
6月11日 DDC ▶ Crosstown Traffic Underground Music Festival

2017-06-07 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Line up:
Horse Feather (rock)
C60 (rock, pop)
D. Cortisol (psychedelic rock)
Joker’s Belief (alternative, funk)

Crosstown Traffic is a four night musical affair, encompassing many of the different styles Beijing has to offer. From folk to blues to funk to rock to experimental to punk to metal, Beijing is a genuine pool of underground musical creativity. Whether it’s local bands, expat bands, and now the more and more numerous mixed bands, one would argue the underground scene rivals the ones of London, New York or LA of the past century. Yeah that’s big talk, but think about it. So many bands get created and die every day in a few venues were we all exchange germs, with no recognition from the mainstream scene or media, yet a creativity that’s nowhere else to be seen. Personalities emerge from night to night, feuds and friendships, fights and hugs, all fueled by metric tons of booze and adrenaline. And then, the few roses that are bound to bloom on this happy pile that will take over the world. 
Crosstown Traffic 是一个持续四晚的音乐事件,包含许多北京的不同的风格。从民谣到蓝调到放克到摇滚到实验到朋克到金属,北京是真正的地下音乐创意池。无论是当地乐队,外国乐队,现在越来越多的混合乐队,都会认为此时的地下场景与上个世纪的伦敦,纽约或洛杉矶地区的场景相媲美。是的,这是个大的内容,但确实应该仔细想想了。这么多的乐队成立或解散,每天都会发生在这几个场地里,我们都是交换核心,没有主流的场地或媒体的认可,而是一个无处可见的创造力。人格每晚的出现,仇敌和友谊,战斗和拥抱,都是以公吨计的沸腾和肾上腺素为动力。然后一些玫瑰必将绽放在这个幸福堆里去接管世界。 

So, what we propose here is a quick tour of that scene we’re talking about. A non-exhaustive one, because that would take months and most of us have jobs, but one that’s sure to be pretty damn fun. We’ve got four nights, and here is the Day Four – Funk, Rock:

Jesters and jokers of medieval times were required to bring levity to the court and to meet the king’s requests. One jester was required to entertain and amuse his king on demand, and if he failed, he was killed. The jester lived – we call it Joker’s Belief. Five nationalities with five influences bringing you a fusion of funk, rock and neo soul.

小丑/弄臣,是生活在中世纪宫廷中的既低下又危险的职业。一天帝王要求小丑取悦 所有宾客,如果不能满足要求就将其处死。小丑活了下来,“小丑的信仰”诞生了。来自 5 个不同的国家,5 个不同的音乐背景,带来崭新的都市•放克•摇滚•新灵魂乐风格,我 们叫它“Jokers Belief” 

Horse Feather
Horse Feather is a band that brings together alternative rock, folk and funk to create great original music. With a mixture of both originals and covers, they move the audience to a variety of sounds: from lilting harmonies to fast-paced songs guaranteed to have you throwing on your dance shoes. Danny, Cassius, Daniel and Nadim represent four corners of the laowai universe, hoping to add to the Beijing scene with songs about everything from culture clashes to bad trips. We’re so cool our socks don’t match, hell ya!

Horse Feather 的音乐汇集了另类摇滚、民谣和放克。通过混合多种音乐风格,他们给顾客带来多种不同的视听体验:从轻松的和声到快节奏的曲调,让你不自禁的想扔掉你的鞋子。Danny、Cassius、Daniel和Nadim代表世界的国家,从不同文化的碰撞中带来不一样的现场音乐。 

D. Cortisol is the post post chase for the re-invention of sound, what happens when you want to turn the knob to 11 and find 12, or you find that 12 is just the dial starting over. A tree falls, one hangs low, and the NZT ether brings a kind of euphoria that makes you want to howl. Not lost in the woods. Floating happily on a sea of sound. D. Cortisol is alchemical adrenaline, the red pill. With band influences from genres including indie rock, psychedelic rock, wall of sound, alternative country, and songwriters from past and present, D. Cortisol has one mission...pure fun. Turned on, tuned in rock.

D. Cortisol是一个在创造新声音的乐队。当你按11却到12那种感觉,或许你发现这只是重返12的表盘。Tree falls,One hangs low 和NZT 各个会令你兴奋地嚎叫。他们未在森林里迷路,却在声音的海洋里怡然自得地游着。D.Cortisol是炼金术的 肾上腺素,红药丸。他们的灵感来自于独立摇滚,迷幻摇滚,音效,另类围岩,老与新的词曲作者。D.Cortisol有唯一的一个目标。。。就是纯娱乐。转动,转动在摇滚里。

Around since 2005, the self proclaimed "longest going band you've never heard of", C60 delivers their own brand of dancy rock, punk, pop and chaos - mainly chaos."

自2005年以来,自称是“你从未听说过的最长的乐队”,C60做的是丹麦摇滚、朋克、流行和混乱 - 主要是混乱。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年6月11日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 40(presale)/50(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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