
飞啊!你的毛爷爷!Win Your Weight In Wine!

CHEERS CHEERSWines 2017-11-22

Win Your Weight In Wine!



November is a very special month, once a year we get together and make all our Maos rainWe are talking about Maovember.



Maovember is a month-long campaign that teams restaurants, bars, shops and customers for good causes. The name is a play on “mao”, a coin worth one tenth of a yuan (1.5 cents), and Maovember, a global health mission where men grow mustaches. The theme is small businesses and small donations can yield big results.

 Maovember是一个100%纯慈善行动,募集到的每一分钱都会捐给慈善组织:今年我们会帮扶Bread of Life,一个招募残疾孤儿的面点烘焙室,以及The Library Project,一个致力于为中国偏远地区的学校建立阅读室的机构。

Maovember is a 100-percent volunteer effort so every RMB we raise goes to charity: this year we will help Bread of Life, a bakery that employs disabled orphan adults, and The Library Project, which builds reading rooms in rural China.


The Projects

Bread of Life:该项目培训并聘用残障孤儿在面点房工作。他们的服务对象涵盖很多位于北京的企业,并因其出色的味道而赢得很多赞誉(尤其是他们的胡萝卜蛋糕和派)。

Bread of Life: This project trains and employs disabled orphans to work in a bakery that serves many Beijing businesses and customers and has received kudos for its quality, especially its carrot cake and pies.

The Library Project:Maovember早在2013及2016年的活动中就已经与TLP有过合作。至今已帮助中国偏远贫困地区的学校完成1000多间阅读室的建设

The Library Projectwith whom Maovember worked during their inaugural campaign in 2013 as well as in 2016. The Library Project has furnished more than 1,000 reading rooms in needy schools across China.

这周末,从10号(星期五)到12号(星期日),《Beijinger》杂志创始人Mike Wester将会尝试一些他从未做过的事情... ...那就是徒步逛遍北京所有的CHEERS门店!!!

This weekend from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th, Mike Wester, founder of the Beijinger will try to do something no one's never done before… visit all CHEERS stores by foot!!!


Here is a map of all the CHEERS stores in Beijing


And this is Mike


Do you think that it is possible? Make a guess!


How about win your weight in wine?


Scan this QR Code and try to guess how many stores Mike will be able to reach! Every guess will be a 90RMB donation to Maovember charities, and you can place a bet on as many numbers as you like! You can make the donation via WeChat below, but before you do, let Mike know the number of stores you predict, PLUS a guess of how many kilometers he will walk in the process (this number will be used as a tiebreaker!)

Mike's QR code


If you guess the exact number of stores and your kilometer guess is the closest, you will win your weight in wine!


But, exactly, how much wine could you win? An average bottle of wine weights between 1.3 to 1.8 kilos. So, if you weight 70 kilos, you will be getting 39 bottles!

加入我们吧!和我们一起庆祝这个盛大的CHEERS Maovember大冒险吧!就在这周日(12日)晚6点,为Mike的CHEERS门店巡游的收官共同举杯狂欢吧!我们会在双井的CHEERS天之骄子店和你不见不散哦!邀请你身边的每个人一起来吧,我们已经等不及和你一起畅饮!

Join us to celebrate the big CHEERS Mao-venture this Sunday 12th of November at 6pm for a closing party of Mike’s CHEERS store tour! We will be celebrating at our Tianzhijiaozi store in Shuangjing. Everybody is invited, we will be waiting with some bubbly to celebrate!


CHEERS Tianzhijiaozi store


Join the party and enjoy some Baozza! All the money raised from the sales will go to Maovember!




Have you heard about them?


包子... ...但是馅儿却是披萨!一种中国时下最in的融合饮食概念,Baozza融合了中西方最标志性、最受喜爱的食物,于是又是一个标志性的美食!意大利乳酪小披萨蒸出软糯的的传统中国包子的样子。

Baozi…but pizza at heart! One of China’s newest and most unique fusion food concepts, Baozza joins beloved staple foods from China and the West. The result is a delicious, cheesy Italian pizza snack that is shaped and steamed soft just like traditional Chinese bao.


You will be able to get your hands on this delicious treats!


To raise as much as we can, we will also make a donation. For every store that Mike visits we will contribute with 100RMB up to the 20th store, from the 21st store up, we will donate 200 per store.


Can’t get enough from Maovember?



Join us on this upcoming events or sponsor Mike on his 900km journey, 100% of the money raised will go to Maovember.

当然,如果你想拥有自己的加盟店,欢迎扫描下方二维码 ~ 没准下一家CHEERS门店就是你的!

If you are thinking about opening your own store and want more information, scan the Qr Code below to get in touch with us!

点击阅读更多了解详情! Click Read more to join us!

