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521. regard /rɪ'gɑːd/ v. 把…看作;认为;n. 尊重;关注;(复)问候,致意


(1) regard ...as 把……看做

regard for 顾及…,考虑…

regard to 对…的重视

(2) in/with regard to (= as regards) 关于……,在这点上

in this regard 在这点上

Give my (best) regards to.... 请代问候…

(3) regardless adv. 不管,不加理会

regardless of 不管,不顾

【例句】①I regard reading as a form of recreation.我把看书当作一种消遣的形式。

②If you should see him, please give him my regards.如果你见到他,请代我向他致意。

③Our club is open to everyone regardless_of age, sex or educational background.我们的俱乐部对任何人开放,不管年龄、性别或教育背景。

【串记】With regard to the status of teachers, they are regarded as gardeners关于教师的地位,教师被认为是园丁。

522. regret/rɪ'gret/ n. & v. 后/懊悔;抱歉,遗憾


(1)regret doing/having done sth.后悔已做某事

regret to do sth. 遗憾地要做某事

regret that ... 很遗憾(委婉地表示不能做某事)

(2)with great/deep regret 非常遗憾地

to one's regret = to the regret of sb. 令某人遗憾的是

regretful adj. 后悔的,遗憾的,惋惜的

【例句】①Tom regretted wasting/having wasted too much time watching TV and got down to his homework at once. 汤姆后悔浪费了太多的时间看电视,立刻开始做作业。

②We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。

③Much to our regret/To our great regret, we'll be unable to attend your wedding.


【串记】To our regret, he bitterly regretted helping us.令我们遗憾的是,他非常懊悔帮助了我们。

523. regular/ˈreɡjələr/ a. 规则/律的,定期的



regular customer 常客,老顾客

regular school 普通学校

regularly ad.有规则地,有规律地;经常地

【例句】Do you take regular exercise?你经常锻炼吗?

【串记】Attending a regular school, students lead a regular life. 上普通学校,学生过着有规律的生活。

524. relate /rɪ'leɪt/ vt. 叙述;使…有联系。vi. 涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系


(1) relate to 与…协调,与…相处得好,与…相适应

(常用于否定句 )


(2)related adj.有关的;相关的

(be) related to有关系的;有关联的

(3)relation n.关系;联系;亲属

in relation to关于;与……相比

relationship n. 关系/联

relative a. 相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n. 亲戚;相关物

relatively ad.相对/当地,比较地

【例句】①Deeply related to the matters,he has to answer all the related questions. 与事情有很深的关系,他必须回答所有相关的问题。

② She doesn't relate very well to her mother.她和她母亲关系不太融洽。

③I have nothing to say in relation to that matter. 关于那件事,我没什么可说的

【串记】He related the facts of the case which is related to the murder. 他叙述了与谋杀案有关的案件的事实。

525. relax /rɪ'læks/ v. (使)放松;使休息;使松弛


relaxation n. 放松; 缓和; 消遣

relaxed a. 放松的;自在的;不拘束的;宽松的

relaxing a. 令人轻/放松的

【例句】①Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams. 感到安全和放松会帮助你进入白日梦。

②It’s quite relaxing on the beach, and after a while you will feel relaxed.在海边令人十分惬意,不一会儿,你就会感到很放松。

【串记】Even relaxing shows can’t make him feel relaxed. Proper relaxation is necessary. 即使是轻松的节目也不能让他感到放松。适当的放松是必要的。

526. relieve /rɪ'liːv/ vt. 解除,减轻;使放心


(1)relieve sb.from……使某人摆脱……

relieve sb. of ... 解除某人……方面的负担

(2) relief n.减轻;宽慰;救济物

to one's relief令人感到欣慰的是

It is a relief to do sth. 做某事是一种宽慰

with relief 宽慰地

in relief 如释重负;松了口气

What a relief! 可轻松了!

类推:believe v. 相信;认为→belief n.相信,信赖;信仰;grieve v. 使悲伤,使苦恼;痛苦→grief n. 背痛,忧伤

【例句】① When would you relieve me of the burden? 你什么时候给我减轻负担啊?

