
拉茨与合伙人城市更新力作 | 海德堡新区规划设计



海德堡新区占地116公顷,比历史悠久的海德堡老城区还大,也是德国最大的城市发展项目之一。该新区的公共空间设计理念——KOER(德语:Konzept öffentlicher Raum),基于Trojan & Trojan的城市总体规划。在该总体规划中,城市次区域中规划有高比例、高质量、有特色的公共空间,并配有绿色节能设施、雨洪管理措施等。因此,在旧铁路及美军基地转变为短距离可达社区的过程中,这29公顷的新公共空间发挥了关键作用。它保障了居民通往附近火车站和有轨电车站的可达性,同时连通了现有的城市结构和通往城西、城南、Bergheim和Pfaffengrund的快速路。

The new Bahnstadt district counts 116 ha and is thus larger than the historic city centre of Heidelberg and is one of Germany’s largest urban development projects. The public open space concept KOER is based on an urban masterplan by Trojan & Trojan, which envisages a large proportion of high-quality public spaces with sub-regional appeal and strong individual identities, applying green and resource-saving construction methods alongside stormwater management. Therefore the character of these new public open spaces of 29 ha played a key role in this transformation process from former railway tracks and US military sites into a neighbourhood of short distances. They offer easy access to nearby train and tram way systems, connects to existing urban structures and to superior cycle speed paths towards West- and Südstadt, Bergheim or Pfaffengrund.

▼海德堡新区公共空间设计 ©LATZ+PARTNER

▼景观设计总平面图 ©LATZ+PARTNER

▼鸟瞰海德堡新区Langer Anger ©Christian Buck

▼鸟瞰海德堡新区公园景观大道 ©Christian Buck

▼融合在景观大道中的儿童游乐区 ©LATZ+PARTNER

▼共享的开放空间 ©Kristof Lange/Design & Photographie


Some uncontaminated existing elements were preserved in their authenticity. Soil components were connected to natural areas and ecological habitats. The KOER concept takes into account resilience issues such as amelioration of health factors and microclimate, heat equalization under given conditions, rainwater management, ecological compensation measures, infrastructure and development, recycling of materials and constructed elements, energy saving topics, phasing and costs.


Since 2005 striking open space qualities for a vibrant coexistence of the 12,000 residents and workers were created along former railway lines, in the spirit of Heidelberg's cultural urbanity. Besides the white, sustainable building structure, these linear green spaces shape the new identity for this neighbourhood. KOER supports social aspects for lively neighbourhoods with activity offers in their direct surroundings for people of all age. From the very beginning of this project citizens were involved in participatory processes.

如今,连续的绿色开放空间网络构成了这个区域的特征:线性公园景观大道由原先高架铁路路堤改建而成,并通过社区内的街道与Lange Anger区域相连。景观大道中的树阵设计试图去平衡由原先铁路路堤碎石层造成的燥热微气候。Lange Anger平行于景观大道,其中的树阵提供的荫凉和水系带来的清凉,平衡了夏季的炎热气候。随着时间的流逝,逐渐形成的树阵林荫与平行的公园景观大道相互映衬。9.5米宽的水渠汇聚了场地内50%的雨水,并吸引着孩童在此游戏、野生动物在此停留。这个可持续的线性公园以其随季节变化的弹性绿色空间,为居民带来了高品质而独具特色的都市空间。

Today a network of continuous open green spaces characterise the sector: the linear park promenade, which follows the former elevated railway embankment, with residential streets connecting to the Lange Anger. Tree structures try to balance the rather dry-warm in microclimate from the historic crushed stone layer of the former railway body. The new and parallel Lange Anger is water-articulated and tries to equalize climatic conditions in the hot summer months with it’s rather cool and shady character. With it’s increasingly growing tree canopies it will develop into a synergetic antipode to the promenade over time. The rainwater of the neighbourhood is retained to 50% on site and connected to the 9.5 m wide water channel, which does not only attract children and wildlife. This sustainable linear park offers new urban qualities in resilient green spaces with changing seasonal aspects, that bring people together and convey identity.

Park promenade



A multifunctional, communicative activity strip follows the linearity of the former railway tracks in a resource-saving manner. Lawns and play areas and positioned along the main promenade on the edge of the urban development. A long continuous retaining wall made from tamped concrete protects the elevated gardens of the residential blocks. It forms a hard architectural edge that defines the interface between private and public spaces. Playgrounds with different themes expand into parcours of movement. Historical railway relics were creatively integrated. The choice of trees and shrubs was adapted to climatic and specific regional conditions, e.g. even thermophile species like Ficus carica, Morus alba or Albizzia julibrizzin could be planted.


A curved seating step mediates between intensively used zones and ecological compensation areas. It separates the usable upper lawns, from the rather inaccessible lover ecological corridors for fauna and flora of thermophile habitats.


Objectives: Park and action area, increase of ecological diversity, equalizing the microclimate of hot summer months by shade of trees in green areas and streets, securing protected fauna and flora.

©LATZ+PARTNER (Visualisierung: die-grille)

©LATZ+PARTNER (Visualisierung: die-grille)

©LATZ+PARTNER (Visualisierung: die-grille)

©LATZ+PARTNER (Visualisierung: die-grille)

▼自行车道 ©Kristof Lange/Design & Photographie

▼弯曲的座凳式台阶 ©Kristof Lange/Design & Photographie

▼弯曲的座凳式台阶 ©Michael Latz


Water axis Langer Anger

Langer Anger 水系统

Lange Anger的蓄水池收集了屋顶和庭院的雨水,超出其蓄水量的雨水将通过过滤区系统渗入地面。50%的降水被保留在步道附近的地面上。纵向延伸的宽阔水渠,映衬着蓝天白云。水渠面积达5000平方米,东连Königsstuhl,西向Eppelheim方向的落日。四季变化,新建成的城市公共空间为居民提供了户外亲水空间、林荫纳凉场所甚至冬日打户外冰球的可能性。

The water reservoirs of the Lange Anger collects stormwater from roofs and courtyards and lets excess water seep into the ground via a system of infiltration areas. 50% of the precipitation water is retained in the grounds of neighbourhoods of the Promenade. The view along the wide, elongated water surface reflects the sky and covers 5,000 m². It is directed towards the Königsstuhl to the east and to the setting sun to the west towards Eppelheim. Throughout the year, new spatial qualities offer outdoor spaces near the water and in the shade for resting or to be used, e.g. for ice hockey in winter.


Objectives: Creation of new microclimates, reduction of heat absorption, increase of cooling effect and biodiversity through vegetation.

▼ Langer Anger水系统剖面图
©LATZ+PARTNER (Visualisierung: die-grille)

▼ ©Kristof Lange/Design & Photographie

▼ ©Kristof Lange/Design & Photographie

▼ 户外亲水空间 ©LATZ+PARTNER

▼ 水渠为炎热的夏日带来清凉 ©LATZ+PARTNER

▼ 野生动物在此停留 ©LATZ+PARTNER

项目名称 Public Space Concept Bahnstadt Heidelberg, Germany

业主单位 City of Heidelberg

设计单位 LATZ+PARTNER Landscape Architecture Urban Planning

主创设计 Iris Dupper, Tilman Latz

设计团队 Burkhard Krüpe, Michael Schulze

施工单位 Faktorgruen Landscape Architects




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