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高考英语核心词汇拓展 Day 33

641. tend/tend/v. 趋向;照料,护理


tend on〔upon〕照顾,照管

tend to〔towards〕倾向于

tend to do sth. 往往会/倾向于做某事

tendency n. 倾向,趋势;癖好

have a tendency to do sth. 喜欢做某事

trend n. 趋势,倾向;走向 vi. 趋向,伸向;vt. 使…趋向

【例句】The nurses of the hospital tend the patient very kindly.那医院的护士照顾病人非常亲切。

【串记】The statesmen tend to learn more about the present tendency. 政治家们往往会去了解更多的关于目前的趋势。

641.term [tɜːm] n. 学期;术语;条件;条款;期限

【拓展】in the long/short term 就长远/短期而言

in terms of据……;依照……;就……而言

in any term 无论如何,在任何条件下

be on good/bad terms with sb. 与某人交情好/不好

come to terms (with sb.) (与某人)达成协议;妥协

【例句】①The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages. 就薪金而言,这份工作倒不错,但也有一些不利之处。

②All of my roommates are on good terms with each other. 我们的室友关系都很好。

③In the long term,_receiving a good education is very important. 从长远看,接受良好的教育是非常重要的。

④He finally came to terms with the company after a few rounds of negotiations. 经过几轮的谈判后,他最后和那家公司达成了协议。

642. terrify /'terɪfaɪ/ vt. 恐吓;使恐怖;使害怕


terrify at 给…吓一跳

terrify by 被…吓一跳

terrify sb into doing sth 恐吓某人做某事

terrify of 害怕

terrify out of sb's wits 吓得魂不附体

terrify with 给…吓一跳

terrified a. 恐惧的,害怕的

be terrified of 害怕

terrifying a. 令人害怕/恐惧的

terriblea. 可怕的;很糟糕的;严重的

terribly ad. 可怕地;非常,很

【例句】 The old man was terrified of being killed in the air raid.这个老人害怕在空袭中被炸死。

【串记】When I was in a terrible mood, I would miss you terribly, which terrified me. 当我心情糟糕的时候我会非常想念你,这使我感到有点恐怖。

643. thank/θæŋk/ vt. 感谢;n. 感谢


thank heavens/goodness 谢天谢地

thank sb. for (doing) sth. 为(做)某事而感谢某事

thanks to 幸/多亏(同义:because of由于due to由于owing to因为)

thankful a. 感谢的

be thankful to sb.for sth.为……而感谢某人

be thankful to sb感谢某人

be thankful for sth 感谢某物、某事

be thankful for doing sth 感谢做某事

【例句】①We are thankful to you for all your assistance.我们感谢你给予的一切帮助。

②You should be thankful to be alive.你应该为活着而庆幸。

③You should be thankful for your good fortune.你应该庆幸你的好运。

644. think /θɪŋk/ (thought, thought) v. 想,思考;认为;考虑


think about想到,想起

think better of改变主意,重新考虑,对……有更高评价

think of考虑,关心;想起,想到

think highly much (little)of对……评价高,重视,夸赞(不高,轻视,满不在乎)

think of……as……把……看作是,以为……是……

think out 解决; 仔细考虑; 发现

think over仔细想

think up想出

thinker n. 思想家;思想者

thinking n. 思考;想法;a. 有思考力的

thought n. 思考,思想;念头

at the thought of一想到

lost in thought 陷入沉思

on second thought经重新考虑,一转念

thoughtful a. 深思的;体贴的;关切的

【例句】Are you still thinking about moving?你是不是还在考虑搬家?

I don't think that we need waste much time on this.我认为我们不必在这件事上浪费很多时间。

【串记】At the thought of the thoughtful thinker, I must think highly of him, because I think of him as my best counselor. 一想到这个体贴的思想家,我必须要高度赞扬他,因为我把他看作是我的最好的顾问。

645. though /ðəʊ/ conj. 虽然,尽管(although);ad. 不过,然而


as though/ as if好像

even though/(even if)即使

【例句】Young though the boy is, he knows a lot. 虽然这个男孩小,但他懂很多。

【串记】Even though our tutor left us for a decade ago, I thought of many things as thoughthey happened yesterday. 虽然我们的导师离开我有十年了,我想到很多事情就好像发生在昨天一样。


