. 她是最有进步的作家,如果你想取得进步就和她一起工作吧。

484. promise/'prɒmɪs/n. 诺言;指/希望,前途;v. 答应,许诺


promise sb. sth./sth. to sb. 承诺某人做某事

promise to do sth. 承诺做某事

promise (sb.)( that)从句 答应某人……

give(make) a promise约定

keep one's promise遵守诺言

break one's promise失约

give promise of   有……的可能,给予……的希望,预示

under promise to(do)有(的)……义务

promising a. 有希望的,有前途的

【例句】John promised to become a good doctor·约翰有希望成为一名好医生。

【串记】Because of the promising project, the manager promised his workers a big meal if they promise that they can finish the work on time.


485. promote /prə'məʊt/ v. 促进,推动;提/晋升;推广,促销


(1)promote sb.(from sth.) to sth.把某人(从某职位)


be promoted to ... 被提升为……

(2)promotion n. 提升,晋级,促进

get/win/gain promotion 得到晋升

promotion n. 提/晋升;推/促销;促进;发扬,振兴

【例句】①While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted/promotion, Henry did his best to perform his duty.在等待机会被提拔期间,亨利尽量履行好自己的职责。

②He was promoted from a clerk to a manager after many years of hard work.

=He got/won/gained promotion from a clerk to a manager after many years of hard work.


【串记】The promoter was in town to promote books because he wants to get a promotion in his company. 推销员在城里推销他的新书,因为他想在他的公司得到提升。

486. proper /'prɒpə/a. 恰当的,合适的(improper)


be proper for 适合…的

in one's proper person亲自,亲身

It is proper +for +sb.+to do某人做……是合适的

It is proper +that从句,……是合适的。that从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用(should+)动词原形。

properly ad. 适当地;正确地;恰当地

【例句】It is not proper that you(should)wear a cap while eating.你用餐时还戴着帽子是不合适的。

【串记】You should prepare a proper gift and dress properly and above all behave in a proper way. 你应该准备一份合适的礼物,穿着得体,首要的是举止得体。

487. protect/prə'tekt/ vt. 保/防护


(1)protect sb./sth. from保护某人/某物使不受……

protect sb./sth. against 防止某人/某物遭受……

(2)protection n. 保护

under the protection of 在……的保护下

protective a. 防护的;关切保护的

【例句】①She wore a hat to protect her face from the sun. 她戴着一顶帽子保护她的脸免受阳光的照射。

②Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against/from evils. 希腊人经常戴一条蓝色的项链,希望保护自己免受邪恶。

③He left the airport under the protection of the security guards. 他在保安的保护下离开了机场。

【串记】 Your protective measure can protect them from takingdrugs. 你的保护措施能保护他们不去吸毒并且会被支持和保护。

proud[praʊd] adj.自豪的;自尊的;自傲的;


(1)be proud of为……感到骄傲/自豪

be proud to do...做……感到自豪

be proud that...为……而感到自豪

(2)pride n.骄傲,自豪 vt.为……骄傲

take pride in以……自豪,对……感到得意

with pride骄傲地;自豪地

pride oneself on (doing) sth. 以(做)某事而自豪;得意于(做)某事

proudly ad.自豪地,得意洋洋地,高傲地

【例句】If your father had still been alive, he would have felt very proud of you.你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。

He is too proud to do such mean thing.他很有自尊心,不屑做这种下贱的事。

488. prove/pruːv/(proved, proved/proven) vt. 证明/实;link v. 证明是,被发现是(turn out)


(1)prove sth. to sb.向某人证明某事

prove oneself (to be) ... 证明自己是

prove (to be)+n./adj. 原来是,证明是

It is proved that ... 据证明……,据证实……

(2)proof n.   证据;证明

There's (no) proof that ... (没)有证据证明……

proof n. 证明/据

【例句】①The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.困难在于他如何向其他科学家证明自己的观点。

②The boy tried to prove himself to be a good student and he really proved best.这个男孩努力证明自己是一个好学生,他确实被证明是很棒的。


【记】Icould prove to my friends that nothing ever changes with solid proof. 我可以用坚实的证据向我的朋友证明没有任何东西改变过。

489. provide /prə'vaɪd/ vt. 提供,供应


provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物/为某人提供某物

provide for 赡养,养活

(2)provided (that) ... = providing (that) ...


