
9月23/24日 DDC ▶ Ketchup Festival 番茄酱艺术节:城市心脏的冒险

2017-08-13 Simone 黄昏黎明俱乐部

“Ketchup Fest” 是一个糅合了独立音乐、青年演讲、怪物市集、不正经脱口秀的城市艺术节,由新厂牌 Subtropical 呈现。2个白天,2个黑夜,我们邀请你走出家门,在这个城市的心脏地带探索我们设下的善意圈套。标签已被撕碎,边界正在消失,而你是促成这一切发生的重要见证者。

“Ketchup Fest”的音乐+演讲主舞台将设置在DDC。

23日夜晚,来自上海的风骚朋克 Dirty Fingers(脏手指)、声音影像艺术家 GogoJ(盛洁)、擅长制造美好忧伤旋律的 Last Goodbye、南非电音 hip-hop 奇才 ANXT 将刷新你的耳朵。巴西音乐人/独立制片人赵子龙 (Alex) 的演讲会穿插在演出中,这位来自遥远国度的冒险者,会介绍来自巴西贫民窟的地下音乐场景,以及他一贯追随的“不DIY会死”的精神。24日夜晚,hip-hop诗人大卫、灵性迷幻乐队 gate to otherside、生猛后朋 lonely leary、8bit 神童 4 channels club 会带给你一个迷幻又 chill-out 的周日夜晚。而大卫,也会以演讲者身份讲述一个真正地下 rapper 的 freestyle 生活。

想了解此次“Ketchup Fest”的更多活动,欢迎关注微信公众号:SubtropicalKetchup Fest, presented by Subtropical, is an urban art festival which mixes independent music, Ketchup talk, a wonder bazaar, and stand-up comedy. 2 Days, 2 nights! We invite you to step out of your house and come explore the city center to discover all the beautiful traps we have set up for you. The labels has been torn apart, the borders are disappearing, and you will all be witnesses to this glorious event!

The music/talk main stage of "Ketchup Fest" is set in DDC. 
On the 23rd of September afternoon in DDC,for a start ,we prepared a market full delicious independent and exclusive selection of artistics and fashionists delicacies for your appreciation. Follow by special deal drinks and snacks.
On the 23rd of September night,the ketchup talk will be served by Ale Amazonia (aka Alex or 赵子龙), is a Brazilian musician, filmmaker and independent producer based in Shanghai and Beijing. He is founder and producer of the Xangainese bands Little Monster and Dirty Fingers and COO of the art space 白光·白塔WLWT founded by Michael Pettis in Beijing. Ale will talked about his history as an independent artists and producer and his life style quest based on the mantra 'D.I.Y or DIE!' 

In the top of the talk, comes the crossover bands selection with the shanghainese punk gangster band Dirty Fingers, audiovisual & experimental cello artist GogoJ (Sheng Jie), good at making sad music Last Goodbye and South Africa hop electro hip ANXT wizards will refresh your ears. 

On the 24th of September night,the hip-hop poet Dawei、psychedelic band Gate to otherside, the super fierce post-punk band lonely leary, and 8bit prodigy 4 channels club will bring you a psychedelic, chill - out Sunday night. Also Dawei, as the speaker, will tell the story of a true underground rapper’s freestyle life.

脏手指 (Dirty Fingers)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=r035020k1u0&width=500&height=375&auto=0成立于2013年解散于随时。起初是一支学生乐队。


脏手指2015下界巡演圆满结束。我们要写歌了。我们的新专辑会在2017年夏天发行.Was established in 2013 disbanded at any time.It was a student band at first.With the social musicians Xiaohai joined to become a rogue band.And later absorbed the Brazilian drummer Zhao Zilong.Became a permanent eternal legendary rock band.

Ride the first ray of sunshine we go home. With the first sound guns we get up. 
Dirty fingers 2015 bounds to the end of the tour.We have to write songs…..
Our new album will be released in the summer of 2017

GOGOJ (盛洁)


从事声音与影像的艺术创作,作品形式包括:录像, 声音,装置,行为。2010年创办Shan视听实验室,一个以交流为平台的新媒体艺术私人工作室。2000年留学于法国及英国,2005年回国生活和工作。作品展览於亚洲,欧洲,美洲。2000年-2005年就读于法国斯特拉丝堡高等国立装饰美术学院,艺术系(主修录象艺术)DNSEP(Diplôme Nationnal Supérieur Expréssion Plastique) De L’École Supérieure Des Arts Décoratifs De Strasbourg 获法国国立高等艺术专业硕士文凭。

2002年3月交换学生项目三个月,於苏格兰首都爱丁堡美术学院,主修电影电视专业。SHENG JIE, born in 1975 . based in Beijing China. 

