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541. result /rɪ'zʌlt/n. 结/成/后果(consequence);比赛结果;考试成绩;v. 发生,导致


at a result(of)作为(……的)结果,由于……

in the result结果.结局

with the result that……因而

result from起因于,由……产生

result in以……结束,导致,引起

【例句】①As a result of the pilots' strike, all flights have had to be canceled.由于飞行员罢工,所有航班都被迫取消了。

②The terrible accident resulted from a driver's drunk driving.那场可怕的事故是由一个司机醉酒驾车而引起的。

【串记】The accident which resulted from the driver’s carelessness resulted in heavy result. 由于司机的粗心大意,事故造成了严重的后果。

【辨析】result from起因于,由……产生,句中主语是“结果”,from后的宾语是“起因” result in


542. review /rɪ'vjuː/ n. & v. 复/温习(revise, go over);复查;回顾,反思;评论


give a review of 回顾…

have a review of 对…进行复习,复习…

in /under review 在检查中

keep under review不断复查

review for 为…复习,为…写评论

【例句】When you review your lessons, mark the

places which you do not understand. 当你们复习功课的时候,遇到不懂的地方把它们标出来。

【串记】The book review requires to be reviewed.


543. reward/rɪ'wɔːd/ n. & v. 报答/酬;奖赏


(1)as a reward for ...作为对……的回报

in reward for ...     为了酬谢或报答……

give/offer a reward to sb. for sth.=give/offer sb. a reward for sth. 为某事而给某人报酬/回报

(2)reward sb. for (doing) sth.为(做)某事报答/奖赏某人

reward sb. with ... 用……报答/回报某人

(3)rewarding adj. 值得做的;有益的

【例句】①The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.学生们一直努力学习功课,他们的付出最终会获得成功的。

②I’d like to do something in reward for/as a reward for her kindness.我想做点什么来报答她的好意。

【串记】Parents often give their children rewards for passing exams. But whether this way is rewarding remains to be seen. 孩子通过考试,父母常会给他们奖励。但这种方式是否有益还有待观察。

【辨析】reward, award




指正式地或官方地颁发、授予、给予;往往鼓励杰出的表现或对所提出的要求而进行的一种奖励。常用搭配:award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.

544. right /raɪt/ a. 对,正确的(反wrong);适/恰当的;ad. 正确地;恰恰,完全地;a. & n. 右,右边(的) (同left);正常的,健全的;n. 权利


all right好,行,可以;良好的;令人满意的

right away立刻

right now现在,立即

put(set) right改正,纠正

right or wrong不管好坏,无论如何

【例句】I hope we're doing the right thing. 我希望我们这样做是妥当的。

【串记】The reviewer is the right person who has the right to make the problem right right now. 评论员就是那个有权现在就解决问题的人。

545. rise /raɪz/(rose,risen) n. & vi. 上升/涨;起身,站起


give rise to 使发生(或存在)

on the rise 在增加;在上涨

rise from 由…复活,从…上升

rise to 应付…,上升到…

rise to one's feet 站起来

rise with 随着…增长

【例句】①We watched the rise of the plane.我们注视飞机升上去。

②The river is rising after the rain.河水在雨后涨了起来。

【串记】The divorce rate has risen steadily since the 1950s, and unemployment rate has also been on the rise, which have given rise to lots of social problems.  20 世纪50年代以来,离婚率持续上升, 失业率也在上升,这导致了许多社会问题。

【辨析】rise/raise (参见P)

546. risk/rɪsk/n. 风/危险;v. 冒着……的危险


(1)risk sth. /doing sth. 冒着……的危险

(2)at risk处于危险之中

at the risk of doing sth. 冒着……的风险

take /run a risk冒险

take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒着……的危险

(3)risky adj.危险的

【例句】He was praised because he risked losing his life to put out the big fire.

= He was praised because he took/ran the risk of losing his life to put out the big fire.

=He was praised because he put out the big fire at the risk of losing his life.


【串记】The youth ran the risk of losing his life to save the boy at risk. 这个年轻人冒着生命危险救了处于危险中的男孩。

547. rob /rɒb/ v. 抢劫,掠夺;(非正式)敲诈


rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物

robber n. 强盗,盗贼;抢劫犯   

robbery n. 抢劫/掠;盗窃

【例句】The shock robbed her of her speech.她震惊得说不出话来。

【串记】After robbing failed, the gang robbed him of all his belongings. The police are looking into the robbery. 敲诈行不通后,那伙人抢了他所有的财物。警方正在调查这个抢劫案。

548. root/ruːt/ n. 根;根/起源;词根;v. (使)生/扎根


at (the) roots本质上

root and branch〔root-and-branch〕连根带叶; 彻底的

root out 〈口〉搜寻

root up 杜绝

be rooted in 根源在于;植根于,深植于,生根于

【例句】His selfishness was the root of trouble.他的自私是苦恼的根源。

【串记】The idea of finding roots was rooted in the old man's mind. 寻根的想法深植于老人的头脑中。

549. ruin /'ruːɪn/ vt. 糟蹋;(使)毁坏/灭;n. (复)废墟;遗迹


(1)be ruined by 被……破坏

(2)be/lie in ruins 成为废墟,被毁灭

fall into/come to ruin 被破坏了,被毁了

be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟

【例句】①She returned home and found all her furniture had been ruined by the flood.她回到家发现所有的家具都已被洪水毁坏了。

②Three days later, the fire was put out and some 500 blocks lay/were in ruins.


