
5月20日 DDC ▶ SHANGHAI INVASION! 上海入侵 (Rock)

2017-05-07 黄昏黎明俱乐部

时间/Time: 2017年5月20日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 



Hogchoker (hard punk, funk, Balkan, hard rock)

Blue Magpie (Indie Rock)

Da haha (blues, punk, psychedelia)

Disaster Chat (rock, ambient) 

Hogchoker (hard punk, funk, Balkan, hard rock)


Born from the glowing embers of hard punk Shanghai band XXYY and Scotland’s eclectic indie outfit, Torpedo Buoy, Chinese-American-British band, Hogchoker blends dance, funk, Balkan and South American music with hard rock (or 'dirty punk? ). Their wild, frenzied live performances of brass, drums, guitars, two vocalists and a party atmosphere, are already earning them a cult following in Shanghai’s underground scene.

Blue Magpie (Indie Rock)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=f0021c662jx&width=500&height=375&auto=0Blue Magpie 蓝鹊乐队是一支在上海的独立英伦摇滚乐队,曾陆续发布过一些demo,并成功举办了两届上海英伦摇滚盛会,除了收获一众铁杆粉丝外,也受到了专业人士的认可,曾受邀参演上海迷笛音乐节。 2015年年底,蓝鹊乐队签约竹露荷风,正式发行全新单曲《Is there anybody else》和《Tomorrow》。

主唱/吉他手 Michael 来自英国曼彻斯特,他的创作为乐队奠定了纯正的英伦独立摇滚的基础。来自英国谢菲尔德的鼓手 Sam,毕业于专业音乐学院,加入蓝鹊乐队之前曾签约于伦敦 RISING 厂牌下的 Downslide 乐队,发行过一张正式专辑。贝斯手Lee来自美国威斯康星州,同样是科班出身,具有近20年职业经验,曾在美洲、欧美和亚洲与不同的风格的乐队合作巡演。2012年 Michael 来到上海组建了蓝鹊乐队,Sam 和 Lee 随之加入,开始了三人在上海的音乐冒险。2014年夏天 Hamliton 加入蓝鹊,在乐队中担任吉他手。一年后,来自爱尔兰的吉他手 James 也来到蓝鹊,他用丰富的吉他音效技艺以及多年的演奏经验为乐队增光添彩,自此蓝鹊一行五人一起玩音乐玩创作。Blue Magpie is a Shanghai-based band that rock the shit out of the British Indie Rock style. The band was founded by the frontman, Michael who hails from the city of Machester, UK. The fast-pace unrelenting element of the band's sound comes from the drummer, Sam. Also from the UK but of a rival northern county, Sam came from the harder side of the music scene. A drummer influenced by Metal, Drum N Bass, brutal Dubstep and all things dirty joined the band straight out of the UK band Downslide, a former band on the Ipswich-based label, Rising Records. Adding to the band's low-end and dirty sound is the bass player, Lee. Together with the guitarist who is responsible for Blue Magpie's melancholic but pretty sound, Hamilton, makes up the American side of the band. Both Lee and Hamilton hail from the mid-west of the US with 20 years of touring and orchestral experience through many different styles and continents around the world. The dirty punk element of Blue Magpie is added by the guitarist, James, an experienced and accomplished player who throws all that out of the window to create mass-effected soundcapes that lay the foundation for the band's message. 

DaHaHa (blues, punk, psychedelia)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=h0385hjgkrf&width=500&height=375&auto=0DaHaHa 乐队来袭!作为一支由美国人、菲律宾人、法国人和苏格兰人组成的乐队,DaHaHa 拥有非凡的文化多样性,多姿多彩的音乐表现形式将呈现非同一般的精彩演出。蓝调、朋克与迷幻摇滚,琴弦拨动的不再只是你的耳朵,更有心灵的悸动。DaHaHa is coming for you! DaHaHa is an American, Filippino, French, Scottish four piece that flaunts its diversity in its musicality too. We've got a barnstorming set of Rock'n'Roll that draws on blues, punk, and psychedelia ready and we can't wait to play it for you.

Disaster Chat (rock, ambient) https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=b0326o2xgmw&width=500&height=375&auto=0Disaster Chat 乐队是目前活跃于北京现场舞台的原创乐队之一。清新的流行摇滚结合氛围摇滚的旋律,伴随清脆有穿透力的嗓音,给你带来畅快舒适的体验。他们混合了中国和英国的音乐风格,为现代摇滚乐带来不一样的感觉,如果你在北京眼花缭乱的摇滚乐里迷失了方向,那么这个目前备受瞩目的乐队一定会让你眼前一亮。 Disaster Chat is one of Beijing’s best original bands on the scene today. Fresh pop sounds mixed with ambient rock melodies and cranking breakdowns marks the pleasantries any ears will experience when indulging in some DC bliss. Their mix of Chinese and English tunes creates the perfect atmosphere for today’s China rock audience and they never leave their fans disappointed. If you are looking for a something other than Beijing's endless sea of cover bands then Disaster Chat is the band for you. 

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