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高考英语核心词汇拓展  Day 30

581.short /ʃɔːt/ a. 短的;矮的;简短的;不足的,短缺的


be short for……的缩写

be short of缺乏,不足

cut short中断;简化

for short简略,简称,缩写

in short简而言之,总之

run short用完,耗尽

(take)a short cut走捷径

shortly ad.不久

shortage n.不足

cover the shortage of弥补……不足

shortcoming n.缺点,短处

shortcut n.捷径

shorten v.弄短,缩短,减少;使松脆

【例句】①I couldn't buy the book because I wasshort of money.因为钱不够,我没法买那本书。

②There aren't really any shortcuts to learning English.学习英语其实没有什么捷径。

【串记】In short, when we are short of goods, there will be in short supply. 总之,货物短缺时,就会出现 供不应求。

582.show /ʃəʊ/n. 展示,展览(会);演出,节目;  v. (showed, shown/showed) 给……看,出示;显示,体现,说明


show off 炫耀;卖弄

show up到场,出现,露面

show sb. around 领某人(到处)参观

show sb. in/out 领某人进来/出去

show sb. how to do sth. 教某人怎样做某事

on show 在展出

【例句】①It's bad manners to show off your wealth before others. 在别人面前炫耀你的财富是不好的。

②Show the visitor in as soon as he arrives. Don't make him wait around in the corridor. 来访者一到达就到。别让他在走廊里等。

③We waited until five o'clock, but he did not show up. 我们等到五点钟,但他没有出现。

【串记】My son showed me around/round his schoolyard last week. He showed me into their science lab to show off the advanced instruments on showand when all was finished he showed me to the school gate. 我儿子上周带我逛了逛校园。他带我到他们的科学实验室,展示先进的仪器,当一切都结束了,他带我到学校门口。

583.sick /sɪk/ a. 有病的,患病的;恶心的,想呕吐的;厌倦/恶的


ask for sick leave请病假

be sick of厌倦

get/become/fall sick 生病

sickness n. 疾病;呕吐

homesick a. 思乡的,想家的  

airsick a. 晕机的

seasick a. 晕船的

【例句】①I visited my sick uncle in the hospital yesterday.我昨天探望生病住院的叔叔。

②I'm sick of watching football games on television.我真看够了电视上的足球赛。

【串记】The has been sick for a long time, and from time to time, she feels sick. The reason is that she is sick of food. 她已经病了很长一段时间了,而且时不时地感到不舒服。原因是她对食物感到厌烦。

583.sight /saɪt/ n. 视力/觉/野;看/瞥见;景象,情景,风景;景点


at first sight乍一看

catch sight of看见;瞥见

lose sight of看不见;忽略;忘记

come into sight进入视野;映入眼帘

lose one’s sight失明

at the sight of一看到

out of sight看不见,在视野以外

in/within sight在视野内

sightseeing n. 观光;游览

go sightseeing去观光

【例句】①At first sight,it seems a silly question. 乍一看,这似乎是一个愚蠢的问题。

②She caught sight of a car in the distance. 她看见远处有辆车。

③I have been known to faint at the sight of blood. 大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。

④After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. 过了一会儿,保罗叔叔和他的农舍看不见了。

易错点拨lose sight of意为“(因视线模糊或距离远等)看不见”;lose one’s sight意为“失明”,两者意义不同。

【串记】When the sights came into sight, the tourists burst into cheers except those losing sight of them. 当景色进入视线时,除了那些看不见的人外,游客们都欢呼起来。

585. sign /saɪn/n. 符号,标记,指示牌;示意,手势;迹象,征兆;v. 签名/字/署


(1)sign to sb. to do sth. 打手势让某人做某事

sign in/out 签到/退

sign up 签约雇佣(某人);报名参加

(2)a sign of ……的迹象/征兆/标志

signal n. 信号

signature n. 署/签名;信号

【例句】①For safety reasons, please sign in when you arrive at the building, and sign_out when you leave.为了安全原因,你到达大厦时请签到,离开时请签退。

②Therefore, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible.因此,应建议学生尽快报名参加。

【串记】The parents whose children signed up for the summer camp must sign a contract with the company. 孩子报名参加夏令营的父母必须与公司签订合同。

586. similar /ˈsɪmələ(r)/  a. 类/相似的(反different)


be similar to 与......相似

be similar in 在某方面相似

similarity n. 类似;相似点

similarly ad. 类似地,差不多地;同样地,也

【例句】①Although this computer is similar in size and design to that one, they differ in quality.尽管这台计算机与那台在大小和设计方面相似,但它们的质量不同。

②Plants need water and sunlight to grow well.