②Much to my relief, my son was eventually admitted to a key university. 使我非常欣慰的是,我儿子最终被一所重点大学录取。

③What a relief! The difficulty has been overcome by the combined efforts of the whole team.


④When his daughter came home at last, he was in relief. 当他的女儿终于回家时,他松了一口气。

【串记】To_the_parents'_relief,_the children were sent to the hospital safely and took the medicine that  relieved_them_of_their_pain. We all sighed with

relief when we heard the good news. 使父母感到宽慰的是,孩子们已被安全地送到了医院,并且吃下了缓解他们疼痛的药。当我们大家得知这个好消息后,都宽慰地松了口气。

527. rely /rɪ'laɪ/ v. 信赖;依靠


(1) rely on/upon 信赖;依靠

rely on sb.doing/to do sth.指望某人做某事

rely on/upon it that...指望……;相信……

rely on/upon sb. /sth. for sth. 在某事上依赖/指望某人/物

(2)reliable adj. 可依靠的;可依赖的

reliability n. 可靠性/度,信度

【例句】①The days when the Chinese people had to rely on/upon imported oil are gone forever. 中国人民不得不依赖进口石油的日子一去不复返了。

②You may rely on it that they will support you. 你可以相信他们会支持你。

③Everybody likes to work with whoever is reliable and easy to get on with. 每个人都喜欢和可靠和容易相处的人一起工作。

易错点拨在rely on it that结构中,it作形式宾语,代替that引导的宾语从句。此类动词(短语)还有:love,like,appreciate,hate,depend on,see to等。

【串记】The fact relying on your memory sometimes is unreliable. 依赖你的记忆有时是不可靠的。

528. remain /rɪ'meɪn/ vi. 停/逗留(同stay);余/剩/留下;link vi. 保持,仍是


remain + adj./n. 仍然是,依旧是

remain of 剩下…,留下…

remain to be seen 有待观察

remain under 仍处于…下

remains n. 残余, 遗迹;遗骸

remaining a. 剩下的,剩余的

【例句】Some students offered to remain behind to help clean up after the meeting.有几名学生表示愿意在散会以后留下来帮助打扫。

【串记】It remains to be seen whether the remaining historical remains can remain unchanged. 剩下的历史遗迹能否保持不变,还有待观察。

【辨析】remain, stay

这两个词都有“留下,逗留”之意,其区别是:stay通常指在某地呆一段时间而不离开,或暂时留〔住〕在某地,尤指以宾客身份逗留; 而remain则指别人已经走了,而某人仍在原地。

remark [rɪ'mɑːk]v谈到,说起;注意到;评论n.意见;评论

【拓展】(1)remark on/upon谈论,评论,就……发表意见

remark that ... 谈起,说起……

(2)make a remark/remarks on/about ...就……发表评论,就……评头论足

(3)remarkable adj. 显著的,非凡的,值得注意的

be remarkable for以……著称/引人瞩目

【例句】①She could hear the other girls making rude remarks about her.她可以听见其他女孩在说她的坏话。

②It's bad manners to make a remark/remarks on/about the appearance of others.对别人的相貌品头论足是没有礼貌的。

③As we all know, the West Lake is remarkable for her beautiful scenery.众所周知,西湖以她美丽的自然景色而著称。

remember /rɪ'membə(r)/ v. 记得;想起;记住,铭记;回忆;提及


remember doing sth.记得做过某事

remember oneself反省

remember to do sth.记得要做某事

remember A to B代A向B问好

【例句】①Please remember to give me a phone call when you get there.请记住你到那儿时给我来个电话。

②She remembered buying the newspaper.她记得她买过报纸。

529. remind /rɪ'maɪnd/ vt. 提醒,使记/想起


remind sb. about/of 提醒;使想起

remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事

remind (sb.) that/how/what ... 提醒(某人)…

reminder n. 暗示;提醒的人/物

【例句】①This story reminds me of my childhood.这个故事让我想起了我的童年。

②He reminded me to lock up the house when I go out.他提醒我外出时把屋子锁起来。

③That suddenly reminded her that she had promised to ring them up.这突然使她想起她说过要给他们打电话的。

④This reminds me what we did together during our holidays.这使我想起我们在假日里一起做的事。

【串记】The reminder remindsme what I should do next? 提醒提醒我下一步该做什么?

