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601. spread /spred/ (spread,spread) v. & n. 延伸;伸/展/铺开;传播,蔓延,流传


spread about〔around〕广泛散布

spread from...to 从…传到…

spread on 在…上涂

spread over 传遍,遍布,延续,覆盖

spread out 伸展,摊开;分散

spread throughout

spread to 蔓延到

spread with 用…涂…

【例句】The trees spread their branches over the house.树枝伸向房屋的上方。

Television is a very efficient medium for spreading information.电视是传播信息非常有效的工具。

【串记】As the saying goes, good news will not be spread while the bad news will. 正如谚语所说:好事不出门,坏事传千里。

602. stage /steɪdʒ/ n. 舞台;(the ~)戏剧表演;阶段,时期

on the stage 舞台上

at a stage 在某一阶段

in a stage 在某个时期

【例句】She stood alone on the enormous stage.她孤零零地站在巨大的舞台上。

【串记】At this stage, all the performers are familiar with the stage. 在这个阶段,所有的演员都熟悉这个舞台。

603. stand /stænd/ v. (stood,stood) 站,起立;坐落;忍受(bear);经受,持久;n. 架,货摊


stand aside 站到一边;让开;袖手旁观,不参与

stand by 袖手旁观,无动于衷;支持

stand for代表,主张,容忍,接受

stand out 突出,显眼,杰出

stand up for 支持;维护

stand up to经得起,耐……,勇敢地面对

stand sb./sth. doing sth. 忍受…做某事

outstanding adj. 杰出的;显著的

【例句】①In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck.在中国,这些绳结(中国结)代表友谊、爱和好运。

②As citizens of our country, it is our duty and responsibility to stand up for the legal rights of our own in the election.


③Good Heavens! How could you stand by/aside and allow such a thing to happen!


④I won't stand your talking to me like that.我不容许你那样跟我讲话。

【点津】stand意为“忍受”时,常与can, could连用,常用于否定句和疑问句,其后常接名词、代词或v.­ing形式。不能用于进行时态。

【串记】All the people muststand up for the leadership of the outstanding party because it stands for the whole nation’s interests. 所有人必须要坚决拥护杰出的党的领导,因为党代表的是全民的利益。

604. start /stɑːt/ v. 开始(同start);出发(同set/start out/off);发动;创/开办(同establish/set up)


get(have)the start of抢先.先发制人

start doing/ to do sth.开始做某事

get started 开始;被启动

start off/out 出发,开始

start up 开始;发动;突然站起;突然出现

to start with 首先;作为开始(同to begin with)

starter n. 开头的人或事;第一道菜;起动机,自动起动装置;发令员

【例句】①You can start the machine by pressing the button.按一下按钮就能开动这机器。

②At fourteen he started earning a living for himself.十四岁时,他开始养活自己。

【串记】To start with, astronauts should start out before theyget started. 首先,在他们动身之前宇航员们就必须要先出发。

605. state /steɪt/ n. 状态;情形;国家,(美国的)州;陈述,说明


(1)in a(n) ...state = in a state of ...处于……的状态

a good state of health/mind 良好的健康状况/心态

(2)It is stated that ... 据称……

state one's views 陈述自己的见解

(3)statement n. 声明;陈述

issue/make a statement 发表声明

statesman/statewoman n. 政治家

【例句】①They will make a statement about the accident tomorrow. 他们明天将就这次事故发表声明。

②In the face of failure, it is the most important to keep a good state of mind.面对失败,最重要的是要保持良好的心态。

③Those who disagree with the plan can state your views now. 那些不同意这个计划的人现在可以表达你的观点了。

【串记】The stateman was for my statement, which made me in a good state. 这位政治家支持我的陈述,这使得我心情大好。

stay/stei/ v.停留,暂住;能持续;停止,站住;仍处在某处;阻止,制止,克制n.逗留,停留,暂时居住;中止


stay at 停留在…; 住在…

stay away(或out)不在家,外出

stay in在家

stay on 继续呆下去

stay up不去睡觉;熬夜

【例句】①She stayed to take care of her mother.她留下来照料她母亲。

②He went straight to New York without a stay in Hongkong.他直接去了纽约,没在香港停留。

606. steal /stiːl/ (stole,stolen) vt. 偷,窃取


steal sth. from sb. 偷某人的东西

steal into 偷偷地进入

steal over 不知不觉地向…袭来,对…产生影响

steal up on降临到某人身上

【例句】Someone stole her jewellery while she was away.有人趁她不在的时候偷走了她的珠宝。

【串记】The fashionable lady was charged with stealing some daily necessities from the stand. 这位时尚的女士被指控从货摊上偷走了一些日用品。