Similarly, a healthy body requires a balanced diet.


【串记】Similarly,we can see this report is similar to that one. The similarity between them suggests that one person wrote both. 同样,我们可以看到这份报告与该报告相似。它们之间的相似性表明,一个人写了两个。

587.simple /ˈsɪmpl/ a. 简单/易的;朴素的;纯粹的


simplify vt. 简化;使单纯;使简易 

simplication n. 简单化;单纯化 

simply ad. 简单地;仅仅;简直;朴素地

【例句】He was simple and direct in the way he spoke.他说话的方式坦率直爽。

【串记】The accommodation is simple but spacious. I simply do not know where to sit. 住处简朴但宽敞。我简直不知道坐在哪儿。

588.skill/skɪl/ n. 技能;技巧/艺


have skill at/in…在……方面有技巧

skilled a. 熟练的;有技能的

be skilled at(in)……有……技能,擅长

skillful/skilful a. 熟练的;巧妙的(反unskilfull)

be skillful in(at)在……熟练

be skillful with熟练使用

【例句】The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。

【串记】The woman with professional skills is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers. 拥有熟练专业技能的女性在处理棘手的客户方面非常熟练。

589 social /ˈsəʊʃl/ a. 社会/交的;群居的


social problem(system,security)社会问题(制度,保障)

social life社交生活

socially ad. 在社会上;在社交方面;善于交际地

socialism n. 社会主义

socialist n. 社会主义者;a. 社会主义(者)的

society n. 社会/团;交往

【例句】Socialists are those who believe in socialism. 社会主义者是那些相信社会主义的人。

【串记】Team sports help to develop a child's social skills, and social skills are very important in society.团队体育运动有助于培养孩子的交际能力, 社交技能在社会中非常重要。

590. some /səm/ a.一些,若干,有些;某一(与单数名词连用)pron.一些,若干;(作复数用)有些人(或东西)ad.(用于数字及few之前)大约,稍微


somebody/someone pron.某人;某人

someday/some day 某一天

somehow ad.不知怎么地

sometime ad. 某时

sometimes ad. 有时(候)

some time 一些时间,一段时间

something pron. 某事

have something to do with 与…有关系

somewhat ad. 有点,有几分

somewhere ad. 某地

【例句】 Sometimes the beggar got some money somehow.

【串记】Sometime someone will be waiting for you somewhere in your life.




