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560. search/sɜːtʃ/ n. & v. 搜寻/查(藏身处等);搜/检索


search for搜寻,寻找

search A for B搜查A为了要找B

search out搜出,找到

search after追求

in search of 寻找,搜寻

形近词:research n. & v. 研究

researcher n. 研究者/员

【例句】He searched through all the drawers for the key.他翻遍所有的抽屉找钥匙。

【串记】In order to search for the missing girl,the police are searching the forest. 为了寻找失踪的女孩,警察正在森林里搜索。

561.secret/'siːkrɪt/ n. 秘/奥密,诀窍;秘/神密的


in secret秘密地;私下地(反in public)

in the secret知道内情

let in on a secret让某人知道秘密

keep sth. secret from sb. 把某事对某人保密

secretly ad.秘密地

secretive a.保密的,守口如瓶的

secretary n. 秘书;书记;部长;大臣

【例句】What is the secret of his success? 他成功的秘诀是什么?

【串记】The secretary told me the secret in secret. 秘书秘密地把秘密告诉了我。

562.seek/siːk/(sought, sought)v. 寻找/求(look/hunt for);试/企图(同attempt);探寻


seek to do sth.(正式)试图做某事

seek one's fortune 寻找致富(或成功)的机会

seek after/for 追求,寻求

seek out 挑选出;找出

【例句】①We seek to find a way to make us get along well with the people around us.我们试图找一种方法使我们和周围的人相处融洽。

②Many young people leave their hometown to seek their fortune in big cities.很多年轻人离开家乡到大城市寻找成功的机会。

【串记】In order to seek out a way to seek their fortune, many people seek for gold in the west. 为了寻求致富之道,许多人到西方去淘金。

563.seem /siːm/ v. 似乎,好像


It seems that似乎,好像

It seems to me that在我看来,我以为

seem (to be/like) +n. /adj.好像是,看起来像

seem to do sth. 似乎要做某事

it seems as if/though从句 看来好像

【例句】①The children seemed to be eating something in the room.孩子们好像正在房间里吃东西。

②The engine just won't start. Something seems to have gone (go) wrong with it.引擎发动不了。看起来好像出了什么毛病。

③It seems to me that Mr. Brown will not come again.在我看来布朗先生不会再来了。

④It seems as if/though everybody else knew about it except me.看上去好像除了我之外每个人都知道此事。

564.seize /siːz/ vt. 抓住(同grab),逮捕;夺取,占领;把握(时机等)


seize sb.by the+部位 抓住某人的……部位

seize from 从…夺走

be seized of(依法)占有着,知道(消息等)

be seized with an illness害病

seize on(upon)利用,采用(建议),抓住(机会),了解(意思)

【例句】He seized the pickpocket by the collar.他抓住那个扒手的衣领。

【串记】The army seized the opportunity and seized the airport in a surprise attack. 军队抓住机会,突袭并占领了机场。

565.select/sɪ'lekt/ vt. 精/挑选,选择拔


select as 选为

select for 为…而挑选

select from 从…中挑选

select out of 选拔

selective a. 选择性的

selection n. 选择,挑选;选集;精选品

形近词: elect选举→election n.

【例句】He selected a shirt to match his suit.他挑了一件衬衣来配他那套衣服。

【串记】There are a wide selection of gifts, you can select what is your favorite. 有很多礼物可供选择,你可以选择你最喜欢的。

566. send /send/ (sent,sent) v. 送,寄;派遣


send away 发送;派遣;解雇;驱逐

send for sb (sth) 派人去请某人(找某物)

send in呈报,提交,送来

send off邮寄,发送;派遣;给……送行

send out发送;派遣;放出

send up 射出;使上升;长出

【例句】Have you sent a postcard to your mother yet? 你给你母亲寄明信片了没有?

