

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09



阅读  21-25 BDCBA   26-30 DCDAC  31-35 ADBCB   36-40 EADCF

完型 41-45 CABCD   46-50 DABDC  51-55 ABABC


56.to 13478:uId:13478             57. linking            58. where            59. safety            60. nearly

61.became      62. but            63. found          64. has survived      65. an


第一节(满分 15 分)

参考范文: 861676:fId:861676

Dear Miriam,

How is everything going? I am writing to share with you the exciting news that China Daily has launched a short film project, whose targets are foreigners who have been to China before.

With the theme of My China Surprise, the project welcomes stories about life in China from foreigners’ perspectives. It can be presented in various ways, like speeches, interviews and talent shows. As you have studied and worked in China for over ten years, I am convinced that your stories with China are inspiring, so it is a good chance that can’t be missed.

If you are interested, you can click on mychinasurprise.i21st.cn for further information. Your participation is highly anticipated. (113 words)

Yours,  qerui :uId: qerui 

Li Hua

第二节 (满分25分)

After school, Will saw the truck parked in front of his house. Will rushed in. To his amazement, Allan, the man who he imagined he wouldn’t see ever again, was talking with his dad. At the sight of Will, Allan greeted him with a smile while his dad gave him a sudden hug, who learned the whole story from Allan, touched and delighted. Tears rolling in his eyes, he shared good news with Will. In return for Will’s kindness, Allan offered his father a job, as a delivery man in his factory.

Hearing the good news, Will turned overjoyed.   IYQYUY :fId: IYQYUY  He hugged Allan, with a lump in his throat and tears welling up. Allan patted his head and appreciated his precious gift. Even though they had to sell the house for his mother’s treatment, Will could still buy food for a stranger. Allan smiled and said, “We should be kind to the world, and the world will be kind to you, isn’t it?” Hearing the words, Will burst into tears again, warm and delighted.


学习指引 ︱为何我那么努力,期中成绩却退步了?(附解决办法)

动画版 英文《Journey  to the west 西游记》第1-3集


干货 | 近年高考英语完形填空“神仙”动词盘点

【大合辑】外研社高中英语新教材必修一二三\选修一二三四七本书 课文文本+翻译+录音


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