646. throw/θrəʊ/ (threw, thrown) v. 投,掷,扔;猛推


throw away扔掉,抛弃,浪费

throw light on使……明白

throw off摆脱,发出,放出

throw on(off,over)匆忙或粗心地穿、披上或脱下(衣服等)

throw out抛掉,不予考虑,否决,拒;增建;发出throw over遗弃,抛弃

throw up呕吐

【例句】She threw on her coat and ran out of the flat.她匆匆披上上衣,跑出公寓。

【串记】People throw themselves into the arms 

of nature and neverthrow awayany rubbish into it. 人们投身于大自然的怀抱中,从来不扔垃圾在大自然中。

647. tidy /'taɪdɪ/ a. 整齐的(反untidy) v. 整理;收拾


tidy away 把…收拾好

tidy out 清理,整理好,收拾整齐

tidy up 收拾; 整理

【例句】①He helped her to wash up the dishes and tidy the room.他帮她洗刷盘碟,收拾着屋子。

②The boys spend part of the last day of term tidying out their desks.在学期的最后一天,孩子们总要花部分时间清理自己的课桌。

648. tie /taɪ/n. 带,绳子,结;关/联系;平局;v. (用线、绳等)系;系牢,打结;连接,联合


tie down捆住,束缚

tie in with(使…)跟…相符; 跟…连接起来

tie on (把…)系在身上或系在他物上

tie to 使被…束缚; 使被困于…

tie together (使)捆在一起; (使)联系在一起

tie up使无空闲; 完全占用

tie up with把…与…密切联系起来

tie with 与…得分一样多

【例句】①The teacher tied in what he said with the vocabulary in the previous lesson.教师把他所讲的同前一课中的词汇联系起来。

②She is tied down at home with the children sick.由于孩子们病了,她只得留在家里。

③Even after he grew up he was still tied to his mother's apron strings.甚至在他长大成人后,他仍然受他母亲的控制。

649. time n. 时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数;vt. 计时;测定…的时间;安排…的速度


ahead of time提前

all the time一直,始终

at a time每次,一次

at all times随时,总是

at no time从不,决不

at one time曾经,一度,同时

at the sametime同时,暂时,然而,不过

at times有时

for the first time第一次

for the time being眼下,暂时

from time to time有时,不时

from the time being暂时

in no time立即

in time及时

many a time多次,常常

on time准时

once upon a time(常用于故事开头)从前。古时候,过去有一次

take one’s time不急不忙,从容进行

timely a.& ad. 及时的(地);适时的(地)

timeless a. 永恒的; 不受时间影响的; 不合时宜的

timetable n. 时刻表

【例句】What’s the time by your watch? 你的表几点了?

【串记】The director have  warned three times you must stick to the timetable. In other words, you can’t do the job ahead of time. 主任已经三次警告你必须遵守时间表。换句话说,你不能提前完成工作。

650. tire /taɪə/ v. 使疲劳;使厌烦


(1)wear/tire sb. out 使某人精疲力竭

be worn/tired out 精疲力竭

(1)tired a. 疲倦的;厌倦的,厌烦的

be/get tired of对……感到厌烦

be/get tired with/from因……而疲惫

tiresome a. 烦人的,无聊的;令人讨厌的

tiring a. 累人的;麻烦的;无聊的;引起疲劳的

【例句】①You may be tired with/from reading, but you should not be tired of it. 看书可能使你疲劳, 但你不应该对看书感到厌烦。②Every evening after supper, if not tired/worn out from work, the man tends to spend a long while walking along the riverside.每天晚饭后,如果不是工作后疲惫不堪,这个人通常会花很长的时间在河边散步。

③I'm studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time.我在学校学习艺术,我很开心,虽然老看图可能会看腻。

【串记】My boss ordered us to do the tiring job, which made us tired soon. 老板让我们做些无聊的工作,很快我们就疲倦了。

651. total /'təʊt(ə)l/ a. 总的;总括的;完全的(同complete);n. 合/总计;v. 合计为;算出……的总数


in total总共;合计;总计

a total of总数为……

totally adv. 完全地,全部地,整个地

【例句】①It is reported that 76 people in total were trapped in the mine accident. 据报道,总共76人在这次矿井事故中被困。

②He has been living here for a total of 30 years, so he's familiar with every corner of the area. 他在这里总共住了30年,所以他熟悉这个地区的每一个角落。

③Frustrated by frequent failures in my English exams, I found myself on the point of giving up totally.英语考试中一次又一次的失败让我感到灰心丧气,我差一点完全放弃。

