
2019丽水摄影节 | 科技艺术目标模糊化后的图像媒体策略

展览预告视频 / 施展

Exhibition preview video/


New Media after the goal of science and technology is blurred 

2019.11.08 (FRI) - 2019.12.08 (SUN)

艺术总监(策展人)/ 邓 岩

Art Director / Deng Yan

联合策展人 / Vanessa Kowalski、Dylan Gauthier、魏颖

Co-curator / Vanessa Kowalski、Dylan Gauthier、Wei Ying


Coordinator / Meng Zhen、Wei Ting、Liu Fang

开幕时间 / 2019.11.10 7:00pm-8:30pm

Opening time / 2019.11.10 7:00pm-8:30pm

展览时间 / 2019.11.08-2019.12.08 

Exhibition time / 2019.11.08-2019.12.08 

展览地点 / 浙江省丽水市万象摄影坊8号展厅

Venue / Exhibition hall 8, vientiane photography studio, lishui city, zhejiang province

参展艺术家/ Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liota、Joseph DeLappe、Angela washko、 Morehshin allahyari、Jen Liu、 Nancy Nowacek、Catalina Tuca、Erica Molesworth、Carlos Franco、Miguel Gonzalez、梁半、耿翔、刘恒、Christine Dahl Helweg-Larsen、Daphne Keramidas、吕芃、清华化工系 何彦团队、贺子珂、Sofile Kristina Frank、向帆、甘健、魏涛、Esther Hovers、William Miller、Elizabeth Moran、Tavi meraud、Joshua liebowitz、刘张铂泷、李柱石、Ronnie E. Wright II、王翰林、王左夫、陈悦、Eduardo Kac、魏婷、陈玉萍

Artists participating / Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liota、Joseph DeLappe、Angela washko、 Morehshin allahyari、Jen Liu、 Nancy Nowacek、Catalina Tuca、Erica Molesworth、Carlos Franco、Miguel Gonzalez、Liang Ban、Geng Xiang、Liu Heng、Christine Dahl Helweg-Larsen、Daphne Keramidas、Lyu Peng、Department of chemical engineering, tsinghua university He Yan's Team、He Zike、Sofile Kristina Frank、XiangFan、Gan Jian、Wei Tao、Esther Hovers、William Miller、Elizabeth Moran、Tavi meraud、Joshua liebowitz、Liu Zhangbolong、Li Zhushi、Ronnie E. Wright II、Wang Hanling、Wang Zuofu、Chen Yue、Eduardo Kac、Wei Ting、Chen Yuping


Host / Organizing committee of Lishui photography festival

协办单位 / 清华大学美术学院信息艺术设计系摄影专业、Nars基金会 、伊丽莎白基金会

Co-organizer / Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University,Department of Photography、Nars foundation、Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts Project Space

赞助单位 / 丽水市云图文化传媒有限公司、水花电器、Profoto(保富图)、老林灯光

Sponsors / Lishui yuntu culture media Co., Ltd 、Shuihua electric appliance、Profoto、Laolin light

William Miller《迈布里奇动态研究》摄影

Muybridge motion studies,  photography


Elizabeth Moran《数字视测量》摄影

Laying bare the long sought,  photoghtaphy


魏婷《Female Die》摄影

Female Die,  photography

但在今天人们正在面临一场比现代主义时期更为严峻的挑战,那就是现代资本运营的方式对于科技迅速发展的依赖超越历史上任何一个阶段 ———如果简单来说就是人对于人造物的“依赖”和“期待”远远超约人们可控的范围。

Sofia Kristina Frank 《潮汐机》影像装置

The Tide Machine,  mapping performance


甘健,影像装置,mapping performance

展览将会在这样一个大的历史背景下阐述今天的摄影艺术需 要面对的新科技介入后艺术格局的变化;虚拟数字时代的读图方式和方法的变化;科技目标模糊化后的美学策略变化。

Christine Dahl Helweg-Larsen《回路》,视频


The modernist movement has made mankind relatively prepared for the sudden changes in the social pattern after the impact of science and technology.

Esther Hovers 《错误肯定》智能监控艺术

False Positives,intelligent surveillance art

People can make more use of the vigilance given in the modernist period, with ideas and ideologies derived from the Western capitalist ecological environment. 

Eduardo Kac《GPF兔子》转基因艺术

GPF Bunny,transgenic art

To meet challenges of today, Chinese society has also absorbed and quickly established a social development pattern with Chinese characteristics in the international background.

Angela Washko 《自由意识》视频

Free Will Mode,video

However, people are facing a more serious challenge than that in the modernist era, which is the way that modern capitalism relies on the rapid development of technology, which goes beyond any stages in history.

Catalina Tuca 《3D模型》影像装置

3D Models,video installation

To put it simply, human beings’ “dependence” and “expectation” far exceed the range that people can control.

Romily Alice Walden《生动表现下的分裂》装置

Division in vivid expression deviceinstallation

After the Second World War, efforts and confrontations between countries about the development of science, technology, and culture caused by the inevitabledemands of capital development which becomes more and more fierce, whichsets research goals of science and technology, and development of culture and art blurry. 

Miguel Gonzalez《De-Glitch》影像装置

De-Glitch,video installation

This show will explain the changes in the art pattern after the intervention of new technologies in today's art design in such a large historical context; the changes in the way of reading pictures and methods in the virtualdigital era; the Art strategies after the blurring of scientific and technologicalgoals Variety.