Audio/ Visual artist, Graduated form Ecole Supérieure Des ArtsDécoratifs De Strasbourg in France, currently lives and works in Beijing, My work includes video, sound, installation and performance. Founded audio visual lad SHAN Studio in 2010。

Last Goodbye
2015年成立于北京,穿梭在 Shoegaze 与 Neo-Psychedelic 之间,用噪音制造感人的画面。Founded in 2015 in Beijing, shuttled between Shoegaze and Neo-Psychedelic, creating moving images with noise.

来自南非开普敦的ANXT, 用音乐作画笔,把一列列的电子元素描绘成一座座的感情丰富的声音景观。 他从他生活的城市中寻找素材,采集声音,融入 hip hop 节奏,雕刻出引人入胜的一幅一幅生动景象。Hailing from Cape Town, South Africa, ANXT fuses an array of musical elements to create moody electronic soundscapes. Set to the backdrops of urban field recordings with hip hop carved beats he takes you on a journey of the world that he lives in. 

他获得过数不清的 Freestyle Battle 冠军头衔,他是崔健最喜欢的说唱歌手。大卫,绝对的疯逼一个。是武术老师,诗人,影像工作者,历史评论员,文化激进分子,疯狂说唱者。他像一个同时自我复制又自我反对的拄杖教父,在破布与华服、疲惫与矍铄的极端中,甩着双节棍肆意穿梭。

他的现场,是不惜代价的戏剧化。已经出现在他过往演出的元素有:双节棍,扭秧歌,大刀,手铐,薯条,假发,人工造雪,历史再现……以及分分钟直戳脑门儿直捣黄龙的 Freestyle。
他自导自演的MV,是一部部反映他内心残酷历程的末日戏剧。他的首张专辑,是诗,歌,影,三位一体的极端大礼包。大卫玩儿的,是“更上一层楼”。His music rhymes with violence, acme,affection, literature profoundness, and is full of dramatic tension. free-style rapping is one of his signature. Every time Da Wei’s on stage, he surges a poetic tsunami, sweeping the crowd and no one is left to dry. David the Poet has personalized a fierce style with writing using Chinese. Paradoxical mazes that comes deep from both Eastern and Western roots. He conveys an energetic new angle on aesthetic with philosophical wit and exquisite expressions, which make one gasps and feels immediately caught.

The Champion of Nike Allstar Battle (2011)
The guest performer of Cui Jian's Concert in 2013 and 2016

Gate to Otherside(意外之门)

Sun Heting - guitarist & vocal 
Jiang Mengyang - drummer & background vocal 
Alex - bassist
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=p0179rtxvjv&width=500&height=375&auto=02015年初,由孙鹤庭担任主唱与吉他手、艾绿绿 (Alex) 担任贝斯手以及姜梦洋担任鼓手的 Gate to Otherside 乐队正式成立。这支年轻的乐队已在三年多时间里积累了丰富的舞台经验,正如其名 Gate to Otherside (意外之门),他们往六十年代的迷幻、车库中灌入厚实的噪音基底,用原始能量带领听众冲破固有的知觉,将熟悉的已知世界抛在身后,穿过“意外之门”去往神秘与未知的另一边。他们的第一张专辑《龙车站》由兵马司唱片于2017年发行。These three twist into stranger shapes here. Gate to Otherside takes the shambolic charisma of early psych pioneers and matches it with the catchy jangle-riffage of Carsick Cars and The Gar, tying their sundry influences together into a tight noise-pop package on par with the current Beijing underground rock’n’roll zeitgeist. Gate to Otherside draws its lineage from the Maybe Mars discography, to which it will add its own debut album in 2017. 

Lonely Learyhttps://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d05350ahyt4&width=500&height=375&auto=0是一支活动在北京的三人乐队,习惯演奏快速的鼓、粗劣的贝斯线和浑浊的噪音吉他,追求比较暴戾的音乐风格。
Lonely Leary is a dynamic rock trio from Beijing. We incorporate fast drums, muddy baselines and rough guitar noise in a pursuit to create a relatively violent sound. 

4 Channels Club(肆通道俱乐部)
4 Channels Club(肆通道倶楽部)是使用任天堂GAMEBOY遊戲機進行創作的單人CHITUNE/8-BIT電子音樂計劃,復古矩形波音浪締造者,被媒体譽為 8-BIT SOUNDSCAPER,2017發行EP《八仙拳》 及全長專輯《Lonely Monster Planet》 。4 Channels Club is a solo Chiptune/8-Bit music project of MaYao (The Grinding Ear’s Guitarist) which seeks to put the Gameboy hardware to its limits.4 Channels Club creates various types of electronic music and all infused with 8-bit sounds from a 1989 Nintendo Gameboy.

Released EP <Baa Sin Fist> & full length album <Lonely Monster Planet> in 2017.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017923日、24 21:00 (市集从下午一点开始免票)

门票/Ticket: 60(单天预售)/80(单天现场)/70(限量早鸟通票)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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