


2022年荷兰阿尔梅勒世界园艺博览会(FloriadeExpo 2022)于荷兰当地时间4月14日开幕了。这个每十年一次的国际园艺盛会,展示了园艺和绿色技术的最新创新。2022年博览会的主题——成长中的绿色城市,在60公顷的场地上得到了广泛诠释。参观者将能够在美丽的花园中漫步,探索40多个国家馆,了解最前沿的可持续城市生活解决方案。

On April 14th the Floriade Expo 2022, the International Horticultural Exhibition held in the Netherlands once every 10 years, opens in Almere, will showcase the latest horticultural developments from around the world. The theme for Floriade Expo 2022—“Growing GreenCities”—is broadly interpreted on the 148-acre (60-hectare) site. Visitors will be able to walk among beautiful gardens, explore the national pavilions of more than 40 countries, learn about cutting-edge sustainable solutions for urban living and much more.

MVRDV被邀请设计这个世界上最大的园艺博览会场地,并将该地区想象为市中心的绿色延伸,一个持久的理想之城。从茉莉花酒店,果园小屋,玫瑰园餐厅到百合池游泳池,设计团队的目标是让阿尔梅勒借此次博览会达到其迄今为止城市化和绿色的巅峰。设计始终围绕的问题是:Floriade 2022 能否在生态上自给自足并成为共生城市主义的典范?

Selected to design the site of Floriade 2022, the world's largest horticultural expo, in Almere, MVRDV imagined the area as a green extension to the city centre, a lasting Cité Idéal. From jasmine flower hotels and orchard houses to a restaurant in a rose garden and lily pond swimming pool, our ambition was to make Floriade 2022 the most urbanand most green Floriade to date. The question that drove the design: can Floriade 2022 be ecologically self-sufficient and stand as a model for symbiotic urbanism?




The Expo – and the city district which will occupy the site afterwards – derives its underlying character from MVRDV's arboretum concept, with an alphabetical library of trees and plants arranged into lots in a strict grid. These lots also provide the layout for temporary pavilions and, later, homes; after the Expo, the park will be transformed into a new greenresidential area known as Hortus.


This edition of the Floriade Expo is not only about the plants; approximately 400 participants also show the latest innovations, from nature-inclusive agriculture to a sustainable pilot home made from 93 percent recycled plastic. With the theme "Growing GreenCities," this year's World Horticultural Exhibition promises to be greener, more productive, and more sustainable than ever.



MVRDV designed the masterplan with a focus on plant diversity, health, and the simple pleasure of having greenery all around us. The ambition was to enrich the 60-hectare site with plants, trees, and flowers, while at the same time exploiting its potential to become an energy- and food-producing city district. The masterplan is therefore not only the basis for the Expo, but also for the innovative, sustainable residential district Hortus, which is intended to become the green counterpart to Almere’s city centre on the other side of the Weerwater.



以其精致的小街道网格为基础,在这些街道上,植物和树木的种类按照它们拉丁语名称的字母顺序排列,从场地西北部以名称为A开头的物种,到东南部的以Z开头的物种。景观设计师Niek Roozen和来自阿尔梅勒市的Christiaan Pfeiffer共同开发了植物种植技术,在这里种植了4万棵灌木、20万棵多年生植物和100万株球茎。荷兰的树木种植者们还为本届世园会特别捐赠了2800棵树。

The arboretum, based on its refined grid of small streets, forms the basis of the masterplan. In these streets plant and tree species are listed in alphabetical order according to their Latin botanical name. In the northwest of the site are species beginning with the letter A, while those with a Z are found in the southeast. Landscape architects Niek Roozen, along with Christian Pfeiffer from the municipality of Almere, developed the technical aspects of the planting, placing a total of 40,000 shrubs, 200,000 perennials, and 1 million bulbs. Dutch tree growers donated 2,800 trees especially for this edition of the Expo.

MVRDV创始合伙人Winy Maas说道:“植物园还展示了植物在土壤、水和维护方面的需求。我希望我们的植物库能提供一个很好的搜索和阅读功能,让所有这些信息都变得可见。当新区建成后,城市与景观之间会产生共生关系,我们可以测试植物对建筑物的影响。因此,植物园也是增加知识的工具。未来,植物园将由一个独立的基金会管理、维护和进一步发展,这是一件好事,能为世园会留下一份遗产。”

MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas says: “The arboretum also shows what the plants need in terms of soil, water, and maintenance. I hope that a good search and read function will be added to our living tree and plant library so that all this information becomes visible. When the new district is built, a symbiosis can arise between city and landscape and we can test the effect of plants on buildings. The arboretum is therefore also an instrument for increasing knowledge. It is good that in future the arboretum will be managed, maintained and further developed by an independent foundation, so that the Expo will have a legacy.”



The arboretum is bordered by a boulevard, which connects the two sides of the plan by wide green bridges. These bridges are the prelude to the “bridge campus”. On the initiative of the municipality of Almere and the province of Flevoland, two circular bridges were made, built from – among other things – cement-free concrete derived from Almere's waste. MVRDV’s masterplan also offers space to various architects, each of whom translated MVRDV’s concept of a “green dip” – the immersion of buildings in the maximum possible amount of greenery – in their own way.


位于世园会中心的高43.5米的弗洛雷斯大厦(Flores Tower),也由MVRDV为其设计了多彩的立面,并与Arttenders和佛兰德艺术家Alex Verhaest合作创作了名为Sympoiesis的艺术品。博览会上所有的树木、植物和花卉都被投影在塔身的玻璃幕墙上,每一种植物的名称和位置都可以在建筑的基座上找到。弗洛雷斯大厦是这里第一座永久性建筑,将在世园会期间用作活动组织和广播电视基地。

For the 43.5-metre-tall Flores Tower at the centre of the Floriade park, MVRDV designed the building’s colourful façade, creating an artwork named Sympoiesis in collaboration with Arttenders and the Flemish artist Alex Verhaest. All of the tree, plant, and flower species at the Expo are represented in a composition printed on the glass facade panels of the tower, and the names and locations of each can be found on the building's plinth. The Flores Tower is the first permanent building in the new district and will be used during the Expo as a base for event organisation and for radio and TV broadcasts.









 竞赛题目 “运河活化·魅力重生” 报名截止时间 2022年4月30日24时(北京时间) 作品提交截止时间 2022年5月31日(北京时间18:00) 官网网站 cangzhoucompetition.yuanyebei.com

 一等奖1组 获奖证书+奖金10万元人民币/组(含税) 二等奖3组 每组获奖证书+奖金3万元人民币(含税) 三等奖10组 每组获奖证书+奖金1.5万元人民币(含税)优秀奖若干组,获奖证书+《国际设计》杂志

 主办单位 河北省住房和城乡建设厅河北省自然资源厅 承办单位 沧州市人民政府 组织单位 沧州市自然资源和规划局 媒体支持 《国际设计》杂志风景园林网