607. step /step/ n. 脚步;台阶;步骤,措施;vi. 走;跨步


in step同步,合拍

mind/watch one’s step 小心行事,当心

out of step步调不一致

step by step逐步

take a step 迈出一步;采取措施

step in插入,介入

step into 进/跨/步入

step up提高,加快,加紧;增加

【例句】The government must take steps to stop such things from happening again. 政府必须采取措施来阻止这类事情的发生。

【串记】Mind your step! When youstep into the swimming pool, you must adapt to it step by step. 当心!当你进入游泳池时,你必须逐步地适应。

608. stick /stɪk/ (stuck,stuck) vi. 粘住,钉住;坚持;n. 木棒(棍),枝条


stick at 奋力不懈地做……

stick…to/on 把…粘在…上

stick to 粘住;坚持,信守,忠于

stick out 伸出;突出

get stuck in 陷入了…,困在…中

be stuck with遇到困难无法进行下去;无法摆脱

sticker n. 粘贴标签,张贴物;坚持不懈的人

sticky a. 粘的; 粘性的

【例句】①Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam?你曾经遇上过堵车吗?

②Will you help me with this mathematical problem? I'm stuck with it. 你能帮我解决这个数学问题吗?我被它卡住了。

Stick a stamp on the postcard before you send it. 寄明信片之前先贴张邮票。

【串记】Though the journalist got stuck in the traffic, he would stick to his plan. 尽管记者被困在车辆中,但他都要坚持他的计划。

609. stop /stɒp/ v. & n. 停/终止(反start);n. 停车站


bring/put sth. to a stop 停止某事

come to a stop 停止

stop doing sth. 停止做某事

stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

stop up(late)晚睡,不睡

【例句】The rain did not stop us from going there.下雨也没有能阻止我们去那儿。

【串记】The government brought the construction of a stop to a stop. 政府停止了停车站的建设。

610. straight /streɪt/ a. 直的;正直的,诚实的,整齐的;ad. 直地;直接;立即;一直地,连续地


(1)straight away立即

(2)get sth. straight弄明白;搞清楚

(3)straighten vt.弄直;使变直

straighten up整顿;清理

straightforward a. 简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;ad. 直截了当地;坦率地

【例句】①Go straight down this street and you can see the stadium on the left. 沿着这条街直走,你就会看到体育馆在左边。

②He is straight in his dealings. 他在待人接物方面正直老实。

③I'll come straight to the point, your work isn't good enough. 我要直截了当地说,你的工作做得不够好。


【串记】Tell me straight how to straighten my situation , but this is not a straightforward question. 直接告诉我怎样把我的情况澄清,但这不是以个简单的问题。

611. stress /stres/n. 压力;紧张;强调,重要性;重音;vt. 强调,着重,重读


(1)stress the importance of强调……的重要性

under stress 在压力之下

under the stress of 在……压力下;为……所迫

lay/put/place stress on 强调;把重点放在……上

(2)stressed adj. 焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的

stressful adj. 压力大的;紧张的

【例句】①Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.人在压力之下,办事情就容易出差错。

②The life of a high school student is usually active, exciting and full of fun, but it can be stressful (stress) sometimes.高中生的生活通常是积极的、令人激动的、充满快乐的,但有时候也有压力。

③What the tutor wants to stress is that we must translate this passage. 导师要强调的是我们必须把这篇文章翻译。

【串记】The architect feels stressed to do the stressful task under great stress. 在这么大的压力下去做有巨大压力的任务,建筑师感觉很有压力。

612. strict /strɪkt/ a. 严格/厉的


(1)be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

be strict in sth. 对某事严格

strictly speaking严格地说

【例句】①My parents were very strict with me when I was young.在我小的时候,我的父母对我要求非常严格。

②Our English teacher is strict with us in our homework. 我们的英语老师对我很严格,对我们的家庭作业要求也很严格。

【串记】To be a popular student, we ought to be strict with ourselves in everything we do at school.为了做一个受人喜欢的学生,我们应该对自己在学校里的一举一动要求严格。

