
7月21日 ▶ DDC三周年特别演出系列:燃音乐 RAN MUSIC SHOWCASE

2017-06-28 黄昏黎明俱乐部

DDC 3Y - RAN Showcase 预告


Major音乐制作人 Major 的音乐平衡了潮流和根源,精湛的科班钢琴功底让他在各类音乐风格间游刃有余,坚持键盘演奏和传统采样器的制作方法,使他在新生代制作人中成为一道独特的风景。他的名字频繁地出现在国内电子和 Hip Hop 领域,并被包括 Soulspeak、小老虎、颗粒、唐人踢、Itsogoo 等国内优秀独立音乐人和团体力荐并与之合作。

2016-2017年,Major 制作了数张广受好评的 Mixtape,为北京知名聚合商店FLOSO、京城Hip Hop文化推广平台地下广播 Underground Radio,及上海创意单位 OOP (Object Oriented Programming) 制作的 Guest Mix ,都彰显了他独特的音乐嗅觉和广泛的音乐涉猎。2016年10月为钢琴才女岳璇量身打造的 Remix - Sea 在独立厂牌 Babel Records 发行,更证明了 Major 突出的音乐制作才华。

2017年初,Major 被虾米音乐推荐为“新年最值得关注的新人”之一,并将与独立音乐厂牌“燃音乐”密切合作,发表自己独具一格的原创作品。


American born electronic producer and multi-instrumentalist, thruoutin, has been based in China since 2009.  His work varies from project to project, but often revolves around the combining of different genres and with a focus on organic and digital sounds.

Fishdoll 倒渔独立电子音乐唱作人。 自幼学习古典小提琴,她在传媒大学读音乐学期间接触到了爵士乐。2016年在纽约The New School 爵士声乐系毕业。纽约学习期间开始接触电子音乐创作。受爵士节奏形式和独立音乐色彩的影响,fishdoll把各个元素融合在电子音乐里,她的音乐有强烈的个人风格。同时hip hop和soul也对fishdoll产生了很大影响,她在采样的创作过程里找寻和记录自己最喜欢的片刻,并不拘泥于形式和构架,只想天马行空的创造声音。自2014年开始在soundcloud上发表作品后她独特的嗓音受到欢迎并收到当地美国独立音乐制作人的来信邀请专辑合作。布鲁克林厂牌 Young bloods, paxico records和中国电子厂牌do hits在去年陆续同fishdoll合作推出了合辑专辑。

FishDoll is a New York-Beijing based alternative electronic music producer and singer. She started taking classical violin lessons at the age of 5 and then went on to study Musicology at The Communication University of China. While at school, she began to show a great interest in jazz music and decided to move to New York after graduating. FishDoll began studying at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music.  During this time in New York, she was exposed to the active underground scene of electronic music production.  Deeply influenced by Jazz and other indie music, FishDoll's unique sound textures move fluidly between and amongst music styles, breaking the rules of genre and frames. While in New York she was also inspired by Hip-Hop and Soul music, and began exploring how she can freely express herself through sampling. In 2014 she started releasing personal projects on Soundcloud which drew the attention of local producers due to the lush vocals. After collaborating with some rising producers in the US, FishDoll released her work through the Brooklyn record labels “Youngbloods", "Paxico records" and the Chinese electronic music label "Do hits”.


L+R is Wang Lu’s solo electronic music project.  He has worked in the pop music industry as producer for over 10 years.  He was also the music director of a project called “Xin Yue Fu”, which combines modern electronic music with traditional Kun and Peking Opera.  Wang Lu started his own experimentation using electronic techniques present in oriental philosophy and ancient Chinese music.  His style ranges from contemporary bass music and downtempo to chill out and deep house.  古筝于淼生于音乐世家,6岁习古筝,具备深厚的古典音乐和古筝演奏功底。她的音乐用现代的方式向世界介绍中国古老的文化,通过独特的演奏方式和东西方乐器的混搭,给予古筝音乐全新的诠释挖掘古筝音乐在与其他音乐类型碰撞中的更多可能性。

Yu Miao is L+R’s live partner and plays a traditional Chinese instrument called the guzheng along with Wang Lu’s electronic instruments.  She grew up in a musical family and started learning the guzheng at the age of 6.  She developed her skills as a musician at an early age.   Her unique method of playing the guzheng has provided new possibilities for this ancient Chinese instrument to work with modern western instruments as well as introduce classical Chinese culture form a different angle.

DDC三周年特别演出系列 DDC 3Y ANNIVERSARY FESThttps://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=w0515nhswxd&width=500&height=375&auto=0


活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年7月21日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 60(presale)/80(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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