
青少年心理学研究期刊JRA | 2022年特刊阅读合集

Wiley威立 2022-11-26

Edited By: Amanda Sheffield Morris

Impact factor (2021):3.563

5 Year Impact factor (2021): 3.628

CiteScore (2021):5.2

Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 9/48 (Family Studies)29/80 (Psychology, Developmental)

Online ISSN:1532-7795

© Society for Research on Adolescence

JRA seeks to publish innovative and rigorous research that advances the understanding of adolescent development. The journal considers manuscripts from a wide range of topics relevant to adolescent development, using rigorous quantitative or qualitative methodologies. We will consider samples of early adolescence (10-12), middle adolescence (13-15), late adolescence (16-18), and young adulthood (19-25). However, samples of university students (typically aged about 18-22 years) need a strong justification that the sample is not one of convenience. Manuscripts should advance understanding of adolescent development, rather than merely study a phenomenon with an adolescent sample and should therefore be grounded in developmental theory and prior developmental research. There are no exclusions of particular methodologies, though studies including a diverse and representative sample, with valid and multiple information sources, and/or with best practice quantitative or qualitative analysis strategies are preferred. Manuscripts should clearly articulate the advances in understanding adolescent development and the applications for improving the lives of adolescents.

Volume 32, Issue 1

特刊话题:Black Lives Matter!: Systems of Oppression Affecting Black Youth

客编团队:Dawn Witherspoon, Linda Halgunseth, Laura Wray-Lake

Volume 32, Issue 2

特刊话题:“Truth is on the Side of the Oppressed”: Systems of Oppression Affecting BIPOC Youth

客编团队:Linda C. Halgunseth, Dawn P. Witherspoon, Laura Wray-Lakes

Volume 32, Issue 3

特刊话题:“Oppression is as American as Apple Pie”: Learning About and Confronting Whiteness, Privilege, and Oppression

客编团队:Lisa B. Spanierman, Linda C. Halgunseth, Dawn P. Witherspoon, Laura Wray-Lake

Volume 32, Issue 3

特刊话题:“Good Trouble, Necessary Trouble”: Dismantling Oppression through Resistance and Activism

我们认为影响因子并不是衡量一本期刊成功与否的唯一标准,我们正在改进衡量和提升 Wiley 期刊影响力和作者科研成果影响力的方式。在未来,我们将采用更广泛的基于期刊和基于文章的评价指标,以提供更丰富的形式来展示期刊表现。 