【例句】①Besides, being provided_with some information about career planning can help us develop our interest and potential.另外,了解一些有关职业规划的信息有助于我们开发我们的兴趣和潜力。

②I'm sure that he has the ability to provide for his family.


③Provided/Providing that there is money on you, you may buy whatever you like. 只要你有钱,你可以买任何你喜欢的东西。

【串记】We will provide a car for you providing you work with us. 如果你和我们一起工作,我们将为你提供一辆汽车。

490. public /'pʌblɪk/ a. 公共/立的;公众/开的(反private);n. 公众(the ~)


in public 公开地,当众(反in private/secret)

public transport/figure 公共交通/公众人物

publicly ad. 公开/然地

【例句】A shy person dare not speak in public. 害羞的人不敢在公众面前讲话。

【串记】The public is in favour of the reform of public schools. However, some people are publicly against it. 公众赞成公立学校的改革。然而,一些人公开反对它。

491. publish /'pʌblɪʃ/ vt. 出版,发行;刊登,发表


publish to the world 公之于世

publish under one's real name 用真名发表

publication n. 出版;出版物;发表

publisher n. 出版者,出版商;发行人

publishing a. & n. 出版(业)(的)

【例句】The novelis published from(by)the Foreign Lauguages Press.这本小说由外文出版社出版。

【串记】In the large publishing company, the publisher changed the steps of publication. 在这所大的出版社公司里,出版商改变了出版的步骤。

492. pull/pʊl/v. 拉,拖(反push);拔/抽(出);n. 拉力,引力


pull down拉下,降低;推翻,拆毁

pull in(车)进站,(船)到岸,减少,缩减

pull off脱(帽,衣等),得到某物;获胜,获得成功

pull on穿,戴;对…有吸引力

pull oneself together控制自己(的感情等)

pull out拔出,抽出,取出;(车、船等)驶出

pull through 恢复健康,精神状况转好; 渡过

pull up(车辆)减速并停下;拔出

【例句】①I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round.我感觉到有人拉了一下我的袖子,于是就转过身去。

②When all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station.所有乘客都上车后,火车开出了车站。

493. purpose /'pɜːpəs/ n.目的/标,意图;意图,作用


for(the)purpose of为了

on purpose故意地(同by design,反by chance)

with the purpose of为了

to the purpose中肯的,合适的

purposeful a. 有目的的,故意的

purposefully ad. 果断地,明确目标地

purposely ad. 故意地,蓄意地

【例句】①This plan will not answer our purpose.这计划不符合我们的需要。

②I came here on purpose to see you.我是专程来看你的。

【串记】She is a purposeful person and does things 

on purpose. Now she is acting purposefully. 她是一个有决心的人并且做事是有目的,现在正在有目的地行动。

push /pʊʃ/ v. 推;按;挤;逼迫;催促 n. 推;奋力;决心


push around使唤,任意摆布

push aside把…推向一旁; 不管,不顾; 排挤; 拨开;

push off推开(离),使脱离岸,离开,走开

push on继续向前,匆忙赶(to),(with)继续促进,鼓励(to do)

push over推翻,推倒


push up上升,增加

at a push不得已时,危急之际;一下子,一口气give(get)sb.the push把某人解雇

【例句】①Don't push. Wait your turn to get on the bus.不要推,依次上车。

②The crowd in the station is so thick that I had to push through to reach my friend.