【串记】The scientists sent up a satellite by mistake. As a consequence, they were sent away. 科学家们误发了一颗卫星。结果,他们被送走了。

567. sense /sens/ n. 感官;感觉,意识;理解/判断力;理/心智见识,通情达理;意/意义;感觉/觉察到


come to one's senses 恢复理性,醒悟过来,(昏迷后)苏醒过来

in a sense某一方面;从某种意义上(讲)

make sense讲得通,有意义

make sense of了解……的意思,弄懂……的意思

a sense of …的感觉

There is no sense in (doing) sth.[口语]做某事是没有道理/无意义的

senseless adj. 无知觉的;无意识的

sensible adj. 明智的; 通情达理的; 合乎情理的

be sensible of知道

be sensible to light能感光

sensitive adj. 敏感的;神经过敏的;易受伤害的

be sensitive to 对…敏感

【例句】①This sentence just doesn't make sense, no matter how you read it. 无论你怎样读这个句子,它就是讲不通。

②In a sense,I can't agree with what you said. 从某种意义上说,我不同意你的话。

③We read it through, but couldn't make sense of it. 我们看了一遍,但不明白它说些什么。

④There is no sense in talking to him any more. You are wasting your breath. 没必要再给他说了,你是白费口舌。

【串记】In a sense, as a sensible woman, she in no sense loses her sense of judgement, and she always manages to make sense of everything. As a result, there is no sense in worrying about her. 从某种意义上说,作为一个有理智的女人,她决不会丧失判断力,她总是设法把一切都讲得合情合理。因此,为她担心是没有意义的。

568.separate /(for v.) ˈsepəreɪt; (for adj.) ˈseprət/ v. 使分开

/分离;区分;分居/手;a. 单独的,分开/离的


(1)separate A from B把A和B分开


(2)separation n.分开;分离;分居

separately ad. 分别地;分离地;个别地

【例句】①I separated the good apples from the bad ones and she divided the best into halves.我把好苹果和坏苹果分开,然后她把最好的分成了两半。

②It is impossible to separate belief from emotion. 信仰和感情是分不开的。

【串记】He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage and lived in two separate buildings. 他和妻子在结婚20年后分居了并住在两栋独立的楼房内。



569.serious /'sɪərɪəs/ a. 严肃的;认真的;严重的;重大的


be serious about 对…认真,认真对待

seriously ad. 认真地; 严重地,严肃地

take it seriously 认真对待

【例句】Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。

【串记】The result could be serious. As a result, you must take it seriously. 后果可能很严重, 你必须认真对待。

570.serve /sɜːv/ vt. 招待,为……服务;服役;提供,满足;适合,对……起作用


(1)serve the people heart and soul全心全意为人民服务

serve as 充当;担任

serve sb.(with) sth.=serve sth.to sb. 拿/用某物招待/款待某人

(2)service n. 服务

at your service 愿为您效劳;听候您的吩咐

in service在职,运转中

be in the service服现役

be of service to对……有用

give good service服务周到

servant n. 仆/佣人

server n. 侍者;服务器

【例句】① The students served some apples to the invited experts.

=The students served the invited experts with some apples.学生们用一些苹果来招待邀请来的专家。

②If you need my help, let me know. I'm always at your service.如果你需要帮忙,请告诉我,我随时愿为你效劳。

【串记】In her family, the poor woman serves as a servant, and serves every family heart and soul,but she still can’t serve the need of everyone. 在家中,这个可怜的女人就像一个仆人,全心全意地为每个家人服务,但仍然不能满足每个人的需要。

571.set /set/ vt. 摆放,安置;布置,安排;设置,调整;确/制定;树立,开创;以……为背景;(日、月等)落;n. (一)套/部;装/设备


set aside存储;留出,省出

set back 阻碍;耽搁;延缓

set down 放下,写下,登记

be set in 以…为背景

set off 出发,动身;引发,使爆炸,燃放

set about doing sth.(=set out to do sth.) 着手做某事

set up建立,设立,准备,安排

setting n. 环境;安装;布置

【例句】①Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

②You had better set down your idea before you forget it.趁着你还没忘,你最好把你的想法写下来。

③He set about reading a novel right after taking a walk.

=He set out to read a novel right after taking a walk.散步后,他开始看小说。

【串记】 Once you set a goal, you must set it down and set about working at it. 一旦你设定了一个目标,你就必须把它写下来并开始为之努力。

Last year, Tom set about writing/set out to write a novel, in which a man decided to set aside some money for his son, and he set off for London to earn money.