③In some places, roads built to help farmers fell into ruin/came to ruin.在一些地方,用来帮助农民的道路完全毁坏了。

【串记】An earthquake ruined our home, leaving the whole town in ruins. 地震毁坏了我们的家园,使整个小镇处在废墟中。

550. rule /ruːl/ n. 规则/定;vt. & n. 统治,支配


as a rule通常,照例

by rule按规则

make a rule of doing规定要做


under the rule of在……统治下

rule out 排除;取消; 阻止

ruler n. 尺;统治者

【例句】It's against all rules and regulations. 这违背了所有的规章制度。

【串记】It is a general rule that the winner rules the world. 胜者统治世界是一条通用规则。

551. run/rʌn/ vi. 奔跑;运转/行;vt. 管理,经营


(1)run after追赶;追逐;追求

run away from 逃离;逃避

run across 偶然遇见

run into 遇到;撞上

run out (of) 花光,用完;耗尽

run over (开车)碾过,轧过

run through贯穿,普遍存在于;浏览

(2)in the long/short run 从长期/短期来看

runner n. 跑步者;走私者;推销员

running n. 跑步,赛跑;运转

【例句】①In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth's natural resources run out.将来,由于地球上的自然资源濒临枯竭,关爱环境将变得非常重要。

②Many men run after success, and often neglect their wives and children. 许多男人追逐成功,而经常忽视了他们的妻子和孩子。

③We have already run out of our money and I don't know what to do next.我们的钱已经用完了,我不知道下一步该怎么办。

【串记】The man who runs a big company often runs to work. Sometimes he runs across a neighbor and colleague. He is planning to run for mayor. 经营大公司的那个人经常跑步上班。

552. rush /rʌʃ/ vi. & n. 冲,奔跑;仓促行事,匆忙;vt. 急送


rush hour(交通)高峰时间

rush at向……冲

rush to conclusions匆匆下结论

rush sb.to the hospital火速送某人进医院

a rush of work一阵匆忙的工作

a rush order紧急订货

【例句】The runner rushed outside and hailed a taxi. 跑步者冲了出去,招了一辆出租车。

【串记】He rushed me a rushed job, asking me to rush to buy a computer in the rush hour. 他匆忙地给了我一份紧急任务,让我在交通高峰期赶紧买一台电脑。

sad /sæd/ adj. 悲哀的;忧愁的;伤心的


be sad about(over)sth·为某事感到悲哀

be sad to do sth.因(做)……而悲伤

It is sad that……遗憾的是……

sad to say(常用于句首)可悲的是,不幸,倒霉

sadly ad.悲痛地,悲哀地,忧伤地,幽暗地

sadness n.悲哀,悲痛,忧伤,幽暗

【例句】Everyone was sad over his death.大家都因他去世面感到悲伤。

553. safe /seɪf/ a. 安全的 (反unsafe);n. 保险柜


for safe keeping妥善保管

in (sb's) safe keeping由(某人)保管〔保护〕

on the safe side为慎重起见,以防万一

safe and sound 安然无恙(常与arrive, come, return等动词连用,说明主语的状态)

be safe against (fire,flood)防止可能发生的危险

be safe from 躲避,避开,逃脱危险

be safe with信得过,可靠的

be safe for对某人某物来说是安全的。

safeguard n. 保护/卫;保卫措施,预防措施

safely ad.安全地,平安地;稳妥地;可靠地

safety n. 安全

【例句】It’s not safe to cross the street without looking.不左右看看就穿过马路是不安全的。

【串记】It is safe to put your belongings into the safe.把财产放在保险箱里很安全。

554. same /seɪm/ a. & ad. 同样的/地;n. 同样的人/事物


all the same仍然,照样的;完全一样

just the same完全一样,仍然,还是

much the same 几乎相同,大致一样

the same……as与……一样的,与……相同

the same……that正是,与……一样的

(the) same to you 你也一样

It's the same with ... = So it is with ...……也这样【例句】①He is very fat and doesn't like sports; it is the same with me/so it is with me.他很胖,不喜欢运动,我也一样。

②They both said much the same thing. 他们两人的话大致一样。

555. satisfy /'sætɪsfaɪ/ vt. (使)满足/意


(1)satisfy/meet one’s needs/demands满足某人的需要/要求

satisfy sb.of(或that)使某人确信

(2)satisfied adj.(感到)满意的

be satisfied to do.../with...对(做)……感到满意

(3)satisfying adj.令人满意的

(4)satisfaction n.满意

in/with satisfaction满意地

to one’s satisfaction使某人满意的是

express one's satisfaction at(with)对……表示满意

In satisfaction of作为……赔偿

to the satisfaction of使……满足

【例句】The education must satisfy the needs of all children. 教育必须满足所有儿童的需要。

【串记】What satisfies us is that the satisfying gift made him satisfied. 使我们满意的是,令人满意的礼物使他满意。

