
6月24日 6PM ▶ Beijing Underground's Sweet Summer Music Days #2

2017-06-19 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Spread on 3 different days (10 June, 24 June and 2 of July) The Beijing Underground's Sweet Summer Music Days goal is to celebrate music in a different way.

Ravi and the Puppets

Ravi and the shadows is a very particular project which goals is to mix a very ancient Chinese art form, shadow puppets, considered by many as the ancestor of cinema, and experimental electronic music. The band improvises around themes and characters of the Chinese mythology while executing an incredible soundtrack to it.融皮影-能音乐:是一种视听创新的演出尝试,以族际音乐(各色民乐器和展现人本身的演奏能量和真功夫  不外加效果器)为主的、尝试电噪技术和工业、实验声效、伴以皮影皮与影的艺术元素的加入,(虚实结合 声东击西 神龙见首不见尾的神怪视觉效果)…… 过去传统注重皮影看戏,费时又内容冗长道理单一,早不适合时代的速递心理的需要。所以我们的演出宗旨是《皮影没戏》,只单提炼其艺术灵魂   与现场酷乐一道为观众带来前所未有的视听挑战和体验  更充分享受现实世界里的超现实意境。

Dan Taylor

Singer-songwriter Dan Taylor hails from Yorkshire. He has been influenced by the traditional celtic music of the British Isles and now blends rock and folk during his performances. Dan Taylor has been performing in and around Beijing for the last few years. he fronts the bands 'The Harridans' and 'Phuture Vulture and the Absolute', and often plays solo acoustic gigs.过去几年一直在北京和北京周边演出,Dan Taylor 领导着两支乐队 'The Harridans' 和 'Phuture Vulture and the Absolute',他也经常表演不插电独奏。

ZHEGEhttps://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=f03216nttpw&width=500&height=375&auto=0Zhege is a band of foreign musicians, living in Beijing. They use a satirical style to write songs about many abstract subjects. Although their lyrical content may seem bizarre, their serious approach to composing and performing their songs makes them far from a novelty band… they are truly a spectacle worth witnessing. 

Zhege’s debut music video ‘So Fashion’ (Easternisation Album) was a commentary on some wacky fashion trends observed around Beijing’s hipster hangout, Gulou, and was enjoyed by many on social media. Since releasing their first album the band have continued to develop and diversify their sound, writing music that is lyrical, catchy, and sometimes quite funny. Their live show is energetic with a lot of structured improvisation and in December 2016 their performance at Dusk Dawn Club, Beijing was streamed by over 1.6 million people on the APP Haibao.Lead singer/ songwriter/ bass player Jack Lecomber clearly takes influence from the songwriters of his home country, England. His voice and the production style of his tracks is reminiscent of Blur/ Gorrilaz, although the lyrics themselves could be inspired by They Might Be Giants or Frank Zappa. Jack is joined on stage in in the studio by a group of top notch musicians, including experienced show singer ‘Marina Litvinova’, producer of Ukrainian pop stars ‘Slave Shevchenko’, Li Yunchun’s touring guitarist ‘Alejandro Lopes’, drummer ‘Igor Kulikov’, rapper / percussionist ‘Kris P’ and many other talented players.

The band is about to release ‘Moonjive’, a pop album and their second record of this year. Their music can be found on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and in many other places online.ZHEGE 是由一帮驻京老外组成的流行摇滚乐队。他们借鉴西方作曲家的想法,并从他们在中国的文化体验获取灵感。 他们的首支MV“So Fashion”是关于展示了北京鼓楼老城区的一帮胡同嬉皮士的生活乐趣,发布后在网上反响强烈。之后他们发行的首张专辑里,乐队不断尝试,挖掘多样化的声音,写出更有趣更炫绿化的音乐。 他们的现场充满活力,并充满很多结构化的即兴表演。

Hugh Reed and the Electric Shadows

Hugh Reed 现居北京,是一个长期从事音乐事业的苏格兰人。 他的 Six to Wan(621)被BBC Radio 1用作1990年代初苏格兰摇滚乐系列节目的主题曲。

Hugh 将自己描述为“无天赋”,他在九十年代最酷的电影《猜火车》中扮演为一名14岁女孩买酒的人。 最近一次他在成龙的《十二生肖》中当管家,并在CCTV出演许多小角色。Hugh Reed is now based in Beijing, he's a Scotsman who has had a long musical career. His first single Six to Wan (621) was used by BBC Radio 1 as a theme tune for a series of programmes on Scottish Rock, in the early 1990s.

Following local TV appearances his band The Velvet Underpants’ were invited by Deborah Harry of the band ‘Blondie’ to support her on 11 dates throughout Britain in the winter of 1993. This culminated in Hugh and Debs doing a live duet of Waiting for the Man, which can be watched on youku. Deborah also faxed Lou to tell him about Hugh.

Hugh was then signed to Edinburgh’s Eclectic label. The Debut Album Take a Walk on the Clydeside was released receiving a lot of radio play not just in UK but also throughout, Europe, America and Canada.

Hugh describes himself as ‘multi talentless’ and is seen in a cameo role in the coolest film of the nineties Trainspotting - buying alcoholic drinks for a 14 year old girl he loses out to Renton, the main man, and gets his pint nicked in the process. Watch out for the dodgy-looking geyser with sideburns and a frilly shirt. More recently he appeared in the Jackie Chan movie ’12 Zodiacs’ as a butler and has also appeared on CCTV in many small acting roles.

Hugh previously toured extensively throughout the U.K., Germany, Holland, Belgium and Ireland. Hugh has relocated to Beijing, and recorded his next album ‘Ni fa feng le ma?’ The Electric Shadows has been formed with Ben Coles(UK) Darrio(Italy) Elly(Uganda) and maverick artist Benjamin Saphiro(UK), all of whom have played in bands and made music in their home countries. They have now started gigging. 

Carlo"Yeah I play piano blah blah blah rock blues blah blah drummer of Djang San + band, death narcissist etc"

Nick Parsons 李尔杨

作为北京新生代音乐人里别具一格的一位,年仅20岁的他深受670年代经典音乐影响,在继承经典的同时不断地突破自己的风格,而且每一次转型都给人留下及其深刻的印象。2013年年末在北京理工大学组建乐队翻弹 Led Zepplelin 以及其他布鲁斯硬摇滚。

2015年12月开始一人一琴的solo项目,他这个时期的老师和模仿的对象是 Bob Dylan,Neil Young,Leonard Cohen 们,同时与多位音乐人合作交流,个人风格日益成熟。

2016年10月,单枪匹马枪匹马在69cafe“微光”系列现场中翻弹了Pink Floyd的迷幻经典专辑《黎明门前的风笛手》。此后风格日渐多元。


2017年1月末,在网易云音乐发布了一张名为《一》的实验专辑,返璞归真,全篇仅一把木琴,演奏自成一派, 展现出他对声音的思考,大有独孤求败的“不滞于物,草木竹石皆可为剑”之感。

目前,其新的乐队项目也将起航。他的现场表演是复古、迷幻和简洁的,且一直在思考和寻找。 他的音乐有时舒缓和温暖,有时闪闪发光,充满活力。

His live show is vintage, psychedelic and concise, always thinking and searching. His music, sometimes, it's soothing and warm, sometimes sparkling and energetic.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年6月24日 18:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door) (票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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