He gave me a sudden push backwards.他突然把我向后一推。

494. put/pʊt / (put,put) vt. 放,摆;写/记/标上;说,表达

【拓展】 put aside 储备,积蓄; 扔下,搁置

put away 收起来,放好; 储存

put back 放回原处; 拨回,向后推

put down 放/记下; 镇压

put forward 提出; 将…提前; 将钟拨快

put into 把…放入;使处于某种状态; 把…译成

put off 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等)

put on 增加; 穿上; 上演

put out 生产; 伸出; 出版; 扑灭

put through实行; 完成; 使经历; 接通(电话)

put together 把…放在一起; 组合; 装配

put up 举起; 提高; 张贴; 建造;提供食宿

put up with 忍受,容忍 (同tolerate)

【例句】①Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 不要把今天能做的事推迟到明天。

②A notice was put up in order to remind students of the changed lecture time. 为了提醒学生课时的变化,我们做了一个通知。

③He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. 他在会上提出了一个非常好的建议。

④I don't know how you put up with their constant quarrelling. 我不知道你是怎么忍受他们不断争吵的。

⑤Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can put down almost every word her teacher says. 玛丽在课堂上很擅长做笔记。她能把老师说的每句话都记下来。

【串记】If you put off putting my novel into English, I won’t put up with you.

495. puzzle /'pʌz(ə)l/ n. 难题,(字、画)谜;vt. 使迷惑


in a puzzle about〔as to〕对(某事)困惑不解

puzzle in words 字谜

puzzle about〔over〕 为…大伤脑筋,对…冥思苦想

puzzle out 推测出

puzzle through 钻研;摸索着通过

puzzled a. 困惑的;茫然的;搞糊涂的

puzzling a. 令人迷惑的,令人费解的

【例句】How the dinasour died out is a puzzle to the public. 恐龙是如何灭绝的对公众来说是一个谜。

【串记】It is such a puzzling question that I feel very puzzled. 这是一个令人费解的问题,我感到非常的困惑。

496. qualify /'kwɒlɪfaɪ/ vt. 使具备资格;描述;[语]修饰 vi. 取得资格;合格


qualifyto do或for(as) (使)(某人)取得(做……)资格

qualify sb as sb/sth把……看作,把……描述

qualify sth with sth用…缓和; 用…限制

qualified a.有资格的,有能力的,被限制的

qualification n.资格,资格证明(书),合格证明(书),评定等级;限制

quality n. 质量,性/品/优质

of good/poor quality 质量好/不好

【例句】①Knowledge a1one doesn't qualify you to teach.只凭知识并非使你有资格教书。

②His training qualified him for the job.他所受的训练使他具有担任那项工作的资格。

【串记】She hasthe qualification to be a qualified teacher, who qualify to get this award. 她有资格成为一名合格的老师并且有资格得到奖励。

497. quarrel /'kwɒr(ə)l /vi.& n. 争吵,吵架


(1)have a quarrel with sb. about/over sth..因某事和某人争吵

(2)quarrel with sb. about/over sth..因某事和某人争吵

【例句】After they quarreled with each other about/over their work,they began to realize someone was to blame.

→After they had a quarrel with each other about/over their work,they began to realize someone was to blame.(quarrel n.) 他们在工作上争吵之后,开始意识到有人该受责备。

【串记】Husbands always quarrel with their wives about money. 丈夫经常为了钱和他们的妻子吵架。

498. question/'kwestʃ(ə)n/ n. 问/难题;vt. 询问



call sth.in(into)question对……表示怀疑,争议,异议come into question被讨论,被重视

in question正被讨论的,有问题的

out of question毫无疑问地

out of the question不可能的,办不到的

put a question to询问

put the question付诸表决

without question毫无疑问,毫无异议

questionnaire n. 调查表; 调查问卷

【例句】①I would never question her honesty.我决不会对她的诚实有所怀疑。

②Your answer is beside the question.你的回答离题了。

【串记】To answer this question in an hour is out of question for a teacher, but it is out of the question for a student. 在一小时回答这个问题对一位老师来说不成问题,但对于一个学生来说却是不可能的。