556. save /seɪv/ vt. 救,挽/拯救;节省/约(反waste);保留/存→


save sb.from从……中救出某,人使…免于/遭

save for为…积蓄〔储存〕…

save up 储存起来

saving n. 节约/省→savings储蓄金,存款

【例句】She saved her strength for the last minutes of the race.她留着劲准备在赛跑的最后几分钟冲刺。

【串记】I'm saving for a new bike.My savings have reached half the price. 我正攒钱想买辆新自行车。我的积蓄已经达到价格的一半了。

557. scare /skeə/ v. & n. (使)受惊,(使)惊恐(同frighten,terrify)


scare away〔off〕吓跑

scare sb into v-ing吓得去做某事

scare out用恐吓的方法逼出〔赶出〕

scare out of mind 吓得魂不附体

scare up 张罗,凑合

scared a. 害怕的

be scared of 害怕

be scared to do sth. 害怕做某事

scaring a. 令人害怕的, 吓人的(同scary)

【例句】①Susan got a scare when all the lights in the house went out at once.房子里所有的灯一下子熄灭时,苏珊吓了一跳。

②You scared me out of my mind, coming up behind me suddenly like that.你这冷不防从背后过来,真把我吓死了。

【串记】I am scared to stay at a scaring place by myself. 我害怕独自呆在一个可怕的地方。

558. scene /siːn/ n.(戏剧、电影等的)一场,场景,布景;事发地点,现场;风景,景色;情景,场面


on the scene 在现场

the scene of the accident/crime 在事故/犯罪现场scenery [U](总称)风景;景色

形近词:scent n.香/气味

【例句】The film contains some violent scenes. 这部影片有几处暴力场面。

【串记】The scene of the fire was scary. Luckily, firefighters were on the scene immediately. 火灾现场很吓人,幸运的是消防队立刻赶到现场。

559. science /'saɪəns/ n. 科学;技术;学科;理科


natural/social science 自然/社会科学

science fiction 科幻小说

science and technology 科学技术

scientific a. 科学的 →scientifically ad. 科学地,科学上

scientist n. 科学家

【例句】What did you do in science class today? 今天你们自然科学课做什么?的发展

【串记】The key to development of society lies inthe development science and technology. 社会发展的关键在于科技。



1. Isaac Newton, the founder of modern science is a great        (science).

2. She's never         (satisfy) with what she's got, causing her to live an unhappy life. 

3. The reason why she is tired is that she came          (run) to meet us. 

4. Teaching can be a very          (reward) career in the near future. 

5. I have the right          (remind) you of your responsibility to take care of the old.

6. First Emperor of Qin, one of the emperor of ancient China, was a great         (rule).

7. I'm worried about the       (safe) of the treatment.

8. Mary couldn’t take the risk of          (leave) her baby alone ever for a short time.

9. In the future, care for the environment will become very important with natural resources       (run) out.

10. With Mother’s words deeply         (root) in my soul, I never doubt we would succeed.


1. As a result the pilots’ strike, all flights have had to be cancelled. 

2. Whynot search reviews before you buy the new model of cell phone?

3. The famous model was wearing the same dress that I had on.

4. The best part of the trip was that we could enjoy the fantastic natural sceneries.

5. Stricken by the earthquake, the railwaystations were in ruin.

6. He was rightly responsible for the accident which caused a bad effect.

7. The water level has risen so high in several places that many homes are at the risk of flooding.

8. Hearing the satisfying news, the man had a satisfying expression on his face.

9. The young man who was well dressed robbed her with her bag.

10. It is safe to sleep with the window and door open at night in that neighborhood full of criminal.


1. She                       (害怕)go out alone. 她不敢一个人外出。

2. The patient removed one of his kidneys                       (冒着…的危险) losing his life.

3.                                  (别急), you have enough time to review what you have learned.

4. When I first learned to write in English, I                       (遇到)many difficulties.

5.                                 (在...统治下) a cruel king, people led a miserable life.


1.那对年轻夫妇不急着要孩子。 (rush into doing sth)

2.她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。(save sb from doing sth)

3.随着经济的发展,五年来房价一直在上涨。(on the rise)

4.警察很快到达现场让大众很满意。( on the scene)

5.亲戚向即将参加高考的他隐瞒他父母的死亡。(keep sth. secret from sb.)



1. scientist  2. satisfied  3. running  4. rewarding  5. to remind  6. ruler  7. safety  8. leaving  9. running  10. rooted


1. result后加of 2. search后加for  3. that→as  4. sceneries→scenery  5. ruin→ruins  6. rightly→right  7. 去掉at 后面的the   8. satisfying→satisfied  9. with→of  10. 在后面加not或safe→unsafe


1. is scared to  2. at the risk of  3. There is no rush  4. run into  5. Under the rule of


1.The young couple don't want to rush into having a baby. 

2.She saved a little girl from falling into the water. 

3.With the development of economy, house prices have been on the rise in the past five years.

4.The police were on the scene in time, which satisfied the mass.

5.His relative kept his parents’ death from him who would take the college entrance exam.



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