572.settle /'set(ə)l/ vi. 解决;决/确定;安家,定居;坐下;(使)坐下;(使)平/安静


settle down(使)平静;(使)稳定;定居

settle down to sth. 开始专心做……(to是介词)

settle in/into ... (使)适应(新环境/生活/工作等);安定下来;迁入(新居)

settle on/upon 决定;同意

settlement n. 解决,处理;结算; 殖民

settler n. 移居者;殖民者

【例句】①Since you have settled down in a new country, you have to make an adjustment to the new environment.既然你已在一个新的国家定居,你必须调整以适应新的环境。

②Something is bothering him, so he can't settle

down to his study.有一些事情一直困扰着他,所以他难以安心学习。

【串记】To settle the matter where to settle down, the family should settle to discuss. 要解决住的问题,全家应该坐下来讨论。

【辨析】settle, solve


“解决,处理”,其对象通常是某种争端,后常接affair, matter, business, argument, disagreement, dispute, issue, quarrel等


“解答,解决”,侧重的是给出一个答案,后常接problem, difficulty, riddle, puzzle, mystery等

573.shake /ʃeɪk/ (shook,shaken) n. & v.(使)动摇;摇/抖动


shake down抖落;适应新环境(情况)

shake off摆脱;摇落

shaken one’s faith in 动摇某人对…的信心/念

shake one’s haead 摇头(表示否定)

shake with 由于…而发抖

【例句】The whole house shakes when a train goes past. 火车驶过时,整座房子都颤动起来。

【串记】The incident had shaken her faith in him. 这件事动摇了她对他的信心。

574.shame /ʃeɪm/n. 羞耻/愧(心);遗憾的事vt. 使丢脸;使羞愧;使蒙羞


shame sb.for sth.使某人为某事而羞愧

shame into使某人感到惭愧而做某事

shame out of 使某人感到惭愧而不做某事

to one’s shame 令某人惭愧的是

What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾! 真丢脸!

ashamed a. 羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,

shameful a. 可耻的,丢脸的

shameless a. 无耻的;不要脸的

【例句】What a shamethey couldn't come! 他们不能来了,真是遗憾。

【串记】To our shame, he did a shameful thing, but he didn’t feel shamed, which made others think he was shameless. 让我们感到羞耻的是,他做了一件可耻的事,但他并不感到羞耻,这使得其他人认为他是无耻的。

575.shape /ʃeɪp/ n. 形状,外形;v. 使成型,塑造,影响


(1)shape ... into ...把……加工/塑造成……

(2)be in good/bad shape 情况良好/不佳;健康良好/不佳

out of shape 变/走样;不成样子;身体不舒服,生病

in the shape of 某种形状的,呈……的形状

take shape形成;成形

get into shape强身健体

【例句】①Tim is in good shape physically even though he doesn’t get much exercise.尽管蒂姆没有得到多少锻炼,但他身体状况良好。

②We went into a room in the shape of a star.我们走进一个星星形状的房间。

③I’ve been jogging a lot to get myself into shape.我长期慢跑锻炼身体。

④I have been out of shape ever since I left the army.自从我离开军队后,我的身体一直很差。

576. share/ʃeə/ vt. 分享,合/共用;共有;分配/担/摊;n. 一份,份额,股份


share in 分担,共同拥有〔使用〕…

share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物

share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦

hold shares 持有股份

【例句】Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids.伊莱把他的巧克力和其他孩子一起分着吃了。

【串记】He has many shares, but he is unwilling to share with his shameless sister. 他有许多股份,但他不愿意和他无耻的妹妹分享。

577. sharp /ʃɑːp/a. 锋利的,尖的;敏锐的,机灵的;尖刻,严厉;急剧的,明显的;剧/猛烈的


be sharp at 擅长…,善于…

be sharp with 对…严厉的

sharpen v.削尖;磨快;使敏捷;变锋利

sharpener 卷笔刀;磨具

sharply ad. 急剧地; 锐利地

【例句】She was very sharp with me when I forgot my book. 我忘记带书了,她把我训斥了一顿。

【串记】The girl of sharp intelligence with a sharp eyes sensed the sharp increase of house price. 这个聪明伶俐、目光敏锐的女孩觉察到房价的急剧增加。

