
9月15日 DDC ▶ 燥周末:波比卫星, Peppercorns, 红花汇, HUGH REED

2017-08-24 黄昏黎明俱乐部

波比卫星乐队 Bobby's Satellite band




Bobby's Satellite band, former name Plateau band, was formed by guitarist in 2008.The band has ever released an EP named <Wake Up> independently. 

Now the members of Bobby's Satellite band are all work for art organization. Bobby's Satellite band is one of those psychedelic bands who are actively show on livehouse in Beijing.

Bobby's Satellite band’s music style is warm and sunny. On creative ideas, the band strives to involve more fresh sound through foundational instruments, to make a fanciful space with color and lights. Plateau Band has ever been banteringly called ‘Sodagreen with rock n’ roll’.

The Peppercorns 飞椒乐队 


The Peppercorns is a band that plays heavy psychedelic rock music rooted in a classic 70's style, drawing inspiration from prog and art rock. The band is guitar heavy with experimental synth however their songs still maintain a pop sensibility. Fronted by Edog Wonderlogg II with Kangaroo Zhong on guitar, Brain 2.0 on drums, and Yan Von3000 on bass. Get ready for helicopters, paratroopers, and atomic lizards. 


我们是一支来自中国北京的氛围情绪摇滚乐队 : 红花汇,由吉他手常亮创建成立于2009年。贝斯手:Sharon其实也是一位键盘高手,乐队中的钢琴部分和一系列和键盘有关的事也是由她来担任的;鼓手:景帅。成熟稳重,心里能承载很多的优秀鼓手 为人随和,是乐队强大的后盾。

在中国地下摇滚日趋万象的今天,我们想跨越固有风格标签的局限性,因此在根植于情绪音乐的核心之上,也融合了Punk、Post-Hardcore、Melodic Hardcore、Post Rock 等更多元素。



Hugh Reed and the Electric Shadows

Hugh Reed 现居北京,是一个长期从事音乐事业的苏格兰人。 他的 Six to Wan(621)被BBC Radio 1用作1990年代初苏格兰摇滚乐系列节目的主题曲。

Hugh 将自己描述为“无天赋”,他在九十年代最酷的电影《猜火车》中扮演为一名14岁女孩买酒的人。 最近一次他在成龙的《十二生肖》中当管家,并在CCTV出演许多小角色。

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d0540tnxhdo&width=500&height=375&auto=0Hugh Reed is now based in Beijing, he's a Scotsman who has had a long musical career. His first single Six to Wan (621) was used by BBC Radio 1 as a theme tune for a series of programmes on Scottish Rock, in the early 1990s.

Following local TV appearances his band The Velvet Underpants’ were invited by Deborah Harry of the band ‘Blondie’ to support her on 11 dates throughout Britain in the winter of 1993. This culminated in Hugh and Debs doing a live duet of Waiting for the Man, which can be watched on youku. Deborah also faxed Lou to tell him about Hugh.

Hugh was then signed to Edinburgh’s Eclectic label. The Debut Album Take a Walk on the Clydeside was released receiving a lot of radio play not just in UK but also throughout, Europe, America and Canada.

Hugh describes himself as ‘multi talentless’ and is seen in a cameo role in the coolest film of the nineties Trainspotting - buying alcoholic drinks for a 14 year old girl he loses out to Renton, the main man, and gets his pint nicked in the process. Watch out for the dodgy-looking geyser with sideburns and a frilly shirt. More recently he appeared in the Jackie Chan movie ’12 Zodiacs’ as a butler and has also appeared on CCTV in many small acting roles.

Hugh previously toured extensively throughout the U.K., Germany, Holland, Belgium and Ireland. Hugh has relocated to Beijing, and recorded his next album ‘Ni fa feng le ma?’ The Electric Shadows has been formed with Ben Coles(UK) Darrio(Italy) Elly(Uganda) and maverick artist Benjamin Saphiro(UK), all of whom have played in bands and made music in their home countries. They have now started gigging. 

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年9月15日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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