499. quick /kwɪk/ a. & ad. 快;敏捷的/地;急剧的/地


be quick at(about,in)(做)……敏捷,迅速

be quick to do(做)……是很快的,敏捷(做)……

quicken v. 加快;变活跃

quickly ad. 迅速地;很快地

【例句】①Be quick about your work.把活干得快一点。

②She was always quick to lose my temper.她总是动不动就发脾气。

【串记】The new technology will quicken the product development pace, and take the market quickly. 这个新技术将会加快新产品开发的速度,快速占领市场。

500. quiet /'kwaɪət/a. 安/寂静的;文静的,少言寡语的;n. 安/宁静


Keep/be quiet! 安静!

Quiet down!安静!

形近词:quite ad. 完全,十分

【例句】①Please keep quiet while others are studying.在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。

②Leave me alone. I just want some peace and quiet.别理我,我只想安静一下。

【串记】He is a quiet boy. When the others are quarrelling, he remains quiet on this question.他是一个安静的男孩。当别人吵架时,他在这个问题上保持沉默。

【辨析】 quiet/calm/still/silent




1. This program is a        (promise) project. The manager will get promoted if that they finish it on time.

2. The         (promote) of the new product proved to be a great success.

3. Some errors are caused by        (proper) operation, and there is no hardware damage. 

4. The numerous holes in the ground protect the small animals            the summer heat. 

5. With         (purpose) reading, much of their time and energy will be saved.

6. With the        (publish) of the novel, the writer and the publisher both succeeded.

7. qualified What makes you think you are        (qualify) for this position?

8. Once you find that love within yourself, you will see your path begin to        (quick). 

9. Such firms are big, but not the most        (profit). They lack core competitiveness.

10. The programmer didn’t major in           (program) at college.


1. That clearly indicates that no one can make a progress merely because of good looks.

2. Besides, they also should be taught to use it proper and form a correct notion(观念) of consumption.

3. When all the passengers boarded the train, it pulled in.

4. We can see from his puzzling look that the problem is really difficult. 

5. I would rather be laughed at than quarrel about him. 

6. He is out of question the best student in the whole class. He failed in most subjects.

7. If you fail because of laziness, indecision or poor planning, you can quick correct those in the future.   

8. You have the right to remain quietly, but anything you say can be used against you in the court.  

9. The protection of the rare animals and plants are very important and necessary.

10. The manager demands each promoter puts forward a proposal in public. 


1. We need to                 (拆除) these barriers that hold people back,in progress

2. We should ban smoking not only                (在公共场合), but also at home. 

3. The famous article was                (出版) in the 1920s, nearly a century away.

4. The programmer destroyed the computer                (故意).

5. Today's advertisements often start with a question, or a puzzle,                      (目的是)attracting the reader's attention. 


1. 迄今为止,没有证据表明来自其它行星宇宙飞船确实存在。(thereis no proof that)

2. 有些家长没有给孩子提供足够的机会独立。(provide sb. with sth.)

3. 我的助手承诺尽快把论文翻译成英文。(put …into)

4. 如果一个人在思维敏捷,我们就说这个人聪明伶俐。(be quick in)

5. 这个程序证明是盗版的(pirated).,但是可以盈利。(prove to be)



1. promising 2. promotion  3. improper  4. from/against  5. purposeful  6. publication  7. qualified  8. quicken  9. profitable  10. programming


1. 去掉a 2. proper→properly    3. in→out  4.  puzzling→puzzled  5. about→with  6. 在of和question之间加the  7. quick→quickly  8. quiet→quietly  9. are→is  10. puts→put


1. pull down    2.  in public   3. put out   4. on purpose  5. for/with the purpose of    


1. So farthere is no proof that spaceships from other planets do exist. 

2. Some parents do not provide their children with enough opportunities to be independent.

3. My assistant promised to put the paper into English as soon as possible.

4. Ifsomeone is quick in mind, we say he is smart. 

5. The program proved to be pirated, but it can make profits.



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