613. strike /straɪk/ n. & v.(钟)鸣;敲(响);罢工;vt. (struck,struck/stricken)打,击;敲响,报时;(灾害等)突/侵袭;突然想起;给……以某种印象;擦/打火


(1)be struck with/by被……所袭击(感动)

It strikes sb. that...某人觉得……;某人突然想起

Sth. strike sb. (=sb. strike on Sth. ) 某人想到……

strike sb.+介词+the+身体部位 打某人某处

(2)be on strike在罢工

go on strike举行罢工

(3)striking adj.显著的;突出的;惹人注目的

stricken a. 患病的;受挫折的;受…侵袭的

【例句】①As the saying goes: strike while the iron is hot. 正如谚语所说:趁热打铁,趁机行事。

②Struck by the beauty of the West Lake,we stopped to admire the beautiful scenery. 被西湖美景打动,我们停下来欣赏美丽的风景。

③It suddenly struck me that we ought to make a new plan.


④Staff at the hospital went on strike to protest against the incident.医院员工举行罢工,以抗议这起事件。

614. strong /strɒŋ/a. 坚强的;强壮的;牢固的;擅长的


(1)be strong against 坚决反对

be strong in 擅长

be strong under 在…下坚定不移

one's strong point 一个人的特长,优点

(2)strength n.力量;力气;长处;优势;强度

build up one's strength强身健体

with all one's strength 用尽全身的力气

strengths and weaknesses 优势和劣势

have the strength to do sth. 有力气/意志做某事

(3)strengthen vt. 增强;改善

【例句】①I'm strong against the proposal. 我坚决反对这项建议。

②Take part in the physical exercise and build up your strength. 参加体育锻炼来增强你的体力。

③As a coach, he knows what strengths and weaknesses his athletes have against their rivals. 作为教练,他知道自己的队员与对手相比有什么优势和劣势。

【串记】While he is strong, the supervisor doesn’t have the strength to finish the rest race, so he’d like to strengthen his body later. 尽管他很壮,主管没有力气跑完剩下的比赛了, 他下来要加强锻炼身体了。

615. struggle /'strʌg(ə)l/ vi. & n. 斗争,奋斗,挣扎,搏斗


struggle agains与……斗争

struggle for为…奋斗;为……而斗争

struggle with 与……斗争;和……并肩奋斗

struggle to do sth. 努力/挣扎着做某事

struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来

【例句】①China should struggle with all the other countries against pollution. 中国应该同所有其他国家一起与污染作斗争。

②His two sons struggled for the camera which he brought from abroad. 他的两个儿子为从国外带来的照相机而在挣。

③She's struggling to raise a family on a very low income.她正靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。

【串记】Farmers always have to struggle for a living. They often struggle against/with the bad weather for a better harvest. Some of them even have to leave their hometown and go to work in cities, struggling to increase their income. 农民总是要为生存而奋斗。他们经常与恶劣的天气作斗争,争取更好的收成。他们中的一些人甚至不得不离开家乡,到城市工作,努力增加收入。

616. stupid /'stjuːpɪd/ a. 愚蠢的;麻木的;乏味的


be stupid about 对…感觉迟钝的

It is stupid of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事傻

stupidity n. 愚蠢昧;糊涂事

stupidly ad. 愚蠢; 糊涂事

【例句】It was stupid of him to trust her. 她竟然信任她,真蠢!

【串记】It is stupid of the bank teller to do such a stupid thing. 银行出纳员好愚蠢去做这么愚蠢的一件事情。

617. style /staɪl/ n. 风格,式样,类型,款式;方式,作风;风度,气派


change one's style of living 改变生活方式

come into style 流行起来

keep to the style of 保持…的作风

make a style of one's own 创立自己的风格

in style 流行;时髦地

out of style不时髦,不流行;过时的

【例句】He is a very popular writer, but I don't like his style.他是个很受欢迎的作家,但我不喜欢他的文风。

【串记】The hairdresser’s hair style isout of style instead ofin style you think. 理发师的发型过时了而不是你认为的还流行。

618. succeed /sək'siːd/ vi. 成功


succeed in (doing) sth. 成功地做某事

success n. 成功;成功的人或事物  

successful a. 成功的;一帆风顺的

successfully ad. 成功地;顺利地

【例句】They won’t succeed in getting what they want. 他们不会得到他们想得到的东西。

【串记】If the author wants to succeed, she mustsucceed in passing the College Entrance Examination to be a success. 如果作者想要成功,她必须成功地通过高考,然后才能成为一个成功人士。