578. shelter /ˈʃeltə(r)/ n. 掩蔽(物);隐蔽处,避难所;住处;n. & v. 庇/保护;避难


under the shelter of 在…的庇护下

find(take)shelter from避难

shelter against〔from〕 掩护〔保护,庇护…〕使不受…

shelter behind 躲在…后面

shelter oneself in 躲在…里面

【例句】The fox was running for the shelter of the trees. 狐狸朝树丛跑,想要躲藏起来。

【串记】A shelter can shelter the homeless from the wind and rain. 庇护所可以为无家可归的人遮风挡雨。

579. shock /ʃɒk/ n. & v. 剧烈震动,冲击;电击;震惊;令人震惊的事


culture shock文化冲击

with a great shock 大为震惊

shocked a. 震惊的;震撼的

be shocked at(by)听到……消息使人感到震惊

shocking a. 令人震惊的

【例句】It gave me a shock to be told I was seriously ill. 听说我的病很严重,我吃了一惊。

【串记】We were all shocked at the shocking news that he had resigned.听到他辞职的消息,我们都很震惊。

580. shoot /ʃuːt/ vt. (shot,shot) 射击/中;发射;射门;拍摄;n. 嫩芽,新笋


shoot at 瞄准,向…射击

shoot with 用…射击

shoot down 击落

shoot forth 长出

shoot off 发射,打掉,击断

shoot out 射击,打出,击灭,(突然)伸出,长出

shoot up 升起,喷出,(植物)发芽,长高,猛增,(物价)暴涨

shooting n. 射击(术);射击运动

【例句】①The hunter aimed at the animal but did not shoot.猎人向那个动物瞄准但未开枪。

②There's a new shoot coming up, the plant isn't dead.正在长新芽,这株植物没有枯死。

【串记】The scene where he shot a bird was shot. 他射鸟的那一幕被拍下来了。

【辨析】shoot, shoot at

shoot和shoot at所表达的含义不同:shoot表示射中、射伤或射死; 而shoot at表示瞄准向某人或某物射击,但不一定射中。



1.They decided to leave the town        (secret) to seize the city on a dark night. 

2.        (settle) back in her seat, she stared at two birds settle on the fence.

3.They set about          (review)the lessons for the coming exam.

4.Culture has become a force of natural            (select).

5.The interviewer sought to speak to each of the candidate             (separate).

6.Drivers are advised        (seek) alternative routes.

7.They seemed        (know) what they're doing at that moment.

8.The wonderful photo          (shoot) at the festival celebration last fall. was shot

9. The settler settled down in a house         (shape) like a ship.

10. On the way to work, the secretary had a parcel          (send).


1. We young students should learn science and technology to serve for the people.

2. The report from China Daily was sharp critical of the police.

3. The news of the secretary general’s death is shocked to the political world.

4. You mustbe serious for every exam to get responsible and sensitive. 

5. The hunter shot the bird but missed it narrowly. It flew away in fright.

6. We are shameful of the embarrassing behavior. We are terribly sorry.

7. It makes sense of that the children of the poor take charge early.

8. The sick person is at risk. We must send off a doctor immediately.

9. Kids need a knife to sharp pencils. But they should be careful.

10. My aunt has served for a secretary in this old firm for over twenty years.


1.                        (惭愧的是), we offered no alternative to them. 

2. Britain cannot easily                (摆脱)the trouble in its export markets.

3. Friends should                                 (同甘共苦).

4. The popular and well-known novel                       (以...为背景) London in the 1960s. 

5. The servant’s recommendation                (有道理).


1. 琼州海峡把海南岛和大陆分开了。( separate …from)

2. 他们急需食物和住处。(in need of)

3. 我们应该抓住每次机会鼓励别人。(seize every opportunity to do sth.) 

4. 遇到困难,哭或抱怨是没有意义的。(there is no sense in doing sth.)

5. 秘书似乎明白了老板的指示。(It seems that, make sense of)



1. secretly  2. Settling  3. reviewing  4. selection  5. separately  6. to seek  7. to know  8. was shot  9. shaped  10. sent


1.去掉for  2. sharp→sharply  3. shocked→shocking  4. for→about  5. 在shot后面加at  6. shameful →ashamed  7. 去掉of  8. off→for  9. sharp→sharpen  10. (served后面的)for→as


1. To our shame  2. shake off   3. share happiness and sorrow   4. is set in  5. makes/made sense  


1. Qiongzhou Strait separates Hainan Island from the mainland.

2. They are in need of food and shelter.

3. Weshould seize every opportunity to encourage others. 

4. Facing difficulty, there is no sense in crying or complaining.

5. It seems that the secretary makes sense of the boss’s instruction.



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