
彼得·拉茨事务所 | 德国慕尼黑中环公园:建在隧道上的城市公园

©Nikolai Benner


Transport and open space development above the tunnel of the south-western ring road, including an assessment of various tunnel alternatives and their impact on the open space.


The redevelopment of Munich’s ring road and the addition of road tunnels allowed public space that had been occupied by transport infrastructure to be reclaimed.


项目全景 ©Nikolai Benner


Heckenstaller Park – Urban park built over a tunnel with spacious play and recreation areas


A park of around 570 metres length and 40 to 70 metres width will offer residents a space for play and recreation. The entire length of the tunnel park is dominated by two elements: a promenade on the north side and a willow filter on the south side, both flanked by a footpath and cycle way.


鸟瞰Heckenstaller公园 ©Nikolai Benner

俯视Heckenstaller公园儿童活动区 ©Nikolai Benner

俯视Heckenstaller公园林荫道 ©Nikolai Benner

The function of the willow filter is, similar to the promenade, to screen the park from the outside and to define it as a separate space. This will ensure that activities in the park are accepted by residents and not considered a nuisance. Furthermore, both elements provide a permeable border which makes people aware of the fact that they are entering the park. In the centre of the park steps and ramps lead into a sunken play area for children and young people. The play area for young people is bordered by a boulder wall in the south and seating steps in the north.


Heckenstaller公园林荫道 ©Nikolai Benner

漫步Heckenstaller公园林荫道 ©LATZ+PARTNER

Heckenstaller公园内的天然足球场 ©Nikolai Benner

Heckenstaller公园内的人行和自行车道 ©LATZ+PARTNER

Heckenstaller公园柳树林 ©Nikolai Benner

Heckenstaller公园夜景 ©Nikolai Benner

A sunken play topography for children and young people, a boulder wall in the south, a basketball ground, and a young children’s playground, occupies the centre of the park and are accessible over steps and ramps in the north. The central play area with a roof structure protecting from sun and rain invites to stay a long time there, has become a social meeting point of all generations in an area which is socially rather mixed. The cooperative governance of the popular playground has become some sort of public social participation and control.


Heckenstaller公园下沉儿童及青少年游乐区剖面图 ©LATZ+PARTNER

Heckenstaller公园儿童及青少年游乐区鸟瞰 ©Nikolai Benner

Heckenstaller公园台阶和攀岩墙界定了空间 ©Nikolai Benner

Heckenstaller公园内的景观廊架成为了跨年龄层的社交中心 ©Nikolai Benner

Heckenstaller公园界定了南侧边界的攀岩墙 ©LATZ+PARTNER

Heckenstaller Park has contributed significantly to long-term sustainability, by urban greening, enhancing ecological and economical qualities, reducing high noise emissions and a high air pollution. It enhances life quality for the citizens living along the park in terms of health. The bordering grounds increased after this measure importantly in value.

Heckensteller 公园对城市的长期可持续化发展做出了重要的贡献,例如都市的绿化、提升⽣态和减少噪⾳污染和空⽓污染等。公园提升了周边居民的健康⽣活品质和也提升周边地段的经济价值。

Promenades – ‘Garmischer Strasse’ becomes a low-key access road with a significant reduction in traffic. A generous central walkway of around ten metres width is to be fitted into the currently large road space of Garmischer Strasse.

Promenades 中央景观步道在交通大幅减少后,Garmischer Strasse (加⽶施街)的车流量将得以减少。⼀条宽约10⽶的中央景观步道被融合于⽬前宽阔的道路空间之中。

建在隧道之上的中央景观步道 ©Nikolai Benner

中央景观步道剖面图 ©LATZ+PARTNER

Low-key roads and car parking spaces flank a central walkway that resembles a park, giving priority to vegetation and people and providing a space for urban life with aesthetically designed lighting, surfaces and street furniture.


A continuous walkway with benches invites people to stroll along the connection between Westpark and Luise-Kiesselbach-Platz. The promenade now links the neighbourhoods on either side which had once been severed by the road.


中央景观步道为自然植被提供了优先权 ©LATZ+PARTNER

中央景观步道为人们提供了优先权 ©LATZ+PARTNER

中央景观步道连接着Westpark和Luise-Kiesselbach-Platz ©Nikolai Benner

中央景观步道夜景 ©Nikolai Benner

项目名称 Mittlerer Ring Süd-West, Munich, DE

业主单位 City of Munich,  Baureferat Gartenbau

项目总监 Mr. Burmeister, Mr. Bühler, Mr. Grünberger

设计单位 LATZ+PARTNER Landscape Architecture Urban Planning

主创设计 Tilman Latz, Peter Latz

设计团队 Burkhard Krüpe, Dörte Dannemann, Dennis Pytlik, Sophie Holzer, Oliver Keil

施工单位 SHL Stephan Huber Landschaftsarchitektur

项目经理 Stephan Huber




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