
8月13日 ▶ 加拿大先锋融合乐队Jaron Freeman-Fox & The Opposite Of Everything

2017-08-07 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Jaron Freeman-Fox

Jaron Freeman-Fox 来自加拿大西北部的山区,师从小提琴先驱 Oliver Schroer 研习五弦小提琴,并将自己印度古典音乐与爵士乐的学习与小提琴演奏融合起来,在美妙与荒谬间的微妙界限中颠覆传统,为小提琴赋予了新的诠释。https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=e0182utor8k&width=500&height=375&auto=0他的音乐很难用风格来界定,甚至很难用语言来形容,这是每一个听过他音乐的人的普遍反应。如果一定要描述的话,可以说带着很强民谣气息,深受巴尔干音乐影响,混杂大量爵士元素的世界音乐,基本上是自成一体。相比于专辑,他的现场表演更令人难以置信,舞台上的他时而低沉时而夸张、时而疯狂时而惊艳,小提琴在他手里只是沟通的工具,把或酝酿已久或瞬间生成的各种动机各种情绪以最意想不到却又恰到好处的方式传达给观众。当然如果你认为 Jaron 只是拉小提琴的那就错了,他也是一名超一流的歌手,他的唱腔独特,极富感染性。他的演出充满活力与惊喜,你永远不知道他下一步要做什么,做好被带飞的准备吧,因为不飞说实话很难。https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=m0182sk3kr1&width=500&height=375&auto=0Contorting the violin into new traditions, violinist/composer Jaron Freeman-Fox dances down the fine line between the beautiful and the ridiculous, while redefining what the violin can do.  Having produced or played on over 40 albums (Teresa Doyle, Jayme Stone, Autorickshaw) and toured the world many times over as a solo artist, bandleader or collaborator with bands such as Delhi 2 Dublin, Ben Caplan, and Sam Lee, Freeman-Fox fuses his roots of fiddling with his study of Indian classical music and jazz, while playing the 5-string violins of his late mentor; fiddle pioneer Oliver Schroer. 

In 2013, after 3 years of touring, writing, recording and spelunking with his fiery band Jaron Freeman-Fox & The Opposite of Everything, the group’s new album has was released into the wild and greeted by enthusiastic reviews, radio play around the world, and 3 Canadian Folk Music Awards!很多人也许对Jaron过去的经历和成就感兴趣,比如曾经给10万观众演出并在加拿大国会山庄为皇室成员演奏,或者加拿大大使馆委足够信(愚)任(蠢)指派他与拉贾斯坦邦游牧吉普赛合作在德里国际艺术节演出,又或他的首张专辑“Manic Almanac(疯狂年鉴)”一经推出就获得了“独立音乐奖”;然而 Jaron 本人骄傲的却是他曾经在演出中演坏过三把不同的小提琴,还有在巴厘岛被猴子把琴偷了后在没感染狂犬病的情况下把琴又找了回来,当然了他最自豪的还是他有幸与世界上最好的乐手组成乐队 The Opposite Of Everything。Folks may be intrigued by the fact that JFF has performed for 100,000 people and the young royal couple on Parlimant hill, or that the Canadian Embassy was kind enough (or foolish enough) to send him off to collaborate with a troupe of nomadic Rajasthani gypsies at the Delhi International Arts Festival, or that his debut album “Manic Almanac : Slow Möbius” won an Independent Music Award, or that he’s shared the stage with Delhi2Dublin, Tanya Tagaq, and James Kudelka. Jaron however, is most proud of the fact that he’s broken three different fiddles on stage and zero bones, had his violin stolen by monkeys in Bali and got it back without contracting rabies, and has the honour of featuring his absolute favourite musicians in the world, in his band The Opposite of Everything.

The Opposite Of Everything 将 Jaron Freeman-Fox 既复杂又精致的作曲转化为有强烈感染力的舞会 (Infectious Party),甚至被乐评形容为” Mahavishnu Orchestra 伴奏下的 Tom Waits 在演奏小提琴 ”。乐队成立6年来到访过多个国家地区,从澳大利亚到瑞典,从希腊到印度尼西亚,世界各地都留下了他们的巡演足迹。2013年,经过历时三年的积累创作及录音之后,Jaron Freeman-Fox & The Opposite Of Everything 的全新同名专辑终于面世,获得众多好评,在世界各地的电台热播,并收获了三项加拿大民谣音乐大奖。今年(2016年)夏天乐队发行了同样历时三年准备的第二张专辑,此次中国之行也将是他们携新专辑巡演的第一站!Described as “Tom Waits playing the fiddle, backed up by the Mahavishnu Orchestra”, The Opposite of Everything transform Freeman-Fox’s intricate compositions into an infectious party! The line-up consists of New Orleans-style clarinetist John Williams, accordionist Anh Tram Phung, jazz bassist Alan Mackie, and drummer Steven Foster.  About to embark on their 5th year of touring around the world, the band has a new album in the works for release at the beginning of 2016.  


主唱/小提琴 – Jaron Freeman-Fox

手风琴 – Anh Tram Phung

低音提琴 – Alan Mackie

鼓 – Steven Foster

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年8月13日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 60(presale)/80(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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