
6月15日 DDC ▶ 法国舞台戏剧先锋爵士乐团RAVEN (FR, Drama, Avant-Garde Jazz)

2017-06-12 黄昏黎明俱乐部

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=u0502zu014f&width=500&height=375&auto=0RAVEN 是个爵士乐团,又是个舞台戏剧计划,用阴暗的歌词、哥特的舞台视觉和爵士的音符,讲述着一个关于“乌鸦”的故事。

“It has an oneiric and powerful repertoire, that you must discover on its natural habitat...the stage.” - Jazz Man Magazine

RAVEN 是一支来自法国的爵士四重奏乐队,他们用音乐讲述着有关“乌鸦”的故事,歌曲皆用法语或是英语填词。JAZZ MAN 杂志形容道:“他们的表演就像是一出强劲又梦幻的戏剧,你甚至能够感受到舞台…就是乌鸦的自然栖息地。”

Raven is a jazz quartet that composes and arranges songs both in English and in French about ravens! Raven was born in 2012 from the feather of singer, composer and mellophone player Manu Domergue. He was widely inspired by a crow he owned during his childhood, and by the song "Black Crow" by Joni Mitchell (also sung by fabulous polish singer Grzegorz Karnas). The symbol of this black bird has ever since held and important place in Manu's creation process. 

RAVEN 组建于2012年,它被形容成是主创 Manu Domergue 身上的一片羽毛。同时身为歌手、作曲家和圆号手的Manu,他从童年时养的一只乌鸦以及Joni Mitchell的歌曲《黑乌鸦》中汲取了极大的灵感。这种黑鸟在Manu的创作中有着不可代替的意义。

2013年,在 Crest Jazz Vocal 比赛中,RAVEN 被评委和观众同时授予第一名的奖项。后来,在无数次演出的磨合,以及音乐厂牌 GAYA 的支持下,RAVEN 录制了他们的首张专辑 "Chercheur d'Orage" (追逐风暴者),并于2015年在著名的巴黎爵士俱乐部发行。同年这张专辑被 Jazz News Magazine 贴上“必不可少”的标签,主创 Manu 也被认为是艺术家的范例。2015年法国电台直播RAVEN在里昂的 "Le Périscope" 演出,节目由 Alex Dutilh and Yvan Amar 主持。目前,RAVEN  正在准备他们的第二张专辑。

Raven was awarded on 2013, the 1st price both from the jury and the audience at the Crest Jazz Vocal contest. After numerous concerts and with the support of the music label GAYA MUSIC PRODUCTION, the group recorded its first album: "Chercheur d'Orage" (Storm Seeker). This CD was released on 2015 for a full crowd at the famous parisian jazz club the New morning. Raven's performance of March 6, 2015 at "Le Périscope" of Lyon was broadcasted live on Radio France and hosted by Alex Dutilh and Yvan Amar. Raven's first album received the label "essential" from the Jazz News magazine on 2015 and its' band leader: Manu Domergue was awarded the "Artist to follow" label. The group is currently working on its second album. 

RAVEN的与众不同之处:这支爵士四重奏乐队在2016年完成了一次百分百无污染的生态巡演。历时十五天的巡演,他们顺着小路,从一个小镇到另一个小镇,在 Cévennes 山间行走。只有四只小驴作为旅行的伴侣,来帮助运输乐器与演出设备。这是一次非凡的经历,RAVEN期待在未来的几年中能够继续发展。

Something unique about RAVEN : The jazz quartet completed on 2016 a tour 100% ecological : without gas emission.15 days of concerts, walking on the Cévennes mountains from town to town following the Stevenson trail. 4 donkeys as travel companions to help transport the instruments and the sound system. An extraordinary experience that RAVEN looks forward to develop over the coming years. 


Manu DOMERGUE: Voice, Mellophone

Raphaël ILLES: Tenor Sax

Damien VARAILLON-LABORIE: Double-Bass, Bass

Nicolas GRUPP: Drums 

Manu Domergue / Voice, Mellophone 人声、圆号

At 31 years, MANU DOMERGUE already has a solid musical experience behind him. A singer and instrument player, he studied Vocal Jazz in California after earning his French horn degree in classical and jazz music from the Conservatory of Valence, France. When he returned to his homeland, he brought back with him a rare musical instrument from the US, the "Marching french horn", also known as "mellophone". He has been exploring the instruments' possibilities in jazz and other types of music since then. In 2009, he was accepted at the National Superior Conservatory of Paris. 

三十一年从事音乐的经历,给 Manu Domergue 打下了坚实的基础。他既是一名歌手,也是一名乐器演奏家。Manu在法国音乐学院取得古典乐和爵士乐的学位后,前往加利福尼亚学习声乐爵士。当他完成学业,再次回到家乡时,他带回去了一个来自美国的罕见乐器——圆号。从那时起,他开始挖掘乐器在爵士乐以及其他种类的音乐中的可能性。2009年他被巴黎国家音乐学院录取。Manu has made a great number of musical collaborations with musicians such as : Riccardo DEL FRA, Loïs LEVAN (Jazzman revelation of 2014 and 2016) The New Large Ensemble of Carine BONNEFOY, Mônica PASSOS (world jazz), Roy HARGROVE and MAGMA. He has also collaborated with the Franco- Malien group LANAYA and the pop band B R OAD WAY among others. 

He is currently the vocal teacher at the Didier Lockwood Music Center and is undergoing story-telling training at the "Maison du Conte" (the house of storytelling) in the Ile-de-France region. 

Manu 曾与大量优秀的音乐家合作,如 Riccardo DEL FRA, Loïs LEVAN, The New Large Ensemble of Carine BONNEFOY, Mônica PASSOS, Roy HARGROVE 和 MAGMA 等等。除此之外,他也和马里的法国裔组合 LANAYA 以及流行乐队 B R OAD WAY合作。

目前,他在Didier Lockwood音乐中心担任声乐老师,同时也在法兰西岛地区的Maison du Conte(讲故事的房子)接受故事讲述的训练。 

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年6月15日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/70(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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