
6月4日 DDC ▶ 英国迷幻先锋电子组合Sothiac (psych, avant-garde)

2017-05-21 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Guest: Liquid Palace

Sothiac is:

Pat Moonchy: voice, synth, electronic

Lucio Liguori: guitar, pedals, gongs.

Sothiac is a duo project with Pat Moonchy on voice and synth and electronics device and Lucio Liguori on guitar, pedals and gongs. 

Sothiac 是一个二重奏项目,由 Pat Moonchy 负责人声、合成器以及电子设备,Lucio Liguori 负责吉他、踏板和锣。They are very quickly a strong harmony in interpretation of different musical languages which feel close to them like drone/psychedelic and avant-garde. Specifically about Sothiac's gigs is that every show is unique and also they know the score and play whenever close in the situation they are hosted (big or small stage, club, discotheque, theater, live stage). 

他们总是以一股强大和谐的力量,去诠释不同种类的音乐语言。令他们感到亲密的音乐有:无人机/迷幻音乐、前卫音乐。需要特别提到的一点是,Sothiac 的每一场演出都是不可复制的,无论在大小舞台、俱乐部、迪斯科舞厅、剧场还是现场演出场地,他们的演出都令人期待。Moonchy is a singer with extreme vocal range. She use the natural voice as instrument with many evocative colours she also able to sing in an eerie “double voice”. She is also a musician of research focousing to play particular electronic tools, just analog.Liguori is a multi-instrumental composer/arranger, producer, sound engineer, computer programming. Both standing out onto music scene also to avail collaboration with international musicians. and bands like: Faust, Sawada, Lino Liguori, Dirk Dhonau, Angelo Contini, Roberto Aglieri, Stefano Giust, Matteo Pennese and many more. 

Moochy 是一位极端音域歌手,她将自己的自然声音作为乐器,有着许多令人回味的色彩。除此之外,她也擅长发出怪异的“双重声音”。她同时也是一位探索和聚焦于特殊电子设备、模拟声音的音乐家。Liguori 是一位擅长多种器乐的作曲家、编曲者、录音师、制作人以及电脑工程师。众多音乐现场上,都有他们两人的身影。与此同时,他们还与众多国际音乐人、乐队合作,比如 Faust, Sawada, Lino Liguori, Dirk Dhonau, Angelo Contini, Roberto Aglieri, Stefano Giust, Matteo Pennese 等等。They have realized “Sothis” album mastering by Kramer in August 2015 and recorded the second album at renowned Clouds Hill Recording in Hamburg. They are in costant activity more of fifty gigs in less than a year. 

2015年8月,他们发行了由 Kramer 监制录音的专辑《Sothis》,并在德国汉堡的 renowned Clouds Hill Recording 录制第二张专辑。Sothiac 是一支演出频繁的乐队,在一年内有多达五十多场演出。



Liquid Palace

“……芸芸众生从世界的台阶上下来……回到大地上去……(圣河)朝着大地最低处去……它是液体的圣殿。”——于坚 《印度记》

“… People going down from the stairs of the world… going back to the ground… (the holy river) is flowing to the lowest place of the earth… it is the liquid palace”— Yu Jian  <Notes of India>液体宫殿是北京某个地下室里喇叭发疯之后的声音。在这个次元里,我们一边流浪一边修筑电流和音波组成的液体圣殿。

“Liquid Palace” is psychedelic noise band from Beijing China. It generates abnormal movements of the speakers in some basement, from which it describes a liquid holy structure by electricity and sound waves.

乐队成员:孟奇 丁昕 高源  陈喆

band member: Meng Qi, Doctor Xiin, ZPAX, Psycho Rabbit

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年6月4日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 30(presale)/40(door) (票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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