【串记】In total, 20 thousand houses have been built totally for the earthquake-stricken areas so far. 到目前为止, 总共有20000套房屋为地震灾区的人民完全修建好了。

652. touch /tʌtʃ/ vt. 触摸,接触;触/感动;n. 触觉/碰


(1)get in touch with sb.和某人取得联系(动作)

keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系(状态)

be in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系(状态)

(2)lose touch with sb. 和某人失去联系(动作)

be out of touch with sb. 和某人失去联系(状态)

touched a. 受感动的,受触动的;感激的

touching a. 动人的,令人同情的

【例句】①It is hard to get in touch with Lily, for we haven't been_in_touch_with each other since graduation.我们很难联系上莉莉,因为自从毕业以后我们就失去了联系。

②Please leave your phone number in case we lose touch with you again.


③Having been out of touch with his parents for two years, Jones returned home, safe and sound.


【串记】After losing touch with him, I tried my best to get in touch with him and later we kept in touch with each other, because we shared many touching stories. 在和他失去联系之后,我通过各种渠道和他取得联系,之后就一直保持联系,因为我们之间有着太多的感人故事。

653. tour /tʊə/ n. & v. 观光,周游;巡回演出


on tour旅行中

go on a tour出去游历,参观访问

tourism n. 旅游业;游览

tourist n. 旅行者,观光客

tournament n. 锦标赛,联赛;比赛

【例句】How can the passengers tour this town? By shared-bike or by taxi? 乘客们要怎么参观这个小城?骑共享单车还是出租?

【串记】With the development of tourism in our hometown, many touriststour Hanyuan Lake to watch the sailboat tournament. 随着我们家乡旅游业的发展,很多游客来游览汉源湖并且观看帆船锦标赛。



654. track /træk/ n. 足/轨迹;轨/跑道;滑轨;径赛;跟/追踪

【拓展】keep track of 记录;与…保持联系

lose track of 失去联系;不能跟上…的发展

on sb's track〔on the track of〕追踪某人; 寻找某人或某物

track down追捕到,追查出

【例句】①He runs around the track every morning. 他每天清晨绕着跑道跑步。

②Edison saw a boy playing on the track at a station.爱迪生看见一个男孩在车站的铁轨上玩耍。

【串记】Please keep track of the track of your career at the start. 请一开始就记录下你的职业生涯的轨迹。

655. trade /treɪd/ n. 贸/交易;行/职业 vt. 交易/换,买卖


trade A for B 用A交换B

trade in 经营,买卖

trade with 和…做交易

trademark n. 商标、标志

trader n.商人,贸易者;商船

【例句】①I refuse to trade with that company again.我拒绝再度和那家公司做生意。

②He traded a job in New York City for the life of a cowboy.他放弃了在纽约的工作,去过牛仔生活。

【串记】Our sales department can trade our products with trademark for yours. 我们销售部可以用贴上我们商标的产品来换你们的产品。

656. tradition /trə'dɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 惯例;传统


by tradition 根据惯例

in a tradition 按某一传统

traditional a. 惯例的;传统的

traditionally ad. 照惯例;传统上

【例句】It’s our tradition to have zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节吃粽子是我们的传统。

【串记】Traditionally, a new couple will buy a pair of wedding rings. 传统意义上,新婚夫妇会买一对婚戒。

657. train /treɪn/ n. 火车;v. 培训;训练


take/ride a train乘坐火车

by train 乘坐火车

train for 为…训练(某人),为…而接受训练

train up (充分)培养,训练,教育

trainee n. 练习生,实习生;受训者;新兵

trainer n. 助理教练;训练员;驯马师

training n. 训练;培养

【例句】①She trained the children to be honest, well-informed and principled.她培养孩子们诚实、见识广博、有原则。

②I lost my train by three minutes.我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。

【串记】The training center says not every trainee here can pass the exam under the guidance of the trainer. 培训中心说在教练的指导下也并不是每一个受训者都能通过考试的。

transform /træns'fɔːm/ vi.& vt.转化;转变;改造;变换


(1)transform ...into ...把……变成……

transform sb./sth. from ... 把某人/物从……中转变

(2)transformation n. 变化,转变;改观

transformation from ...to ... 从……到……的转变

【例句】①She helps transform literature into braille to bring the power of story and knowledge to the hearts and minds of blind readers.她帮着把文学转换为盲文,想把故事和知识的力量注入盲人读者的心灵。

②He has made a complete transformation   from a comedian to a dramatic actor.他已从喜剧演员彻底转型为戏剧演员。


turn ... into ...②change ... into .

