
5月19日 ▶ RED LIPS, Childish Food, anxt (rock, punk, electronic)

2017-05-07 黄昏黎明俱乐部

时间/Time: 2017年5月19日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 40(presale)/50(door) (票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

这一夜我们将迎来青年电子摇滚新军 RED LIPS,他们的血液里流淌着不安分!还有成军半年却备受关注的朋克新军 Childish Food;更有南非开普敦电子艺人 anxt,他过去的几个现场吸引着越来越多人为之疯狂!


RED LIPS (electronic rock) 

Childish Food (Hardcore, Punk)

anxt (Cape Town, Electronic)

Red lips (electronic rock)


Childish Food (Hardcore, Punk)Childish Food 成军仅半年,但已游走在北京、廊坊等地的livehouse。乐队风格 Hardcore / Punk 为主,融合了青春的力量简单直接,绝对的噪音制造者,现场破坏机。

ANXT (Cape Town, electronic) https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=j03802g1ej5&width=500&height=375&auto=0来自开普敦,南非的anxt, 用音乐作画笔,把一列列的电子元素描绘成一座座的感情丰富的声音景观。他从现在他生活的城市北京寻找素材,采集声音,融入hip hop节奏,雕刻出引人入胜的一幅一幅生动景象。 “我对大自然与城市景观的热爱是我创作的最大灵感。我极力用音乐来表达与描述在我脑海里对周围影像的感觉,希望通过这样的方式保存我希望保存下来的的时刻和想法,我也希望用通过音乐来把这些翻译给我的听众。” 他也是最近北京现场最火爆的新晋摇滚乐队 Macondo 乐队成员之一,他在乐队里创造的高能量电子成分是乐队不可或缺的独特之处。 他是听着电子乐长大的那一代,在 Bonobo, Tycho, Beacon, Nosaj Thing 影响下,anxt 创作的音乐富有强烈的感情,听众在听音乐的同时感受到的是anxt看到的世界。 anxt 目前正在进行他的第一张EP的录制,预期在2017年春天发行。准备好在音乐的时空里起飞了吗?  

Hailing from Cape Town, South Africa, Anxt fuses an array of musical elements to create moody electronic soundscapes. Set to the backdrops of urban field recordings with hip hop carved beats he takes you on a journey of the world that he’s lives in. “My love for nature and urban landscapes is what influences my sound, and I try and contextualise this imagery into a musical soundscape that captures these moments or ideas, and I try and translate them to the listener.” He is also makes up a quarter of Macondo which has been making waves around the Beijing music scene, to which he lends his skills as producer and songwriter to create high energy “Electronic Post Rock”.  Influenced by the likes of Bonobo, Tycho, Beacon, Nosaj Thing and the music of his childhood he creates deeply emotional music that gives the listener a glimpse inside the world which is anxt. anxt is currently working on his debut EP which is set to be released in spring, 2017, so get ready to be transported. 

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