530. remove /rɪ'muːv/ vt. 移动,拿走;脱摘掉;消除,去掉;撤职


remove ... from ...把……从……移开

remove from ... to ... 从……搬到……

be removed from school 开除;被勒令退学

removal n. 免职;移动;排除;搬迁

【例句】①He removed the mud from his shoes.他去掉鞋上的泥。

②Three children were removed from the school for bad behavior yesterday.昨天三个孩子因不良行为而被学校开除了。

【串记】The tumour having been removed, he remained working for three days to remove the problem. Feeling tired, he removed his eyes from the task and removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. 肿瘤切除后,他继续工作了三天解决这个问题。当他觉得累了,就把眼睛从工作中移开,摘掉眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。

531. replace /rɪ'pleɪs/ vt. 取代,更换(同take one’s place/take the place of)


replace ... with/by .用……替换…,以…接替……

take one's place = take the place of 代替

in place of = in one's place 代替;取代

replacement n. 更换;替换的人(物)

【例句】①Teachers will never be completely replaced by computers in the classroom. 课堂上电脑永远不会完全取代老师。

②No one can take the place of her father in her heart. 没有人可以取代父亲在她心目中的位置。

③Our monitor will attend the meeting in place of our head teacher.我们的班长将代替我们的班主任参加会议。

【串记】It is not a good idea to miss main meals and replace them with snacks.  They are irreplaceable. 不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。他们是不可替代的。

532. report/rɪ'pɔːt/ n. & v. 报道/告;汇报;举报,告发


give a report 作报告

It is reported that据报导,据传闻

reported speech间接引语

report on sb/sth (to sb) 报道…,就…作报告

report out (汇报

report to 向…汇报〔报告〕

reporter n. 记者

【例句】The teacher will report out our English study to the headmaster.老师将向校长汇报我们学习英语的情况。

At the end of every term a schoolmaster reports on each of his pupils.每学期结束时,教员都要报告每位学生的情况。

【串记】The reporter gave a weather report that it will remain high temperature in the following five days. 记者报告说,未来五天天气仍将高温。

533. represent /reprɪ'zent/ vt. 代表;表示,象征


represent sb as 把…说成…

represent oneself as 自称是……

represent sth to 对…来说等于

represent sth to oneself 心中想象到某物representative n. 代表典型;a. 典型的,有代表性的

a representative for… 的代理人

be representative of 是…的代表,代表

【例句】She decided to represent herself during the trial. 她决定在审判中作自我辩护。

【串记】The look on the representative’s face represented he hated the gift and everything it represented. 代表脸上的表情表明他讨厌这份礼物和它所代表的一切。

534. request /rɪ'kwest/ n. & v. 请/要求


(1)make a request for请求,要求……

at sb.'s request =at the request of sb.应某人之要求

on/upon request 一经要求

(2)request sb.to do sth. 请求/要求某人做某事

request that ...(should) do sth. 请求……做某事

【例句】①The singer sang one more song at the request of enthusiastic fans.应热情歌迷的要求,这位歌手又唱了一首歌。

②They have made an urgent request for international aid. 他们提出了国际援助的紧急请求。

③We requested that the government should make/make an investigation of the matter immediately. 我们要求政府立即对此事进行调查。

【串记】It is reported that at the request of the public, the singer was requested to apologize in public. 据报道,应公众的要求,这位歌手被要求公开道歉。

535. require /rɪ'kwaɪə/ vt. 需求;要求


(1)require sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事

require that sb. (should) do sth. 要求某人做某事

require doing/to be done 需要被做

(2)requirement n. 要求,需要;必需品

meet/satisfy one's requirements 满足某人的要求

【例句】①She patiently explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them.