658. translate /træns'leɪt/ vt. 翻译;转变


translate as 把…解释为…

translate for 为…进行翻译

translate …into …把…转化成,把…翻译成

translation n. 翻译;译文;转化;调任

translator n. 译者;翻译家/器

【例句】The translator planned to translate the novel a decade ago.  这位翻译家十年前就计划翻译这部小说。

【串记】I compared the translation with the original and found that it was not accurate to translate it with the translator. 我把译文和原文对照了一下,发现用翻译器翻译的这篇文章不精确。

659. transport /træn'spɔːt/ n. 运输;运输机;狂喜;流放犯;vt. 运输;流放


means of transport 运输/交通工具;交通方式

transportation n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放

【例句】All the police should do is to ensure the safety of transport.  警察所做的一切就是保证运输的安全。

【串记】With the development of society, the means of transportation change rapidly. 随着社会的发展,交通方式也日新月异。

660. trap/træp/ n. 陷阱;圈套,诡计;vt. 设陷进捕捉;使陷入圈套/困境,夹/困/卡住


(1)trap sb.into (doing) sth.使某人陷入圈套;使中计

be/get trapped in 被困在……中

(2)fall into the trap of doing sth.落入做某事的圈套

fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套

set/lay a trap for ... 为……设圈套

【例句】①Don't fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.不要把你所有的钱都投资到一个地方。

②Were you just going to trap her into making some admissions?你刚才想诱使她供认吗?

③Dozens of people were/got trapped in the rubble when the building collapsed.



①be/get locked in

②be/get caught in

③be/get stuck in

④be/get blocked in

【串记】Sometimes we will get trapped in traffic jams in the rush hours. 在上下班高峰期,我们有时候会被堵塞。



1. The farmer tends to tie his cow        a thick tree with a flight of rope.

2. At the     (think) of her going on a trip to Qingdao, she would burst out laughing.

3. Nancy was         (terrify) of the horse running towards her.

4. I’ll be       (thank)for all the efforts you made for me.

5. What do you think      a the translation of the Chinese novel?

6. The accountant must finish the          (tire)business of filling out the forms this morning.

7. This area was very rich in all sorts of        (mine) at one time but now nothing was left.

8. The little girl struck a match       (track)the brightness.

9. We have been trading with America     some high-tech products.

10. 20 miners or so        (trap) in the coal mine, as was reported.


1. Though I believed in you in the past, but I don’t trust you now any more.

2. All the people thought high of what the guide did for the tourists.

3. Nobody believed that her husband would beat her heavily, which was terrified.

4. The captains have got in touch with each other for 5 years.

5. Thankful, the naughty pupils have finished all the homework before the new term.

6. Wang Zuoliang is thought as one of the best translators.

7. The thief was brought into the house, with his hands tying.

8. As the development of transportation, tourism grows gradually.

9. Please translate the humorous story in English as soon as possible.

10. It is tradition for the bride and bridegroom to serve tea to their parents.


1. Please              (仔细思考) before you give me the answer.

2. It is getting dark. The light is still off          (好像)nobody comes back.

3. The boxers cannot go out to play until they            (整理)their room.

4. It is terribly busy in Senior 3. There are 8 papers to finish today           (总共).

5. The professor                       (失去联系) most of the students since they graduated.


1. 我到成都时一定会和你联系的,到时我会给你个惊喜的。(get in touch with)

2. 经理倾向于用火车把这批货运到港口。(transport…to, by train)

3. 我倾向于只和我的同事还有朋友交往。(tend to)

4. 丢垃圾之前要把垃圾分成四类。(throw away)

5. 英语老师要追踪记录学生记忆单词的情况。(keep track of)



1. to 2. thought  3. terrified  4. thoughtful  5. of  6. tiresome  7. mines  8. to track  9. for                10. were trapped


1. 去掉but  2. high→highly  3. terrified→terrifying  4. got→been  5. Thankful→Thankfully  6. 在think后面加of  7. tiring→ tied  8. As→With  9. in→into  10. tradition→traditional或在is后面加a


1. think it over 2. as though  3. tidy up/out  4. in total  5. has lost touch with


1. On arriving in Chengdu, I will get in touch with you for I will give you a surprise.

2. The manager prefers to transport the goods to the port by train.

3. Itend to associate only with my coworkers and friends. 

4. You must classify the garbage into four kinds before you throw it away.

5. English teachers should keep track of the situation of the students who are remembering the words.



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