591. sorry/ˈsɒri/ a. 对不起,抱歉的;难过的,同情的;后悔的,遗憾的


be sorry about sth. 对某事感到抱歉

be sorry for sb. 对某人感到抱歉

be sorry to do sth. 因为做某事难过/抱歉

be sorry (that) 从句 对/因某事抱歉

sorrow n. 悲伤

to one’s sorrow令某人悲伤的是

sorrowful a. 悲伤的

【例句】We're very sorry about the damage to your car.损坏了你的车,我们真是过意不去。

【串记】I’m sorry to hear that you live a sorrowful life. 听说你过着悲惨的生活,我很难过。

592. sort/sɔːt/ n. 种类,类别/型(同type, kind);vt. 把……分类,整理


a sort of一种

in some sort稍微,多少

sort of有几分地,有点

sort out(from) (从…)选出,把……分类出

【例句】We must sort out the good apples from the bad.我们必须把好苹果与坏苹果分开。

【串记】There areall sorts of objects which need sorting out. 有很多物品需要整理。


593. sound /saʊnd/ n. 声音;影响;v. (使)发声,(使)响;link v. 听起来;a. 明智的,合理的;健康/全的


sound like 听起来像

catch the sound of 听到…的声音

out of sound of sb's voice 在听不到某人声音的地方

to a sound 随着声音

to the sound of music 和着乐曲声

within sound of sb's voice 在听得到某人声音的地方

【例句】As far as we ourselves are concerned, we are safe and sound.至于我们自身,则安然无恙。

【串记】The explanation of the strange sound sounds sound. 对奇怪声音的解释听起来很合理。


594. spare/speə(r)/a. 空余的; 闲置的; 备用的;v. 抽腾出;赦免;备用品


(1)spare sb. sth. (=spare sth. for sb. )为某人抽出……

sprite no efforts(costs, expense) on sth. 在……不遗余力(不惜成本,不惜工本)

sprite no efforts(costs, expense) to do...不遗余力(不惜成本,不惜工本)做……

to spare剩余的

(2)in one’s spare time在某人业余时间

【例句】①In my spare time,I often go to the English Corner. 在业余时间,我经常去英语角。

②I will spare no effort to help you with your English. 我将不遗余力地帮助你学习英语。

③I’m sorry I have no time to spare(spare) at the moment. 对不起,我现在没有时间可用。

④They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to spare.他们动身晚了,到达机场时只剩下几分钟了。

⑤Now parents spare no expenses on their children’s education.现在父母在孩子的教育上不吝惜花费。

【串记】Though we have spared no effort to do to do it, we can only spare one spare room for you.尽管我们已经竭尽全力了,我们只能给你腾出一间空房。

595. speak/spiːk/ (spoke, spoken) vi. 说,讲;演讲;发言;vt. 说(语言、真话)


speak of(或about) 说到(谈论)

speak highly of 赞扬

speak to(或with)sb.about sth.对某人谈某事

speak to sb.on sth.给某人作有关某事的报告。

generally speaking一般地说

not to speak of更不用说,且不说

spesk of A as B把A说成是B

speak out/up 更大声地说;无保留地说出

speaker n. 演讲者;扬声器

spoken a. 口头的

spokesman(spokeswoman) n. (女)发/代言人

【例句】I've spoken to the manager about it.那件事我已经和经理谈过了。

【串记】The spokesman you are speaking to is spoken highly of. 和你说话的那位发言人受到了高度赞扬。

596. special/ˈspeʃl/ a. 特别/殊的;专门的,特设的;n. 特别的人物;特色菜;特价品


specially ad. 特别地;专门地

especially 特别,尤其

speciality n. 专业/长; 特性

specialty n. 专业/长;特性/产;招牌菜

specialist n. 专家;专门医师

specialize/specialise vt. 使专门化

specialize in 专攻,专门研究

【例句】There is something special about this place.这个地方有几分特别。

【串记】The specialty that the specialist recommended in this restaurant is special, especially to the youth. 专家推荐这家餐厅的特色菜很特别,尤其是对年轻人来说。

597. speed/spiːd/ n. 速度;v.(sped,sped; -ed,-ed) (使)加速;超速行驶;快速运送;加快,促进


at full speed全速

at a speed of以……速度

speed up加速

with great speed全速地

【例句】①As life pace continues to speed up,we are quickly losing the  art of enjoyment.随着生活节奏的不断加速,我们正在飞快地失去享受的技能。

② He finished the work with amazing speed.他以惊人的速度完成了这项工作。

【串记】Drivers can only drive at a speed of 60km per hour. If they are caught speeding, they will be fined. 司机只能以每小时60公里的速度开车。如果他们超速被抓,他们将被罚款。

598. spend/spend/(spent,spent) v. 度过,消磨;花费(钱、时间等)


spend time(in)doing花时间做……

spend money(time)on sth.花钱(时间)在……上

spend sth for sth/v-ing为…花费…

be spent up把钱花光

【例句】It is not wise to spend too much time playing with smart phones.花太多时间玩智能手机是不明智的。