619. such /sʌtʃ/ a. 这样的,如此的

such as例如,诸如……之类的,像……这种的


such……as to do到……程度,竟然,·得像……的


and such等等

【例句】①She wants some books of reference,such as a grammar,a dictionary.她需要一些参考书,例如语法书、词典。

②We've been and fruit juices if you’re interested in such.如果你们感兴趣,我们有啤酒和果子汁。

【串记】I am not such a fool as to believe that.我不会傻到去相信那种事。

He told us such funny stories that we all laughed. 他给我们讲的故事非常有趣,我们都笑了。

【辨析】 so…that/such…that

so修饰形容词和副词,such修饰名词词组。当名词前有表示多少的限定词much, many, little, few时,用so; 含有不定冠词的名词性词组,如果将形容词提到不定冠词前,就要用so。

620. sudden /'sʌd(ə)n/ a. 突然的


all of a sudden (同suddenly) 突然地,出乎意料地

sudden in one's action 行动突然

suddenly adv. 突然地

【例句】He gave me a fright by bursting into a sudden laughter.他突然大笑起来,吓了我一跳。

【串记】All of a sudden, the photographer’s mind went blank. 突然,摄影师的脑子一片空白。



1. Which of the following         (state) is true according to the passage.

2. After three years’ hard work, he passed the 10-level piano grade examination         (successful).

3. When the interpreter was wandering on the street, a thief       (steal) a cell phone from her.

4. My nephew is determined to be a college student and nobody can stop him from        (achieve) it.

5. John succeeded in       (stop) the rumor from spreading.

6. The principle’s idea is      a good one that we all agree to it.

7. It      (strike) me that I would hand in a plan and a final report.

8. Our coach is       (strong) than all of us and he is by far the tallest of us all.

9. Try your best to struggle against        (difficult) and you will succeed sooner or later.

10. There are structures      different styles in this 500-year-old temple.


1. The big fire which broke out yesterday was spread very quickly to the neighboring structures.

2. Tutors can’t stand students copy others’ homework without thinking.

3. Our car instructor is strict in us and asks us to practice more.

4. A truck was heading straightly towards the bridge, which frightened the passers-by.

5. It is so good weather that we all want to go for a picnic.

6. My colleague coming from Chengdu is great success as an engineer.

7. Going abroad alone is a very stressed experience which all affect one’s future life.

8. People all over the country donated their pocket money to the people in the earthquake-striking area.

9. All of sudden, the bell boy thought of borrowing 100 yuan from one of my employers.

10. Learning is a gradually process. Anybody can’t success immediately.


1. It would be helpful to make a comment                  (在这个阶段) of the election.

2. Some of my classmates have a good knowledge of English while I am learning it             (逐步地).

3. If you             (坚持) the truth, you have nothing to fear. 

4. It is stupid to say that one’s dress is                   (过时) face to face.

5.                           (突然), the housekeeper disappeared without saying a word.


1. 为饥饿所迫他偷了一些糖果。(under the stress of)

2. 关于使用手机的优点和缺点,每个人都观点不一样。(strength and weakness)

3. 工程师们绝不会袖手旁观听任他们破坏站台。(stand by)

4. 为了学好英语,首先要背大量的单词。(to start with)

5. 我突然想到我可以把车停在地下停车场。(It strikes sb. that)



1. state 2. successfully  3. stole  4. achieving  5. stopping  6. such  7. struck  8. stronger  9. difficulties  10. in


1. 去掉was 2. copy→copying  3. in→with  4. straightly→straight  5.so→such  6. 在great 前面加a  7.  stressed→stressful  8. earthquake-striking →earthquake-stricken  9.在of后面加a  10. success→succeed


1. at this stage 2. step by step  3. stick to  4. out of style  5. All of a sudden


1. The beggar stole some sweets under the stress of hunger.

2. Opinions vary from person to person about the strengths and weaknesses of using mobile phone.

3. The engineers will never stand by and let them destroy the stand.

4. To learn English well, to start with, we should memorize enough words.

5. It struck me that I could park the car at the underground parking.



[更新答题卡] 英语教师选择题手机阅卷神器

[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测


新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 4 必背单词和词块


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