
5月27日 DDC ▶「生于虚无」the Paramecia + the Harridans 联合专场 (psych rock)

2017-05-22 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Ex Nihilo 意为 Out of nothing, 乃此次演出主题。经过漫长缠绵的冬季,北京又飘起了柳絮。距离上次 The Paramecia 与 The Harridans 共同呈现一场演出已历经五个月。Dan Taylor 说他走了又回来,像从未离开,我有同感。有人在多彩易逝的虚无中创造,在泥土中刻出钻石的形状并坚信它的线条坚不可摧,从风中抓到无名的泪珠推测我们有着共同的悲切的关怀的怜悯的心,我们活在音乐里并希望能够接近它。有时越是追逐目标它意义就愈发孱弱,取而代之的是奔跑的动力和耐心,在险地中逡巡,在钢丝上保持平衡,所以我们需要酒。The Harridans 的存在让我有了尽情一醉的理由,因为他们的音乐是无法拒绝的好,是苦艾里的夹心糖,是我心目中在北京生长的,近三年来看过最好的乐队。他们沉寂了太久,经历大概所有乐队成员的更换让 Dan Taylor 的音乐更加丰富而难以琢磨,更简洁但纵深不减。坚定不移的音乐友谊和精神连接造就了这两支秤不离铊的从DDC开业两年以来不间断的出没于胡同狂欢的乐队,所以我们需要酒,需要再次感到刺激,像最初时那样,从这次演出开始新的篇章,我们从未离开。 

Ex nihilo is Latin for Out of nothing, and is the theme for this night’s show. After the long lingering winter, the Beijing skies once again are bound with fuzz balls.  Quite some time has passed since the last time The Paramecia and The Harridans have played the same stage, five months to be exact. Dan Taylor has left and returned to Beijing as if he never gone anywhere at all. He has maintained the same beautiful vibe he carries. Out of the emptiness, people create something colorful yet quick to fade away, in the dirt they draw lines and think what they drew will last forever, the wind catches a tear and they assume we have the same sadness, same concerns, or same sympathy, because we live in the music and seem closer to it every day. Sometimes the closer one gets to the target the more the meaning weakens. Which spurs one’s emotions and motivation into gallop, seeking more dangerous places. We keep balance while walking on a wire. Thus, we turn to alcohol. 
The existence of the Harridans is a reason to get drunk, to celebrate. They make me believe I can let go and live, because their musical furor cannot be denied. It is the sugar in the Absinth. The band has grown a lot in the last three years, and in my opinion The Harridans put on the best show I have seen in Beijing. They have been kept quite for too long. Watching the band transform, it is clear how much Dan’s music has improved, it is more imaginative, more concise, and has obtained greater depth. Built on a love for music and spiritual connection, our two bands have witnessed history of DDC and endless hutong shenanigans. So let’s drink, lets feel alive. This show marks the start of a new chapter. The excitement feels like it did in the very start; it is as if we never left. 

The Paramecia (Folk-Rock/Prog-Rock): 

主唱、吉它: 苏紫旭  
长号:Daniel Rothwell 
小提琴:Andrew Gannon 
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=c03182sw48u&width=500&height=375&auto=0The Paramecia 是由根源唱作人、诗人苏紫旭发起的以原始创造力为基础,致力挖掘更多可能性的音乐项目,以乐队的形式呈现。2013年成立于南京,之后成员几经更迭,终于在一六年春,尘埃落定。风格融合根源民谣、世界音乐、前卫艺术摇滚,打破常规形式,以奇幻的旋律结合饱含思想性的歌词深沉爆发。 The Paramecia is a music project founded in Nanjing in 2013 by singer-songwriter and poet Su Zixu. Rooted in a distinctive creativity, the band integrates brass and strings with rock instrumentation to blend folk, world music and progressive rock. In their devotion to grandiosity and subtlety in equal parts, The Paramecia evoke musical landscapes and journeys of immense furore, as well as profound quietude. In their songs, both whispers and shrieks of poetic verse echo overtop ever changing harmonies; a butterfly's wings gently flap moments before it plummets into the abyss.  

The Harridans
 (Psychedelic Rock)The Harridans are a five piece band, formed in Beijing in the summer of 2014. Having released the single 'Moon TIger' in 2015, the group went on to record and release their debut album 'Fuzzing the Muse' the following year. Their sound has developed over the years to result in an intense but melancholic form of art rock, a sound that is at times both grand in its arrangement and intimate in its subject matter. 

The Harridans 是一支英国迷幻艺术摇滚乐队,乐队成立于2014年,以七十年代英国的民谣摇滚为风格,其作品透露出浓厚的民谣迷幻气质,结构编排细腻,音乐非常有力,感人,更具有一种神秘的感知与能量,致力于创作出美丽又使人神往的音乐,创作风格千变万化。2015年发行一首令人陶醉的 Disco 单曲 Moon Tiger, 2016年发行首张全长专辑 "Fuzzing the Muse". 

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年5月27日 21:30 
门票/Ticket: 80(presale)/100(door) (票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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