Erica Molesworth《硅谷景观》影像装置

Silicon Landscapes,video installation


Dumbbells collapse,video

不同电压下,金纳米溶胶体系所呈现的五类状态现象描述如下:低于临界电压(< 3 V),金纳米溶胶体系整体做受限布朗运动,运动方向各向同性。当外加直流电压值增加至临界电压(3-3.5 V)时,会涌现新的现象:四电极中心附近区域,金纳米溶胶颗粒整体在电场诱导下涌现“线“状漩涡运动图案,而远离四电极中心区域涌现单轴”圆筒“状漩涡运动图案,金纳米溶胶颗粒整体在一定时间范围内维持以上两种稳定的单轴漩涡运动状态。这是一种新的非平衡组装行为,让人联想至整体做漩涡运动的鱼群,漩涡运动具备局部稳定特性,可以达到干扰和分散捕食者注意力的效果。进一步增大电压,超出临界电压的一定范围(6-9 V),单轴漩涡运动演化成两两成对的双轴漩涡体系,通过可视化表征该状态下的运动方向的时间累加平均结果发现,双轴漩涡体系中相邻漩涡旋转方向相反,而间隔为 1 的漩涡旋转方向相同。继续增大电压(16 V),漩涡运动的稳定状态被破坏,金纳米溶胶颗粒运动状态极不稳定,漩涡不断生成、消融,漩涡形貌与旋转方向不断改变,漩涡与漩涡之间发生物质交换、吞并直至消融,溶胶颗粒整体呈现无规则、大规模地运动。

Jen Liu 《The Pink Detachment 》video

The Pink Detachment is a reinterpretation of The Red Detachment of Women (1970), a ModelOpera ballet from China’s Cultural Revolution. In the original, a peasant girl joins an all-femalemilitary detachment, takes revenge on her despotic landlord, and produces Revolution. Thisballet and its many variations was a ubiquitous propaganda piece in its day.

刘张铂泷 《实验室系列》摄影


The fundamental problem bothering scientists for hundreds of years is the way of observing anddocumenting. To me, the foundation stone of my practice is the approach of seeing I choose.Rather than being a participant, I would like to be a spectator keeping certain distance from mysubject. By saying to be a spectator, I incline to compare my creation process with scientificexperiments process. Scientific experiments process requires a series of precise operationswithin rigidly structured environments: depositing particles on silicon slice, gathering signalreflection from sample’s surface, and analyzing data through computer program. As a scientist,one needs to gather every group of information in order to draw a proper conclusion. As anartist, I choose to document every detail so as to unfold the panorama. On this level, I become aspectator as both scientist and artist.


Autobiography,Digital contact print, 120*80cm, October 2018.

This project aims to reveal the manipulation, beautifification and selective forgotten of memoriesthrough the using of cyanotype, a traditional contact print method.

Under modern darkroom conditions, the UV lamp is used to artifificially accelerate the reactionduring the cyanotype process, so that the exposure of the image can be controlled according tothe UV expose time. The dark green color of the paint on the paper under UV light means thatthe exposure is suffificient.

Joseph De Lappe 《Elegy: GTA USA Gun Homicides》2018-19 Game Mod

“Elegy is a gaming mod for Grand Theft Auto V that reenacts each day the total gun homicidesfor one year from July 4th, 2018 to July 4th, 2019. Gun homicide data was scraped continuouslyfrom the Gun Violence Archive. Gun homicide totals since are revised daily on this websitewhich were then fed directly into the project – starting at 0 each midnight, each day the newtotal body count since January 1st was reenacted in it’s totality and so on.

贺子珂《下载生活 - 礼物》 互动影像装置,电脑

Download Life - Gift,Interactive video installation,Computer2018

艺术家简介 /(排名不分先后)

Artist profile/

Carlos Franco

Christine Dahl Helweg-Larsen 

Daphne Keramidas

Ronnie E. Wright II

陈悦 Chen Yue 陈玉萍

清华化工系 何彦团队 

He Yan's Team,Department of chemical engineering, Tsinghua university


魏婷,李玥霖,刘芳,孟珍,陈玉萍,邓文静,施展,殷佳宇, 何怡佳,李艺潇,周天,张皓麐,李同

Curator team / Wei Ting, Li Yuelin, Liu fang, Meng Zhen Chen Yuping, Deng Wenjing, Shi Zhan, Yan Jiayu, He Yijia, Li Yixiao, Zhou Tian, Zhang Haolin,Li Tong





Assistant planner : Meng Zhen

Exhibition design : Wei ting, Li Yuelin

Exhibition coordinator : Liu Fang

Visual Identity:Li Yixiao, He Yijia, Yin Jiayu, Deng Wenjing

展览地点 / 浙江省丽水市万象摄影坊8号展厅

Venue / Exhibition hall 8, vientiane photography studio, lishui city, zhejiang province


Kuocang road, Liandu district, Lishui city, Zhejiang province, China







2019丽水摄影节 | 帕蒂•卡罗尔《匿名女性:重塑》

2019丽水摄影节 | 海外展开展啦!葡萄牙、德国的朋友看了,都想来丽水!





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