
7月19日 DDC ▶ ​来自法国的爵士四重奏乐队 Pierre de Trégomain Quartet (FR, Jazz)

2017-06-22 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Most essential male singers. – JAZZ MAGAZINE

Pierre de Trégomain – vocals 

Arnaud Gransac - piano  

Bruno Schorp - double bass 

Benoist Raffin – drumshttps://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=k0507kxn2ak&width=500&height=375&auto=0

Pierre de Trégomain Quartet 组建于2006年。2010年他们发行的第一张由Aphrodite Records出品的名为《My Cold Song》的专辑使得他们成为了欧洲声乐爵士中的中心人物。这支乐队他们在欧洲的大量的音乐节和爵士酒吧演出,因其舞台演出的魅力和包含情感的音乐表达,The Pierre de Trégomain Quartet因此有着良好的声誉。

The Pierre de Trégomain Quartet was founded in 2006 and became a central figure in the renewal of european vocal jazz with its first album « My Cold Song » (Aphrodite Records, 2010). The band played in numerous festivals and jazz clubs throughout Europe and gained a solid reputation for its stage performances and its emotional repertoire - a concert was recorded at Radio France. 2015年他们发行了第二张专辑《Shelter》,在爵士的音乐语言下,还受不同音乐风格的影响,例如流行音乐、古典音乐、法国香颂等。这个演出剧目一直广受好评,乐队也已经在欧洲甚至欧洲之外的地方巡演。With its second album « Shelter » (2015), The Pierre de Trégomain Quartet followed its quest of a universal language where jazz music appears as the meeting point of various influences such as pop, classical music or french chanson. This transcendant repertoire made of compositions in french and english has been critically acclaimed (****Jazz Magazine) and the Quartet is currently touring throughout Europe and beyond (Network of French Institutes).

Pierre de Trégomain - vocals 

Pierre de Trégomain是一名法国歌手和作曲家,他在2008年获得了 Crest Jazz Vocal 大赛的一等奖,也因此成为了声乐爵士乐的中心人物:知名的比利时歌手 David Linx 在« My Cold Song » (2010)中介绍他是 “a high flyer, European jazz à la française”,他同时也被 Jazz Magazine 选为“最精华的男歌手”。他的创作激情以及追求卓越的品质引导他去探索更多新的音乐视野——巴洛克男高音和 sufi inspired traditions。

French vocalist and composer Pierre de Trégomain won in 2008 the first prize of french contest Crest Jazz Vocal and became a central figure of vocal jazz: well-known Belgian singer David Linx introduced him in the booklet of « My Cold Song » (2010) as « a high flyer, European jazz à la française » and he was selected by Jazz Magazine among the « most essential male singers ». His passion for improvisation and his quest for transcendent music led him to explore new musical horizons - baroque countertenor and sufi inspired traditions -, 他连接音乐和情感的能力,使得他逐步提高自己的声乐技巧和深化他的“内在联系”。出了他的四重奏项目之外,Pierre de Trégomain 也和众多各类音乐人合作演出,从电子音乐到古典音乐。2016年他开始了与世界著名阿塞拜疆木卡姆歌手 Gochag Askarov 激动人心的合作。

which enabled him to expand his vocal technique and deepen his « inner connection » as he says - his ability to link music and emotion. Besides his Quartet, Pierre de Trégomain performs with various musicians, from electro to classical, and has started in 2016 a thrilling collaboration with world-known azerbaijan mugham singer Gochag Askarov. 

Arnaud Gransac - piano

如果 Arnaud Gransac 没有选择学习音乐的话,他会成为一名工程师。他在 Sorbonne University 以及 Didier Lockwood’s music school 就读期间,注重学习爵士乐,之后他教学钢琴。他出色的协调能力使他在各类项目中成为一名出色的伴奏,从灵魂音乐到探戈。他在乐队 Pierre de Trégomain Quartet 中付出了极大的贡献。

Arnaud Gransac would have become an engineer if he hadn’t chosen to learn music. He focussed on jazz at Sorbonne University and at Didier Lockwood’s music school where he later taught the piano. His exceptional harmony skills made him a most appreciated sideman in various projects, from soul music to tango. He arranges most compositions of the Pierre de Trégomain Quartet. 

Blaise Chevallier - double bass

在 Blaise Chevallier 专注于爵士乐和即兴创作之前,他学习古典音乐。目前他已经成为了法国最赤手可热的贝斯手之一,这也得幸于他对不同音乐风格的适应能力,从东方音乐到电子。他还有一个三重奏项目,担任作曲,至今已经发行了两张广受好评的专辑。

Blaise Chevallier studied classical music before he specialized in jazz and improvisation. He has become one of the most wanted bass players in France and beyond thanks to his virtuoso touch and his ability to adapt to different musical horizons, from oriental music to electro. He has also released two critically acclaimed albums as a composer with his trio « Aerophone ». 

Benoist Raffin – drums 

Benoit Raffin 的父亲是一名鼓手,在Benoit进入音乐学院之前,他就得到了良好的音乐教育。他慢慢发展出自己的风格:敏感的、情绪化的,这使得他马上在众多音乐家中脱颖而出,并在1996年获得一个奖项。值得一提的是,Benoit Raffin在剧院和广场的演出非常优秀。

Benoit Raffin's musical education began way before he went to the conservatory - his father was jazz drummer. But he developed his own style, sensitive and emotional, which made him immediately identifiable among musicians and brought him an award in 1996. Benoist Raffin is also much appreciated in theatre and circus performances. 

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年7月19日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/70(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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