
10月7日 DDC ▶ 来自古巴的拉丁爵士 EDWARD LATIN JAZZ BAND

2017-09-13 黄昏黎明俱乐部

The Edward Latin Jazz Band is:

Drums: Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña

Flute: Laura Gonzalez

Sax/ Trumpet: Carlos Enrique Veitia

Piano: Publio Hernandez

Bass: 盛志

THE EDWARD LATIN JAZZ BAND 由驻京著名古巴打击乐手/鼓手 Edward 组建,成员均为顶级优秀演奏家,他们立志重新演绎经典拉丁曲目和原创曲目。
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d05491grso9&width=500&height=375&auto=0Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña 是一名来自古巴拉斯图纳斯的鼓手。1997年到2001年,他在拉斯图纳斯的“ El Cucalambe”音乐学校学习;从2001年到2006年,他就读于专业音乐学校“José Maria Ochoa in Holguin”,学习打击乐。

Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña is from Las Tunas, Cuba. He studied music from 1997 until 2001 at “ El Cucalambe “ music school in Las Tunas and from 2001 until 2006 at Professional Conservatory of Music “José Maria Ochoa in Holguin”, in the speciality of percussion. 他的天赋、极具艺术性的演出,以及卓越的打击乐水平,使他获得了与很多音乐家、乐队一起演出合作的机会,比如: Afro Cuban All Stars, Chucho Valdes, Wynton Marsalis, David Sanchez, Stefon Harris, Christian Scott, Jose Luis Quintana(Changuito), Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, Emilio Morales, Amadito Valdez, Mayito Rivera(Los Van Van), Laurent Couson, Enrique Lazaga, Gary Lucas, Kash Killion, Jane Bunnette和Alex Acuña, Melvis Santa 等等。

His ability, virtuosity, and versatility allowed him to play and shared stage with prestigious musicians and bands: Afro Cuban All Stars, Chucho Valdes, Wynton Marsalis, David Sanchez, Stefon Harris, Christian Scott, Jose Luis Quintana(Changuito), Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, Emilio Morales, Amadito Valdez, Mayito Rivera(Los Van Van), Laurent Couson, Enrique Lazaga, Gary Lucas, Kash Killion, Jane Bunnette, Alex Acuña, Melvis Santa, and many others. 

Eduardo 不仅在古巴的专业舞台演出,也参与众多国际音乐节,比如哥伦比亚 Barranqui 爵士音乐节、Java 爵士音乐节、新加坡爵士音乐节、马提尼克爵士音乐节、上海JZ音乐节、中国迷笛音乐节、草莓音乐节、爵士广场等等。He has performed not only in the main stage in Cuba but also at relevant international events: Barranqui Jazz Festival in Colombia, Java Jazz Festival, Singapore Jazz Festival, Martinique Jazz Festival, JZ Festival (Shanghai), Midi Festival and Strawberry Festival in China, Jazz Plaza, etc. 

除此之外,他获奖无数。2009年和2010年,他获得了 Jojazz 大赛的作曲家奖,这是一个汇聚了古巴青年才俊的音乐比赛;2015年,他在加拿大维多利亚打击音乐节获得独奏奖等等。
Moreover, In 2009 and 2010 he won as a composer at the Jojazz Contest, a competition that brings together young talents in Cuba and in 2015 he won the Drums Solo Contest of the Victoria Drum Festival 2015 of Canada.

Laura GonzalezLaura Gonzalez is a music Teacher, Singer, Flautist, Guitarist, Composer from Cuba. Music teacher in “Maximo Gomez” Music School Camaguey, “El Cucalambe” Music School in Las Tunas. From 2011 until date Laura has Performed with: Holguin Symphonic Orchestra, Camaguey Symphonic Orchestra, ISA Symphonic Ochestra, Lyceum Mozartiano from Havana, Oddara Jazz Quintet, Yasek Manzano Jazz Ensemble, Camaguey Folkloric Orchestra, Camaguey Traditional Septet, Arsis Sextet. 

Laura Gonzalez 是来自古巴的音乐老师,歌手,笛子,吉他手,作曲家。
在“Maximo Gomez”音乐学校Camaguey、Las Tunas 的“El Cucalambe”音乐学校任教。从2011年到现在,劳拉已经和:霍尔金交响乐团,卡马加交响乐团,ISA交响乐团,哈瓦那的Lyceum Mozartiano,奥达拉爵士五重奏组,亚瑟克曼萨诺爵士乐团,卡马圭民间乐团,卡马圭传统七重奏,Arsis Sextet都有合作。
2008 First Place in Woodwind Contest in Camaguey City. 
2009 Second Place Woodwind Contest in Holguin City. 
2005-2016 She has obtained several awards by Governmental Organizations.

Carlos Enrique Veitia
Winner of the Second Prize of The JoJazz Festival in Habana Cuba, Carlos is one the most well known and talented musician of his generation in Cuba.

Carlos Enrique Veitia 是古巴哈瓦那爵士音乐节二等奖获得者,并且是最着名和最有才华的音乐家之一。
He has played with many artists such as: Bobby Carcases, Oddara Jazz Quintet, Ramon Valle, Yasek Manzano, Cesar Lopez, Raul Paz, Augusto Enrique, Afro Cuban All Stars, July and Havana C, KLIMAX, Michel Herrera, and many others.
他曾与许多艺术家一起演奏过: Bobby Carcases, Oddara Jazz Quintet, Ramon Valle, Yasek Manzano, Cesar Lopez, Raul Paz, Augusto Enrique, Afro Cuban All Stars, July and Havana C, KLIMAX, Michel Herrera 等。
He has Collaborated in several albums, Rumberos de Cuba, Eliades Ochoa, Maria Victoria Rodriguez, Oddara Jazz Quintet.

In 2016 he won the award for the best Jazz ensemble with his own band “Open Mind”.
他已经发行了几个专辑, Rumberos de Cuba, Eliades Ochoa, Maria Victoria Rodriguez, Oddara Jazz Quintet. 在2016年,他凭借自己的乐队“Open Mind”获得了最佳爵士乐团的奖项。

Publio Hernandez
Graduated from the Music School “Alejandro Garcia Caturla” in Piano and Clarinet 1994-1999.

Graduated from the Art School “Eduardo Garcia Delgado” in Piano and Guitar 1999-2004.
More than 15 years of profesional experience, playing with many Bands and different styles of music, from Classical music to Jazz.
毕业于1994-1999年钢琴和单簧管音乐学校“Alejandro Garcia Caturla”。 毕业于1999-2004钢琴和吉他艺术学校“Eduardo Garcia Delgado”。超过15年的专业经验,从古典音乐到爵士乐,演奏了许多乐队和不同风格的音乐。

盛志青年贝司演奏家,职业贝司手,北京现代音乐研修学院贝司专业讲师,los amigos乐队、seesaw爵士乐队、冷节奏乐队贝司手,同时作为独立乐手常年活跃于各大音乐舞台。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年10月7日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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