
7月11日 DDC ▶ 北京爵士创意作曲家集合 3C: The SEESAW JAZZ QUARTET

2017-06-16 黄昏黎明俱乐部


Piano 钢琴:冯维 Feng wei

Sax 萨克斯:潘琦 Pan qi

Bass 贝斯:盛治 Sheng zhi

Drums 鼓:段然 Duan ran

Formed in Beijing, and leaded by pianist Feng Wei, the See Saw  jazz Quartet includes member from both China and abroad. Playing a fusion of jazz in different styles like Swing, Cool, Bebop and Hard bop, together with Latin music and Chinese minority music, they adapt both international and Chinese classics into the new ways of modern free jazz tunes. This time, Feng Wei will be accompanied by Duan Ruan on drums, Sheng Zhi on bass, and Pang Qi on saxophone.钢琴、萨克斯、贝斯、鼓-爵士乐队的经典配置。 四位乐手来自全国不同地方,却怀揣共同的爵士梦想聚首北京,组建了 SEESAW。几位乐手都具有丰富的演出经验,熟练驾驭不同风格的传统爵士,如: swing, Cool, Bebop, Hard bop 等;同时他们擅长发挥爵士乐的特点,经常在标准曲即兴部分交替互动,碰撞出让人欣喜的火花!这恐怕就是乐队名称:SEESAW 的来由。乐队还创作了很多反映现实生活的全新音乐作品;另外,具有深厚民乐基础的钢琴手也尝试了中国民族音乐与爵士乐的结合;将中国民乐的音乐素材运用爵士编曲手法以及爵士独有的和声进程,创作了全新版本的“月牙五更”,此次演出乐队也带来了全新的作品,期待 SEESAW 乐队更多原创作品和演出!

Creative Composers Collective (3C) was founded by Italian Jazz Guitarist Simone Schirru with the idea of creating a synergy between some of the best jazz composers in Beijing. Beginning in March 3C will be presenting a series of concerts at DDC, with each concert featuring a different composer and their original project. 

北京爵士创意作曲家集合(Creative Composers Collective)是由意大利爵士吉他手 Simone Schirru 先生发起筹办的一个活动系列,旨在为北京最好的爵士作曲家创造积极、创意的协同平台。在这系列活动中,原创作曲家的地位被放大。活动将从3月开始在DDC陆续呈现,每场音乐会都有不同的作曲家和他的原创乐队。 

There are two purposes of this initiative: 
1. Improve the music scene by challenging musicians to propose original projects featuring high-quality performances. The performances will be recorded and made available online, allowing for greater exposure for the Beijing creative music scene. 
2. Offer the audience a fulfilling cultural experience and foster an appreciation of original music and its value to the community. 
1.激发音乐家带着原创音乐并进行高质量现场演出,改善音乐现场。组织者 Simone 将联合场地DDC为每场活动精心准备文案、海报、摄影、采访、宣传,现场还将进行专业录制并发布于网上,充分推广北京创意爵士乐现场。 

All involved in the 3C series, from musicians to audience members, promoters to bar staff, are comprised completely from Beijing’s best and brightest, artistically nuanced and culturally eclectic bunch, ensuring nothing short of excellence in all aspects of our project. 


Tongues of Fire - composer Kyle J Gregory
SEDAR 秦四风 - composer: SEDAR
Terence Hsieh(USA);
Sejin Bae(Korea);
Fiach O'Brian(Ireland);
Qinjian Nan 秦建楠(China) 

往期 Previously on 3C:

5月25日 Ah-Q Jazz Arkestra4月20日 BAD MONK

3月28日 Moreno Donedel TRIO

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=z0398424ddj&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: MORENO DONEDEL TRIO - BLUE

3月9日 LEELA

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=t0399mzqh0b&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: LEELA - BREAKER OF HORSES

视频支持 Video Support: 正在现场 Modernsky NOW

啤酒支持 Beer Support: Firestone Walker, 当晚买二送一 buy-2-get-1-free.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年7月11日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door) (票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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