
Class of 2020 Graduates! | BCIS 2020届毕业生,开启未来的钥匙交给你们啦!

BCIS市场沟通部 北京乐成国际学校BCIS 2021-12-25

Beijing City International School


After months of wondering whether it could even happen, our Class of 2020 held their Graduation Ceremony at Beijing City International School on Saturday 6th June. Our BCIS gym was completely transformed into a venue fit to celebrate this rite of passage of our resilient Grade 12s. With appropriate health checks and physical distancing, this year’s graduation was truly unique; and the united spirit of our #BCIScommunity was tangible across the globe thanks to our sharp livestream of the event.

北京乐成国际学校(BCIS)2020届毕业典礼,这注定将是一场在革新中被铭记于心的活动。我们深知,举办毕业典礼,是不平凡的2020年给予我们的又一个挑战。但是,始终践行“通过不断挑战,赋予学生力量”如是#BCIS 使命精神#的学生和老师们,又一次以乐观的心态直面困难。终于,在完成入校健康检查、保证安全距离并佩戴口罩的前提下,我们如约将开启未来的钥匙交到了61名BCIS 2020届毕业生手中。

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The highlights of the graduation are shown in the above video. Click ‘Read More’ to watch and re-live the livestream recording of this celebration.


Before our Grade 12s arrived, parents, faculty members and leaders were warmly welcomed with a beautifully curated video by our Grade 12s near and far. The video, with the apt Friends theme song, “I’ll be there for you”, was the perfect depiction of their #BCISconnectedness and optimism.


The ceremony opened with the student processional, entering elegantly like the ladies and gentlemen they have grown to be, adorned with their caps and gowns and uniquely coordinating face masks. One by one they walked down the aisle to the stage to take their places.

在BCIS,每一份成长都倍受祝福。穿上毕业服自信满满地步入会场,毕业典礼,是来自全体#BCIS 社区成员#的礼物。

Our Head of School, Julie Lawton, opened the ceremony with a heartfelt speech by first thanking the parents of our 2020 Graduates. At BCIS we are connected by our love for the school and our collective efforts of empowering and inspiring through challenge and compassion. We also believe and have faith that our students will continue to live out the BCIS motto wherever they roam. Julie Lawton reminded the Class of 2020 that “we will always be here to support you wherever you go”.

在BCIS,因紧密联系,我们无畏困难。BCIS大校长Julie Lawton在典礼中致辞:当我们的学生驶向人生旅程的下一站时,父母、老师、朋友就在那里,在他们左右,为他们守候。”即使未能来到现场的12年级毕业生,也通过视频与我们分享了他们的毕业心情。

In addition to our star student musical performances and presenters that afternoon, our BCIS staff percussionists debuted their upbeat talents on the traditional Chinese drums.


Ms Pamela Bromby, Grade 12 “beloved teacher, coach, supervisor, and mentor” took to the stage on-screen sharing a touching a speech to her students. She praised the graduating class and encouraged them to keep writing their narratives, to live each chapter with the kindness and truth they have shown themselves and those around them.

在BCIS,尊重自己,尊重他人,是我们的信条。像Bromby老师一样,老师们和学生共同成长,成为彼此间一个个故事的主人公,这些故事,编织成了如此温暖阳光的#BCIS 多元社区#。

With starry eyes in the room, from the podium to the screen, our Grade 12s stole the stage in moving musical ensembles and poignant reflections on their BCIS learning journeys. Valedictorian, Amily, moved the audience with laughter and heart warming insights in her speech representing the Class of 2020 Graduates, Generation Z.

在BCIS,舞台的聚光灯为每一位学生打开。毕业典礼上,12年级的毕业生们带来了现场演出,她们闪光的眼神和落下的泪水,是最动情的BCIS故事。Amily则代表所有BCIS 2020届毕业生,站在舞台的中央,分享着他们心中的喜悦与对未来的憧憬。

BCIS Alumni joined the event with an uplifting video montage from all corners of the world. For us, home is where the heart is. Wherever our students and families go, that is where our BCIS Alumni Network will be.


Once our students graduate and join our Alumni Network we are reminded of the exceptional teachers who have guided them on their journey. No less could be said about the Class of 2020 and their mentors; the bonds they forged in this unprecedented time were like no other. Our Secondary School Principal, Mark Sullivan, handed our graduating class the key to their new door in a tender speech.

在BCIS,最好的祝福,来自最熟悉的身边人。他们记得你成长中的每一个细节,与你分享过战胜困难的喜悦,经历过挫折带来的短暂低落,了解你坚强身后的柔弱,理解你呐喊背后的冷静。中学部校长Mark Sullivan的演讲令在场的很多学生、父母、老师红了眼眶。

The end of the graduation celebration marked the beginning of our graduates’ next chapters as Alumni. At BCIS we say, “once a BCISer, always a BCISer”. This day was a celebration of our Class of 2020 and a testament to their hopeful futures; as Mark Sullivan said, “well because, because … you are the Class of 2020.”

毕业典礼结束,我们的12年级毕业生,成为了BCIS 2020届校友。开启未来的钥匙已经交到了你们手中,BCIS的社区成员们,将始终在这里,时刻关注你们的成长,欢迎你们常回家小聚。

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