②It is required in the school regulations that students (should) not wear long hair or jewels.


③The matter related to people's health surely requires to be dealt/dealing with carefully.与人们健康相关的事情当然需要谨慎处理。

④Firstly, I feel that I am competent to you’re your requirements.首先,我感觉我有能力满足你们的要求。

【点津】require作“需要”讲,且句子主语为物时,后可跟动词­ing形式表示被动含义,有这类用法的词还有:need, want, deserve, be worth等。

(1)require表示“需要”,接含有被动意义的非谓语动词时,不定式用被动结构,而动名词用主动结构,即require to be done或require doing。

(2)require后的宾语从句,requirement后的表语从句、同位语从句通常要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用(should) do形式。

【串记】Regulations require that students should attend at least 90% of the lectures and meet other requirements. 规定要求学生至少要达到90%的听课率且满足其他的要求。

536. research /rɪ'sɜːtʃ; 'riːsɜːtʃ/ n. & v. 研究,调查


do research on/into sth. 对某事物进行研究

research into就…研究

research on 研究; 探讨…

researcher n. 研究者/员

【例句】He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.他正在研究小学生的阅读问题。

【串记】The researcher were required to do further research on cancer. 研究人员被要求对癌症做进一步的研究。



(1)rescue sb./sth. from ...从……中拯救某人/某物

(2)come to one's rescue = come to the rescue of sb.


make a rescue 实施救援

①It's kind of you to have rescued me from an embarrassing situation. 你把我从尴尬的境地中解救出来真是太好啊。

②Though he was occupied, he came to my rescue when I was trapped in the hill hole.


537. reserve /rɪ'zɜːv/ n. & v. 储备,保留/存;预定(同book);(野生动/植物)保护区


(1)without reserve毫无保留地

in reserve 备用

natural reserve 自然保护区

(2)reserve sth. for sb. 为某人保留某物

reserve a room/table/seat 预订房间/桌子/座位

reserve the right to do sth. 保留做某事的权利

reservation n. 预定/约;保留

【例句】①We accept your statement without reserve.我们毫无保留地接受你的意见。

②I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。

【串记】These seats are reserved for special guests who are eager to see the film about natural reserves.这些座位是留给渴望看关于自然保护区的电影的客人的。

resist [rɪ'zɪst] v.抵抗,抵制;使不受……的伤害;忍住

【拓展】(1)resist doing sth.反对做某事

can't resist (doing) sth. 无法抗拒(做)某事的诱惑

(2)resistant adj. 有抵抗力的,抵抗的

be resistant to 对……有抵抗力

(3)resistance n. 抗拒,反对,阻力

【例句】①Some government officials weren't resistant to the temptation of money, and were punished by law in the end.一些政府官员抵制不住金钱的诱惑,最后受到了法律的制裁。

②I know it is time for me to set out to do my homework, but I just can't resist playing computer games. 我知道是时候开始做作业了,但我就是忍不住玩电脑游戏。

③Among them are special windows that are resistant (resist) to dirt and water. 其中包括特殊的窗户,它们能够抵抗污垢和水。

【点津】resist表示“忍住”时,常与表示否定意义的can't/can hardly/be not able to 连用,resist 后接v.­ing形式作宾语,不接不定式。

538.respect /rɪ'spekt/ vt. 尊敬;尊重;遵守;关于;涉及 n. 尊敬;敬重;关系;方面 n. (复)respects: 敬意;问候


give(send)one's respects to sb·向……致意,问候

have respect for尊敬

have respect to和……有关系,考虑,关心

in respect of关于,在……方面

in respect that如果考虑到……,因为……

With respect to关于

as respects谈到,关于

respectable a.可敬的,受尊敬的

respectful a.恭敬的,尊敬的;有礼貌的,端庄的

be respectful to sb.尊敬某人

be respectful of tradition尊重传统

be respectful to seniors对长辈有礼貌【例句】①We have the greatest respect for Mo Yan in respect of his winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.就莫言获得了诺贝尔文学奖而言,我们非常钦佩他。

