
7月5日 DDC ▶ ​爵士女伶糯米和朋友们 - 情迷百乐门旗袍派对,带你重回爵士黄金年代 (vintage jazz)

2017-06-13 黄昏黎明俱乐部





When the night falls, a band of brilliant jazz musicians in Beijing will revive the old Shanghai in the twenties and thirties of the last century, and bring you back to the time of extravagant feasting and revelry. Put on your qipao, dress, or anything that belongs to the old time, to dance with us, laugh with us, and share the dream with us of the old Shanghai.

着装指南 / Dress Code:



Lady: qipao,vintage dress, smoking jackets ,jewellery, satin gloves

Gentleman: linen shirt, tweed vest,suit,top hat, bow tie

Vocal - 糯米糯米,爵士歌手。九岁起学习声乐、钢琴,与圈内多位优秀的爵士乐手有长期合作。2015年,组建“糯米晓楠”Bossanova乐团,追寻上世纪优秀艺术家的足迹,发出自己的声音,并录制EP《Little Samba》。2016年,第十九届北京国际音乐节参与瑞典著名长号大师Nils Landgren的同台即兴演出。2017年,致力于将上海百乐门时期的经典音乐作品与爵士乐相结合,中西合璧,碰撞出不一样的火花。

Nuomi is one of the most active jazz singers in Beijing. She has established long-term cooperation with a number of outstanding jazz musicians. Since 2017, she has started to explore the possibility of combining jazz with the classic musical works of Shanghai Paramount.

Piano - 冯维冯维,爵士钢琴手。中国爵士音乐界正在崛起的新一代爵士乐手。 从小受父亲的影响自学民乐。 09年开始研究学习爵士乐,在天津组建了自己的第一只爵士乐队~威力三重奏 以演奏传统爵士乐为主。 2013年为了音乐梦想搬到了北京,继续学习并开始创作自己的音乐。组建了Seesaw爵士四重奏,代表作〈月牙五更seesaw 石雀北 冬至 赛马等作品〉融合了中国民乐元素。奠定了自己的音乐风格。

FENG Wei is a rising jazz musicians in China, who plays mainly the Traditional jazz. He formed the band SEESAW JAZZ QUARTET, integrating the elements of Chinese folk music.

Bass - 盛志盛志,青年贝司演奏家,北京现代音乐学院爵士乐学院贝司教师,Los Amigos乐队贝司,精通电贝司和DOUBLE  BASS的演奏,擅长POP 、爵士、FUNK 、拉丁等不同的音乐风格。

SHENG Zhi is a bass teacher at Beijing Contemporary Music Academy and bass player of band Los Amigos. He is good at different musical styles including Pop, jazz, Funk and Latin.

Saxophone - 宋涛北京现代音乐学院萨克斯教师,曾担任武警天津总队政治部文工团,圣旨到大乐队,桑巴亚乐队,北京森霖大乐团萨克斯手。

SONG Tao teaches saxophone at Beijing Contemporary Music Academy, and plays the saxophone in a number of jazz bands.

Drums - 王非凡四岁半时开始学习各种打击乐,15岁师从李文杰爵士鼓教授,并组建多支乐队。合作过的艺人:谭维维、爽子、杨嘉松、苏晴、修儿、宋玉宁等。 

WANG Feifan started to learn to play the drums at four and a half years old. He studied under Izumikoga, LI Wenjie, WU Yongheng and SHAO Haha, and formed several bands.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年7月5日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 40(presale)/50(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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