
6月2日 ▶ 来自西伯利亚的多乐器演奏大师NADISHANA (multi-instrumental, world music)

2017-05-25 黄昏黎明俱乐部

NADISHANA 是来自西伯利亚的世界民族多乐器演奏家、作曲家、音乐制作人、视频艺术家、舞蹈家。



他拥有全球视频网站手碟 (handpan, RAV, Hamgam…)最高点击播放率;




在 ALIENMARK 的努力下,NADISHANA 将首次来华进行培训、交流、演出,并在北京DDC献上难得的演奏会。

ALIENMARK 是国内首屈一指的手碟培训机构、民族稀有乐器培训机构,也是DDC战略合作机构之一,多次联合DDC呈现 Liron Man, David Kuckhermann 等国际一流的手碟演奏家。乐器咨询/购买、课程信息请关注 ALIENMARK 公号或加 Mark老师微信:maxiom630

Nadishana is a multi-instrumentalist, composer and sound designer from Siberia, who creates his own unique and innovative approach to world fusion music - the creative synthesis of different musical traditions of the world on the basis of contemporary technologies. He plays on more than 200 instruments of the world, including self-created ones.

He elaborated the unique playing technique on each of his instruments and his own approach to advanced digital audio editing called "sound microsurgery".https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=c03966vvm0e&width=500&height=375&auto=0In 1990 along with studying in Sankt-Petersburg V. Nadishana began his self-education in playing guitar. Then he became seriously interested in ethnic music and mastered himself other instruments: sitar, mandola, chanzy, bouzouki, jew's harp, kou xiang, khomus, morsing, ethnic percussion (tongue drums, hang, udu, frame drums, berimbao etc); winds (bansuri, quena, overtone flutes, kalyuka, zhaleyka, gayda, hu-lu-si, bawu, tsaaj nplaim), fretless bass. Besides he has created some experimental musical instruments: dzuddahord, darbudu, pruzhingum, plastrimbaphon, rablorrum, ghostcatcher, pin-sansa, rod-spring gamelan, banbang etc.

Nadishana renovated and developed the playing technique on several instruments. In fact some of them were museum pieces and he gave them a new birth. For example he developed the tradition of playing on russian overtone flute kalyuka and enhanced it's construction. He also has elaborated a new approach of playing on chinese kou xiang and jew's harp sets and has incorporated very rare Hmong free reed flute tsaaj nplaim into modern fusion arrangements etc.https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d0396qqirs3&width=500&height=375&auto=0

Artists Nadishana worked/played with:

Steve Shehan (France), Kuzhebar Design (Russia - Siberia), Hadouk Trio (France), Eda Zari (Albania), Andreas Vollenweider (Switzerland), Ross Daly (Crete), David Kuckhermann (Germany), Khool Zhingel (Russia - Ural), Emmanuelle Somer (France), Ian Melrose (Germany), Kelpie (Germany), Norland Wind (Germany), DJ Genetic Drugs (Germany), Kalimat Trio (Israel - Russia), Russian - Tuvinian Karma Knot (Tuva - Russia), Ursel Schlicht (New York), Mark Van Overmeire (Belgium), Mohamaad Ghibran (India), Beg An Dorchenn Project (Bretagne, France), Ensemble Ri (Russia), Capercaillies at the Treshold of Eternity (Russia), Mehi (India), OSUNA (Belgium), Paul Lawler (England), Phonic Duet (Russia), Siobhan Donaghy (England), James Sanger (France), Kit Walker (USA), Wolfgang Saus (Germany), Wolfgang Stindl (Ikarus project) (Austria), Earritation (Germany), Marion Kokott (Germany), Kailash Kokopelli (Germany), Ramesh Weeratunga (Sri Lanka), etc.

Festival appearance (selection):

"Ustuu-Huree", "The Sayan Ring Festival", "New Songs of the Old Land", Kihaus FolkFest, Musicastrada Festival, Israeli Didj fest, Le Rêve de l'Aborigène, Chisinau Ethno-Jazz Festival, SoUndSo festival, Folkest festival, Krutushka ethno-fest, Festival d’Arlempdes, Ancient Trance Jew’s Harp Festival , Folk’n’Fusion, Hamsafestival, Detva Folk fest, Conspiremus, Regioo, Oberegie etc.

Discography (9CDs):


时间/Time: 2017年6月2日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 120(presale)/150(door) (票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 


时间/Time: 2017年6月3日 19:00  

门票/Ticket: 120(presale)/150(door)  

地点/Venue: 天津智慧山艺术中心

地址/ADD: 天津华苑高新区开华道20号 
电话/Tel: 022-58357315

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