近日,由园冶杯国际竞赛组委会和亚洲园林协会乡村振兴与特色城镇专业委员会主办,联合澳大利亚阿德莱德大学、天津大学、哈尔滨工业大学、浙江大学、湖南大学和台湾中国文化大学等国内外知名高校共同发起的“乡村振兴国际联合毕业设计活动”成功举办,来自18所知名院校的优秀毕业生展示了他们对于乡村振兴的独特见解和思考。联合毕业设计活动按相关评选程序,经评审委员会认真评选和严格审定,评出了一二三等各个奖项。5月27-30日,部分优秀获奖作品受邀在台湾景观新秀展进行了展出。相关阅读>>《首届园冶杯乡村振兴国际联合毕业设计获奖名单公示》、《获奖作品解析 | 首届园冶杯乡村振兴国际联合毕业设计成功举办》
展览期间,还举行联评和系列演讲活动。主办方预计超过 6000 名景观相关领域人士到访。园冶杯乡村振兴联合毕设作品参加景观新秀展,展示了优秀学子的实力和风采,增进了高校之间的交流与合作,对带动乡村振兴规划设计新风潮,提升乡村建设的社会关注度也起到积极作用。
参赛作者:万梓琳 陈晨 陈胜 张净 黄煜 张皓量
指导老师:于戈 唐亮
Brief Description:Lianhe Village is a natural village located at the boundary of Sichuan and Yunnan, with an integration of Yi and Han nationalities Iit’s not a inner decaying village with about 2600 people, having its unique cultural and environmental characteristics. Apart from working outside, most villagers make a living by farming. This plan aims to integrate the major elements of rural revitalization-”people”and “industry”, using the power of planning, to comply with its spatial pattern and the guidance from relevant policies, adopting the model of “Migratory Sharing Community”to build the future organic habitat of the city in stages, with a special concern about nature, ecology, locality,health and co-construction. In the planning, Lianhe Village will be developed with one Organic Belt and four main districts with multiple nodes. The core area with the concept of “Between the Cluster and Wildness”will be developed first, to guild the develop from bottom to top with help of government and rural collective economic organizations at the very beginning. In the group design for the villager center, attention was paid to improve the quality of public and agricultural spaces, with building renovations and greenhouse upgrades.
Brief Description :The buildings of Hongjiang Ancient shopping mall adapt to local conditions and live in harmony with nature, with the architectural characteristics of local traditional folk houses in Western Hunan. This scheme extracts the scale and spatial characteristics of the traditional cellar house for translation, and designs a shared activity center serving tourists and residents, covering exhibition, education, commerce, maker workshop and other functions. Starting from the continuation of the texture in the ancient city, the building materials adopt new materials locally to create the communication benefits of building media and promote the new characteristic space of xiahongjiang ancient mall in the "e- commerce era".
参赛作者:张思远 刘晴晴 李沛东 关贺天
指导老师:冯刚 贡小雷
Brief Description :丰富的村民活动、民俗技艺以及其最重要和特色的石头文化等成为西井峪不可或缺的生活气息与乡土氛围。但随着最近的调研,我们发现了西井峪被过度开发,原本随处可见的村民也都不见了踪影,村中建筑拆改严重,新建的房子选择了拙劣的模仿甚至是与传统村貌完全不符的网红路线。不恰当的旅游开发对村貌、文化造成了伤害。所以为了解决西井峪发展的困境,挽救其文化流失,我们选择了四个具体的方向落实——老人社区文化中心、石艺工坊、皮影剧场、村口集市,帮助西井峪“石头村”以点带线,以线带面,最终辐射全村范围,实现文化振兴。
参赛作者:王子荆 李芸婷
指导老师:李有芳 王朝红 赵小刚
Brief Description :This design project is located in Erbaozi village, Huai'an County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. The design is entitled "rice transmission and cultivation". In the planning stage, from the perspective of light intervention and the method of multi-directional spatial nodes, from the three levels of production, life and ecology, it solves the problems of single site industrial chain, lagging infrastructure and hollowing out, improves the ecological vitality of the site and creates a characteristic low-carbon new village. In the single design stage of the education center, rice transmission, that is, teaching with the help of the abundant rice straw biomass resources in the site, that is to create a bottom-up villagers' co construction system. While the building itself plays an educational role, it also acts as a window for the communication between the village and the outside world to teach the characteristics of the village to the outside world. It also explores the space variable mode in the peak and off-season of tourism, and forms a new rural characteristic public space that is easy to build, reproducible, flexible and variable.
参赛作者:杨翠 李谣 过超 李秦 卢家骏
指导老师:彭慧蕴 曾尔力 何燕玲
Brief Description:The base is loacted in Butuo County, Liangshang Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, which is a key county for national rural revitalization. However, with serious problems of limited education, industrial inactivation and poor living conditions,Butuo County is caught in the rural development dilemma that long-term support doesnot make it rich. In this case, this planning treats "unenlightened education leads to insufficient endogenous motivation" as the root problem, therefore establishing the benign interaction of "education-industry-environment" by promoting rural endogenous power through activating education based on the design concept of "creating value based on wisdom". With regard to this, three design strategies of wisdom-oriented production, wisdom-oriented education and wisdom-oriented living environment optimization are applied to solve the corresponding issues. As may be expected, a new vision of rural development featuring intellectual property and education will be realized to achieve more far-reaching rural revitalization.
参赛作者:张廷辉 邓兰 程祖文 吴长杰 田陈
指导老师:陈虹羽 赵毅 和惠银
Brief Description:本设计切入乡村振兴的视角从鲜活的个体出发,摒弃控制性的主动规划思维,提倡点到面的被动设计处理,充分了解并尊重个体的生存状态及人居理想。我们通过与村民“一对一”的交流,了解其生活日常,同时考虑了村庄的可持续性发展与政府的经济支持,改造设计从点到面,由每一户到村落的总体人居环境。通过与个体的沟通衍生出了共享社区的概念,我们从“共享”生活与个体的生存状态及人居理想结合思考,挖掘本村空废建筑以及传统产业,并通过科学的体系化的方式进行适宜性的更新引导,从而在发展进步创造历史的过程中留下演变的轨迹,将村落、建筑等实物与人们的生活生产方式高效的统一在一起,以当代思维去建构一个自洽,可持续的乡村生态。
作为“为美丽河北而规划设计——第五届河北国际城市规划设计大赛”的重要组成部分,“沧州运河活化国际设计师竞赛”受疫情影响,作品征集时间 延期至2022年6月30日18:00 。请各参赛单位及个人及时关注、相互告知,按时提交作品。已提交作品还可再进行优化,重新上传。长按下方二维码,报名提交作品吧:
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