
9月5日 7:30PM ▶ 法国爵士伉俪 Emilie Calme & Laurent Maur Quintet

2017-08-17 Simone 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Line up


LAURENT MAUR (Chromatic Harmonica)

Doug Martin (Guitar)

E.T. (Bass)

Li Zhengkai (Guitar)


来自法国的爵士和世界音乐笛手。她曾在波尔多古典音乐学校、波尔多大学音乐学系和波尔多爵士音乐学校学习。回到法国之后,她主要与包括“世故小姐们”“Didier Ballan爵士合奏组”“Saudade e Alegria”等拉丁和爵士乐队合作演出、录音。之后,她曾在各地巡演。EMILIE CALME is a french jazz flutist. She studied Classical flute at  Bordeaux Conservatory of Music and  learned jazz and latin style by performing as a side-woman in various projects. 

Deeply transformed by this beautiful and unique experience, she decided to keep on traveling and began her collaboration with Laurent Maur. Together they played in many venues in Europe and Asia (China, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, Vietnam). They created two projects "Duologie" (story in music without words) and "YOUPI 4tet" (original music for flute, harmonica, bass and drums to be released in april 2018). 


LAURENT MAUR was born in Paris in 1970 and began music at theage of 17 in various blues and rock bands. (Peter Kingsbury, Mighty Sam Mac Laine, Adrian Burns).

1970年出生在巴黎的劳伦特从十七岁开始,与多支布鲁斯及摇滚乐队(Peter Kingsburg、Mighty Sam Mac Laine、Adrian Burns)一起演出。他二十二岁时接触到爵士乐之后决定走上这条未知之路。In 1994 he learns jazz at Paris' C.I.M (Musical Information Center). Later, with Toots Thielemans' encouragements, he decides to release the album « Mano a Mano » featuring Francis Lockwood trio, and strings. He wins the Trossingen International Harmonica Competition in 2001 (germany). 

劳伦特在1994年开始就读于巴黎C.I.M.爵士音乐学院,更参与过几个在巴黎和波尔多的组合: CBB 47 (爵士大乐队), Jacob de la Fuente (拉丁爵士八重奏), Pierrot et les mal lunés (Java摇滚), Jazz à Padam (法国摇摆musette)。

In 2003/2004, he meets Orlando Poleo who hires him in his “Afro Venezuelian Latin Jazz Quintet » : Gerardo di Giusto (arg), Felipe Cabrera (cuba), Lukmil Perez, (cuba). (Tours in Eurpe, Sevilla,Paris, Caracas, « FITA » festival ). 

In may 2011 tours in Grece with his own quartet with the support of Alliance Française, and records an album with Mayo Hubert in the winter (Gypsy Jazz). He records harmonica on the movie « Django Swing 44 » with Rosenberg trio (november 2015)

2003年到2004年期间,他认识到委内瑞拉打击乐手Orlando Poleo 更获邀加入其非洲拉丁爵士五重奏。他们迹遍欧洲和南美(加拉加斯,马拉凯),而且至今仍有合作(2012年巴黎法国音乐节)。

2011年,劳伦特带领他的四重奏到希腊雅典的法语联盟演出时,与希腊首屈一指的爵士钢琴手 Giourgos Kontrafouris 见面。几年前,他们在La Teste音乐节上同台演出过。这次Giourgous 邀请劳伦特与他的四重奏组合一起在2011年九月的 Santorini 古典乐音乐节演出。

Doug Martin

旧金山湾区爵士吉他手 Doug Martin 曾与西海岸及海外的一些最优秀的艺术家演出,包括德国吉普赛吉他手和作曲家卢格·雷因哈特,格莱美获奖吉他手约翰·约根森,吉普赛吉他手Mike Reinhardt, 旧金山热门俱乐部的吉他手 Paul Mehling, 瑞典吉他手 AndreasÖberg, 荷兰吉普赛吉他手 Paulus Schafer, 法国歌手 Jessica Fichot, 以及传奇爵士吉他演奏家 Howard Alden 和 Mimi Fox. San Francisco Bay Area jazz guitarist, Doug Martin, has performed with some of the finest artists on the West coast and abroad including Germany based gypsy guitarist and composer, Lulo Reinhardt, Grammy award winning guitarist John Jorgenson, gypsy guitarist Mike Reinhardt, guitarist Paul Mehling of the Hot Club of San Francisco, Swedish guitarist Andreas Öberg, Dutch gypsy guitarist Paulus Schafer, French vocalist Jessica Fichot, as well as legendary jazz guitar virtuosos Howard Alden and Mimi Fox and now in Beijing with Mademoiselle et son Orchestre!


自幼跟随父亲学习民乐,1999年受堂兄影响开始学习贝司演奏。师从于孔宏伟,黄勇,张岭,刘玥等爵士音乐演奏家。自17岁登上舞台,曾与钢琴手王知音组建爵士乐队,并以嘉宾身份参加了2009年九门国际爵士音乐节的演出。E.T. began folk music with his father as a child. In 1999 he was introduced to the bass. He holds a degree in jazz performance in Double Bass, he has studied with Chinese jazz greats such as Kong Hongwei, Huang Yong, Zhang Ling and Liu Yue. At age 17 he performed for the first time in concert and created a jazz band with pianist Zhiyin Wang. In 2009, he participated in the Nine Gates international Jazz festival.

Li Zhengkai

Li Zhengkai与Django Reinhardt的接触始于2006年,在北京地下民谣和摇滚界演奏吉他和贝斯近10年。 2010年,李遇见了两位音乐家并共同创办了北京热门俱乐部,于2012年和2013年连续获得超时杂志“北京最佳当地乐队奖”。2013年底,李迁往法国南部,在法国里维埃拉一直在完善当地吉普赛爵士乐演奏家的风格。Li Zhengkai’s encounter with Django Reinhardt’s musical legacy started in 2006 after almost a decade as guitar and bass player in the Beijing underground folk and rock scene. In 2010, Li met with two Beijing-based French musicians and together founded The Hot Club of Beijing which received Timeout Magazine’s Beijing Best Local Band Award consecutively in 2012 and 2013. At the end of 2013, Li relocated to the south of France where he has been perfecting his style performing with local gypsy-jazz musicians on the French Riviera.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年9月5日 19:30 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DskDawnClub@gmail.com  

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