
Award-winning App Assists BCIS|奖学金获奖者: 聚焦当下, 乐成科技达人如何用编程改变未来?

市场沟通部 北京乐成国际学校BCIS 2022-05-07


How did BCIS come to have Apple-award winning apps that our students use to plan their schedules and activities? Meet the outstanding scholarship students who developed these apps, and who inspire other students to dive into the world of technology every day: Tom, Hower, and Wallington! These three Grade 12 students have been challenging themselves with app design and development, as well as sharing their knowledge with other students throughout the school since seventh grade. BCIS has awarded all three of them with scholarships for their dedication to sharing their passion with the school community.

A demonstration of Tom's Apple award-winning app

Tom, Hower, and Wallington are the brilliant minds behind the “EAsLINK” and “Student Bulletin” applications that can run on the iOS systems of any Apple device. EAsLINK is a platform that allows students to advertise and register for the many Enrichment Activities (EAs) that are offered at the school. Traditionally, these activities relied on posters and word of mouth for signups, but EAsLINK streamlined this process, and made it more sustainable. As Hower says, “EAsLINK also made it much more accessible for students who try to find an EA to join since they can easily see all EAs in our school in one location.”

EAsLINK helps students find and sign up for Enrichment Activities

The Student Bulletin app sustainably solved a similar school problem. This app provides a clean UI that displays important events to students and can seamlessly send out alerts of upcoming events to them. Tom describes how the app updated the process of alerting his classmates to school activities, stating, “Student Bulletin replaces the old, archaic Student Bulletin wiki page, and has features such as push notifications, calendar, and batch send emails.” Thanks to its outstanding design, Student Bulletin even won an Apple WWDC21 Swift Student Challenge Award! Both wonderful apps found ways to improve the experience of students at BCIS, but they were not the only contributions these scholarship recipients made to the community.

Student Bulletin provides a clean UI that alerts students to important events

Every week during the time when students meet for their Enrichment Activities, Tom, Hower, and Wallington can be found in the Design and Technology lab, along with other students participating in their Circuit EA. This EA is designed to help students, especially younger ones, get their first hands-on experience in building hardware. “We realized that many people don’t have a lot of experience with technology. Because they don’t have any experience in this, they just assume that they can’t have any experience. It’s difficult to get started.” describes Wallington. The Circuit EA is an amazing opportunity for students to dive into the field of technology and has inspired many young learners to begin to build their own creations.

The students in the Circuit EA have created such wonderous projects as working circuits and glow tube clocks. They are even currently constructing a 3D printer! New students to the activity first learn the basics of working with tools and soldering, before coming together to collaboratively create a big project like the 3D printer. The design lab at BCIS has everything the young innovators need, from tools to materials, and is a fantastic workspace. As Hower explains, “Without this equipment, we would not be able to complete lots of the projects we worked on during our EA.”

With all the inspiring opportunities for hands-on design, it is no wonder that the Circuit EA draws a large crowd of students in the Middle and High School. Tom, Hower and Wallington’s amazing achievements are worthy of praise in their own right, but the fact that they share their passion with so many other students truly makes them stand out! This is a major reason why all three of them were chosen to receive Merit Scholarships from BCIS, further helping them to pursue their dreams in technology, and inspire others to do the same. 

BCIS is currently accepting scholarships applications for the 2022-23 academic year, so apply now for your chance to join us and make an impact!


在乐成的设计与科技课程教室里,我们遇见了目前就读乐成12年级的Tom, Hower和 Wallington,作为Circuit EA(科技电路课外活动)的负责人,他们沉稳谦和、有条不紊的悉心辅导活动成员制作3D打印机,看似复杂三维建模设计在他们的解释下神奇的变得不再遥远。也正因为对于科技的热爱,让他们收获了2021年乐成才华奖学金,今天让我们来揭秘这三位科技达人的世界。



因为对设计和计算机科学的共同爱好,在2016年,Tom, Hower和Wallington三人在乐成创立了Circuit EA(科技课外活动组织)。从最开始难以理解电路的工作原理,到如今的应用自如,和课外活动组织成员共同制作无人机、LED电子显示屏和太阳能电池板等高科技作品,他们在每一个项目中全心投入并且勇于挑战。Wallington告诉我们,“当别人说这个很难的时候,我总是觉得真正开始踏出第一步之后,你就会觉得没有这么难。如果你都不开始,怎么知道会不会成功呢。” 这也反映了乐成鼓励和培养学生在求学路上充满好奇心,乐于探索;在学习过程中应用和发挥创新思维,勤于探究,勇于冒险的教育教学理念头。而每一个成功者都有一个开始,勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。


作为“EAsLINK”(课外活动组织平台)和“Student Bulletin”(学生公告平台)在iOS系统上乐成相关应用程序背后的设计者,Tom, Hower和 Wallington在设计时践行乐成使命精神,身体力行地为实现世界的可持续发展做贡献。EAsLINK的设计初衷是为了让学生们更好的找到并加入学校的课外活动组织(EAs)。在原有基础上,三人简化了流程,并优化了兼容性,课外活动组织者除了在学校周围张贴海报信息,还可以方便快捷的将课外活动信息EAsLINK平台上。


Student Bulletin设计平台展示

除此之外,电子公告平台Student Bulletin也在乐成社区大受欢迎,Tom告诉我们,“设计Student Bulletin的目的是以可持续的方式使信息的传播过程更畅通,所有乐成社区成员在这里都可以通过这个平台及时了解并发布社区发生的事情。” 这款应用程序还因出色的设计,获得了ACAMIS的Jim Koerschen奖项并用收获的2500美元进行了项目扩建。Tom今年也以出色的设计收获了苹果WWDC21 Swift学生挑战奖。

Tom苹果WWDC21 Swift学生挑战赛获奖作品展示




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