【串记】Most of her life was spent in caring for others.她大半辈子的时间都用来照顾别人了。

599. spirit/ˈspɪrɪt/ n. 精神;灵魂;(复)情绪,心情;烈酒


in high spirits情绪高涨,精力充沛

in low spirits情绪低落

lose one's spirits垂头丧气 ,沮丧

keep up one's spirits 振作精神

raise sb's spirits 提高某人的士气〔情绪〕

team spirit 团队精神;合作精神

spiritual a. 精神的,心灵的

【例句】You must try and keep your spirits up.你必须设法保持高昂的情绪。

【串记】The sense of team spirit is important in the development. If someone is in low spirits, it will have a bad effect on the team. 团队精神在发展中是很重要的。如果有人情绪低落,就会对团队产生不好的影响。

600. spot /spɒt/ n. 点,斑/污点;瑕疵;场所,地点;v. 沾上污渍,弄脏;发现,认出


(1)on the spot在现场;当场

in a spot 处于困境

(2)be spotted with 满是……斑点

spotless a. 无污点/瑕疵的 (同perfect/flawless)

【例句】①Luckily, there was a doctor on the spot when the accident happened.幸运的是,事发时现场有一位医生。

②This is the very spot where we last met.这就是我们上次见面的地方。


【串记】The crime spot  was covered with spots, but the police soon spotted something useful. 案发现场全是污渍,但警察还是很快就发现了有用的线索。



1.University students should spend much time        (learn) social skills.

2.The police caught him         (speed). He was fined and seriously lectured.

3.For the sake of the welfare of our offspring, we should spare no effort to        (protect )our mother planet.

4.Staying with a native speaker is better for children than       (simple) sitting in a classroom.

5.Mencius was a thinker whose teaching were very similar        those of Confucius.   

6.Most of our staff are green hands. We are short of          (skill) workers.

7. In           (social) today we have all been influenced by what we see in the media.  

8. These two species were also similar           body shapes and behaviors.

9. Often, this can also help lower development costs and          (short) delivery time. 

10. The regular fan not only talked with the star but also got his          (sign). 


1. Setting off very early, we went along an extremely narrow road, all in high spirit.

2. Roses need specially care so that they can live through winter.

3. World media spoke high of China’s achievements in reform.

4. Dad was quite skilled in sail, but not good at swimming.

5. In short, I will do my best to help make the sports meeting a success.

6. It’s really kind of you to spend so much time show me around.

7. One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry about ourselves, or others.

8. The spokesman think well of the skillful worker in public at the ceremony.

9. Animals find a safe shelter. Similar, birds set their nests in hidden places for safety.

10. The weak spokeswoman sounded like sick. The following sightseeing might be called off.


1. UFO                       (是…的缩写) unidentified flying object.

2. The bullet struck his head and he was killed                       (当场).

3. All my workmates have                       (报名参加) this activity to improve team spirit.

4. I                       (厌倦) the way you've treated me. 

5. I happened to                        (瞥见)it yesterday in a fashion.  


1. 这架飞机似乎有点慢。起飞十分钟后,它仍然在视线中。(seem to do, sort of, in sight)

2. 熟练的师傅正在教学徒们如何安装设备。(show sb. how to do sth)

3. 我们最好带点药在身边,说不定有人会突然生病的。(fall sick)

4. 第一组专家专攻人工智能在教育上的应用。(specialize in)

5. 令他妈伤心的是约翰性格像他的父亲。(to one’s sorrow, be similar to)



1. learning 2. speeding  3. to protect  4. simply  5. to  6. Skilled/skillful  7. society  8. in  

9. shorten 10. signature


1. spirit→spirits  2. specially→special  3. high→highly  4. sail→sailing  5. 在success前面加a  6. show→showing  7. about→for   8. think→thought  9. Similar→Similarly  10. 去掉like  


1. is short for 2. on the spot  3. signed up for  4. am sick of  5. catch sight of


1. This plane seems to be sort of slow. Ten minutes after it took off ,it is still in sight.(sort of)

2. The skilled master is showing the apprentices how to install the equipment.

3. We'd bettertake some medicine with ourselves, maybe someone will suddenly fall sick. (fall sick)

4. The first group of specialists specializes in the use of artificial intelligence in education.

5. To his mother’s sorrow, John is similar to his father in character.



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