②This proposal differs from the last one in many important respects.在很多重要的方面,这个建议不同于上一个。

③The teacher这位老师令人尊敬,

【串记】With respect to the devotion he made, is respectable, so we are all respectful to him.就他的奉献而言,他值得尊重,因此我们所有的人都尊敬他。

539. respond /rɪ'spɒnd/ v. 回答/应(同respond);作出反应(同react)


respond by 以…方式反应

respond to响应;对……起反应

response n回答,应答;响应,反应,感应

in responseto响应……的号召

make no response不做回应

【例句】They responded my joke by laughing.他们对我的笑话报以大笑。

The teacher responded yes to the question that student put forward.老师对那个学生的问题作了肯定的回答。

【串记】How did they respond to the news?他们对这则消息有什么反应?

540. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ a. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的(反irresponsible)


(1)be responsible for对(某行为)负责;是……的原因

be responsible to sb 对某人负责

(2) responsibility n. 责任,职责; 义务

take the responsibility for(of doing)对……有责任;对……负责

It is sb. ’s responsibility to do sth. 做……是某人的职责。

a sense of responsibility责任感

【例句】①The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers’s afety.飞机驾驶员应对旅客的安全负责。

②He is free from any sense of responsibility.他丝毫没有责任感。

③It’s important to teach your teen how to behave responsibly. 教你的孩子如何负责任地行为是很重要的

易错点拨responsibility后接that从句时,从句通常要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用(should) do。

【串记】The responsible researcher is responsible for the entire research.负责任的研究者负责整个研究。



1.Finally, the man planned to choose to join the company as a market       (research). 

2.There are five women           (representative) attending the meeting.

3.You should regularly remind him         (relax) himself from time to time to keep energetic.

4.To our regret, there are only               (remain) ten minutes.

5.Most house plants require regular           (water) as well as sunlight.

6.You can’t rely on him          (keep) your secret, because he is not a trustworthy man.

7.Much to my         (relieve), the car was not badly damaged. 

8.Give my          (respect) to your father. I miss him very much.

9.Being public figures, leaders are required             (appear) strong and capable.

10.Taking         (responsible) for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.


1. I have the greatest respect to the unknown reseacher’s amazing work.

2. There are many ways you can choose to relax you in our hometown.

3. The weeds in the garden require to removing regularly.

4.The expert and environmentalist regular recorded what happened to the rare bird.  

5.This discovery was regarded for a major breakthrough in the field of AI.

6.Knowing basic first-aid skills will help you respond quickly for emergencies.

7.We required that the discussion was put off till next Friday.

8.No one can take the capable manager place for he is irreplaceable.

9.Bill reminded me the day years ago when we had first met.

10.We were told to remain still in our seats with our seat belts fasten


1. The product was developed                       (作为回应) customer demand. 

2. The two groups were similar                       (关于,就…方面) income and status. 

3. The Great Wall                       (代表) China in the worl.

4.                       (令我遗憾的是), he refused my proposal.

5.                       (据报道) he was removed because of corruption


1. 赡养老人人人有责。(is responsible for)

2. 这项研究是应主席要求进行的。(at the request of)

3.  我想预订八点钟供三人用餐的桌位。(reserve... for)

4. 他乐意讲述他的童年经历。(be ready to do, relate)

5. 三个孩子表现不好被开除了。(be removed from)



1. researcher  2. representatives   3. to relax   4. remaining  5. watering   6. to keep  7. relief   8. respects  9. to appear  10. responsibility


1. to→or 2. you→yourself/yourselves  3.去掉to  4. regular→regularly  5. for→as  6. for→to  7. was→be  8.manager→manager’s   9. 在him后加of  10. fasten→fastened


1. in response to   2. with respect to   3. is representative of  4. To my regret  5. It is reported that  


1.Every one is responsible for taking care of the old.

2.The study was done at the request of the Chairman.

3.I'd like to reserve a table for three at eight o'clock.

4.She was ready to relate her childhood experiences.

5.Three children were removed from the school for bad behaviour.



[更新答题卡] 英语教师选择题手机阅卷神器

[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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